Majve nn Lyo Besko fr Maiwenn Le Besco rod 17 aprelya 1976 1976 04 17 Le Lila Franciya francuzskaya aktrisa rezhissyor i scenarist bolee izvestnaya pod mononimom Majvenn Majvennfr MaiwennMajvenn na Gentskom kinofestivale 2020 Imya pri rozhdenii fr Maiwenn Aurelia Nedjma Le BescoData rozhdeniya 17 aprelya 1976 1976 04 17 48 let Mesto rozhdeniya Le LilaGrazhdanstvo FranciyaProfessiya aktrisa kinorezhissyor scenaristkaKarera s 1981Nagrady Priz zhyuri Kannskogo kinofestivalya 2011 IMDb ID 0494069maiwenn com Mediafajly na VikiskladeBiografiyaMajvenn Lyo Besko rodilas v gorodke Le Lila Il de Frans v seme muzykanta Patrika Lyo Besko i aktrisy alzhirskogo proishozhdeniya Katrin Belhodzha Majvenn provela detstvo v parizhskom kvartale Belvil i po nastoyaniyu materi s rannih let poseshala razlichnye teatralnye i kinoproby V rezultate ona debyutirovala v kino uzhe v pyat let sygrav odnu iz rolej v filme V sleduyushem godu esli vsyo budet horosho a v 1983 godu snyalas v drame Zhana Bekera Ubijstvennoe leto kotoraya poluchila chetyre premii Sezar i nominirovalas na devyat V 1994 godu Majvenn sygrala epizodicheskuyu rol v kriminalnoj drame Leon imevshej ogromnyj uspeh i u zritelej i u kinokritikov V sleduyushem filme Lyuka Bessona Pyatyj element Majvenn sygrala bolee znachimuyu rol eyo personazh opernaya pevica diva Plavalaguna V filme Majvenn nosit grim predstavitelnicy inoplanetnoj gumanoidnoj rasy s yarko sinej kozhej Ariyu Il dolce suono iz opery Lyuchiya di Lammermur vmesto aktrisy ispolnila professionalnaya pevica Inva Mula eta scena shiroko izvestna vo francuzskih SMI ona chasto priznayotsya kultovoj V 2000 h Majvenn prodolzhila snimatsya v kino a takzhe poprobovala sebya kak rezhissyor eyo pervyj polnometrazhnyj film Izvinite menya 2006 byl dvazhdy nominirovan na nacionalnuyu kinopremiyu Sezar luchshaya debyutnaya kartina i priz samoj mnogoobeshayushej aktrise dlya Majvenn Sleduyushie filmy okazalis eshyo uspeshnee dramy Paliciya i Moj korol poluchili desyat i vosem nominacij na Sezar sootvetstvenno Paliciya byla otmechena prizom zhyuri Kannskogo kinofestivalya a poluchila Sezar kak luchshaya novaya aktrisa Emmanyuel Berko byla priznana luchshej aktrisoj na Kannskom kinofestivale 2015 za rol Toni v filme Moj korol V 2023 godu na ekrany vyshel film Majvenn Zhanna Dyubarri v kotorom ona ispolnila glavnuyu rol madam Dyubarri oficialnoj favoritki Lyudovika XV Samogo korolya sygral Dzhonni Depp Kartina otkryvala programmu Kannskogo kinofestivalya letom togo zhe goda Lichnaya zhiznMajvenn sostoyala v nezaregistrirovannom brake s rezhissyorom Lyukom Bessonom v 1992 1997 godah Ot etogo braka u neyo est doch Shanna rod 1993 V 2002 godu Majvenn vyshla zamuzh za Zhan Iva Le Fyura predprinimatelya v oblasti nedvizhimosti ot kotorogo u neyo est syn Diego rod 2004 snyavshijsya u neyo v Zhanne Dyubarri v roli malenkogo Lyudovika XVI V 2022 godu para pomirilas posle 18 let razryva no v aprele 2024 goda Le Fyur skonchalsya Majvenn obyavila ob etom sleduyushim obrazom Zhash Iv Le Fyur lyubov moej zhizni otec moego syna Diego i otchim moej docheri Shanny ushyol v voskresene utrom u menya na rukah i rukah nashego syna My polnostyu opustosheny U Majvenn takzhe est rodnye brat Zhovan rod 1981 operator i rezhissyor dokumentalist i sestra Izild rod 1982 aktrisa i rezhissyor svodnye sestra Leonor rod 1984 prodyuser scenarist i brat Kolya rod 1991 aktyor FilmografiyaAktrisa Majvenn na Kannskom kinofestivale 15 iyulya 2011 1981 V sleduyushem godu esli vsyo budet horosho L Annee prochaine si tout va bien 1983 Ubijstvennoe leto L Ete meurtrier 1986 Sostoyanie isstupleniya L Etat de grace 1990 Lasner Lacenaire 1992 Krutaya devchonka La Gamine 1994 Leon Leon 1997 Pyatyj element Le Cinquieme Element 2000 Mehanika zhenshiny La Mecanique des femmes 2003 Krovavaya zhatva Haute Tension 2003 Osmos Osmose 2004 Parizhane Les Parisiens 2005 Smelost lyubit Le Courage d aimer 2006 Izvinite menya Pardonnez moi 2009 Bal aktris Le Bal des actrices 2011 Paliciya Polisse 2012 Piratskoe televidenie Tele Gaucho 2013 Lyubov eto idealnoe prestuplenie L amour est un crime parfait 2017 Cena uspeha Le Prix du succes 2019 Vsyo vklyucheno All Inclusive 2020 Muzhchina v shlyape The Man in the Hat 2020 DNK ADN 2020 Syostry Sœurs 2021 Tralala Tralala 2022 Nashi svyazi Les Miens 2022 Princessa baleta Neneh Superstar 2023 Zhanna Dyubarri Jeanne du BarryRezhissyor i scenarist 2006 Izvinite menya Pardonnez moi 2009 Bal aktris Le Bal des actrices 2011 Paliciya Polisse 2015 Moj korol Mon roi 2020 DNK ADN 2023 Zhanna Dyubarri Jeanne du BarryNagrady i nominaciiPolnyj spisok nagrad i nominacij na sajte IMDb Nagrady i nominaciiGod Nagrada Kategoriya Film Rezultat2007 Premiya Sezar Luchshij debyutnyj film Nominaciya2007 Premiya Sezar Samaya mnogoobeshayushaya aktrisa Nominaciya2011 MyFrenchFilmFestival Priz mezhdunarodnoj pressy Nominaciya2011 Kannskij kinofestival Priz zhyuri Paliciya Pobeda2012 Premiya Lyumer Luchshij rezhissyor Paliciya Pobeda2012 Premiya Lyumer Luchshij scenarij Paliciya Nominaciya2012 Premiya Sezar Luchshij film Paliciya Nominaciya2012 Premiya Sezar Luchshij rezhissyor Paliciya Nominaciya2012 Premiya Sezar Luchshij originalnyj scenarij Paliciya Nominaciya2016 Premiya Lyumer Luchshij rezhissyor Moj korol Nominaciya2016 Premiya Sezar Luchshij film Moj korol Nominaciya2016 Premiya Sezar Luchshij rezhissyor Moj korol Nominaciya2021 Premiya Lyumer Luchshij rezhissyor Pobeda2021 Premiya Sezar Luchshij rezhissyor NominaciyaPrimechaniyaInternet Movie Database angl 1990 Maiwenn GeneaStar http www plush be en director maiwenn le besco movies Last fm 2002 At Cannes Women With Diverse Visions angl The New York Times J Kahn Manhattan New York Times Company A G Sulzberger 2011 ed size 443000 ISSN 0362 4331 1553 8095 1542 667X Movie Listings for June 15 21 angl The New York Times J Kahn Manhattan New York Times Company A G Sulzberger 2012 ed size 443000 ISSN 0362 4331 1553 8095 1542 667X Cineasta total matrimonio adolescente con Luc Besson y actual rescatadora de Johnny Depp la sorprendente vida de Maiwenn la directora que abre el Festival de Cannes isp Vanity Fair 16 maya 2023 Data obrasheniya 16 iyulya 2023 16 iyulya 2023 goda Le jeu de la verite fr Liberation 1 oktyabrya 2011 Data obrasheniya 16 iyulya 2023 16 iyulya 2023 goda Le Paris de Maiwenn fr Le Figaro 18 oktyabrya 2011 Data obrasheniya 16 iyulya 2023 16 iyulya 2023 goda Le film a voir ce soir L Ete meurtrier fr Le Figaro 8 maya 2016 Data obrasheniya 16 iyulya 2023 16 iyulya 2023 goda Les films du vendredi 12h Le cinquieme element 1997 fr Grandpalais fr 10 iyunya 2015 Data obrasheniya 26 avgusta 2023 26 avgusta 2023 goda Scene Culte Le Cinquieme Element comme Bruce Willis laissez vous envouter par la Diva fr AlloCine 6 maya 2022 Data obrasheniya 26 avgusta 2023 26 maya 2022 goda Maiwenn l enfant des castings devenue femme orchestre au cinema fr Le Point 22 maya 2011 Data obrasheniya 11 sentyabrya 2023 31 maya 2023 goda Naidra Ayadi inch Allah ou pas fr Liberation 13 sentyabrya 2018 Data obrasheniya 11 sentyabrya 2023 28 maya 2022 goda With Johnny Depp on Its Opening Night the Fest Steps Back Into Culture Clash angl The Hollywood Reporter 15 maya 2023 Data obrasheniya 16 maya 2023 16 maya 2023 goda The Fifth Element Special Features of both the Ultimate Edition DVD and the remastered Blu ray Disc Shanna BessonArhivirovano 25 avgusta 2013 goda Jeanne du Barry Pour Maiwenn seul son fils Diego pouvait jouer le role de Louis XVI Jeanne du Barry For Maiwenn only her son Diego could play the role of Louis XVI Paris Match fr May 11 2023 Desroches Tom 19 May 2023 Jeanne du Barry le fils de Maiwenn est dans le film mais quel role joue t il Jeanne du Barry Maiwenn s son is in the film but what role does he play AlloCine fr Guardiola Ari 19 May 2023 EXCLU Maiwenn en couple qui est son amoureux present a Cannes mais si discret EXCLUDED Maiwenn as a couple who is her lover present in Cannes but so discreet fr En effet depuis l ete dernier Maiwenn et Jean Yves Le Fur ont repris cette tres belle relation un temps arretee L homme d affaires si convoite a accompagne la realisatrice a Cannes pour ce grand moment au Festival Indeed since last summer Maiwenn and Jean Yves Le Fur have resumed this very beautiful relationship that had stopped for a while The coveted businessman accompanied the director to Cannes for this great moment at the Festival Oshibka v snoskah Nevernyj teg lt ref gt dlya snosok mmefigaro 20240403 ne ukazan tekst Obseques de Jean Yves Le Fur les larmes de Maiwenn soutenue par Carla Bruni et Anthony Delon Funeral of Jean Yves Le Fur the tears of Maiwenn supported by Carla Bruni and Anthony Delon Paris Match fr 6 April 2024 Maiwenn Awards angl IMDb Data obrasheniya 28 iyunya 2023 28 iyunya 2023 goda SsylkiOficialnyj sajt Majvenn fr angl