Acetilholinesteraza sokr AHE angl AChE KF 3 1 1 7 gidroliticheskij ferment iz semejstva esteraz kotoryj soderzhitsya v sinapsah i kataliziruet gidroliz nejromediatora acetilholina do holina i ostatka uksusnoj kisloty Reakciya kataliziruemaya acetilholinesterazoj neobhodima dlya dezaktivacii acetilholina v sinapticheskoj sheli i perehoda kletki misheni v sostoyanie pokoya naprimer dlya rasslableniya myshechnoj kletki Poetomu ingibitory acetilholinesterazy fosfororganicheskie insekticidy DFF zarin zoman i V gazy i nekotorye drugie peptidy zmeinyh yadov moshnye toksiny vozdejstvie kotoryh na organizm cheloveka obychno privodit k smerti ot sudorog dyhatelnoj muskulatury AcetilholinesterazaIdentifikatoryPsevdonimyacetylcholinesteraseapoptosis related acetylcholinesteraseYt blood groupacetylcholinesterase Yt blood group ACHEVneshnie IDGeneCards 1 OrtologiVidChelovekMyshn dn dEnsembln dn dUniProtn dn dRefSeq mRNK n dn dRefSeq belok n dn dLokus UCSC n dn dPoisk po PubMedn dn dInformaciya v VikidannyhSmotret chelovek Gen kodiruyushij ferment acetilholinesterazu u cheloveka nahoditsya na dlinnom pleche sedmoj hromosomy U cheloveka za schyot alternativnogo splajsinga obrazuetsya chetyre izoformy AChE T H R i 4 2 V sinapsah v chastnosti v koncevyh plastinkah nervno myshechnyh sinapsov AChE prisutstvuet v vide tetramera izoformy T prisoedinyonnogo k kollagenopodobnomu belku kotoryj kodiruetsya otdelnym genom COLQ 3 Mutaciya etogo gena yavlyaetsya odnoj iz naibolee rasprostranyonnyh prichin nasledstvennoj miastenii myasthenia gravis 4 C pomoshyu kollagenopodobnogo hvosta acetilholinesteraza prikreplyaetsya k proteoglikanu perlekanu vhodyashemu v sostav bazalnoj plastinki sinapsa Perlekan v svoyu ochered prisoedinyaetsya k distroglikanovomu kompleksu vstroennomu v postsinapticheskuyu membranu myshechnoj kletki Acetilholinesteraza obnaruzhena v plazmaticheskih membranah eritrocitov izoforma H zayakorennaya v membrane s pomoshyu prisoedinennoj zhirnoj kisloty i yavlyaetsya Yt antigenom krovi Variant His 353 obychnyj variant s gistidinom v 353 polozhenii cepi sootvetstvuet gruppe Yt a redkij variant Asn 353 gruppe Yt b V nejronah AChE mozhet lokalizovatsya vnutrikletochno izoforma T Pokazano chto nakoplenie AChE vnutri yader kletok nejroblastomy privodit k apoptozu Sm takzheHolinesteraza Ingibitory acetilholinesterazyPrimechaniyaEhrlich G Viegas Pequignot E Ginzberg D et al Mapping the human acetylcholinesterase gene to chromosome 7q22 by fluorescent in situ hybridization coupled with selective PCR amplification from a somatic hybrid cell panel and chromosome sorted DNA libraries angl Genomics journal Academic Press 1992 Vol 13 no 4 P 1192 1197 doi 10 1016 0888 7543 92 90037 S PMID 1380483 Getman D K Eubanks J H Camp S et al The human gene encoding acetylcholinesterase is located on the long arm of chromosome 7 angl angl journal 1992 Vol 51 no 1 P 170 177 PMID 1609795 G Daniels Functions of red cell surface proteins angl angl journal 2007 Vol 93 P 331 340 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