Ceratophyllidae lat semejstvo bloh Okolo 400 vidov Parazity gryzunov i ptic Vstrechayutsya na vseh materikah dazhe v Antarktide krome Avstralii Imeyut zubchiki na abdominalnyh 1 4 segmentah 8 j tergit samcov horosho razvit a 9 j tergit samok polnostyu reducirovan Imeyut Amerikano aziatskoe rasprostranenie sformirovannoe v hode evolyucii cherez Beringijskij most Bolshinstvo vidov rasprostraneno v Palearktike i Nearktike 49 i 30 ot obshego chisla vidov sootvetstvenno Neotropicheskij region predstavlen 11 vidov Indo Malajskij 7 i v Afrotropicheskoj oblasti 4 Predstaviteli etogo semejstva otsutstvuyut v Avstralii i na Novoj Gvinee no najdeny v Novoj Zelandii Soglasno Robertu Traubu Traub et al 1983 semejstvo Ceratophyllidae poyavilos v rannem oligocene 38 40 mln let nazad v kachestve parazitov yuzhnoamerikanskih belichih Sciuridae i vtorichno adaptirovalos k parazitizmu na homyakovyh Cricetidae drugih gruppah gryzunov i ptic O filogeneticheskoj molodosti Ceratophyllidae svidetelstvuet otsutstvie sredi ih hozyaev drevnih grupp mlekopitayushih sumchatyh nasekomoyadnyh slepyshovye i drugih CeratophyllidaeBlohi CeratophyllidaeNauchnaya klassifikaciyaDomen EukariotyCarstvo ZhivotnyePodcarstvo EumetazoiBez ranga Dvustoronne simmetrichnyeBez ranga PervichnorotyeBez ranga LinyayushieBez ranga PanarthropodaTip ChlenistonogiePodtip TrahejnodyshashieNadklass ShestinogieKlass NasekomyePodklass Krylatye nasekomyeInfraklass NovokrylyeKlada Nasekomye s polnym prevrasheniemNadotryad Otryad BlohiPodotryad Nadsemejstvo Semejstvo CeratophyllidaeMezhdunarodnoe nauchnoe nazvanieCeratophyllidae 1908Sistematika v VikividahIzobrazheniya na VikiskladeITIS 152740NCBI 51295EOL 1066 samec i samka samka i samecSistematikaOpisany 51 rod 435 vidov i bolee 130 podvidov s dvumya krupnejshimi rodami Ceratophyllus 57 vidov i 55 Podsemejstvo Ceratophyllinae 1 vid 2 Ioff 1936 7 2 6 2 1 Wagner 1934 27 Ceratophyllus Curtis 1832 57 Western chicken flea Wagner 1934 13 Baker 1905 8 7 Glaciopsyllus 1 Glaciopsyllus antarcticus Smit amp Dunnet 1962 1 1 13 19 15 35 3 1 Jordan 1933 18 1 2 12 Wagner 1927 3 Jordan 1933 55 8 Jordan 1933 11 Oropsylla Wagner amp Ioff 1926 15 Wagner 1916 11 2 3 12 1 3 3 1 2 Wagner 1927 1 12 2 Podsemejstvo Dactylopsyllinae 6 4 8 PrimechaniyaSmit F G A M og Durrel G M 1962 A new genus and species of flea from Antarctica Siphonaptera Ceratopsyllidae ot 2 iyunya 2014 na Wayback Machine Pacific Insects 4 895 903 Taxonomy of Siphonaptera ZIN RAN neopr Data obrasheniya 23 iyulya 2012 8 aprelya 2012 goda Lewis Robert E 1998 Resume of the Siphonaptera Insecta of the World 8 avgusta 2014 goda Journal of Medical Entomology Volume 35 Number 4 July 1998 pp 377 389 13 Bossard R L Lareschi M Urdapilleta M Cutillas C Zurita A Flea Insecta Siphonaptera Family Diversity angl Diversity Zhurnal Basel Switzerland angl 2023 Vol 15 10 no 1096 P 1 15 ISSN 1424 2818 doi 10 3390 d15101096 Published 21 October 2023 Hastriter M W Schlatter R P 2006 Revision of the fleas in the subgenus Dasypsyllus Neornipsyllus Siphonaptera Ceratophyllidae Annals of Carnegie Museum 75 247 257 Steele W K Pilgrim R L C Palma R L 1997 Occurrence of the flea Glaciopsyllus antarcticus and avian lice in central Dronning Maud Land Polar biology 18 292 294 ISSN 0722 4060 Print 1432 2056 Online doi 10 1007 s003000050190 Acosta R Salceda Sanchez B Ponce Ulloa H E 2009 Two new species of fleas of the genus Kohlsia Traub 1950 Siphonaptera Ceratophyllidae from Mexico Zootaxa 2224 60 68 Lewis R E 2008 On the Nearctic flea genus Opisodasys Jordan 1933 its taxonomy distribution and host preferences Siphonaptera Ceratophyllidae Annals of Carnegie Museum 76 279 299 Lewis R E 2008 The squirrel flea Tarsopsylla octodecimdentata Kolenati 1863 distribution and host preferences Siphonaptera Ceratophyllidae Annals of Carnegie Museum 76 171 176 Lewis R E Wilson N 2006 A review of the ceratophyllid subfamily Dactylopsyllinae Part 2 Dactylopsylla Jordan 1929 and Foxella Wagner 1929 Siphonaptera Ceratophyllidae Annals of Carnegie Museum 75 203 229 LiteraturaLewis R E 1975 Notes on the Geographical Distribution and Host Preferences in the Order Siphonaptera Part 6 Ceratophyllidae Journal of Medical Entomology Volume 11 Issue 6 10 January 1975 Pages 658 676 https doi org 10 1093 jmedent 11 6 658 Lewis R E The Ceratophyllidae currently accepted Valid Taxa Insecta Siphonaptera Theses Zoologicae Koenigstein Koeltz Scientific Books 1990 Vol 13 268 p Traub R Rothschild M Haddow J F The Ceratophyllidae Key to the Genera and Host Relationships with Notes of Evolution Zoogeography and Medical Importance Cambr Univ Press Ac Press Cambridge and London 1983 XV 288 p SsylkiCeratophyllidae Catalogueoflife org angl Data obrasheniya 22 iyulya 2012 Ceratophyllidae Discoverlife org angl Data obrasheniya 22 iyulya 2012 Ceratophyllidae Globalspecies org nedostupnaya ssylka angl Data obrasheniya 22 iyulya 2012 Fleas of the World