V Vikipedii est stati o drugih lyudyah s familiej Bosuort Klifford Edmund Bosuort angl Clifford Edmund Bosworth 29 dekabrya 1928 Sheffild Velikobritaniya 28 fevralya 2015 grafstvo Somerset Velikobritaniya britanskij vostokoved arabistika iranistika Chlen Britanskoj akademii Glavnyj redaktor i odin iz avtorov Enciklopedii islama redaktor konsultant i odin iz avtorov enciklopedii Iranika odin iz avtorov Britanniki i Amerikany Klifford Edmund BosuortData rozhdeniya 29 dekabrya 1928 1928 12 29 Mesto rozhdeniya Sheffild Uest Rajding Jorkshir Angliya VelikobritaniyaData smerti 28 fevralya 2015 2015 02 28 86 let Mesto smerti Jovil vd Somerset d Somerset Yugo Zapadnaya Angliya Angliya VelikobritaniyaStrana VelikobritaniyaRod deyatelnosti istorik arabist vostokoved prepodavatel universitetaNauchnaya sfera iranistikaMesto raboty Oksfordskij universitetAlma mater Edinburgskij universitetUchyonaya stepen doktor filosofii PhD po istoriiNagrady i premii chlen Britanskoj akademii Mediafajly na Vikisklade Uchilsya v Oksfordskom i Edinburgskom universitetah Prepodaval v Sent Endryusskom universitete Manchestere i Prinstone Avtor bolee sta publikacij v zhurnalah i sbornikah monografij Sotrudnichal s enciklopediyami Amerikana Britannika Iranika redaktor konsultant i Enciklopediej islama glavnyj redaktor Trudy The Ghaznavids their empire in Afghanistan and Eastern Iran 994 1040 Edinburgh University Press 1963 2nd ed Beirut 1973 repr New Delhi 1992 Persian tr The Islamic dynasties a chronological and genealogical handbook Edinburgh University Press 1967 revised ed 1980 Russian Persian Turkish Arabic and French trs Bosvort K E Musulmanskie dinastii Spravochnik po hronologii i genealogii The Islamic Dynasties A Cronological and Genealogical Handbook Per s angl P A Gryaznevicha otv redaktor I P Petrushevskij M Glavnaya redakciya vostochnoj literatury izdatelstva Nauka 1971 324 s 14 000 ekz dd Sistan under the Arabs from the Islamic conquest to the rise of the Saffarids 30 250 651 864 IsMEO Rome 1968 Persian tr The Lata if al ma arif of Tha alibi The Book of curious and entertaining information translated into English Edinburgh University Press 1968 Editor Iran and Islam in memory of the late Vladimir Minorsky Edinburgh University Press 1971 Editor with J Schacht The legacy of Islam new edition Clarendon Press Oxford 1974 Arabic tr Kuwait 1998 The mediaeval Islamic underworld the Banu Sasan in Arabic society and literature 2 vols Brill Leiden 1976 The medieval history of Iran Afghanistan and Central Asia Variorum Collected Studies Series London 1977 The later Ghaznavids splendour and decay the dynasty in Afghanistan and northern India 1040 1186 Edinburgh University Press 1977 repr New Delhi 1992 Persian tr Al Maqrizi s Book of contention and strife concerning the relations between the Banu Umayya and the Banu Hashim translated into English Journal of Semitic Studies Monographs 3 Manchester 1981 Medieval Arabic culture and administration Variorum Collected Studies Series London 1982 Editor with Carole Hillenbrand Qajar Iran political social and cultural change 1800 1925 Edinburgh University Press 1984 The History of al Tabari Vol XXXII The reunification of the Abbassid caliphate The caliphate of al Ma mun A D 812 833 A H 198 213 translated and annotated by C E Bosworth SUNY Press Albany 1987 The History of al Tabari Vol XXX The Abbassid caliphate in equilibrium The caliphates of Musa al Ha2di and Harun al Rashid A D 785 809 A H 169 193 translated and annotated by C E Bosworth SUNY Press Albany 1989 Baha al Din al Amili and his literary anthologies Journal of Semitic Studies Monographs 10 Manchester 1989 The History of al Tabari Vol XXXIII Storm and stress along the northern frontiers of the Abbassid caliphate The caliphate of al Mutasim A D 833 842 A H 218 227 translated and annotated by C E Bosworth SUNY Press Albany 1991 Editor with M E J Richardson Richard Bell A commentary on the Qur an 2 vols University of Manchester Journal of Semitic Studies 1991 The History of the Saffarids of Sistan and the Maliks of Nimruz 247 861 to 949 1452 1453 Columbia Lectures on Iranian Studies 7 Costa Mesa Calif New York 1994 The Arabs Byzantium and Iran Studies in early Islamic history and culture Variorum Collected Studies Series Ashgate Publishing Aldershot 1996 The New Islamic dynasties A chronological and genealogical manual Edinburgh University Press 1996 Editor with Muhammad Asim and contributor The UNESCO history of civilizations of Central Asia Vol IV The age of achievement A D 750 to the end of the fifteenth century Part 1 The historical social and economic setting Paris 1998 Part 2 The literary cultural artistic and scientific achievements Paris 2000 The History of al Tabari Vol V The Sasanids the Byzantines the Lakhmids and Yemen translated and annotated by C E Bosworth SUNY Press Albany 1999 A century of British orientalists 1902 2001 Oxford University Press for the British Academy 2001 Abu l Fadl Bayhaqi s Tarkh i Mas udi translated into English with a historical geographical and linguistic commentary to appear in the Persian Heritage Series Columbia University 3 vols New York 2006 An intrepid Scot William Lithgow of Lanark s travels in the Ottoman Empire and Mediterranean lands 1609 211 Aldershot 2006 Encyclopaedia of Islam 2nd ed angl in 12 vol ed by P J Bearman Th Bianquis C E Bosworth E van Donzel W P Heinrichs et al Leiden E J Brill 1960 2005 platn PrimechaniyaClifford Edmund Bosworth AlKindi onlajn katalog Dominikanskogo instituta vostokovedeniya https s3 eu west 2 amazonaws com sjc prod documents TW Magazine 2015 pdf S 47 Netton Ian Richard Bosworth Clifford Edmund 1928 2015 Oxford Dictionary of National Biography angl Oxf Oxford University Press 2004 2014