Administrativnoe delenie Uelsa Administrativnoe delenie Shotlandii Administrativnoe delenie Severnoj IrlandiiPrimechaniyaMatthew Graves The United Kingdom between Unitary State and Union State Tours Presses universitaires Francois Rabelais 2005 S 179 190 27 iyunya 2021 goda Brexit is forcing the UK to confront its territorial governance neopr LSE BREXIT 6 marta 2019 Data obrasheniya 29 aprelya 2021 29 aprelya 2021 goda Iain Mclean Alistair McMillan The United Kingdom as a Union State Oxford Oxford University Press online 2005 29 aprelya 2021 goda Office for National Statistics neopr Data obrasheniya 7 aprelya 2014 8 aprelya 2014 goda 2011 Census Population and Household Estimates for the United Kingdom ot 31 yanvarya 2016 na Wayback Machine 2011 Census QS211EW Ethnic group detailed wards in England and Wales ZIP 7239Kb ot 2 noyabrya 2013 na Wayback Machine