Dopolnenie k gruzinskomu pismu angl Georgian Supplement blok standarta Yunikod soderzhashij strochnye bukvy dlya cerkovnogo gruzinskogo pisma hucuri Zaglavnye bukvy nahodyatsya v otdelnom bloke Gruzinskoe pismo Dopolnenie k gruzinskomu pismuangl Georgian SupplementDiapazon 2D00 2D2F 48 kodovyh pozicij PloskostPismennosti GruzinskayaOsnovnye alfavity HucuriKodovye poziciiZadejstvovano 40 kodovyh pozicijZarezervirovano 8 kodovyh pozicijIstoriya izmenenij simvolov v Yunikode4 1 38 38 6 1 40 2 Primechaniya Oficialnyj dokument YunikodaSpisok simvolovKod Simvol Nazvanie Harakteristiki v Yunikode Versiya v kotoroj byl dobavlen simvol HTMLKategoriya simvola Klass kombini ruemosti Klass naprav leniya Tip razryva stroki 16 chnyj 10 chnyjU 2D00 ⴀ georgian small letter an Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D00 amp 11520 U 2D01 ⴁ georgian small letter ban Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D01 amp 11521 U 2D02 ⴂ georgian small letter gan Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D02 amp 11522 U 2D03 ⴃ georgian small letter don Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D03 amp 11523 U 2D04 ⴄ georgian small letter en Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D04 amp 11524 U 2D05 ⴅ georgian small letter vin Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D05 amp 11525 U 2D06 ⴆ georgian small letter zen Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D06 amp 11526 U 2D07 ⴇ georgian small letter tan Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D07 amp 11527 U 2D08 ⴈ georgian small letter in Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D08 amp 11528 U 2D09 ⴉ georgian small letter kan Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D09 amp 11529 U 2D0A ⴊ georgian small letter las Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D0A amp 11530 U 2D0B ⴋ georgian small letter man Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D0B amp 11531 U 2D0C ⴌ georgian small letter nar Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D0C amp 11532 U 2D0D ⴍ georgian small letter on Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D0D amp 11533 U 2D0E ⴎ georgian small letter par Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D0E amp 11534 U 2D0F ⴏ georgian small letter zhar Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D0F amp 11535 U 2D10 ⴐ georgian small letter rae Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D10 amp 11536 U 2D11 ⴑ georgian small letter san Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D11 amp 11537 U 2D12 ⴒ georgian small letter tar Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D12 amp 11538 U 2D13 ⴓ georgian small letter un Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D13 amp 11539 U 2D14 ⴔ georgian small letter phar Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D14 amp 11540 U 2D15 ⴕ georgian small letter khar Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D15 amp 11541 U 2D16 ⴖ georgian small letter ghan Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D16 amp 11542 U 2D17 ⴗ georgian small letter qar Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D17 amp 11543 U 2D18 ⴘ georgian small letter shin Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D18 amp 11544 U 2D19 ⴙ georgian small letter chin Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D19 amp 11545 U 2D1A ⴚ georgian small letter can Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D1A amp 11546 U 2D1B ⴛ georgian small letter jil Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D1B amp 11547 U 2D1C ⴜ georgian small letter cil Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D1C amp 11548 U 2D1D ⴝ georgian small letter char Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D1D amp 11549 U 2D1E ⴞ georgian small letter xan Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D1E amp 11550 U 2D1F ⴟ georgian small letter jhan Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D1F amp 11551 U 2D20 ⴠ georgian small letter hae Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D20 amp 11552 U 2D21 ⴡ georgian small letter he Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D21 amp 11553 U 2D22 ⴢ georgian small letter hie Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D22 amp 11554 U 2D23 ⴣ georgian small letter we Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D23 amp 11555 U 2D24 ⴤ georgian small letter har Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D24 amp 11556 U 2D25 ⴥ georgian small letter hoe Ll 0 L AL 4 1 amp x2D25 amp 11557 U 2D26 lt reserved 2D26 gt Cn 0 L XX amp x2D26 amp 11558 U 2D27 ⴧ georgian small letter yn Ll 0 L AL 6 1 amp x2D27 amp 11559 U 2D28 lt reserved 2D28 gt Cn 0 L XX amp x2D28 amp 11560 U 2D29 lt reserved 2D29 gt Cn 0 L XX amp x2D29 amp 11561 U 2D2A lt reserved 2D2A gt Cn 0 L XX amp x2D2A amp 11562 U 2D2B lt reserved 2D2B gt Cn 0 L XX amp x2D2B amp 11563 U 2D2C lt reserved 2D2C gt Cn 0 L XX amp x2D2C amp 11564 U 2D2D ⴭ georgian small letter aen Ll 0 L AL 6 1 amp x2D2D amp 11565 U 2D2E lt reserved 2D2E gt Cn 0 L XX amp x2D2E amp 11566 U 2D2F lt reserved 2D2F gt Cn 0 L XX amp x2D2F amp 11567 Kompaktnaya tablicaDopolnenie k gruzinskomu pismu 1 2 Oficialnaya tablica simvolov Konsorciuma Yunikoda PDF 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E FU 2D0x ⴀ ⴁ ⴂ ⴃ ⴄ ⴅ ⴆ ⴇ ⴈ ⴉ ⴊ ⴋ ⴌ ⴍ ⴎ ⴏU 2D1x ⴐ ⴑ ⴒ ⴓ ⴔ ⴕ ⴖ ⴗ ⴘ ⴙ ⴚ ⴛ ⴜ ⴝ ⴞ ⴟU 2D2x ⴠ ⴡ ⴢ ⴣ ⴤ ⴥ ⴧ ⴭPrimechaniya 1 Po sostoyaniyu na versiyu 15 0 2 Serye kletki oboznachayut zarezervirovannye kodovye pozicii IstoriyaV tablice ukazany dokumenty otrazhayushie process formirovaniya bloka Versiya Itogovye kodovye pozicii Kolichestvo ID ID Dokument4 1 U 2D00 2D25 38 N1945 alt Coding of GEORGIAN SMALL LETTERS Nuskhuri 1999 01 12L2 99 082 N1962 Everson Michael 1999 02 26 Optimizing Georgian representation in the BMP of the UCSL2 00 115R2 Moore Lisa 2000 08 08 Motion 83 M7 Minutes Of UTC Meeting 83L2 00 404 Tarkhan Mouravi David 2000 10 30 Proposal for Asomtavruli Nuskhuri and Mkhedruli GeorgianL2 01 006 Moore Lisa 2000 12 22 Reply to Georgian State Department of Information TechnologyL2 01 046 Tarkhan Mouravi David 2001 01 22 Letter from the Georgian State department for Information TechnologyL2 01 059 Everson Michael 2001 01 24 Summary and proposed actions regarding the Georgian documentsL2 01 040 2001 01 26 Unicode 3 1 Text Encoding Model for Georgian ScriptL2 01 072 Everson Michael 2001 01 27 Georgian Text amp Case Mappings ReduxedL2 01 078 Letter from the Catholicos Patriarch of all Georgia 2001 01 29L2 01 166 Moore Lisa 2001 04 16 Reply to Georgian State Department of Information TechnologyL2 03 087 Tarkhan Mouravi David 2003 03 03 Georgian Unicode standard proposalL2 03 096 Everson Michael 2003 03 04 GeorgianL2 03 230R2 N2608R2 Everson Michael 2003 09 04 Proposal to add Georgian and other characters to the BMP of the UCS6 1 U 2D27 2D2D 2 L2 10 072 N3775 Everson Michael 2010 03 09 Proposal for encoding Georgian and Nuskhuri letters for Ossetian and AbkhazL2 10 108 Moore Lisa 2010 05 19 Consensus 123 C7 UTC 123 L2 220 MinutesN3803 pdf doc M56 08i Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting no 56 2010 09 24Predlozhennye kody i nazvaniya simvolov mogut otlichatsya ot okonchatelnogo varianta Sm takzheNabor simvolov Gruzinskoe pismo blok Yunikoda Rasshirennoe gruzinskoe pismoPrimechaniyaUnicode character database neopr The Unicode Standard Data obrasheniya 9 iyulya 2016 25 sentyabrya 2017 goda Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard neopr The Unicode Standard Data obrasheniya 9 iyulya 2016 29 iyunya 2016 goda