U etogo termina sushestvuyut i drugie znacheniya sm Legat Pa pskij lega t lat Legatus papae Legatus Pontificius lichnyj predstavitel papy rimskogo v raznyh stranah s porucheniem na srok neobhodimyj dlya ego vypolneniya Legat naznachaetsya lichno papoj i posylaetsya s porucheniem k pravitelstvu k monarhu ili k opredelyonnoj obshine veruyushih ili zhe dlya organizacii opredelyonnogo vazhnogo cerkovnogo meropriyatiya Legaty stali naznachatsya papami s VI veka V otlichie ot papskogo nunciya legat ne yavlyalsya postoyannym diplomaticheskim predstavitelem i dejstvuet ot imeni papy lish v ramkah poluchennogo zadaniya M V Nesterov Papskie posly u Ivana Groznogo 1884 Genrih Semiradskij Knyaz Aleksandr Nevskij prinimaet papskih legatov 1876LiteraturaNa russkom yazykeLovyagin A M Legaty v katolicheskoj cerkvi Enciklopedicheskij slovar Brokgauza i Efrona v 86 t 82 t i 4 dop SPb 1890 1907 Na drugih yazykahCerretti B Legate The Catholic Encyclopedia Vol 9 New York Robert Appleton Company 1910 Gillett A Envoys and Political Communication in the Late Antique West 411 533 angl Cambridge UK Cambridge University Press 2003 ISBN 978 1 139 44003 5 Harvey M M England Rome and the Papacy 1417 1464 The Study of a Relationship angl Manchester UK Manchester University Press 1993 ISBN 978 0 7190 3459 6 Heidemann J Die englische Legation des Cardinals Guido Fulcodi des spaeteren P Clemens IV nem Munster Westfalische Vereinsdruckerei 1904 Langhaider K Commentatio Canoncia de Legatis et Nuntiis Pontificum lat None given None given 1785 Maseri P De Legatis et Nunciis Apostolicis Iudiciis Ecclesiasticis Civilibus et Criminalibus Oneribusque Civitatum Cameralibus et Communitativis lat Rome Plachus 1709 Melnyk R A Vatican Diplomacy at the United Nations A History of Catholic Global Engagement angl Lewiston NY USA angl 2009 ISBN 978 0 7734 3881 1 Paro G The Right of Papal Legation neopr Washington DC USA angl 1947 Rennie K R The Foundations of Medieval Papal Legation angl Houndmills Basingstoke Hampshire UK Palgrave Macmillan UK 2013 ISBN 978 1 137 26494 7 Schott J De Legatis Natis lat Bamberg Klietsch 1778 Wynen A Die papstliche Diplomatie geschichtlich und rechtlich dargestellt von Arthur Wynen nem Freiburg im Breisgau Herder 1922 Das Volkerrecht Heft 10 Wasner F 1958 Fifteenth century texts on the Ceremonial of the papal Legatus a latere Traditio 14 295 358 JSTOR 27830370 Wasner F 1960 Legatus a latere addenda varia Traditio 16 405 416 JSTOR 27830415 V drugom yazykovom razdele est bolee polnaya statya Papal legate angl Vy mozhete pomoch proektu rasshiriv tekushuyu statyu s pomoshyu perevodaEto zagotovka stati o katolicizme Pomogite Vikipedii dopolniv eyo