Aksiomoj obyomnosti nazyvaetsya sleduyushee vyskazyvanie teorii mnozhestv a1 a2 b b a1 b a2 a1 a2 displaystyle forall a 1 forall a 2 forall b b in a 1 leftrightarrow b in a 2 to a 1 a 2 Esli perepisat aksiomu obyomnosti v vide a1 a2 b b a1 b a2 b b a2 b a1 a1 a2 displaystyle forall a 1 forall a 2 forall b b in a 1 to b in a 2 land forall b b in a 2 to b in a 1 to a 1 a 2 togda nazvannuyu aksiomu mozhno sformulirovat sleduyushim obrazom Kakovy by ni byli dva mnozhestva esli kazhdyj element 1 go mnozhestva prinadlezhit 2 mu mnozhestvu a kazhdyj element 2 go mnozhestva prinadlezhit 1 mu mnozhestvu togda pervoe mnozhestvo identichno vtoromu mnozhestvu Drugie formulirovki aksiomy obyomnosti a1 a2 a1 a2 a2 a1 a1 a2 displaystyle forall a 1 forall a 2 a 1 subseteq a 2 land a 2 subseteq a 1 to a 1 a 2 a1 a2 a1 a2 b b a1 b a2 displaystyle forall a 1 forall a 2 a 1 neq a 2 to exists b b in a 1 veebar b in a 2 PrimechaniyaAksioma obyomnosti vyrazhaet dostatochnoe uslovie ravenstva dvuh mnozhestv Neobhodimoe uslovie ravenstva mnozhestv vyvoditsya iz aksiom predikata displaystyle a imenno a a a displaystyle forall a a a a1 a2 a1 a2 f a1 f a2 displaystyle forall a 1 forall a 2 a 1 a 2 to varphi a 1 to varphi a 2 gde f a1 displaystyle varphi a 1 lyuboe matematicheski korrektnoe suzhdenie ob a1 displaystyle a 1 a f a2 displaystyle varphi a 2 to zhe samoe suzhdenie no ob a2 displaystyle a 2 Soedinyaya ukazannoe dostatochnoe uslovie ravenstva mnozhestv s aksiomoj obyomnosti poluchaem sleduyushij a1 a2 a1 a2 b b a1 b a2 displaystyle forall a 1 forall a 2 a 1 a 2 leftrightarrow forall b b in a 1 leftrightarrow b in a 2 Ukazannyj kriterij ravenstva mnozhestv ne huzhe i ne luchshe drugih analogichnyh kriteriev vklyuchaya 1 kriterij ravenstva kompleksnyh chisel x y u v x y u v R x iy u iv x u y v displaystyle forall x forall y forall u forall v x y u v in mathbb R to x iy u iv leftrightarrow x u land y v 2 kriterij ravenstva uporyadochennyh par x y u v x y u v x u y v displaystyle forall x forall y forall u forall v x y u v leftrightarrow x u land y v 3 kriterij ravenstva neuporyadochennyh par x y u v x y u v x u y v x v y u displaystyle forall x forall y forall u forall v x y u v leftrightarrow x u land y v quad lor quad x v land y u 4 kriterij ravenstva dvuh posledovatelnostej xn yn i i N xi yi displaystyle x n y n leftrightarrow forall i i in mathbb N to x i y i Iz izlozhennogo yasno chto aksioma obyomnosti yavlyaetsya organichnoj chastyu aksiomatiki teorii mnozhestv Aksiomu obyomnosti primenyayut pri dokazatelstve edinstvennosti mnozhestva sushestvovanie kotorogo uzhe deklarirovano aksiomoj libo ustanovleno dokazatelstvom teoremy Primery 1 Dokazatelstvo edinstvennosti pustogo mnozhestva Sushestvovanie po menshej mere odnogo pustogo mnozhestva deklarirovano aksiomoj a b b a displaystyle exists a forall b b notin a Trebuetsya dokazat sushestvovanie ne bolee chem odnogo mnozhestva a displaystyle a dlya kotorogo verno vyskazyvanie b b a displaystyle forall b b notin a Inache govorya trebuetsya dokazat 0 1 a b b a displaystyle exists 0 1 a forall b b notin a Ili chto to zhe samoe trebuetsya dokazat a1 a2 b b a1 b b a2 a1 a2 displaystyle forall a 1 forall a 2 forall b b notin a 1 land forall b b notin a 2 to a 1 a 2 Dokazatelstvo b b a1 b b a2 b b a1 b a2 b b a1 b a2 b b a1 b a2 a1 a2 displaystyle begin aligned forall b b notin a 1 land forall b b notin a 2 Leftrightarrow forall b b notin a 1 land b notin a 2 Rightarrow forall b b notin a 1 leftrightarrow b notin a 2 Leftrightarrow forall b b in a 1 leftrightarrow b in a 2 Rightarrow a 1 a 2 end aligned Poskolku a b b a 0 1 a b b a 1 a b b a displaystyle exists a forall b b notin a land exists 0 1 a forall b b notin a Leftrightarrow exists 1 a forall b b notin a postolku dokazatelstvo edinstvennosti pustogo mnozhestva zaversheno 2 Dokazatelstvo edinstvennosti mnozhestva podmnozhestv Sushestvovanie po menshej mere odnogo mnozhestva podmnozhestv deklarirovano aksiomoj a d b b d b a displaystyle forall a exists d forall b b in d leftrightarrow b subseteq a Trebuetsya dokazat sushestvovanie ne bolee chem odnogo mnozhestva d displaystyle d dlya kotorogo verno vyskazyvanie b b d b a displaystyle forall b b in d leftrightarrow b subseteq a Inache govorya trebuetsya dokazat 0 1 d b b d b a displaystyle exists 0 1 d forall b b in d leftrightarrow b subseteq a Ili chto to zhe samoe trebuetsya dokazat d1 d2 b b d1 b a b b d2 b a d1 d2 displaystyle forall d 1 forall d 2 forall b b in d 1 leftrightarrow b subseteq a land forall b b in d 2 leftrightarrow b subseteq a to d 1 d 2 Dokazatelstvo b b d1 b a b b d2 b a b b d1 b a b d2 b a b b d1 b d2 d1 d2 displaystyle begin aligned forall b b in d 1 leftrightarrow b subseteq a land forall b b in d 2 leftrightarrow b subseteq a Leftrightarrow forall b b in d 1 leftrightarrow b subseteq a land b in d 2 leftrightarrow b subseteq a Rightarrow forall b b in d 1 leftrightarrow b in d 2 Rightarrow d 1 d 2 end aligned Poskolku d b b d b a 0 1 d b b d b a 1 d b b d b a displaystyle exists d forall b b in d leftrightarrow b subseteq a land exists 0 1 d forall b b in d leftrightarrow b subseteq a Leftrightarrow exists 1 d forall b b in d leftrightarrow b subseteq a postolku dokazatelstvo edinstvennosti mnozhestva podmnozhestv zaversheno Sm takzheAksiomatika teorii mnozhestvPrimechaniyaLiteraturaDlya uluchsheniya etoj stati po matematike zhelatelno Pererabotat oformlenie v sootvetstvii s pravilami napisaniya statej Oformit statyu po pravilam Posle ispravleniya problemy isklyuchite eyo iz spiska Udalite shablon esli ustraneny vse nedostatki