Megahily lat Megachile ot dr grech megalh xhlh bolshaya lapa odin iz krupnejshih i rasprostranyonnyj po vsemu miru rod pchyol iz semejstva Megachilidae vklyuchayushij bolee 1300 vidov v tom chisle i pchyol listorezov Megachile rotundata Inogda v sostav Megachile vklyuchayut pchyol kamenshic iz roda Chalicodoma rassmatrivaemyh v kachestve podroda k kotorym otnosyat samuyu krupnuyu v mire pchelu Megachile pluto 6 sm MegahilyMegachile lagopodaNauchnaya klassifikaciyaCarstvo ZhivotnyeTip ChlenistonogieKlass NasekomyeOtryad PereponchatokrylyePodotryad ApocritaNadsemejstvo ApoideaSemejstvo MegachilidaePodsemejstvo MegachilinaeRod MegahilyLatinskoe nazvanieMegachile Latreille 1802Vidysm tekstSistematika v VikividahIzobrazheniya na VikiskladeITIS 154366NCBI 132116Pchela listorez vygryzayushaya list SamecBiologiyaGnezdyatsya v gotovyh polostyah v drevesine zemle yachejki vystilayut kusochkami listev lepestkov beresty Nekotorye oligolekty Letnie i pozdneletnie formy Mnogochislennye vidy os i pchel parazitiruyut v gnezdah Megahil osobenno predstaviteli semejstv Gasteruptiidae Leucospidae Sapygidae i razlichnye kleptoparaziticheskie roda i vidy Megachilidae vklyuchaya blizkorodstvennyj rod Coelioxys RasprostraneniePovsemestno V Evrope okolo 100 vidov HarakteristikaKrupnye i srednej velichiny pchely Perednee krylo s 2 radiomedialnymi yachejkami Chernye obilno opushennye Arolii otsutstvuyut Samaya krupnaya pchela v mire eto Megachile pluto s dlinoj tela 39 mm i razmahom krylev v 63 mm Sinonimy rodaMegachile Latreille 1802 Anthophora Fabricius 1804 Homo Anthemois Robertson 1903 Syn Cyphopyga Robertson 1903 Syn Megalochila Schulz 1906 Syn i mnogie drugieKlassifikaciyaRod vklyuchaet bolee 1300 vidov pchyol i okolo 55 podrodov Eti podrody raspredelyayutsya na dve gruppy po biologii gnezdovaniya vidy listorezy ili podrody 1 gruppy kotorye vyrezayut chasti listev dlya vystraivaniya svoih rasplodnyh yacheek i gryazevye pchely pchyoly mazilki ili podrody 2 gruppy kotorye ispolzuyut smolu ili gryaz dlya stroitelstva svoih yacheek Michener 2007 Trunz et al 2016 Podrod Creightonella Cockerell 1908 edinstvennyj predstavitel tretej gruppy soglasno Michener 2007 schitaetsya chlenom gruppy 1 Trunz et al 2016 Pchely mazilki inogda pomeshalis v otdelnyj rod Chalicodoma Lepeletier 1841 Tri sravnitelno nebolshie tropicheskie gruppy vydeleny v otdelnye rody Cockerell 1907 Cockerell 1931 i Baker amp Engel 2006 Trunz et al 2016 Podrodovaya klassifikaciya Acentron Mitchell 1934 Aethomegachile Engel amp Baker 2006 Amegachile Friese 1909 Argyropile Mitchell 1934 Austrochile Michener 1965 Austromegachile Mitchell 1943 Callomegachile Michener 1962 Cestella Pasteels 1965 Chalicodoma Lepeletier 1841 ili otdelnyj rod Chalicodomoides Michener 1962 Chelostomoda Michener 1962 Chelostomoides Robertson 1901 Chrysosarus Mitchell 1943 Creightonella Cockerell 1908 Cressoniella Mitchell 1934 Cuspidella Pasteels 1965 Dasymegachile Mitchell 1943 Eumegachile Friese 1898 Eutricharaea Thomson 1872 Gronoceras Cockerell 1907 Grosapis Mitchell 1980 Hackeriapis Cockerell 1922 Heriadopsis Cockerell 1931 Largella Pasteels 1965 Leptorachis Mitchell 1934 Litomegachile Mitchell 1934 Matangapis Engel amp Baker 2006 Maximegachile Guiglia amp Pasteels 1961 Megachiloides Mitchell 1924 Megella Pasteels 1965 Melanosarus Mitchell 1934 Mitchellapis Michener 1965 Moureapis Raw 2002 Neochalicodoma Pasteels 1970 Neochelynia Schrottky 1920 Neocressoniella Gupta 1993 Paracella Michener 1997 Parachalicodoma Pasteels 1966 Platysta Pasteels 1965 Pseudocentron Mitchell 1934 Pseudomegachile Friese 1898 Ptilosaroides Mitchell 1980 Ptilosarus Mitchell 1943 Rhodomegachile Michener 1965 Rhyssomegachile Mitchell 1980 Sayapis Titus 1906 Schizomegachile Michener 1965 Schrottkyapis Mitchell 1980 Stellenigris Meunier 1888 Stelodides Moure 1953 Stenomegachile Pasteels 1965 Thaumatosoma Smith 1865 Trichurochile Mitchell 1980 Tylomegachile Moure 1953 Xanthosarus Robertson 1903 Zonomegachile Mitchell 1980 Vidy Po dannym GBIF ITIS Biolib A 1878 Smith 1853 Friese 1915 Cockerell 1911 Cockerell 1937 Mitchell 1930 Strand 1911 Cockerell 1937 Friese 1903 Cockerell 1931 Mitchell 1930 Mitchell 1930 Vachal 1910 Friese 1903 1878 Pasteels 1965 Cockerell 1931 Cockerell 1910 Schletterer 1891 Cockerell 1924 Cockerell 1931 Cockerell 1931 Friese 1909 King 1994 Vachal 1908 Mitchell 1930 1853 Mitchell 1930 Brulle 1832 Pasteels 1965 Strand 1912 1879 Engel 2017 Cockerell 1905 Hirashima amp Maeta 1974 Pasteels 1965 Mitchell 1934 Cockerell 1929 Mitchell 1934 Pasteels 1965 Friese 1903 Alfken 1931 Rebmann 1970 Alfken 1932 1853 Rebmann 1970 Perez 1895 Saussure 1890 Klug 1817 1872 Cockerell 1915 1879 1874 1853 Pasteels 1965 Brulle 1839 Cameron 1897 1879 Pasteels 1973 1886 Friese 1916 Wu 2005 Jorgensen 1909 Friese 1911 Cockerell 1937 Friese 1903 Mitchell 1927 Rayment 1935 Cockerell 1923 Alfken 1924 Friese 1925 Mitchell 1930 Vachal 1903 Friese 1922 Cameron 1902 Snelling 1990 Cockerell 1933 Pasteels 1965 Friese 1909 1872 Pasteels 1965 Gonzalez 2006 1857 1852 Rebmann 1968 Cockerell 1902 Cockerell 1935 Mitchell 1930 1853 Mitchell 1930 Alfken 1924 Cockerell 1931 Cockerell 1927 Cockerell 1908 Pasteels 1965 Strand 1913 1853 Gribodo 1879 Mitchell 1930 Cameron 1903 Benoist 1940 Spinola 1808 1853 Schrottky 1902 Engel 2011 Krombein 1953 Cockerell 1937 Rayment 1939 Friese 1901 1857 Vachal 1904 Cockerell 1919 Mitchell 1930 1879 Mitchell 1930 Friese 1906 Friese 1904 Cockerell 1937 1869 Friese 1909 Tkalcu 1992 Strand 1911 Perkins amp Cheesman 1928 1948 Pasteels 1965 Taschenberg 1872 Yasumatsu 1955 Morawitz 1875 Schrottky 1908 Mitchell 1943 Mitchell 1938 Pasteels 1965 Strand 1910 Snelling 1990 Schrottky 1913 1861 Benoist 1934 Cockerell 1933 1853 Meade Waldo 1914 Rebmann 1968 Cockerell 1906 Vachal 1908 Friese 1904 Pasteels 1965 Alfken 1932 van der Zanden 1995 Vachal 1910 Friese 1905 Cockerell 1912 Mitchell 1930 Mitchell 1930 Schrottky 1902 Meade Waldo 1914 Gupta 1989 Pasteels 1985 Cockerell 1935 1853 Pasteels 1965 Rebmann 1970 Friese 1901 Friese 1917 Pasteels 1970 Cockerell 1906 Dalla Torre 1896 H Lucas 1876 Meade Waldo 1915 Snelling 1990 Cockerell 1945 1878 BRebmann 1970 Bingham 1890 Vachal 1904 1869 Mitchell 1927 Cockerell 1918 Cockerell 1931 Mitchell 1930 1853 1879 1944 Cockerell 1920 Cockerell 1914 1853 Pasteels 1973 Cockerell 1929 Meade Waldo 1912 Mitchell 1930 Bingham 1897 Mitchell 1930 Cockerell 1919 Strand 1910 Schrottky 1909 Cockerell 1907 Bingham 1897 Vachal 1909 Fabricius 1781 King 1994 Friese 1903 Fabricius 1775 Cockerell 1896 Pasteels 1970 Friese 1908 Vachal 1910 Friese 1915 Meade Waldo 1912 1853 Vachal 1908 Dalla Torre 1896 Perez 1902 1879 Pasteels 1965 Friese 1903 Vachal 1903 Vachal 1908 Friese 1921 Ritsema 1880 Mitchell 1930 Mitchell 1942 Friese 1917 1857 1874 Durante 1996 Cockerell 1923 Schrottky 1913 Cockerell 1911 Cockerell 1924 Mitchell 1934 Dalla Torre 1896 Cockerell 1935 Schrottky 1909 Vachal 1908 Friese 1898 Say 1837 1879 1947 Mitchell 1926 Vachal 1903 Pauly 2001 Mitchell 1934 Schrottky 1909 Mitchell 1934 Cockerell 1917 Pasteels 1965 Fabricius 1793 Mitchell 1943 Dalla Torre 1896 Schrottky 1909 Cockerell 1935 Friese 1911 Benoist 1940 Friese 1908 Cockerell 1931 Friese 1909 Friese 1918 Perkins amp Cheesman 1928 CCockerell 1911 1879 Cockerell 1914 Robertson 1903 Perez 1902 Melo amp Parizotto 2015 Raw 2006 Cockerell 1915 1879 Brulle 1832 1853 1853 Cockerell 1914 1853 Cockerell 1907 1893 Alfken 1926 Mitchell 1930 Cockerell 1929 Cockerell 1898 Friese 1908 Schrottky 1908 Cockerell 1910 Linnaeus 1853 Engel 2017 Benoist 1954 Cockerell 1912 Bingham 1896 Schrottky 1913 Cockerell 1935 Michener 1965 Gribodo 1894 Chatthanabun amp Warrit 2020 1878 Spinola 1851 Cockerell 1900 1874 Cockerell 1918 Sheffield 2013 Cockerell 1943 Cockerell 1896 Vachal 1910 1853 Cockerell 1929 1857 Friese 1909 Cockerell 1921 Fabricius 1781 Friese 1916 Cockerell 1912 Friese 1905 Friese 1903 Alfken 1935 Kirby 1802 Mitchell 1930 Friese 1917 Cockerell 1900 Rayment 1953 Friese 1903 1861 1853 Pasteels 1985 Mitchell 1934 Rohwer 1923 1878 1853 Pasteels 1970 Friese 1908 Mitchell 1930 Mitchell 1936 Fox 1896 1872 Pasteels 1965 Pasteels 1970 Morawitz 1875 1879 Vachal 1908 Cockerell 1926 Mitchell 1930 M concinna 1879 Friese 1903 Mitchell 1930 Mitchell 1943 Friese 1903 Friese 1922 Mitchell 1930 1853 Yasumatsu 1938 Friese 1911 1879 Mitchell 1930 Mitchell 1930 Cockerell 1915 Ruiz 1938 1879 Mitchell 1930 Schrottky 1909 Friese 1904 Benoist 1935 Friese 1917 Wu 2005 Friese 1909 Mitchell 1957 Yasumatsu amp Hirashima 1965 1879 Cockerell 1931 Perez 1896 Fox 1896 Tkalcu 1988 Bingham 1898 Tkalcu 2009 Friese 1917 Schwimmer 1980 Mitchell 1930 Holmberg 1886 Friese 1906 Cockerell 1933 1865 Vachal 1909 1857 Pasteels 1973 1853 Friese 1904 Guerin Meneville 1845 Cockerell 1906 Friese 1906 Mavromoustakis 1938 DMocsary 1879 Mitchell 1926 1944 Cockerell 1907 Melo amp Parizotto 2015 Pasteels 1965 Cockerell 1906 Cockerell 1918 Cockerell 1902 Mitchell 1930 Pasteels 1965 Rayment 1935 1881 Perez 1890 1879 1878 Mitchell 1930 Benoist 1962 Cockerell 1937 Mitchell 1930 Sladen 1919 1869 Cockerell 1913 Cockerell 1937 Morawitz 1875 Cockerell 1910 Cockerell 1907 Vachal 1903 Friese 1898 Melo amp Parizotto 2015 Raw 2006 Morawitz 1875 Cockerell 1937 Mitchell 1930 1879 1853 Cockerell 1929 Cockerell 1911 Cockerell 1922 1853 Cockerell 1924 Rebmann 1968 Fabricius 1781 Cockerell 1911 Krombein 1951 Ruiz 1941 Mitchell 1930 Cockerell 1908 Cockerell 1906 Morawitz 1880 Cockerell 1907 Cockerell 1931 Benoist 1962 Cockerell 1927 Mitchell 1930 Gonzalez and Engel 2012 Perez 1879 1853 Sheffield amp Genaro 2013 Strand 1914 Friese 1909 1865 Mitchell 1934 Ritsema 1880 Gonzalez Griswold amp Engel 2018 E King 1994 Vachal 1904 Snelling 1990 Friese 1904 Friese 1925 Friese 1922 Friese 1925 Mitchell 1930 Bingham 1897 1879 King 1994 Pasteels 1970 Cockerell 1926 Cockerell 1931 1841 Mocsary 1899 1853 Pasteels 1970 Yasumatsu 1935 Cameron 1903 Pasteels 1979 Cockerell 1924 Cockerell 1910 Cockerell 1917 Cockerell 1937 1854 Wu 2005 Perez 1899 1853 Cockerell 1937 1872 Friese 1903 Mitchell 1930 Pasteels 1965 F 1868 Bingham 1897 Cockerell 1918 Vachal 1908 Moure amp Silveira 1992 Cockerell 1916 Friese 1905 Mitchell 1930 Vachal 1910 Schulten 1977 Mitchell 1930 1857 1879 Friese 1903 King amp Exley 1985 Homonym Mitchell 1930 Perez 1896 1853 1878 Schrottky 1908 Friese 1908 1853 Friese 1911 Friese 1911 Perez 1895 Vachal 1908 Vachal 1908 Rebmann 1970 Mitchell 1930 1853 Spinola 1838 Wu 1982 Cockerell 1919 Mitchell 1943 1869 1861 Cockerell 1937 Pasteels 1970 1872 Schrottky 1913 Friese 1920 Raw 2006 1853 Schrottky 1902 1853 Fabricius 1804 1872 Mitchell 1930 Mitchell 1934 Tkalcu 1993 Friese 1925 Cockerell 1914 Cockerell 1913 1853 1853 1858 Eversmann 1852 1879 Friese 1909 1882 Friese 1904 Cockerell 1906 Mitchell 1930 1868 1874 1863 Cockerell 1907 Vachal 1909 Friese 1903 Cockerell 1933 Cockerell 1912 Mitchell 1930 GCockerell 1906 Gribodo 1894 Cockerell 1937 Pasteels 1965 Friese 1904 Cockerell 1931 Cameron 1908 1878 Morawitz 1880 Gribodo 1894 1872 Cockerell 1920 1878 Eardley 2012 Eardley 2012 Spinola 1843 Vachal 1910 Pasteels 1979 Gonzalez and Engel 2012 Friese 1911 Schrottky 1908 Wu 2005 Homonym Cockerell 1910 Cockerell 1906 1869 Pasteels 1970 Eardley 2013 Friese 1911 Eardley 2013 Holmberg 1886 Vachal 1908 Cockerell 1937 Perez 1902 Cockerell 1931 Schrottky 1902 Perez 1899 Mitchell 1934 Fabricius 1794 Cockerell 1931 1882 Morawitz 1875 Schrottky 1908 Schrottky 1913 Strand 1912 HMitchell 1930 Meade Waldo 1912 Cockerell 1913 Cockerell 1921 Mitchell 1930 Mitchell 1930 Cockerell 1923 Cockerell 1906 Cockerell 1929 Friese 1915 Rahman amp Chopra 1994 Sharma Simlote amp Gupta 1993 Vachal 1903 Wu 2005 Kohl 1906 Tkalcu 1979 Cockerell 1913 Cockerell 1937 Cockerell 1907 Bingham 1897 1853 Friese 1911 Sichel 1867 Cameron 1909 Friese 1906 Mitchell 1934 Cockerell 1929 Morawitz 1893 Pasteels 1973 Cockerell 1937 Rahman amp Chopra 1994 Engel 2017 Jorgensen 1912 Tkalcu 1993 Jorgensen 1912 Cockerell 1917 Cockerell 1933 Fabricius 1793 Cockerell 1937 Cockerell 1915 Cockerell 1913 Schulten 1977 Cockerell 1912 Wu 2005 1879 Mocsary 1877 Cockerell 1927 Cockerell 1937 I 1853 Rebmann 1968 Mitchell 1930 Cockerell 1929 Cockerell 1911 1853 Schrottky 1913 Friese 1903 Mitchell 1930 1853 Mitchell 1930 Mitchell 1934 Friese 1903 Friese 1903 Mitchell 1930 Friese 1898 1876 1858 Gupta 1988 Gupta 1990 Homonym Mitchell 1930 Engel and Schwarz 2011 Provancher 1888 Pasteels 1973 Rebmann 1968 Vachal 1908 Mitchell 1930 Cockerell 1939 Friese 1903 1878 1872 Cockerell 1915 Schrottky 1913 Mitchell 1930 van der Zanden 1996 Mitchell 1930 Pasteels 1965 Mitchell 1934 1859 1878 Mitchell 1926 1869 Pasteels 1965 Mitchell 1942 Rebmann 1970 1879 Schrottky 1908 Cockerell 1935 Pasteels 1965 Cockerell 1927 1878 J KTkalcu 1988 Raw 1984 Strand 1911 Strand 1910 Alfken 1903 Benoist 1934 Friese 1906 Genaro 2003 Friese 1908 Friese 1922 Friese 1917 Tkalcu 1999 Friese 1904 King 1994 Gonzalez Griswold amp Engel 2018 Friese 1922 Friese 1918 Tkalcu 1988 Brauns 1912 Mitchell 1930 Tkalcu 1988 Pasteels 1965 Strand 1911 Pasteels 1978 Cockerell 1938 Friese 1903 Cockerell 1931 Rayment 1935 Cockerell 1906 Cockerell 1918 Cockerell 1927 Nagase 2017 Friese 1903 Friese 1923 Friese 1903 King 1994 Cockerell 1910 Cockerell 1939 Alfken 1931 LCockerell 1925 1862 Cockerell 1911 Tkalcu 1988 1853 Vachal 1904 Linnaeus 1761 Mitchell 1937 Friese 1903 Wu 2005 Vachal 1908 Fabricius 1775 Alfken 1933 Thomson 1872 Tkalcu 1994 Cockerell 1921 1858 1853 Cockerell 1936 Say 1823 Mitchell 1934 Friese 1903 Vachal 1908 Mitchell 1927 1828 Meade Waldo 1915 1841 Cameron 1907 1879 Vachal 1908 Vachal 1909 Cockerell 1930 Cameron 1908 Friese 1908 1869 Cockerell 1929 Dours 1873 1944 Schletterer 1891 1853 Cockerell 1933 Cockerell 1927 Vachal 1908 Kirby 1802 Vachal 1908 Cockerell 1910 Cockerell 1937 Pasteels 1965 Vachal 1908 Cockerell 1900 Cockerell 1924 Cockerell 1931 1879 Meade Waldo 1915 Gonzalez amp Griswold 2007 Friese 1911 Mitchell 1930 Brauns 1926 Meade Waldo 1913 Ferton 1905 1853 Spinola 1841 Schrottky 1913 Friese 1911 Pasteels 1973 Friese 1908 Pasteels 1973 Pasteels 1965 Pasteels 1973 Cockerell 1931 M1874 Cockerell 1937 Cockerell 1910 Cockerell 1907 Mitchell 1957 Cockerell 1907 Dalla Torre 1896 1853 Pasteels 1965 Cockerell 1937 Friese 1904 Cameron 1901 Strand 1911 Schrottky 1913 Yasumatsu 1939 Morawitz 1875 Strand 1911 Giraud 1861 1878 Mitchell 1934 Eardley amp R P Urban 2006 1853 Friese 1911 Kirby 1802 Friese 1904 Strand 1911 Hirashima amp Maeta 1974 Mitchell 1936 Tkalcu 1992 van der Zanden 1992 M maxillosa Guerin Meneville 1845 Cockerell 1929 Brauns 1912 Pasteels 1965 Cockerell 1930 Gribodo 1894 Alfken 1942 Jorgensen 1912 Mitchell 1944 Eversmann 1852 1853 Cockerell 1937 Costa 1863 Perez 1895 Spinola 1851 1878 Engel 2011 Cockerell 1911 1878 Durante Abramovich amp Lucia 2006 Cockerell 1907 Friese 1915 Cockerell 1918 Friese 1903 Friese 1909 Cockerell 1918 Cockerell 1931 Mitchell 1936 Cockerell 1910 Cockerell 1927 Cockerell 1912 Cockerell 1933 Eardley amp R P Urban 2006 Ashmead 1900 Vachal 1908 M minutissima 1876 Friese 1911 Alfken 1936 Vachal 1904 Raw 2004 Eardley amp R P Urban 2005 Meade Waldo 1913 Schulten 1977 Mitchell 1930 1879 1862 Bingham 1897 Cameron 1902 Mitchell 1934 Tkalcu 1988 Morawitz 1890 Rayment 1935 Morawitz 1878 1868 Dours 1873 1878 Strand 1911 1853 1878 Gribodo 1894 1886 1853 Saussure 1890 Dalla Torre 1896 Gribodo 1895 Silveira et al 2002 Friese 1911 1878 Friese 1898 Cockerell 1908 Fox 1891 Morawitz 1875 Cockerell 1921 Friese 1913 Friese 1913 Strand 1912 Fabricius 1775 Michener 1962 NKohl 1906 Eardley 2012 Bingham 1897 1879 Morawitz 1880 Friese 1903 Friese 1898 Cockerell 1944 Cockerell 1918 Vachal 1910 Mitchell 1936 Cockerell 1929 Cockerell 1933 Vachal 1908 1879 Cockerell 1900 1864 Vachal 1908 Cockerell 1937 Schulten 1977 Vachal 1909 Cameron 1898 Friese 1903 Schulten 1977 Spinola 1841 Spinola 1838 Vachal 1910 1876 Schenck 1870 Friese 1920 Wu 2005 Pasteels 1965 Friese 1903 Hedicke 1940 Friese 1903 Cockerell 1919 Wu 2005 Schrottky 1902 Pasteels 1973 Wu 1982 Cockerell 1906 Cockerell 1914 Friese 1920 Friese 1903 Cockerell 1931 Friese 1904 W F Kirby 1900 1853 Mitchell 1930 OMitchell 1930 Mitchell 1930 Vachal 1908 1879 Cockerell 1925 Jorgensen 1912 1853 Fox 1894 Cockerell 1918 1852 Rayment 1956 Engel 2011 Cockerell 1924 Mitchell 1924 Yasumatsu amp Hirashima 1964 Perez 1897 Cockerell 1937 1879 1853 Schrottky 1913 Mitchell 1930 Vachal 1908 1853 Morawitz 1895 1853 Cockerell 1935 Cockerell 1937 Cockerell 1925 Cameron 1902 Mitchell 1934 Cameron 1901 1878 PFriese 1922 Mitchell 1934 Gonzalez Griswold amp Engel 2018 Tkalcu 1988 Cockerell 1939 1881 1879 Vachal 1903 Mitchell 1934 1878 Cockerell 1911 Vachal 1908 Vachal 1908 Cockerell 1931 Bzdyk 2012 Michener 1965 Cockerell 1929 Pasteels 1965 Rayment 1935 Pasteels 1965 Mocsary 1887 1853 Cockerell 1937 Cockerell 1910 Mitchell 1930 Rayment 1955 Cockerell 1914 M parietina Geoffroy 1785 Mitchell 1936 Chatthanabun Warrit amp Ascher 2020 Schrottky 1913 Mitchell 1934 van der Zanden 1998 Vachal 1904 M patellimana Spinola 1838 King 1994 W F Kirby 1900 Benoist 1950 Schrottky 1920 Schrottky 1902 Pasteels 1965 Cockerell 1919 Fox 1891 1879 Mocsary 1887 Dalla Torre 1896 Cockerell 1931 Cockerell 1898 Cockerell 1912 Friese 1903 Cockerell 1913 1853 Cockerell 1896 Cockerell 1937 Mitchell 1930 1879 1878 Rebmann 1968 Cameron 1907 1977 Cockerell 1910 Cockerell 1912 Friese 1916 Rayment 1935 Raw 2007 Morawitz 1853 1879 Saussure 1890 Morawitz 1877 Alfken 1924 Morawitz 1886 Pasteels 1978 1879 Friese 1922 Pasteels 1965 Pasteels 1965 Pasteels 1965 Cockerell 1911 1862 Vachal 1908 Pasteels 1965 Cockerell 1935 Vachal 1908 Wu 2005 M pluto 1860 Guerin Meneville 1845 Say 1831 Spinola 1851 Cockerell 1937 Alfken 1933 Cockerell 1913 Rayment 1953 Cockerell 1937 Tkalcu 1969 Mitchell 1930 Gribodo 1894 Vachal 1910 Cockerell 1910 Friese 1909 Rebmann 1968 Cockerell 1913 Cockerell 1900 Mitchell 1930 1853 Perez 1897 1948 1943 Mitchell 1936 1 Pasteels 1970 Pasteels 1965 Pasteels 1965 Mitchell 1957 Hedicke 1925 Mitchell 1927 Schrottky 1913 Eardley 2012 Costa 1863 Say 1837 1879 Cockerell 1933 Cockerell 1923 1879 Vachal 1910 1853 Spinola 1806 Friese 1903 Cockerell 1934 Schulten 1977 Perez 1884 Perez 1890 1841 Cockerell 1913 Schletterer 1891 Cockerell 1913 QVachal 1909 Pasteels 1965 Mitchell 1930 Strand 1910 Gribodo 1884 Cockerell 1906 RCockerell 1919 Cheesman 1936 Cockerell 1918 Cockerell 1913 Friese 1905 Cheesman 1936 Vachal 1908 Engel 1999 Cockerell 1913 Mitchell 1930 Vachal 1909 Mitchell 1930 Friese 1918 Snelling 1990 Friese 1903 Brauns 1929 1879 1878 Cockerell 1913 Cockerell 1913 Vachal 1908 1879 Cockerell 1926 Cockerell 1910 Meade Waldo 1915 Cockerell 1913 Mocsary 1892 Cockerell 1927 Cockerell 1910 Cockerell 1896 Rebmann 1972 Cockerell 1906 Wu 2005 Eardley 2012 Strand 1911 Schrottky 1920 Mitchell 1930 Pasteels 1970 Cockerell 1911 Alqarni Hannan Gonzalez and Engel 2012 Friese 1914 Alfken 1927 Cockerell 1931 Mitchell 1943 Rayment 1934 M rotundata Fabricius 1793 1857 W F Kirby 1900 1852 Cockerell 1930 Mitchell 1924 1879 1853 1948 Pasteels 1965 Morawitz 1893 Morawitz 1875 1879 Cockerell 1928 Pasteels 1965 Friese 1903 Perez 1879 Friese 1903 Strand 1911 1853 Cockerell 1945 Fabricius 1793 Fabricius 1781 Vachal 1904 Saussure 1890 1841 Guerin Meneville 1834 Cockerell 1936 Friese 1903 Cockerell 1918 Cockerell 1937 Cockerell 1913 Rayment 1935 Friese 1911 Friese 1903 Cockerell 1911 Friese 1903 1854 1879 Cockerell 1911 SStrand 1914 Mitchell 1934 Gribodo 1894 Cockerell 1920 Friese 1922 Cockerell 1919 Durante Abramovich amp Lucia 2006 Strand 1910 Mitchell 1930 Durante 1996 Eardley 2012 Guerin Meneville 1845 1874 Hedicke 1940 Cockerell 1928 Friese 1917 Costa 1884 Friese 1903 Engel 2017 Buysson 1903 M sculpturalis 1853 1879 Mitchell 1934 1879 Strand 1911 Benoist 1943 Cockerell 1927 Cockerell 1931 Cockerell 1937 Cockerell 1910 van der Zanden 1996 Cockerell 1929 Cockerell 1937 Vachal 1903 Mitchell 1927 1853 Cockerell 1921 Sichel 1867 1853 Cockerell 1927 1853 Pasteels 1965 Cockerell 1910 1893 Fonscolombe 1852 Cockerell 1910 Cockerell 1938 Cockerell 1910 Cockerell 1937 Vachal 1909 1868 Cameron 1907 Pasteels 1965 Cockerell 1911 Cockerell 1927 Friese 1903 1792 Cockerell 1897 1882 Friese 1900 Wu 2005 Meade Waldo 1913 Rayment 1951 1879 1853 Cameron 1909 Friese 1903 1853 Cockerell 1918 Friese 1921 Cockerell 1937 Wu 1985 1865 Friese 1903 Cockerell 1924 Cockerell 1900 Cockerell 1924 Pasteels 1970 Eardley 2012 Meade Waldo 1915 Wu 2005 Pasteels 1965 Mitchell 1934 Cockerell 1911 Haliday 1836 Rebmann 1970 Friese 1905 Friese 1903 Friese 1906 Schrottky 1913 Mitchell 1930 Pasteels 1965 1945 Cameron 1913 Mitchell 1957 1893 Cockerell 1917 Popov 1936 Gonzalez amp Engel 2012 1879 Rebmann 1968 Cockerell 1931 Vachal 1904 Cockerell 1918 Cockerell 1922 Bingham 1897 Yasumatsu 1936 Mitchell 1934 Rayment 1939 1945 Cockerell 1908 Meade Waldo 1915 Mitchell 1927 Benoist 1955 Alfken 1926 1879 Vachal 1908 Mitchell 1944 Rayment 1934 Cockerell 1915 Rayment 1939 Rayment 1935 Yasumatsu 1938 Magretti 1898 Cockerell 1906 Friese 1918 1878 Hirashima amp Maeta 1974 Vachal 1909 Haliday 1836 Rayment 1946 1874 Michener 1965 TSchrottky 1920 Engel 2017 Yasumatsu amp Hirashima 1965 Cockerell 1911 Gupta 1991 Cockerell 1937 Cockerell 1937 Mitchell 1929 Eardley 2012 Cameron 1902 Cockerell 1915 Cockerell 1916 Cockerell 1916 Strand 1911 1888 Cameron 1905 Tkalcu 1969 Cockerell 1929 Schrottky 1920 1878 1858 Morawitz 1875 Schrottky 1902 Dalla Torre 1896 Pasteels 1965 Cockerell 1937 Friese 1908 Pasteels 1965 1878 Mitchell 1956 1853 Schrottky 1913 Cockerell 1924 Cockerell 1920 Mitchell 1930 Friese 1918 van der Zanden 1996 1878 Friese 1903 1853 Mitchell 1934 Cockerell 1912 Cockerell 1898 Alfken 1926 Cockerell 1911 Rebmann 1970 Pasteels 1965 Pasteels 1965 Mitchell 1930 Vachal 1909 Engel 2006 Friese 1922 1953 Pasteels 1970 Ashmead 1900 Schrottky 1913 Pasteels 1976 Pasteels 1970 Wu 2005 Vachal 1909 Mavromoustakis 1953 Mitchell 1930 Friese 1903 Cockerell 1933 Friese 1909 Engel 2011 Pauly 2001 Strand 1915 Cockerell 1924 1857 Schrottky 1913 Dalla Torre 1896 Vachal 1908 Mitchell 1937 Schrottky 1913 Mitchell 1930 Meade Waldo 1913 Mitchell 1930 Perkins amp Cheesman 1928 U ZPasteels 1965 Nurse 1901 Mitchell 1927 1853 Vachal 1909 Gonzalez Griswold amp Engel 2018 1853 1881 1879 1862 Vachal 1903 Pasteels 1965 Vachal 1908 Cockerell 1916 1879 Meunier 1888 Cockerell 1924 King 1994 Vachal 1908 Vachal 1909 Perez 1895 Cockerell 1931 1853 1860 1853 Cockerell 1896 Brethes 1910 1844 Mitchell 1930 1853 Cockerell 1910 Vachal 1908 Vachal 1904 Mitchell 1930 Mitchell 1934 1878 Morawitz 1875 Fabricius 1775 Cockerell 1912 Morawitz 1875 Cockerell 1930 Perez 1884 Cockerell 1937 Friese 1913 Pasteels 1973Ruiz 1936 Friese 1901 Dalla Torre 1896 Cockerell 1906 Kohl 1906 Mitchell 1927 Cameron 1905 Brauns 1926 Kirby 1802 Cockerell 1924 Cockerell 1911 Rayment 1935 Mitchell 1934 Yasumatsu amp Hirashima 1964 Spinola 1853 Cockerell 1933 1853 Yasumatsu amp Hirashima 1964 Hirashima 1974 Schrottky 1913 Mitchell 1944 Pasteels 1965 Homonym 1878 1878 Pasteels 1973 Alfken 1933 Cockerell 1912 Cheesman 1936 Schulten 1977 Cameron 1902Nekotorye predstaviteliM Eumegachile bombycina Radoszkowski 1874 Palearktika M Eutricharaea argentata Fabricius 1793 Golarktika M Eutricharaea rotundata Fabricius 1787 Evropa Sibir Dalnij Vostok Mongoliya Severnaya Afrika Severnaya i Yuzhnaya Amerika Novaya Zelandiya Avstraliya M Xanthosarus maritima Kirby 1802 Palearktika Megachile concinna Megachile minutissima Megachile patellimana Megachile maxillosaDomiki dlya privlecheniya pchyolPchela listorez Megachile rotundata vid iskusstvenno razvodimyj dlya opyleniya lyucerny GalereyaMegachile rotundataSm takzheMegachile pluto 6 sm Pchela plotnik fioletovaya Megachile sculpturalisPrimechaniyaStriganova B R Zaharov A A Pyatiyazychnyj slovar nazvanij zhivotnyh Nasekomye Latinskij russkij anglijskij nemeckij francuzskij pod red d ra biol nauk prof B R Striganovoj M RUSSO 2000 S 303 1060 ekz ISBN 5 88721 162 8 Messer A C 1984 Chalicodoma pluto The World s Largest Bee Rediscovered Living Communally in Termite Nests Hymenoptera Megachilidae Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 57 1 165 168 JSTOR 25084498 Podrod Chalicodoma ot 23 oktyabrya 2012 na Wayback Machine wildbienen de Opredelitel nasekomyh evropejskoj chasti SSSR T III Pereponchatokrylye Pervaya chast Podotryad Apocrita Stebelchatobryuhie Arnoldi K V i dr pod obsh red G S Medvedeva L Nauka 1978 S 418 584 s Opredeliteli po faune SSSR izdavaemye Zoologicheskim institutom AN SSSR vyp 119 3500 ekz Michener C D 2007 The Bees of the World second edition Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore Maryland 953 pp Trunz V Packer L Vieu J Arrigo N Praz CJ 2016 Comprehensive phylogeny biogeography and new classification of the diverse bee tribe Megachilini Can we use DNA barcodes in phylogenies of large genera Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 103 245 259 https doi org 10 1016 j ympev 2016 07 004 Praz C J 2017 Subgeneric 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