U etogo termina sushestvuyut i drugie znacheniya sm Shmidt Pekinskaya Shmidt PZS asteroidnaya programma angl Beijing Schmidt CCD Asteroid Program proekt po poisku ranee neizvestnyh okolozemnyh asteroidov i komet organizovannyj v 1995 godu Pekinskoj astronomicheskoj observatoriej i Kitajskoj akademiej nauk Dannyj proekt byl realizovan na Nablyudatelnoj stancii Sinlun Osnovnym instrumentom dlya realizacii proekta yavlyaetsya 60 90 sm kamera Shmidta osnashennaya PZS kameroj 2048x2048 pikselej S 1995 po 1999 god v hode realizacii proekta byli otkryty 1 kometa C 1997 L1 i 2460 asteroidov 5 okolozemnyh asteroidov 2 iz nih potencialno opasnyh a takzhe opublikovany nablyudeniya 43860 drugih asteroidov Rukovoditel programmy Jin Zhu Soglasno Mezhdunarodnomu astronomicheskomu soyuzu Minor Planet Center v period s 1994 po 2002 god Pekinskij obzor sovershil 1289 otkrytiya PrimechaniyaMinor Planet Discoverers ot 26 aprelya 2020 na Wayback Machine Beijing Schmidt CCD Asteroid ProgramSsylkiObservatorii Kitaya Mediafajly na Vikisklade webpage for the station where SCAP was conducted It also shows a picture of the Schmidt telescope that SCAP used in its research BAO ASTEROID OBSERVATIONS FROM ASTROMETRY TO PHYSICAL RESEARCH lt abstract gt ot 17 maya 2011 na Wayback Machine a Space com special report by Michael Paine on the search for near Earth asteroids Asteroid Named to Mark CAS Anniversary a Beijing Review article by Li Rongxia on asteroid 7800 China Builds New Observatory To Detect Near Earth Asteroids ot 14 maya 2011 na Wayback Machine a Spacedaily com article by Wei Long on the Purple Mountain observatory The SCAP is briefly mentioned here 1 8 New Asteroids Discovering and Cataloging ot 3 sentyabrya 2010 na Wayback Machine describes the groups involved with asteroid detection SCAP is briefly mentioned here Publikacii v baze dannyh NASA ADS Poisk po slovu Beijing Schmidt CCD Asteroid Program Sm takzheSpisok astronomicheskih instrumentov Spisok kodov observatorij