V drugom yazykovom razdele est bolee polnaya statya Indian religions angl Vy mozhete pomoch proektu rasshiriv tekushuyu statyu s pomoshyu perevoda Indi jskie dharmi cheskie reli gii religii slozhivshiesya na Indijskom subkontinente K indijskim religiyam otnosyat induizm dzhajnizm buddizm i sikhizm vklyuchaya vse ih techeniya i rodstvennye im religioznye tradicii Indijskie religii predstavlyayut soboj gruppu tak nazyvaemyh vostochnyh religij Oni imeyut shozhuyu sistemu osnovnyh verovanij osnovannyh na dharme sposobov pokloneniya i svyazannyh s nimi religioznyh praktik chto obyasnyaetsya obshnostyu ih istoricheskogo razvitiya v hode kotorogo oni okazali vliyanie drug na druga Karta pokazyvayushaya raspredelenie dharmicheskih zhyoltyj i avraamicheskih rozovyj religij na planete Religioznye praktiki simvoly i arhitektura associiruemye s drevnejshej iz indijskih religij induizmom uhodyat svoimi kornyami v harappskij period III tys do n e Dokumentirovannaya istoriya indijskih religij nachinaetsya s vedizma religioznyh praktik rannih indoariev Indoarii sobrali i otredaktirovali Vedy chetyre sbornika gimnov i mantr na drevnem vedijskom sanskrite Vedy yavlyayutsya osnovnymi bogootkrovennymi tekstami shruti sovremennogo induizma Period ih sostavleniya redaktirovaniya i napisaniya kommentariev k nim prinyato nazyvat vedijskim periodom Po mneniyu bolshinstva sovremennyh uchyonyh etot period prodolzhalsya okolo 1000 let s XVI po VI veka do n e V pozdnij vedijskij period s IX po VI veka do n e byli sostavleny Upanishady i ego prinyato nazyvat vedanticheskim Zatem byli sostavleny sanskritskie eposy Mahabharata i Ramayana a pozdnee purany V induizme sushestvuyut mnogo techenij osnovnymi iz kotoryh yavlyayutsya vajshnavizm shivaizm shaktizm i smartizm Sushestvuet bolshoe kolichestvo malyh grupp takih kak konservativnaya tradiciya shrauta ili poyavivsheesya sravnitelno nedavno induistskoe reformatorskoe dvizhenie ajyavari Okolo 90 induistov zhivut v Indii gde oni sostavlyayut 83 naseleniya Dzhajnizm i buddizm proizoshli iz kultury shramana Buddizm byl osnovan Buddoj Gautamoj princem kshatriej stavshim asketom otshelnikom Vposledstvii buddizm rasprostranilsya za predely Indii i stal preobladayushej religiej v Yugo Vostochnoj Azii Pozdnee pod vliyaniem induistskogo renessansa i pod davleniem prishedshego v Indiyu islama buddizm v Indii prishyol v upadok no sohranilsya v Nepale i na Shri Lanke Dzhajnizm byl osnovan liniej iz 24 prosvetlyonnyh uchitelej tirthankarov osnovnymi iz kotoryh byli Parshva IX vek do n e i Mahavira VI vek do n e Sikhizm voznik v XV veke v Severnoj Indii na osnove ucheniya Guru Nanaka i posledovavshih za nim devyati guru sikhizma Bolshinstvo posledovatelej etoj religii proishodyat iz Pendzhaba PrimechaniyaAdams C J Classification of religions Geographical ot 14 dekabrya 2007 na Wayback Machine Encyclopaedia Britannica 2007 Accessed September 5 2007 Indiana University Module 9 ot 9 yanvarya 2010 na Wayback Machine Passage to India One is left largely with scholarly guesses but it is intriguing to entertain the possibility that traditions of ritual bathing some sort of tradition of meditation or Yoga possible proto types of Shiva and a mother goddess and a cult of sacred animals all of which are prominent features in later Hindu traditions may indeed be traceable ultimately all the way back to the third millenium B C E and possibly earlier to the Baluchistan and Sind village cultures that go back to time immemorial Indiana University India Studies Program ot 14 marta 2010 na Wayback Machine Module 6 The passage to India As mentioned earlier in our brief summary of the religions of India the Jain tradition is one of the oldest traditions in India and may go back as far as Indus Valley times that is to the second millenium Before the Common Era 2000 1500 BCE although the precise origins of the tradition are not yet fully known Indiana University India Studies Program ot 1 avgusta 2009 na Wayback Machine Passage to India Module 11 Upanishads came to be composed already in the ninth and eighth century B C E and continued to be composed well into the first centuries of the Common Era The Brahmanas and Aranyakas are somewhat older reaching back to the eleventh and even twelfth century B C E 1 ot 24 oktyabrya 2014 na Wayback Machine Paul Deussen Philosophy of the Upanishads Pg 51 these treatises are not the work of a single genius but the total philosophical product of an entire epoch which extends from approximately 1000 or 800 BC to c 500 BC but which is prolonged in its offshoots far beyond this last limit of time Major Religions of the World Ranked by Number of Adherents neopr Adherents com Data obrasheniya 10 iyulya 2007 Arhivirovano 10 avgusta 2011 goda 2007 Light from the East Eastern Wisdom for the Modern West Inc ISBN 1 933316 22 5 Over time apparent misunderstandings have arisen over the origins of Jainism and relationship with its sister religions of Hinduism and Buddhism There has been an ongoing debate between Jainism and Vedic Hinduism as to which revelation preceded the other What is historically known is that there was a tradition along with Vedic Hinduism known as Sramana Dharma Essentially the sramana tradition included it its fold the Jain and Buddhist traditions which disagreed with the eternality of the Vedas the needs for ritual sacrifices and the supremacy of the Brahmins Page 141 Adherents com Religions by adherents neopr PHP Data obrasheniya 9 fevralya 2007 Arhivirovano 15 aprelya 2012 goda