Podrobnee sm Kibersbor Spyware kategoriya vredonosnyh programm bez soglasiya polzovatelya sobirayushih i peredayushih dannye ob ustrojstve i vypolnyaemyh na nyom dejstviyah Etot soft igraet vazhnuyu rol v operaciyah kibersbora kotoryj mozhet byt napravlen protiv konkretnogo yuzera i gruppy lic a takzhe na shirokuyu auditoriyu Takie prilozheniya mogut rabotat polnostyu skrytno v fonovom rezhime i zagruzhatsya cherez rutkit Shpionskoe PO mozhet ustanavlivatsya i vmeste s obychnymi funkcionalnymi programmami ili vystupat ih komponentom Razrabotchiki takih programm mogut primenyat mery dlya zashity ot ostanovki processov udaleniya i obnaruzheniya programm antivirusami prilozheniya izmenyayut nastrojki seti sozdayut dva processa dlya perezapuska drug druga skrytno obnovlyayutsya vliyayut na rabotu drugogo softa Spyware mogut rasprostranyatsya pod vidom prilozhenij zashishayushih ot kibershpionazha Shpionskoe PO chasto ispolzuetsya dlya polucheniya parolej i platyozhnyh dannyh Takzhe mozhet imenovatsya kak Spy SpyWare Spy ware Spy Trojan ProtivodejstvieDlya udaleniya takih prilozhenij s ustrojstva ispolzuyutsya antivirusy Vozmozhno ponadobitsya ispolzovat dopolnitelnoe programmnoe obespechenie dlya ispravleniya povrezhdyonnyh fajlov vklyuchaya sistemnye Stoit takzhe obnovit operacionnuyu sistemu i zashitnoe PO chtoby izbezhat budushih zarazhenij Rezervnoe kopirovanie tozhe budet poleznym Naprimer Zashitnik Windows vstroennyj v Windows 10 predlagaet znachimost fakta avtomaticheskoe sohranenie vazhnyh dannyh v oblako OneDrive i sposoben raspoznavat i udalyat opasnye prilozheniya RasprostranyonnostIllyustraciya k novosti o shpionskom PO Pegasus v meksikanskom izdanii Chislo zhertv shpionskih programm ischislyaetsya millionami polzovatelej vklyuchaya korporativnyh klientov Po slovam Microsoft na 2004 god polovina kriticheskih sboev v rabote kompyuterov na Windows XP vyzvana spyware Po dannym oprosa 2005 goda 66 respondentov schitayut chto ih ustrojstva nedostatochno zashisheny ot shpionazha Svyshe 50 oproshennyh yuzerov obespokoeny o zarazhenii ih ustrojstv virusami i iz etogo chisla 40 respondentov poschitali shpionskoe PO naibolee vazhnoj ugrozoj Takie programmy chasto vystupayut problemoj dlya obladatelej Windows i redko vstrechayutsya na macOS Krome desktopov uyazvimy smartfony i planshety i ustrojstva iOS bolee bezopasny vvidu zakrytoj ekosistemy Yarkij primer shpionskogo PO dlya mobilnyh ustrojstv programma Pegasus vypushennaya izrailskoj kompaniej NSO Group i ohvativshaya svyshe 50 tysyach yuzerov V 2023 godu otmechen rost atak na chastnyh lic s pomoshyu shpionskogo PO TerminologiyaNarushitel polzovatel osushestvlyayushij nesankcionirovannyj dostup k informacii Nesankcionirovannyj dostup k informacii dostup k informacii osushestvlyaemyj s narusheniem pravil razgranicheniya dostupa Pravila razgranicheniya dostupa angl access mediation rules chast politiki bezopasnosti reglamentiruyushaya pravila dostupa polzovatelej i processov k passivnym obektam Politika bezopasnosti informacii angl information security policy sovokupnost zakonov pravil ogranichenij rekomendacij instrukcij i t d reglamentiruyushih poryadok obrabotki informacii PrimechaniyaZajcev Oleg Vladimirovich ROOTKITS SPYWARE ADWARE KEYLOGGERS amp BACKDOORS obnaruzhenie i zashita CD BHV Peterburg 2006 299 s ISBN 978 5 9775 1535 1 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda James A White Just the Computer Essentials A Plain English No Nonsense Guide to Buying and Maintaining a PC Running the Windows Vista Operating System for Your Home Or Home Office IROL Press LLC 2007 05 290 s ISBN 978 0 9792971 6 8 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Spyware Workshop Monitoring Software On Your Personal Computer Spyware Adware and Other Software Report of the Federal Trade Commission Staff DIANE Publishing 62 s ISBN 978 1 4289 5257 7 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda United States Congress Senate Committee on Commerce Science and Transportation Subcommittee on Trade Tourism and Economic Development Regarding Spyware Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Trade Tourism and Economic Development of the Committee on Commerce Science and Transportation United States Senate One Hundred Ninth Congress First Session October 5 2005 U S Government Printing Office 2006 32 s ISBN 978 0 16 076551 3 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda James A White Just the Computer Essentials A Plain English No Nonsense Guide to Buying and Maintaining a PC Running the Windows Vista Operating System for Your Home Or Home Office IROL Press LLC 2007 05 290 s ISBN 978 0 9792971 6 8 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda InfoWorld Media Group Inc InfoWorld InfoWorld Media Group Inc 2005 09 19 66 s 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda S P H Magazines HWM SPH Magazines 2007 07 136 s 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Andy Walker Windows Lockdown Your XP and Vista Guide Against Hacks Attacks and Other Internet Mayhem Pearson Education 2008 07 28 607 s ISBN 978 0 13 271484 6 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Cybellium Ltd Mastering Spyware Cybellium Ltd 2023 09 06 S 55 177 s ISBN 979 8 8591 4579 9 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Eric Lindley Michael Miller How Microsoft Windows Vista Works Que Publishing 2006 288 s ISBN 978 0 13 271382 5 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Paul McFedries Windows Vista Top 100 Simplified Tips and Tricks John Wiley amp Sons 2006 12 06 242 s ISBN 978 0 470 04574 9 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Alan Simpson Todd Meister Alan Simpson s Windows Vista Bible John Wiley amp Sons 2007 04 30 1227 s ISBN 978 0 470 12819 0 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda United States Congress House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Commerce Trade and Consumer Protection Combating Spyware H R 964 the Spy Act Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Commerce Trade and Consumer Protection of the Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives One Hundred Tenth Congress First Session on H R 964 March 15 2007 U S Government Printing Office 2008 164 s ISBN 978 0 16 082410 4 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Paul Piccard Combating Spyware in the Enterprise Discover Detect and Eradicate the Internet s Greatest Threat Elsevier 2006 08 04 411 s ISBN 978 0 08 050222 9 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Ted G Lewis Critical Infrastructure Protection in Homeland Security Defending a Networked Nation John Wiley amp Sons 2019 12 17 464 s ISBN 978 1 119 61453 1 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Michael R Miller Is It Safe Protecting Your Computer Your Business and Yourself Online Que Publishing 2008 06 06 387 s ISBN 978 0 13 271390 0 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Charles A Shoniregun Impacts and Risk Assessment of Technology for Internet Security Enabled Information Small Medium Enterprises TEISMES Springer Science amp Business Media 2006 03 30 204 s ISBN 978 0 387 26334 2 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Otkrytye sistemy Windows IT Pro RE No12 2016 Litres 2022 05 07 68 s ISBN 978 5 04 037115 0 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Kevin Daimi Abeer Al Sadoon Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Advances in Computing Research ACR 23 Springer Nature 2023 05 26 670 s ISBN 978 3 031 33743 7 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Cybellium Ltd Mastering Spyware Cybellium Ltd 2023 09 06 S 125 177 s ISBN 979 8 8591 4579 9 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Tyagi Amit Kumar Handbook of Research on Technical Privacy and Security Challenges in a Modern World IGI Global 2022 06 30 502 s ISBN 978 1 6684 5252 3 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Eneken Tikk Mika Kerttunen Routledge Handbook of International Cybersecurity Routledge 2020 01 28 508 s ISBN 978 1 351 03888 1 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Oleg Skulkin Donnie Tindall Rohit Tamma Learning Android Forensics Analyze Android devices with the latest forensic tools and techniques 2nd Edition Packt Publishing Ltd 2018 12 28 324 s ISBN 978 1 78913 749 1 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Shivi Garg Niyati Baliyan Mobile OS Vulnerabilities Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis CRC Press 2023 08 17 150 s ISBN 978 1 000 92451 0 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Aktualnye kiberugrozy II kvartal 2023 goda neopr Positive Technologies 29 avgusta 2023 Data obrasheniya 1 oktyabrya 2023 29 sentyabrya 2023 goda Positive Technologies chetyre iz pyati atak nosyat celenapravlennyj harakter Haker Izdanie 2023 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda Antipov Alexander Celi utechki i blokchejn kakie sekrety skryvaet II kvartal 2023 goda rus www securitylab ru 29 avgusta 2023 Data obrasheniya 1 oktyabrya 2023 7 oktyabrya 2023 goda LiteraturaKnigi Zajcev O V ROOTKITS SPYWARE ADWARE KEYLOGGERS amp BACKDOORS obnaruzhenie i zashita CD BHV Peterburg 2006 299 s ISBN 978 5 9775 1535 1 John Aycock Spyware and Adware Springer Science amp Business Media 2010 09 10 156 s ISBN 978 0 387 77741 2 Spyware Workshop Monitoring Software On Your Personal Computer Spyware Adware and Other Software Report of the Federal Trade Commission Staff DIANE Publishing 62 s ISBN 978 1 4289 5257 7 Stati Qing Hu Tamara Dinev Is spyware an Internet nuisance or public menace Communications of the ACM 2005 08 01 T 48 vyp 8 S 61 66 ISSN 0001 0782 doi 10 1145 1076211 1076241 Ssylki angl Shpionskie programmy ugroza bezopasnosti vashego PK sajt programmy AVZ Spyware neopr Data obrasheniya 5 fevralya 2016 1 noyabrya 2013 goda