Siri jskoe hristia nstvo sir ܡܫܝܚܝܘܬܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܬܐ msiḥyuṯo suryoyto ili msiḥayuṯa surayṯa predstavlyaet soboj osobuyu vetv vostochnogo hristianstva chi osnovnye bogoslovskie sochineniya i tradicionnye liturgii napisany na klassicheskom sirijskom yazyke raznovidnosti aramejskogo V bolee shirokom smysle etot termin mozhet takzhe otnositsya k aramejskomu hristianstvu v celom ohvatyvaya takim obrazom vse hristianskie tradicii osnovannye na liturgicheskom ispolzovanii aramejskogo yazyka i ego variacij kak istoricheskih tak i sovremennyh Cerkvi sirijskoj tradiciiVostochno sirijskie Cerkov Vostoka mitropolii pokazany v Azii s IX po XIII vekaZapadno sirijskie eparhii Sirijskoj pravoslavnoj cerkvi v srednevekovyj periodSvyashennaya Kurbana Sirijskoj pravoslavnoj cerkvi prazdnovanie Bozhestvennoj liturgii svyatogo IakovaSovremennye podrazdeleniya hristian svyatogo Fomy takzhe izvestnyh kak sirijskie hristiane Naryadu s grecheskim i latinskim klassicheskij sirijskij byl odnim iz tryoh naibolee vazhnyh yazykov rannego hristianstva Na nyom razvilas osobaya sirijskaya forma hristianstva kotoraya procvetala na Blizhnem Vostoke i v drugih chastyah Azii v period pozdnej antichnosti i Rannego Srednevekovya dav nachalo razlichnym liturgicheskim i denominacionnym tradiciyam predstavlennym v sovremennom mire neskolkimi cerkvyami kotorye prodolzhayut religioznoe i kulturnoe nasledie sirijskogo hristianstva Sirijskoe hristianstvo vklyuchaet v sebya dve liturgicheskie tradicii Vostochno sirijskij obryad takzhe izvestnyj kak haldejskij assirijskij sasanidskij vavilonskij ili persidskij obryad osnovnoj anaforoj kotorogo yavlyaetsya Svyashennaya Kurbana svyatyh Faddeya i Mariya Ego ispolzuyut irakskaya Haldejskaya katolicheskaya cerkov Assirijskaya cerkov Vostoka i Drevnyaya Assirijskaya cerkov Vostoka a takzhe indijskaya Siro malabarskaya katolicheskaya cerkov i Haldejskaya sirijskaya cerkov poslednyaya yavlyaetsya chastyu Assirijskoj cerkvi Vostoka Zapadno sirijskij obryad takzhe nazyvaemyj antiohijskim sirijskim obryadom ili obryadom svyatogo Iakova anafora kotorogo imeet Bozhestvennuyu liturgiyu svyatogo Iakova Ego ispolzuyut Sirijskaya pravoslavnaya cerkov livanskaya Maronitskaya cerkov i Sirijskaya katolicheskaya cerkov a takzhe indijskaya Siro malankarskaya katolicheskaya cerkov Malankarskaya pravoslavnaya cerkov Sirijskaya hristianskaya cerkov yakobitov chast Sirijskoj pravoslavnoj cerkvi Malabarskaya nezavisimaya sirijskaya cerkov Modificirovannaya versiya etogo obryada ispolzuetsya Sirijskoj cerkovyu Malankara mar Toma i bolee reformatskoj Evangelicheskoj cerkovyu svyatogo Fomy Indii V Indii vostochnyh hristian hristian apostola Fomy obeih liturgicheskih tradicij vostochnoj i zapadnoj nazyvayut sirijskimi hristianami Tradicionnaya vostochno sirijskaya obshina predstavlena Siro malabarskoj cerkovyu i Haldejskoj sirijskoj cerkovyu Indii chast Assirijskoj cerkvi Vostoka Zapadno sirijskaya liturgicheskaya tradiciya byla vvedena posle 1665 goda i svyazannaya s nej obshina predstavlena Yakobitskoj sirijskoj hristianskoj cerkovyu chast Sirijskoj pravoslavnoj cerkvi Malankarskoj pravoslavnoj sirijskoj cerkovyu obe prinadlezhat k drevnevostochnomu pravoslaviyu Katolicheskaya cerkov Siro Malankara vostochno katolicheskaya cerkov Sirijskaya cerkov Malankara mar Toma chast Anglikanskoj obshiny i Malabarskaya nezavisimaya sirijskaya cerkov nezavisimaya pravoslavnaya cerkov ne yavlyayushayasya chastyu Vselenskoj pravoslavnoj Cerkvi Sirijskij yazyk raznovidnost aramejskogo yazyka voznikshaya v Edesse Verhnej Mesopotamii v pervye veka nashej ery Tesno svyazannyj s aramejskim yazykom Iisusa galilejskim dialektom Eta svyaz dobavila emu prestizha v hristianskoj srede Forma yazyka ispolzuemaya v Edesse preobladala v hristianskih pisaniyah i byla prinyata kak standartnaya forma udobnoe sredstvo rasprostraneniya hristianstva vezde gde est substrat razgovornogo aramejskogo Rajon gde govorili na sirijskom ili aramejskom yazyke zona soprikosnoveniya i konflikta mezhdu Rimskoj imperiej i Sasanidskoj imperiej prostiralsya ot Antiohii na zapade do Selevkii Ktesifona stolicy Sasanidov v Irake na vostoke i vklyuchal vsyu ili chasti sovremennoj Sirii Livana Izrailya Palestiny Iraka i chasti Turcii i Irana Cerkvi sirijskoj tradiciiZapadno sirijskij obryad Drevnevostochnye pravoslavnye cerkvi Siro yakovitskaya pravoslavnaya cerkov nehalkidonskaya drevnevostochnaya pravoslavnaya cerkov Antiohii i vsego Vostoka Malankarskaya yakovitskaya sirijskaya ortodoksalnaya cerkov nehalkidonskaya drevnevostochnaya pravoslavnaya cerkov Indii v sostave Sirijskogo Patriarhata Malankarskaya pravoslavnaya cerkov avtokefalnaya nehalkidonskaya drevnevostochnaya pravoslavnaya cerkov Indii k nej takzhe otnositsya Goanskaya pravoslavnaya cerkov Vostochnokatolicheskie cerkvi Maronitskaya katolicheskaya cerkov Sirijskaya katolicheskaya cerkov Siro malankarskaya katolicheskaya cerkov sirijskaya katolicheskaya cerkov v indijskom shtate Kerala Cerkov Mar Toma sostoyashaya v evharisticheskom obshenii s Anglikanskim soobshestvom Evangelicheskaya cerkov Indii svyatogo Fomy otnositsya k Evangelskim hristianam Vostochno sirijskij obryad Nezavisimye chasti Cerkvi Vostoka Assirijskaya cerkov Vostoka Drevnyaya Assirijskaya cerkov Vostoka Vostochno sirijskie cerkvi v sostave Katolicheskoj cerkvi Haldejskaya katolicheskaya cerkov Siro malabarskaya katolicheskaya cerkov Vostochno sirijskie hristiane uchastvovali v missii v Indii i mnogie iz nyneshnih cerkvej v Indii nahodyatsya v obshenii s sirijskimi cerkvyami Eti indijskie hristiane izvestny kak Hristiane apostola Fomy PrimechaniyaRompay 2008 pp 365 386 Murre van den Berg 2007 p 249 Kitchen 2012 pp 66 77 Simmons 1959 p 13 Aufrecht 2001 p 149 Quispel 2008 p 80 Brock 2005 pp 5 20 Winkler 2019 pp 119 133 Hunter 2019 pp 783 796 Varghese 2019 pp 391 404 John Hardon Catholic Dictionary An Abridged and Updated Edition of Modern Catholic Dictionary Crown Publishing Group 25 June 2013 P 493 ISBN 978 0 307 88635 4 ot 28 dekabrya 2021 na Wayback Machine Pallikunnil Jameson K The Eucharistic Liturgy A Liturgical Foundation for Mission in the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church 2017 Metropolitan Juhanon Mar Thoma called it a Protestant Church in an oriental garb As a reformed Oriental Church it agrees with the reformed doctrines of the Western churches Therefore there is much in common in faith and doctrine between the MTC and the reformed Churches of the West As the Church now sees it just as the Anglican church is a Western Reformed Church the MTC is an Eastern Reformed Church ISBN 978 1 5246 7652 0 World Council of Churches Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar neopr Data obrasheniya 28 dekabrya 2021 26 fevralya 2020 goda Ed Hindson Dan Mitchell editors The Popular Encyclopedia of Church History Harvest House Publishers 2013 p 225 neopr Data obrasheniya 28 dekabrya 2021 28 dekabrya 2021 goda Perczel 2019 pp 653 697 Brock 1998 p 708 719 Montgomery 2002 p 27 IstochnikiAbouzayd Shafiq The Maronite Church The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 731 750 ISBN 9781138899018 Andrade Nathanael J Syriac and Syrians in the Later Roman Empire Questions of Identity The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 157 174 ISBN 9781138899018 Aufrecht Walter E A Legacy of Syria The Aramaic Language angl Bulletin of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies 2001 Vol 36 P 145 155 Bar Asher Siegal Michal Judaism and Syriac Christianity The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 146 156 Baskhanov Mikhail K 2022 East Syriac Christianity in the Land of Seven Rivers aspects of material culture and artistic tradition Bulletin of IICAS 34 50 70 The Church of the East A Concise History Wilhelm Baum Dietmar W Winkler London New York Routledge Curzon 2003 ISBN 9781134430192 Baumer Christoph The Church of the East An Illustrated History of Assyrian Christianity London New York Tauris 2006 ISBN 9781845111151 Brock Sebastian P 1982 Christians in the Sasanian Empire A Case of Divided Loyalties Studies in Church History 18 1 19 doi 10 1017 S0424208400016004 ISBN 9780631180609 Brock Sebastian P Studies in Syriac Christianity History Literature and Theology Aldershot Variorum 1992 ISBN 9780860783053 Brock Sebastian P Eusebius and Syriac Christianity Eusebius Christianity and Judaism Detroit Wayne State University Press 1992 P 212 234 ISBN 0814323618 Brock Sebastian P A Brief Outline of Syriac Literature Kottayam St Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute 1997 Brock Sebastian P Syriac Culture 337 425 The Cambridge Ancient History Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1998 Vol 13 P 708 719 ISBN 9780521302005 Brock Sebastian P From Ephrem to Romanos Interactions Between Syriac and Greek in Late Antiquity Aldershot Ashgate 1999a ISBN 9780860788003 Brock Sebastian P 1999b St Ephrem in the Eyes of Later Syriac Liturgical Tradition PDF Hugoye Journal of Syriac Studies 2 1 5 25 doi 10 31826 hug 2010 020103 Brock Sebastian P Eusebius and Syriac Christianity Doctrinal Diversity Varieties of Early Christianity New York and London Garland Publishing 1999c P 258 280 ISBN 9780815330714 Brock Sebastian P The Christology of the Church of the East in the Synods of the Fifth to Early Seventh Centuries Preliminary Considerations and Materials Doctrinal Diversity Varieties of Early Christianity New York and London Garland Publishing 1999d P 281 298 ISBN 9780815330714 Brock Sebastian P 1999e The Importance of the Syriac Traditions in Ecumenical Dialogue on Christology Christian Orient 20 189 197 Brock Sebastian P Ephrem and the Syriac Tradition The Cambridge History of Early Christian Literature Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2004a P 362 372 ISBN 9780521460835 Brock Sebastian P The Syriac Churches in Ecumenical Dialogue on Christology Eastern Christianity Studies in Modern History Religion and Politics London Melisende 2004b P 44 65 ISBN 9781901764239 Brock Sebastian P The Syriac Orient A Third Lung for the Church Orientalia Christiana Periodica 2005 T 71 S 5 20 Brock Sebastian P Fire from Heaven Studies in Syriac Theology and Liturgy Aldershot Ashgate 2006 ISBN 9780754659082 Brown Leslie W The Indian Christians of St Thomas An Account of the Ancient Syrian Church of Malabar Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1956 Burnett Stephen G Christian Aramaism The Birth and Growth of Aramaic Scholarship in the Sixteenth Century Seeking Out the Wisdom of the Ancients Winona Lake Eisenbrauns 2005 P 421 436 Chabot Jean Baptiste Synodicon orientale ou recueil de synodes nestoriens Paris Imprimerie Nationale 1902 Chaillot Christine The Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch and All the East A Brief Introduction to Its Life and Spirituality Geneva Inter Orthodox dialogue 1998 Daryaee Touraj The Sasanian Empire The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 33 43 ISBN 9781138899018 Debie Muriel 2009 Syriac Historiography and Identity Formation Church History and Religious Culture 89 1 3 93 114 doi 10 1163 187124109X408014 Dickens Mark Syriac Christianity in Central Asia The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 583 624 ISBN 9781138899018 Donabed Sargon G Mako Shamiran 2009 Ethno cultural and Religious Identity of Syrian Orthodox Christians PDF Chronos Revue d Histoire de l Universite de Balamand 19 69 111 Donabed Sargon G Reforging a Forgotten History Iraq and the Assyrians in the Twentieth Century Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press 2015 ISBN 9780748686056 Fiey Jean Maurice Communautes syriaques en Iran et Irak des origines a 1552 London Variorum Reprints 1979 ISBN 9780860780519 Ephraem the Deacon of Edessa and the Church of the Empire Diakonia Studies in Honor of Robert T Meyer Washington CUA Press 1986 P 25 52 ISBN 9780813205960 2002 Christianity in Edessa and the Syriac Speaking World Mani Bar Daysan and Ephraem the Struggle for Allegiance on the Aramean Frontier Journal of the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies 2 5 20 doi 10 31826 jcsss 2009 020104 Grillmeier Aloys Christ in Christian Tradition The Churches of Jerusalem and Antioch from 451 to 600 Aloys Grillmeier Theresia Hainthaler Oxford Oxford University Press 2013 Vol 2 3 ISBN 9780199212880 Haar Romeny Bas ter Ethnicity Ethnogenesis and the Identity of Syriac Orthodox Christians Visions of Community in the Post Roman World The West Byzantium and the Islamic World 300 1100 Farnham Ashgate Publishing 2012 P 183 204 ISBN 9781317001362 Hainthaler Theresia Theological Doctrines and Debates within Syriac Christianity The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 377 390 ISBN 9781138899018 Harvey Susan A Women and Children in Syriac Christianity Sounding Voices The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 554 566 ISBN 9781138899018 Healey John F Aramaean Heritage The Aramaeans in Ancient Syria Leiden Brill 2014 P 391 402 ISBN 9789004229433 Healey John F Arameans and Aramaic in Transition Western Influences and the Roots of Aramean Christianity Research on Israel and Aram Autonomy Independence and Related Issues Tubingen Mohr Siebeck 2019a P 433 446 ISBN 9783161577192 Healey John F The Pre Christian Religions of the Syriac Speaking Regions The Syriac World London Routledge 2019b P 47 67 ISBN 9781138899018 Herman Geoffrey The Syriac World in the Persian Empire The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 134 145 Hovorun Cyril Will Action and Freedom Christological Controversies in the Seventh Century Leiden Boston Brill 2008 ISBN 9781138899018 Hunter Erica C D Changing Demography Christians in Iraq since 1991 The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 783 796 ISBN 9781138899018 Jakob Joachim Ostsyrische Christen und Kurden im Osmanischen Reich des 19 und fruhen 20 Jahrhunderts Munster LIT Verlag 2014 ISBN 9783643506160 Jobling William J 1996 New Evidence for the History of Indigenous Aramaic Christianity in Southern Jordan Sydney Studies in Society and Culture 12 62 73 Jullien Florence Forms of the Religious Life and Syriac Monasticism The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 88 104 ISBN 9781138899018 Karim Cyril Aphrem Symbols of the Cross in the Writings of the Early Syriac Fathers Gorgias Press 2004 ISBN 9781593332303 Kitchen Robert A The Syriac Tradition The Orthodox Christian World London New York Routledge 2012 P 66 77 ISBN 9781136314841 Khoury Widad Churches in Syriac Space Architectural and Liturgical Context and Development The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 476 553 ISBN 9781138899018 Loopstra Jonathan A The Syriac Bible and its Interpretation The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 293 308 ISBN 9781138899018 Loosley Emma Peter Paul and James of Jerusalem The Doctrinal and Political Evolution of the Eastern and Oriental Churches Eastern Christianity in the Modern Middle East London New York Routledge 2010 P 1 12 ISBN 9781135193713 Loosley Emma The Material Culture of the Syrian Peoples in Late Antiquity and the Evidence for Syrian Wall Paintings The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 460 475 ISBN 9781138899018 Menze Volker L The Establishment of the Syriac Churches The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 105 118 ISBN 9781138899018 Meyendorff John Imperial unity and Christian divisions The Church 450 680 A D Crestwood NY St Vladimir s Seminary Press 1989 ISBN 9780881410563 A Greek Roman Empire Power and Belief under Theodosius II 408 450 Berkeley University of California Press 2006 ISBN 9780520253919 2013 The Evolution of the Syrian Orthodox Church in the Pre Islamic Period From Greek to Syriac PDF Journal of Early Christian Studies 21 1 43 92 doi 10 1353 earl 2013 0002 1926 The Early Spread of Christianity in India PDF Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 10 2 435 514 doi 10 7227 BJRL 10 2 7 Montgomery Robert L The Lopsided Spread of Christianity Toward an Understanding of the Diffusion of Religions Westport Praeger Publishers 2002 ISBN 9780275973612 Murre van den Berg Heleen Syriac Christianity The Blackwell Companion to Eastern Christianity Malden Blackwell 2007 P 249 268 ISBN 9780470766392 Murre van den Berg Heleen Classical Syriac Neo Aramaic and Arabic in the Church of the East and the Chaldean Church between 1500 and 1800 Aramaic in Its Historical and Linguistic Setting Wiesbaden Harrassowitz Verlag 2008 P 335 352 ISBN 9783447057875 Murre van den Berg Heleen Classical Syriac and the Syriac Churches A Twentieth Century History Syriac Encounters Papers from the Sixth North American Syriac Symposium Louvain Peeters Publishers 2015 P 119 148 ISBN 9789042930469 Murre van den Berg Heleen Syriac Identity in the Modern Era The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 770 782 ISBN 9781138899018 Rome and the Eastern Churches A Study in Schism 2nd revised San Francisco Ignatius Press 2010 ISBN 9781586172824 O Mahony Anthony Syriac Christianity in the modern Middle East The Cambridge History of Christianity Eastern Christianity Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2006 Vol 5 P 511 536 ISBN 9780521811132 Penn Michael Philip Early Syriac Reactions to the Rise of Islam The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 175 188 ISBN 9781138899018 Perczel Istvan Syriac Christianity in India The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 653 697 ISBN 9781138899018 Possekel Ute The Emergence of Syriac Literature to AD 400 The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 309 326 ISBN 9781138899018 Quispel Gilles Gnostica Judaica Catholica Collected Essays of Gilles Quispel Leiden Boston Brill 2008 ISBN 9789047441823 Robinson Theodore H Robinson s Paradigms and Exercises in Syriac Grammar Theodore H Robinson James F Coakley 6th revised Oxford Oxford University Press 2013 ISBN 9780199687176 Rompay Lucas van The East Syria and Mesopotamia The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Studies Oxford Oxford University Press 2008 P 365 386 ISBN 9780199271566 Ross Steven K Roman Edessa Politics and Culture on the Eastern Fringes of the Roman Empire 114 242 CE London New York Routledge 2001 ISBN 9781134660636 Saint Laurent Jeanne Nicole Syriac Hagiographic Literature The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 339 354 ISBN 9781138899018 Seleznyov Nikolai N 2008 The Church of the East amp Its Theology History of Studies Orientalia Christiana Periodica 74 1 115 131 Seleznyov Nikolai N 2010 Nestorius of Constantinople Condemnation Suppression Veneration With special reference to the role of his name in East Syriac Christianity Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 62 3 4 165 190 Seleznyov Nikolai N 2013 Jacobs and Jacobites The Syrian Origins of the Name and its Egyptian Arabic Interpretations Scrinium Journal of Patrology Critical Hagiographyand Ecclesiastical History 9 382 398 Simmons Ernest The Fathers and Doctors of the Church Milwaukee Bruce Publishing Company 1959 Takahashi Hidemi Syriac Christianity in China The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 625 652 ISBN 9781138899018 Taylor David G K The Coming of Christianity to Mesopotamia The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 68 87 ISBN 9781138899018 Teule Herman Current Trends in Syriac Studies Eastern Crossroads Essays on Medieval Christian Legacy Piscataway NJ Gorgias Press 2007 P 387 400 ISBN 9781463212827 doi 10 31826 9781463212827 024 Varghese Baby The Liturgies of the Syriac Churches The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 391 404 ISBN 9781138899018 Weltecke Dorothea The Renaissance of Syriac Literature in the Twelfth Thirteenth Centuries The Syriac World Dorothea Weltecke Helen Younansardaroud London Routledge 2019 P 698 717 ISBN 9781138899018 Watt John W Syriac Philosophy The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 422 437 ISBN 9781138899018 Wilmshurst David The Church of the East in the Abbasid Era The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 189 201 Winkler Dietmar W The Syriac Church Denominations An Overview The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 119 133 ISBN 9781138899018 Wood Philip Historiography in the Syriac Speaking World 300 1000 The Syriac World London Routledge 2019 P 405 421 ISBN 9781138899018 Dlya uluchsheniya etoj stati zhelatelno Perevesti tekst s inostrannogo yazyka na russkij Posle ispravleniya problemy isklyuchite eyo iz spiska Udalite shablon esli ustraneny vse nedostatki