Vosto chnyj blok angl Eastern Bloc socialisti cheskij blok angl Socialist Bloc sove tskij blok angl Soviet Bloc kommunisti cheskij blok angl Communist Block termin ispolzovavshijsya na Zapade vo vtoroj polovine XX veka dlya oboznacheniya prosovetskih gosudarstv Centralnoj i Vostochnoj Evropy Vostochnoj i Yugo vostochnoj Azii vo glave s SSSR yavlyavshihsya gosudarstvami vtorogo mira Vostochnomu bloku protivostoyal Zapadnyj blok Gosudarstva Vostochnogo bloka v Evrope V Evrope vostochnyj blok byl predstavlen Albaniej do 1961 goda Bolgariej Vengriej GDR Polshej Rumyniej i Chehoslovakiej v Azii Vetnamom Kampuchiej Kitaem do 1961 goda Laosom Mongoliej i Severnoj Koreej S 1961 goda v vostochnyj blok voshla Respublika Kuba IstoriyaKaraulnaya vyshka bliz Shoprona na vengersko avstrijskoj granice ne byla snesena vengerskim pravitelstvom v nazidanie potomkam kak simvol ruhnuvshego Zheleznogo zanavesa Termin priduman zapadnymi propagandistami posle okonchaniya Vtoroj mirovoj vojny na rezultat prihoda k vlasti kommunisticheskih i rabochih partij v gosudarstvah narodnoj demokratii Pri etom ne vse gosudarstva regiona provozglashavshie sebya socialisticheskimi vhodili v blok Yugoslaviya shla otdelnym ot Soyuza SSR putyom s 1948 goda sm Sovetsko yugoslavskij raskol i stala odnim iz iniciatorov Dvizheniya neprisoedineniya a Albaniya v 1960 e gody pokinula obedineniya Vostochnogo bloka SEV i OVD sm Sovetsko albanskij raskol Blok Vostochnoj Evropy zakonchil svoyo sushestvovanie posle Padeniya Berlinskoj steny 9 noyabrya 1989 goda i barhatnoj revolyucii v Chehoslovakii 17 noyabrya 29 dekabrya 1989 goda a takzhe posle obedineniya Germanii v noch na 3 oktyabrya 1990 goda 1 iyulya 1991 goda na vstreche v Prage byla raspushena Organizaciya Varshavskogo dogovora chto podvelo okonchatelnuyu chertu pod sushestvovaniem Vostochnogo bloka V dekabre 1991 goda proizoshyol raspad SSSR chto privelo k koncu Holodnoj vojny 45 letnego protivostoyaniya mezhdu soyuznikami pobeditelyami Vtoroj Mirovoj vojny SShA Velikobritaniej i SSSR Sovet ekonomicheskoj vzaimopomoshiOsnovnaya statya Sovet ekonomicheskoj vzaimopomoshi Vazhnejshuyu integracionnuyu rol vypolnyali ekonomicheskie struktury SEV SSSR postavlyal v prochie strany SEV neobhodimye obemy topliva i syrya mashinostroitelnoj produkcii i pri etom byl osnovnym potrebitelem proizvodimoj v etih stranah eksportnoj produkcii Strany SEV uchastvovali v stroitelstve ryada syrevyh proizvodstv i truboprovodov v SSSR predostavlyaya kredity v vide investicionnyh i potrebitelskih tovarov a takzhe stroitelnyh uslug Takie investicii sposobstvovali uglubleniyu toplivno syrevoj specializacii SSSR v to vremya kak drugie strany SEV specializirovalis v osnovnom na produkcii vysokoj stepeni obrabotki Varshavskij dogovorOsnovnaya statya Varshavskij dogovor Politicheskaya situaciya v Evrope vo vremya Holodnoj vojny Vostochnyj blok byl osnovan ne tolko na ideologicheskoj i ekonomicheskoj blizosti socialisticheskih gosudarstv no takzhe na soglasheniyah o kollektivnoj vzaimopomoshi pri potencialnom napadenii bloka NATO V 1955 godu v NATO vstupila FRG v otvet na eto Albaniya Bolgariya Vengriya GDR Polsha Rumyniya Chehoslovakiya i SSSR podpisali Varshavskij Dogovor i obrazovali voennyj soyuz analogichnyj NATO organizaciyu Varshavskogo Dogovora OVD vo glave s SSSR V ramkah soyuza provodilis sovmestnye ucheniya i velas koordinaciya mezhdu razvedkami gosudarstv OVD Posle raspada vostochnogo bloka sushestvovanie OVD poteryalo smysl a v 1991 godu byl podpisan Protokol o polnom prekrashenii dejstviya Dogovora TelekommunikaciiOsnovnaya statya Mezhdunarodnaya organizaciya radioveshaniya i televideniya Dlya nuzhd informacii i svyazi gosudarstv bloka funkcionirovala telekommunikacionnaya set Vostochnyj Berlin Varshava Praga Moskva posredstvom kotoroj osushestvlyalos televeshanie na gosudarstva Vostochnoj Evropy translirovalis televizionnye peredachi iz Moskvy takzhe set ispolzovalas dlya fiksirovannoj golosovoj svyazi abonentov v ukazannyh gosudarstvah V 1963 godu v Polshe byl vveden v ekspluataciyu krupnejshij v Vostochnoj Evrope uzel svyazi na 2 tys kanalov peredachi dannyh Sm takzheVtoraya holodnaya vojna Sovetskaya imperiyaPrimechaniyaHirsch Donald Kett Joseph F Trefil James S 2002 The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy Houghton Mifflin Harcourt p 316 ISBN 0 618 22647 8 Eastern Bloc The name applied to the former communist states of eastern Europe including Yugoslavia and Albania as well as the countries of the Warsaw Pact Satyendra Kush 2003 Encyclopaedic dictionary of political science Sarup amp Sons p 65 ISBN 81 7890 071 8 the countries of Eastern Europe under communism Compare Janzen Jorg Taraschewski Thomas Cities of Pilgrimage Shahshahani Suhayla Munster angl 2009 T 4 S 190 Iuaes series ISBN 9783825816186 Until 1990 despite being a formally independent state Mongolia had de facto been an integral part of the Soviet dominated Eastern Bloc Loth Wilfried The Division of the World 1941 1955 Routledge 1988 ISBN 0 415 00365 2 p 297 Haggett Peter Encyclopedia of World Geography Marshall Cavendish 2001 ISBN 0 7614 7289 4 p 1 850 Rees G Wyn International Politics in Europe The New Agenda Routledge 1993 ISBN 0 415 08282 X p 6 Satyendra Kush 2003 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Political Science Sarup amp Sons p 65 ISBN 978 81 7890 071 1 the countries of Eastern Europe under communism Compare Janzen Jorg Taraschewski Thomas Cities of Pilgrimage Shahshahani Suhayla Munster angl 2009 T 4 S 190 Iuaes series ISBN 9783825816186 5 sentyabrya 2015 goda Until 1990 despite being a formally independent state Mongolia had de facto been an integral part of the Soviet dominated Eastern Bloc Zabytaya integraciya proval i uroki Soveta ekonomicheskoj vzaimopomoshi neopr Data obrasheniya 2 noyabrya 2023 2 noyabrya 2023 goda Poland New Communications Facility Military Review April 1963 Vol 43 No 4 P 106 V Vikislovare est statya vostochnyj blok LiteraturaApplebaum Anne 2012 Iron Curtain the Crushing of Eastern Europe 1944 56 Allen Lane Beschloss Michael R 2003 The Conquerors Roosevelt Truman and the Destruction of Hitler s Germany 1941 1945 Simon and Schuster ISBN 0 7432 6085 6 Berthon Simon Potts Joanna 2007 Warlords An Extraordinary Re creation of World War II Through the Eyes and Minds of Hitler Churchill Roosevelt and Stalin Da Capo Press ISBN 0 306 81538 9 Bideleux Robert Jeffries Ian 2007 A History of Eastern Europe Crisis and Change Routledge ISBN 0 415 36626 7 Bocker Anita 1998 Regulation of Migration International Experiences Het Spinhuis ISBN 90 5589 095 2 Brackman Roman 2001 The Secret File of Joseph Stalin A Hidden Life Frank Cass Publishers ISBN 0 7146 5050 1 Cook Bernard A 2001 Europe Since 1945 An Encyclopedia Taylor amp Francis ISBN 0 8153 4057 5 Crampton R J 1997 Eastern Europe in the twentieth century and after Routledge ISBN 0 415 16422 2 Dale Gareth 2005 Popular Protest in East Germany 1945 1989 Judgements on the Street Routledge ISBN 0714654086 Dowty Alan 1989 Closed Borders The Contemporary Assault on Freedom of Movement Yale University Press ISBN 0 300 04498 4 Ericson Edward E 1999 Feeding the German Eagle Soviet Economic Aid to Nazi Germany 1933 1941 Greenwood Publishing Group ISBN 0 275 96337 3 Frucht Richard C 2003 Encyclopedia of Eastern Europe From the Congress of Vienna to the Fall of Communism Taylor amp Francis Group ISBN 0 203 80109 1 Gaddis John Lewis 2005 The Cold War A New History Penguin Press ISBN 1 59420 062 9 Goertz Gary 1995 Contexts of International Politics Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 46972 4 Grenville John Ashley Soames 2005 A History of the World from the 20th to the 21st Century Routledge ISBN 0 415 28954 8 Grenville John Ashley Soames Wasserstein Bernard 2001 The Major International Treaties of the Twentieth Century A History and Guide with Texts Taylor amp Francis ISBN 0 415 23798 X Grogin Robert C 2001 Natural Enemies The United States and the Soviet Union in the Cold War 1917 1991 Lexington Books ISBN 0 7391 0160 9 Gorodetsky Gabriel 2001 Grand Delusion Stalin and the German Invasion of Russia Yale University Press ISBN 0300084595 Hardt John Pearce Kaufman Richard F 1995 East Central European Economies in Transition M E Sharpe ISBN 1 56324 612 0 Harrison Hope Millard 2003 Driving the Soviets Up the Wall Soviet East German Relations 1953 1961 Princeton University Press ISBN 0 691 09678 3 Krasnov Vladislav 1985 Soviet Defectors The KGB Wanted List Hoover Press ISBN 0 8179 8231 0 Lipschitz Leslie McDonald Donogh 1990 German unification economic issues International Monetary Fund ISBN 1 55775 200 1 Lukacs John 2006 June 1941 Hitler and Stalin Yale University Press ISBN 0 300 11437 0 Maddison Angus 2006 The world economy OECD Publishing ISBN 92 64 02261 9 Michta Andrew A 1992 East Central Europe after the Warsaw Pact Security Dilemmas in the 1990s Greenwood Press ISBN 92 64 02261 9 Miller Roger Gene 2000 To Save a City The Berlin Airlift 1948 1949 Texas A amp M University Press ISBN 0 89096 967 1 Miscamble Wilson D 2007 From Roosevelt to Truman Potsdam Hiroshima and the Cold War Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 86244 2 Murray Williamson Millett Allan 2001 A War to be Won Fighting the Second World War Harvard University Press ISBN 0 674 00680 1 Myant Martin Drahokoupil Jan 2010 Transition Economies Political Economy in Russia Eastern Europe and Central Asia Wiley Blackwell ISBN 978 0 470 59619 7 Navratil Jaromir 2006 The Prague Spring 1968 A National Security Archive Document Reader National Security Archive Cold War Readers Central European University Press ISBN 963 7326 67 7 Nekrich Aleksandr Moiseevich Ulam Adam Bruno Freeze Gregory L 1997 Pariahs Partners Predators German Soviet Relations 1922 1941 Columbia University Press ISBN 0 231 10676 9 O Connor Kevin 2003 The history of the Baltic States Greenwood Publishing Group ISBN 0 313 32355 0 O Neil Patrick 1997 Post communism and the Media in Eastern Europe Routledge ISBN 0 7146 4765 9 Olsen Neil 2000 Albania Oxfam ISBN 0 85598 432 5 Overy R J 2004 The Dictators Hitler s Germany and Stalin s Russia W W Norton amp Company ISBN 0 393 02030 4 Pearson Raymond 1998 The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire Macmillan ISBN 0 312 17407 1 Pollack Detlef Wielgohs Jan 2004 Dissent and Opposition in Communist Eastern Europe Origins of Civil Society and Democratic Transition Ashgate Publishing Ltd ISBN 0 7546 3790 5 Puddington Arch 2003 Broadcasting Freedom The Cold War Triumph of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty University Press of Kentucky ISBN 0 8131 9045 2 Roberts Geoffrey 2006 Stalin s Wars From World War to Cold War 1939 1953 Yale University Press ISBN 0 300 11204 1 Roberts Geoffrey 2002 Stalin the Pact with Nazi Germany and the Origins of Postwar Soviet Diplomatic Historiography vol 4 Saxonberg Steven 2001 The Fall A Comparative Study of the End of Communism in Czechoslovakia East Germany Hungary and Poland Routledge ISBN 90 5823 097 X Shirer William L 1990 The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich A History of Nazi Germany Simon and Schuster ISBN 0 671 72868 7 Smith David James Pabriks Artis Purs Aldis Lane Thomas 2002 The Baltic States Estonia Latvia and Lithuania Routledge ISBN 0 415 28580 1 Taagepera Rein 1993 Estonia Return to Independence Westview Press ISBN 0 8133 1703 7 Teichova Alice Matis Herbert 2003 Nation State and the Economy in History Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 79278 9 Tucker Robert C 1992 Stalin in Power The Revolution from Above 1928 1941 W W Norton amp Company ISBN 0 393 30869 3 Turner Henry Ashby 1987 The Two Germanies Since 1945 East and West Yale University Press ISBN 0 300 03865 8 Turnock David 1997 The East European economy in context communism and transition Routledge ISBN 0 415 08626 4 Watry David M Diplomacy at the Brink Eisenhower Churchill and Eden in the Cold War Baton Rouge Louisiana State University Press 2014 Wegner Bernd 1997 From Peace to War Germany Soviet Russia and the World 1939 1941 Berghahn Books ISBN 1 57181 882 0 Weinberg Gerhard L 1995 A World at Arms A Global History of World War II Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 55879 4 Wettig Gerhard 2008 Stalin and the Cold War in Europe Rowman amp Littlefield ISBN 0 7425 5542 9 Williams Kieran 1997 The Prague Spring and its Aftermath Czechoslovak Politics 1968 1970 Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 58803 0 Petrov N V Stalin i organy NKVD MGB v sovetizacii stran Centralnoj i Vostochnoj Evropy 1945 1953 gg ot 1 iyunya 2014 na Wayback Machine 2008 SsylkiPhotographs of Russia in 1967 neopr 31 yanvarya 2008 goda Candid photos of the Eastern Bloc ot 27 aprelya 2006 na Wayback Machine September December 1991 Eastern Bloc examines the specificities and differences of living in totalitarian and post totalitarian countries The project is divided into chapters each dedicated to one of the Eastern European countries Slovak Republic Poland ex GDR Hungary Czech Republic and ex Yugoslavia The Lives of Others official website ot 24 noyabrya 2020 na Wayback Machine Open Society Archives Budapest Museum of occupations of Estonia ot 5 maya 2012 na Wayback Machine Project by the Videos of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution RAD Background Report 29 Hungary 20 October 1981 A CHRONOLOGY OF THE HUNGARIAN REVOLUTION 23 4 October November 1956 compiled by RAD Hungarian Section Published accounts The Berlin Airlift neopr American Experience Data obrasheniya 5 marta 2007 Arhivirovano 21 iyulya 2013 goda A PBS site on the context and history of the Berlin Airlift 1961 JFK speech clarifying limits of American protection during the 1961 Berlin Wall crisis neopr 19 fevralya 2006 goda Berlin 1983 Berlin and the Wall in the early 1980s neopr 28 sentyabrya 2007 goda V drugom yazykovom razdele est bolee polnaya statya Eastern Bloc angl Vy mozhete pomoch proektu rasshiriv tekushuyu statyu s pomoshyu perevoda, Википедия, чтение, книга, библиотека, поиск, нажмите, истории, книги, статьи, wikipedia, учить, информация, история, скачать, скачать бесплатно, mp3, видео, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, 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