Elis Mej Roberts angl Alice May Roberts britanskij anatom paleopatolog i antropolog s 2019 po 2022 god byla glavoj organizacii Gumanisty Velikobritanii Elis Robertsangl Alice RobertsData rozhdeniya 19 maya 1973 1973 05 19 51 god Mesto rozhdeniya Bristol Angliya VelikobritaniyaStrana VelikobritaniyaRod deyatelnosti antropolog pisatelnica paleoantropolog vrach arheolog televedushaya biolog paleontolog anatomNauchnaya sfera antropologiya paleopatologiyaMesto raboty Bristolskij universitetBirmingemskij universitetAlma mater Uelskij universitet Bristolskij universitetUchyonaya stepen doktor medicinyNagrady i premii pochyotnyj doktor Lidskogo universiteta vd David Attenborough Award vd 4 avgusta 2020 Sajt alice roberts co uk Mediafajly na VikiskladeBiografiyaRoberts rodilas v Bristole Angliya v 1973 godu Ona uchilas v Medicinskom Kolledzhe Uelskogo universiteta sejchas chast Universiteta Kardiffa kotoryj zakonchila v 1997 godu Posle okonchaniya ona rabotala v Bristolskom universitete gde v 1999 godu stala lektorom V 2008 godu ona poluchila stepen PhD po paleopatologii Roberts yavlyaetsya odnim iz sovedushih seriala BBC o geografii i ekologii Coast V 2009 godu na kanale BBC Two vyshla eyo pyatiserijnaya peredacha ob evolyucii i rannih migraciyah cheloveka The Incredible Human Journey V 2010 godu ona stala vedushej arheologicheskoj peredachi Digging for Britain Ona takzhe predstavila serial Origins of Us vyshedshij v 2011 goda i rasskazyvayushij o tom kak chelovecheskoe telo adaptirovalos za poslednie 7 millionov let V mae i iyune 2013 goda translirovalsya trehserijnyj dokumentalnyj serial Ice Age Giants o doistoricheskih mlekopitayushih vremen lednikovogo perioda Roberts predstavlyala neskolko epizodov teleseriala vklyuchaya Are We Still Evolving v 2011 godu i Is Your Brain Male or Female v 2014 Lichnaya zhiznRoberts zhivet ryadom s Bristolem so svoim muzhem i dvumya detmi Yavlyaetsya vegetariankoj i ateistkoj PublikaciiDon t Die Young An Anatomist s Guide to Your Organs and Your Health 2007 Bloomsbury Publishing plc London 2007 ISBN 0 7475 9025 7 The Incredible Human Journey 2009 Bloomsbury Publishing plc ISBN 0 7475 9839 8 The Complete Human Body 2010 Dorling Kindersley ISBN 1 4053 4749 X Proishozhdenie cheloveka Evolyuciya Evolution The Human Story 2011 Dorling Kindersley ISBN 1 4053 6165 4 Rus per Roberts Ellis Proishozhdenie cheloveka Evolyuciya Per s angl I V Pavlovoj O V Sergeevoj M OOO AST OGIZ 2014 256 s il ISBN 978 5 17 084157 8 The Incredible Unlikeliness of Being Evolution and the Making of Us 2014 Heron Books ISBN 1 8486 6477 X PrimechaniyaAlice Roberts Babelio fr 2007 Acclaimed scientist and broadcaster Alice Roberts appointed President of Humanists UK neopr 11 noyabrya 2018 Data obrasheniya 12 noyabrya 2018 22 dekabrya 2020 goda Alice Roberts hands Humanists UK Presidency to Adam Rutherford neopr Rotator cuff disease in humans and apes a palaeopathological and evolutionary perspective on shoulder pathology See more at http ethos bl uk OrderDetails do uin uk bl ethos 492449 sthash Im0VLf1l dpuf neopr Data obrasheniya 8 yanvarya 2015 8 yanvarya 2015 goda Origins of Us begins with 1 78m viewers neopr Data obrasheniya 30 sentyabrya 2017 20 sentyabrya 2018 goda Interview Alice Roberts on The Incredible Human Journey neopr The Telegraph 5 maya 2009 Data obrasheniya 8 yanvarya 2015 17 maya 2009 goda Childbirth why I take the scientific approach to having a baby neopr The Guardian 10 marta 2013 Data obrasheniya 30 sentyabrya 2017 1 maya 2016 goda My Life In Travel Dr Alice Roberts neopr Data obrasheniya 30 sentyabrya 2017 1 marta 2011 goda Q amp A Alice Roberts neopr Data obrasheniya 8 yanvarya 2015 19 sentyabrya 2015 goda SsylkiOficialnyj sajt Elis Roberts angl na sajte Internet Movie Database