Politi cheskaya korre ktnost politkorre ktnost angl political correctness termin dlya yazykovyh praktik prednaznachennyh dlya togo chtoby ne oskorblyat ili inym obrazom ne stavit v neudobnoe polozhenie uyazvimye gruppy lyudej nacionalnye menshinstva LGBT invalidov i tak dalee i ne provocirovat konfliktov Termin inogda ispolzuetsya kak pejorativ pri etom podrazumevaetsya chto obsuzhdaemye praktiki yavlyayutsya izbytochnymi ili neobosnovannymi V to zhe vremya naprotiv rasprostranena ideya o neobhodimosti politkorrektnogo obsheniya dlya sozdaniya komfortnoj socialnoj sredy Nachinaya s 1980 h godov politicheskaya korrektnost takzhe mozhet oznachat ispolzovanie angl i izbeganie slov i dejstvij oskorblyayushih otdelnye gruppy naseleniya IstoriyaFraza poyavilas v 1970 h godah i na protyazhenii 1970 1980 h godov ispolzovalas levymi dlya samokriticheskoj ironii ona ne podrazumevala seryoznoe politicheskoe ponyatie Fraza byla svoeobraznoj shutkoj dlya posvyashyonnyh i primenyalas v otnoshenii teh kto izlishne strogo priderzhivalsya obsheprinyatyh praktik Sovremennoe pejorativnoe ispolzovanie frazy politicheskaya korrektnost poyavilos v ramkah konservativnoj kritiki Novyh levyh v konce XX veka Takoe ispolzovanie bylo populyarizovano neskolkimi statyami v The New York Times i drugih SMI v 1990 h Ono rasprostranilos vo vremya obshestvennyh diskussij po povodu knigi Alana Bluma angl 1987 V 1990 h termin shiroko ispolzovalsya v kulturnyh vojnah mezhdu amerikanskimi liberalami i konservatorami Kritika terminaPo mneniyu kritikov konservatory ispolzuyut termin politicheskaya korrektnost chtoby otvlech vnimanie ot diskriminacii po otnosheniyu k uyazvimym gruppam naseleniya Takzhe utverzhdaetsya chto pravye i sami prodvigayut terminologicheskie izmeneniya analogichnye tomu chto kritikuetsya imi kak politicheskaya korrektnost no uzhe s celyu podavleniya kritiki ih ideologii Sm takzheAfroamerikancy Istoriya evfemizmov Terminologiya dlya oboznacheniya gomoseksualnosti Novaya etika Rossiya EvfemizmPrimechaniyaFor definitions see politically correct definition neopr Kembridzhskij slovar Data obrasheniya 14 marta 2016 6 aprelya 2021 goda Definition of political correctness in English neopr Data obrasheniya 1 yanvarya 2017 13 aprelya 2019 goda Politically Correct definition Merriam Webster 20 oktyabrya 2021 Data obrasheniya 7 oktyabrya 2017 Gibson Caitlin 2016 01 13 How politically correct went from compliment to insult The Washington Post 26 iyunya 2021 Data obrasheniya 7 oktyabrya 2017 Kohl Herbert 1992 Uncommon Differences On Political Correctness Core Curriculum and Democracy in Education 16 1 1 16 doi 10 1353 uni 0 0216 Florence Joshua 30 October 2015 A Phrase in Flux The History of Political Correctness 22 avgusta 2020 Data obrasheniya 7 oktyabrya 2017 Chow Kat 2016 12 14 Politically Correct The Phrase Has Gone From Wisdom To Weapon National Public Radio National Public Radio 11 oktyabrya 2021 Data obrasheniya 7 oktyabrya 2017 Friedman Marilyn Political correctness for and against Marilyn Friedman Jan Narveson Rowman amp Littlefield 1995 ISBN 978 0847679867 Schultz Debra L To Reclaim a Legacy of Diversity Analyzing the Political Correctness Debates in Higher Education New York 1993 ISBN 978 1880547137 ot 10 marta 2021 na Wayback Machine Whitney D Charles Wartella Ellen 1992 Media Coverage of the Political Correctness Debate 42 2 83 doi 10 1111 j 1460 2466 1992 tb00780 x a href wiki D0 A8 D0 B0 D0 B1 D0 BB D0 BE D0 BD Cite journal title Shablon Cite journal cite journal a Neizvestnyj parametr lastauthoramp ignoriruetsya name list style predlagaetsya spravka Duignan Peter Political correctness Peter Duignan L H Gann Stanford Calif Guverovskij institut Stenfordskij universitet 1995 ISBN 978 0817937430 Hughes Geoffrey Origins of the Phrase Political Correctness A History of Semantics and Culture John Wiley amp Sons 2011 ISBN 978 1444360295 Ruth Perry 1992 A Short History of the Term Politically Correct in Beyond PC Toward a Politics of Understanding by Patricia Aufderheide 1992 ISBN 978 1555971649 Schultz citing Perry 1992 p 16 Willis Ellen Toward a Feminist Revolution in No More Nice Girls Countercultural Essays 1992 ISBN 081955250X p 19 Some Politically Incorrect Pathways Through PC neopr S Dunant ed The War of the Words The Political Correctness Debate 164 84 1994 Data obrasheniya 23 avgusta 2020 19 iyulya 2021 goda Bernstein Richard 1990 10 28 Ideas amp Trends The Rising Hegemony of the Politically Correct The New York Times 12 oktyabrya 2021 Data obrasheniya 23 avgusta 2020 McFadden Robert D 1991 05 05 Political Correctness New Bias Test The New York Times 23 oktyabrya 2021 Data obrasheniya 23 avgusta 2020 Berman edited by Paul Debating P C the controversy over political correctness on college campuses 1992 P Introduction ISBN 978 0307801784 Heteren Annette Gomis van Political correctness in context the PC controversy in America Almeriya Servicio de Publicaciones 1997 P 148 ISBN 978 8482400839 Smith Dorothy E Writing the social critique theory and investigations Repr Toronto Ont Izdatelstvo Torontskogo universiteta 1999 P 175 ISBN 978 0802081353 Schwartz Howard S 1997 Psychodynamics of Political Correctness 33 2 133 49 doi 10 1177 0021886397332003 3 oktyabrya 2009 Data obrasheniya 21 oktyabrya 2015 Bellow Allan Bloom foreword by Saul The closing of the American mind 1st Touchstone New York Simon amp Schuster 1988 ISBN 978 0671657154 Robinson Sally Marked men white masculinity in crisis New York Izdatelstvo Kolumbijskogo universiteta 2000 P 17 55 86 ISBN 978 0231500364 Kaufman Scott Barry The Personality of Political Correctness The idea of political correctness is central to the culture wars of American politics neopr Scientific American 20 noyabrya 2016 Data obrasheniya 2 dekabrya 2016 27 sentyabrya 2019 goda Wilson John 1995 The Myth of Political Correctness The Conservative Attack on High Education Durham North Carolina Duke University Press p 26 Messer Davidow Ellen 1995 Manufacturing the Attack on Liberalized Higher Education The Humanities and Society in the 1990s a href wiki D0 A8 D0 B0 D0 B1 D0 BB D0 BE D0 BD Cite journal title Shablon Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal trebuet journal spravka Mink Eric 2016 10 06 Trump s Political Correctness Con Job HuffPost 19 oktyabrya 2017 Data obrasheniya 8 noyabrya 2016 Conservative Correctness chapter in Wilson John 1995 The Myth of Political Correctness The Conservative Attack on Higher Education Durham North Carolina Duke University Press p 57 neopr mach2 com Data obrasheniya 20 maya 2017 Arhivirovano iz originala 2 aprelya 2015 goda Krugman Paul 2012 05 26 The New Political Correctness The New York Times Arhivirovano 27 marta 2013 Data obrasheniya 17 fevralya 2013 V drugom yazykovom razdele est bolee polnaya statya Political correctness angl Vy mozhete pomoch proektu rasshiriv tekushuyu statyu s pomoshyu perevoda