Seriya massovyh kaznej politicheskih zaklyuchyonnyh po prikazu ayatolly Homejni byla osushestvlena iranskimi vlastyami po vsemu Iranu nachinaya s 19 iyulya 1988 goda i prodolzhayas primerno pyat mesyacev Ubijstva svershalis kak minimum v 32 gorodah po vsej strane a chislo ubityh variruetsya ot 2500 do 30 000 chelovek mnogie iz kotoryh takzhe podvergalis i pytkam Kazn iranskih politicheskih zaklyuchyonnyh v 1988 goduIbrahim Raisi sprava i Mostafa Purmohammadi sleva dva chlena komiteta Sudi smerti 2013 godData Iyul dekabr 1988 goda nekotorye istochniki iyul sentyabr Data nachala iyun 1988Data okonchaniya dekabr 1988Mesto IranUchastniki Politicheskie oppozicionnye gruppyRezultat ubijstvoZhertvyNe menee 2500 30 000 tochnoe kolichestvo neizvestno Pogibshih do 30 000 chelovek Mediafajly na Vikisklade Bolshinstvo ubityh bylo storonnikami Organizacii modzhahedov iranskogo naroda no byli takzhe kazneny storonniki drugih levyh frakcij v tom chisle Organizacii fidainov iranskogo naroda i Narodnoj partii Irana 209 228 Ubijstva proishodili za predelami zakonodatelstva i sudebnye processy ne byli napravleny na ustanovlenie viny ili nevinovnosti podsudimyh Byli predprinyaty bolshie usiliya dlya sokrytiya ubijstv i pravitelstvo Irana i po sostoyaniyu na 2016 god prodolzhaet otricat ih svershenie Massovye ubijstva byli nazvany pravozashitnymi organizaciyami velichajshim prestupleniem Irana protiv chelovechestva besprecedentnymi v sovremennoj iranskoj istorii kak s tochki zreniya masshtabov tak i sokrytiya 201 i byli osuzhdeny zamestitelem Verhovnogo rukovoditelya Irana ayatolloj Montazeri Sovetom OON po pravam cheloveka i ryadom stran takih kak Shveciya Kanada i Italiya Klyuchevye licaV Tegeranskij komitet smerti prigovarivayushij zaklyuchennyh k smertnoj kazni vhodili chetyre cheloveka Morteza Eshragi generalnyj prokuror i sudya Verhovnogo suda 1989 1998 Ibrahim Raisi zamestitel generalnogo prokurora Hosejn Ali Najeri religioznyj sudya zampredsedatelya Verhovnogo suda Irana 1989 2013 Mostafa Purmohammadi prokuror Revolyucionnogo suda Vooruzhyonnyh Sil v zapadnyh regionah Vse chetvero nikogda ne imeli negativnyh posledstvij iz za svoih kaznej i ne sozhaleli o tom chto delali Hamid Nuri byvshij tyuremshik KSIR prinimavshij uchastie v massovyh kaznyah 1988 goda v tyurmah Even i Gohardasht byl zamanen v Shveciyu gde ego zaderzhali i vskore priznali vinovnym PrimechaniyaIran 1988 Mass Executions Evident Crimes Against Humanity neopr 8 iyunya 2022 Data obrasheniya 20 maya 2024 17 iyunya 2023 goda Smith Dan The State of the Middle East Revised and Updated An Atlas of Conflict and Resolution University of California Press 1999 ISBN 9781134039227 ot 6 aprelya 2023 na Wayback Machine Khomeini fatwa led to killing of 30 000 in Iran neopr The Telegraph 4 fevralya 2001 Data obrasheniya 20 maya 2024 1 iyulya 2017 goda Iran war crimes verdict looms as opposition seeks justice for 1988 killings neopr 13 iyulya 2022 Data obrasheniya 20 maya 2024 8 aprelya 2023 goda Ehteshami Anoushiravan Iran Stuck in Transition The Contemporary Middle East Routledge 2017 P 108 It is estimated that as many as 30 000 individuals may have been executed at that time in response to a religious edict issued by Ayatollah Khomeini that there was no room for apostates in his Islamic republic Ayatollah Montazeri also alluded to this tragedy in his memoirs published in 2001 and the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center s detailed report on the executions notes that estimates of those killed range from 1 000 to 30 000 See IHRDC Deadly Fatwa Iran s 1988 Prison Massacre New Haven CT IHRDC 2009 The insider s account is provided by Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri Khatirat i Ayatollah Montazeri Majmu iyyih Payvastha va Dastnivisha Memoir of Ayatollah Montazeri the Collection of Appendices and Handwritten Notes 2001 ISBN 9781351985451 ot 25 iyulya 2023 na Wayback Machine Akhlaghi Reza Canada Recognizes Iran s 1988 Massacre as Crime against Humanity neopr Foreign Policy Blog 14 iyunya 2013 Data obrasheniya 23 maya 2017 18 maya 2017 goda More Than 100 Prominent Iranians Ask UN to Declare 1988 Massacre Crime Against Humanity neopr Center for Human Rights in Iran 7 sentyabrya 2016 Data obrasheniya 23 maya 2017 26 maya 2017 goda Blood soaked secrets Why Iran s 1998 Prison Massacres are ongoing crimes against humanity neopr Amnesty International 4 dekabrya 2018 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2018 15 dekabrya 2018 goda 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran neopr National Council of Resistance of Iran Data obrasheniya 23 maya 2017 8 iyunya 2017 goda Naderi Mostafa I was lucky to escape with my life The massacre of Iranian political prisoners in 1988 must now be investigated neopr The Independent 22 avgusta 2013 Data obrasheniya 19 sentyabrya 2017 28 fevralya 2018 goda Iran still seeks to erase the 1988 prison massacre from memories 25 years on neopr Amnesty International 29 avgusta 2013 Data obrasheniya 23 maya 2017 5 aprelya 2017 goda Iran s 1988 Mass Executions neopr Human Rights Watch 8 iyunya 2022 Data obrasheniya 20 maya 2024 17 iyunya 2023 goda Christina Lamb Khomeini fatwa led to killing of 30 000 in Iran neopr The Telegraph 4 fevralya 2001 Data obrasheniya 20 maya 2024 1 iyulya 2017 goda Blood soaked secrets with Iran s 1998 Prison Massacres are ongoing crimes against humanity neopr Amnesty International 4 dekabrya 2018 To date the exact number of those killed is unknown but minimum estimates put the death toll at around 5 000 The real number could be higher especially because little is still known about the names and details of those who were rearrested in 1988 and extrajudicially executed in secret soon after arrest 15 dekabrya 2018 goda Families Of Prisoners Killed In 1988 Mass Executions Demand Answers neopr Radio Farda 5 oktyabrya 2020 Data obrasheniya 20 maya 2024 5 oktyabrya 2023 goda neopr Arhivirovano iz originala 24 sentyabrya 2005 goda Tortured Confessions Prisons and Public Recantations in Modern Iran Berkeley University of California Press 1999 ot 4 marta 2016 na Wayback Machine Iran Top government officials distorted the truth about 1988 prison massacres neopr 12 dekabrya 2018 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2018 12 dekabrya 2018 goda احمد خاتمی امام خمینی با اعدام های ۶۷ خدمت بزرگی به ملت کرد neopr Deutsche Welle persian 19 avgusta 2016 Data obrasheniya 10 iyunya 2021 20 avgusta 2016 goda Trend in Prosecution of Human Rights Abusers Should Extend to Iran s President IntPolicyDigest 10 iyunya 2023 Data obrasheniya 20 maya 2024 Basmenji Kaveh Tehran Blues Youth Culture in Iran Saqui Books 2005 ISBN 978 0863565823 ot 20 maya 2024 na Wayback Machine United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and NGOs condemned human rights violations in Iran neopr Data obrasheniya 16 sentyabrya 2017 28 yanvarya 2018 goda Sweden Jails Iranian Prosecutor Implicated In Mass Execution In Prisons angl RFE RL 13 noyabrya 2019 Data obrasheniya 18 iyulya 2020 3 oktyabrya 2023 goda Raisi Role in 1988 Massacre neopr Data obrasheniya 29 maya 2024 23 maya 2024 goda Ibrahim Raisi prezident Irana kotoryj mog stat novym verhovnym liderom rus BBC News Russkaya sluzhba 20 maya 2024 Data obrasheniya 20 maya 2024 20 maya 2024 goda Iranskij tyuremshik poluchil v Shvecii pozhiznennyj srok za massovye kazni oppozicionerov BBC News Russkaya sluzhba 20 maya 2024 Data obrasheniya 20 maya 2024