Spilomicrus lat rod paraziticheskih naezdnikov semejstva diapriidy nadsemejstva Diaprioidea iz otryada pereponchatokrylye nasekomye Vstrechayutsya vsesvetno v mire bolee 160 vidov v Nearktike okolo 20 vidov v Palearktike bolee 50 vidov v Evrope okolo 40 vidov SpilomicrusNauchnaya klassifikaciyaCarstvo ZhivotnyeTip ChlenistonogieKlass NasekomyeOtryad PereponchatokrylyePodotryad StebelchatobryuhieNadsemejstvo DiaprioideaSemejstvo DiapriidyPodsemejstvo Triba Rod SpilomicrusLatinskoe nazvanieSpilomicrus Westwood 1832SinonimyChlidonia Hemch Schaeffer 1838 Loxotropa Foerster 1856 Hoplopria Ashmead 1893 Loxoptera Mani 1941 Eriopria Kieffer 1910 Linkiola Kieffer 1910 Tritopria Kieffer 1910 Cologlyptus Crawford 1911 Scutellipria Szabo 1961Sistematika v VikividahIzobrazheniya na VikiskladeNCBI 44349OpisanieDlina 1 0 4 5 mm do 7 mm redko 1 mm Telo korichnevoe ili chyornoe rezhe krasnovato oranzhevoe Zhvaly dvuzubchatye Usiki samok i samcov 13 chlenikovye Formula shupikov 5 3 Formula shpor golenej 1 2 2 Kogotki prostye Formula chlenikov lapok 5 5 5 Krylya normalnye ili ukorochennye perednie krylya s kostalnoj subkostalnoj marginalnoj i stigmalnoj zhilkami V kachestve hozyaev chashe ispolzuyut predstavitelej otryada dvukrylye Diptera nekotorye vidy parazitiruyut na lichinkah zhukov takih kak Curculionidae Scolytinae i Staphylinidae Spilomicrus antennatus Jurine 1807 Ashmead 1893 Kieffer 1908 Masner 1991 Ashmead 1893 Masner 1991 Masner 1991 Masner 1991 Ashmead 1893 Jansson 1942 Masner 1991 Chemyreva 2015 Chemyreva 2015 Chemyreva 2015 Masner 1991 Masner 1991 Masner 1991 Provancher 1881 Masner 1991 Masner 1991 Westwood 1832 typus Masner 1991 Masner 1991 Fouts 1926 Drugie vidyPrimechaniyaWestwood 1832 Descriptions of several new British forms amongst the Parasitic Hymenopterous Insects London and Edinburgh Phil Mag amp 1 Sci 1 127 129 Vasilisa G Chemyreva Three new species of the parasitic wasps genus Spilomicrus Westwood Hymenoptera Diapriidae from the East Palaearctic Region angl Zootaxa 2015 Vol 4059 no 01 P 191 200 23 dekabrya 2015 goda Masner Lubomir Revision of Spilomicrus westwood in America north of Mexico Hymenoptera Proctotrupoidea Diapriidae angl Canadian Entomologist 1991 Vol 123 no 01 P 107 177 February 1991 23 dekabrya 2015 goda Masner Lubomir and Jose Luis Garcia The genera of Diapriinae Hymenoptera Diapriidae in the New World angl Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History New York American Museum of Natural History 2002 Vol 268 P 1 138 ISSN 0003 0090 Kozlov M A 1995 Sem Diapriidae Diapriidy Opredelitel nasekomyh Dalnego Vostoka Rossii T IV Setchatokryloobraznye skorpionnicy pereponchatokrylye Ch 2 pod obsh red P A Lera Vladivostok Dalnauka 1995 S 45 57 598 s 500 ekz ISBN 5 7442 0607 8 Jurine L 1807 Nouvelle Methode de classer les Hymenopteres et les Dipteres Hymenopteres Tom 1 Geneve 1897 Ashmead W H 1893 Monograph of the North American Proctotrypidae U S Natl Mus Bull 45 472 pp Provancher L 1881 Fauna Canadienne Les Insectes Hymenopt6res Naturaliste Can 12 No 141 241 269 Fouts R M 1926 Notes on Serphoidea with descriptions of new species Hymenoptera Proc ent Soc Wash 28 167 179 LiteraturaMasner Lubomir Revision of Spilomicrus Westwood in America north of Mexico Hymenoptera Proctotrupoidea Diapriidae angl Canadian Entomologist 1991 Vol 123 no 01 P 107 177 February 1991 Masner Lubomir and Jose Luis Garcia The genera of Diapriinae Hymenoptera Diapriidae in the New World angl Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History New York American Museum of Natural History 2002 Vol 268 P 1 138 ISSN 0003 0090 SsylkiThe Diapriidae keys angl www diapriid org Data obrasheniya 19 iyunya 2013 Arhivirovano iz originala 20 iyunya 2013 goda eol org