Etu stranicu predlagaetsya pereimenovat v Nacionalnaya medal nauki Poyasnenie prichin i obsuzhdenie na stranice Vikipediya K pereimenovaniyu 2 iyulya 2022 Pozhalujsta osnovyvajte svoi argumenty na pravilah imenovaniya statej Ne udalyajte shablon do podvedeniya itoga obsuzhdeniya Pereimenovat v predlozhennoe nazvanie snyat etot shablon Nacionalnaya nauchnaya medal angl National Medal of Science v nekotoryh istochnikah traktuetsya kak Nacionalnaya medal nauki amerikanskaya gosudarstvennaya nagrada za vydayushijsya vklad v oblasti biologicheskih fizicheskih matematicheskih tehnicheskih himicheskih obshestvennyh ili nauk Nacionalnaya nauchnaya medal SShAangl National Medal of ScienceStrana SShATip nauchnaya nagrada d i medalKem vruchaetsya Nacionalnyj nauchnyj fondStatus vruchaetsyaStatistikaPervoe nagrazhdenie 1962Poslednee nagrazhdenie 2014Sajt nsf gov od nms me angl Mediafajly na VikiskladeObshie svedeniyaMedal prisuzhdaetsya Prezidentom SShA po rekomendacii Komiteta Nacionalnoj nauchnoj medali sostoyashego iz 12 uchyonyh i inzhenerov Medal byla uchrezhdena 25 avgusta 1959 goda Kongressom SShA specialnym Zakonom Public Law 86 209 i pervonachalno prednaznachalas tolko dlya estestvennonauchnyh oblastej physical biological mathematical or engineering sciences V 1980 godu etot perechen byl dopolnen obshestvennymi disciplinami social and behavioral sciences po Zakonu ot 12 dekabrya Public Law 96 516 Vruchenie proishodit v Belom Dome Znamenitye laureatyDzhoshua Lederberg sprava poluchaet Nacionalnuyu medal nauki iz ruk Prezidenta SShA Dzhordzha Busha starshego 1989 godRobert Solou sleva i Bill Klinton 1999 godOsnovnaya statya Spisok nagrazhdyonnyh Nacionalnoj medalyu nauki SShA K noyabryu 2009 goda medal poluchili bolee 450 chelovek sredi nih Nobelevskie laureaty i drugie izvestnye uchyonye v tom chisle Vladimir Kozmich Zvorykin Georgij Bogdanovich Kistyakovskij i Igor Ivanovich Sikorskij God Laureat Originalnaya formulirovka vklada1963 Venivar Bush For his distinguished achievements in electrical engineering in the technology of computing machines in the effective coupling of the physical and life sciences and in his mobilizing science engineering and education in enduring ways in the service of the Nation 1963 Norbert Viner For his marvellously versatile contributions profoundly original ranging within pure and applied mathematics and penetrating boldly into the engineering and biological sciences 1969 Ernst Majr For notable contributions to systematics biogeography and the study of birds and especially for great work on the evolution of animal populations 1970 Barbara Mak Klintok For establishing the relations between inherited characters in plants and the detailed shapes of their chromosomes and for showing that some genes are controlled by other genes within chromosomes 1974 Lajnus Poling For the extraordinary scope and power of his imagination which has led to basic contributions in such diverse fields as structural chemistry and the nature of chemical bonding molecular biology immunology and the nature of genetic diseases 1975 Verner fon Braun For his work in making the liquid fuel rocket a practical launch vehicle and for individual contributions to a series of advanced space vehicles culminating in the Saturn series that made the Apollo program possible 1976 Edvard Osborn Uilson For his pioneering work on the organization of insect societies and the evolution of social behavior among insects and other animals 1979 Severo Ochoa Ochoa continued research on protein synthesis and replication of RNA viruses until 1985 when he returned to Spain and gave advice to Spanish science policy authorities and scientists 1979 Richard Fejnman In recognition of his essential contributions to the quantum theory of radiation and to his illumination of behavior of constituents of the atom of the atomic nucleus and of the subnuclear particles 1982 Edvard Teller For his outstanding contribution to molecular physics understanding the origin of stellar energy the theory and application of fusion reaction the field of nuclear safety and for his continued leadership in science and technology 1987 Garri Igl For his research in the development of reproducible conditions for the growth in culture of human and animal cells 1989 Samuel Karlin For his broad and remarkable researches in mathematical analysis probability theory and mathematical statistics and in the application of these ideas to mathematical economics mechanics and population genetics 1990 Leonid Gurvich For his pioneering work on the theory of modern decentralized allocation mechanisms 1997 Dzhejms Dyui Uotson For five decades of scientific and intellectual leadership in molecular biology ranging from his co discovery of the double helical structure of DNA to the launching of the Human Genome Project Sm takzheKategoriya Nagrazhdyonnye Nacionalnoj medalyu nauki SShA Nacionalnaya medal SShA v oblasti tehnologij i innovacijPrimechaniyaUS NSF The President s National Medal of Science Recipient Details neopr Data obrasheniya 25 iyulya 2010 24 oktyabrya 2011 goda SsylkiOficialnyj sajt