U etogo termina sushestvuyut i drugie znacheniya sm Pain znacheniya Pain s angl bol stilizovano pod mayuskul indastrial metal proekt shvedskogo muzykanta osnovatelya Hypocrisy Petera Tegtgrena shved Peter Tagtgren PainPain na festivale RockHarz 2017Osnovnaya informaciyaZhanry indastrial metal alternativnyj metal elektronik rokGody 1997 nast vremyaStrana ShveciyaMesto sozdaniya StokgolmLejbl Nuclear BlastSostav Peter TegtgrenOficialnyj sajt Mediafajly na VikiskladeIstoriyaDebyutnyj albom pod odnoimennym nazvaniem vyshel v 1997 godu Nachinaya so vtorogo alboma vse albomy Pain popadali v shvedskie charty vo mnogom blagodarya takim singlam kak End of the Line Shut Your Mouth i Same Old Song V nachale fevralya 2006 portal Blabbermouth net soobshil o podpisanii kontrakta Pain s Roadrunner Records V nastoyashij moment Pain zapisyvaetsya na studii Nuclear Blast Records V 2008 godu Pain vystupali v ture kak podderzhivayushaya gruppa dlya finskoj simfonik pauer metal gruppy Nightwish Vo vremya etogo tura vokalist Peter Tegtgren udarnik Devid Uallin i basist Jogan Husgafvel podverglis napadeniyu bandy v Lejpcige Germaniya Tegtgrenu nalozhili v obshej slozhnosti 10 shvov na lice Uallin poluchil sotryasenie mozga i paru shvov na golove Husgafvelu slomali nos Pain podderzhivali Nightwish vo vtoroj polovine ih tura Dark Passion Play World Tour vmeste s finskoj pop rok gruppoj Indica nachinaya s vystupleniya v Londone 11 marta 2009 Poslednim studijnym albomom na moment napisaniya stati yavlyaetsya devyatyj albom I AM vypushen 17 maya 2024 DiskografiyaSTUDIJNYE ALBOMYNazvanie Informaciya Vysshaya poziciya v charte NagradyShveciya Finlyandiya Franciya Avstriya Shvejcariya GermaniyaPain Vypushen 11 fevralya 1997 Lejbl Nuclear Blast Format CD CS Rebirth Vypushen 1999 Lejbl Stockholm Records Format CD CS 21 Nothing Remains the Same Vypushen 15 iyulya 2002 Lejbl Stockholm Records Format CD CS 6 75 SWE ZolotojDancing with the Dead Vypushen 21 marta 2005 Lejbl Stockholm Records Format CD CD DVD 3 16 Psalms of Extinction Vypushen 23 aprelya 2007 Lejbl Roadrunner Records Format CD 21 21 165 93Cynic Paradise Vypushen 31 oktyabrya 2008 Lejbl Nuclear Blast Format CD LP DL 30 28 165 78You Only Live Twice Vypushen 3 iyunya 2011 Lejbl Nuclear Blast Format CD LP DL 36 26 75 64 40Coming Home Vypushen 9 sentyabrya 2016 Lejbl Nuclear Blast Format CD LP DL 40 14 117 29 23 25I Am Vypushen 17 maya 2024 Lejbl Nuclear Blast Wool Music Format CD LP DL oznachaet chto zapis ne byla v charte libo ne izdavalas na ukazannoj territoriiSINGLYGod Nazvanie Vysshaya poziciya v charte Nagrady AlbomShveciya Finlyandiya1999 End of the Line 15 SWE Zolotoj RebirthOn and On 30 2000 Suicide Machine 2001 Shut Your Mouth 14 Nothing Remains the Same2002 Eleanor Rigby Just Hate Me 47 Eleanor Rigby 2 2004 Same Old Song 18 5 Dancing with the Dead2005 Bye Die Nothing 2008 I m Going In Cynic Paradise2009 Follow Me featuring Anette Olzon 2011 Dirty Woman You Only Live TwiceMy Angel featuring Cecile Simeone I Am2016 Black Knight Satellite Coming Home2021 Gimme Shelter Party In My Head I Am2023 Revolution 2024 Go With The Flow Push The Pusher oznachaet chto zapis ne byla v charte libo ne izdavalas na ukazannoj territorii VIDEO ALBOMYNazvanie Informaciya Vysshaya poziciya v charteShveciyaLive Is Overrated Vypushen 7 noyabrya 2006 Lejbl Metal Mind Productions Format DVD We Come in Peace Vypushen November 16 2012 Lejbl Nuclear Blast Format DVD 14 oznachaet chto zapis ne byla v charte libo ne izdavalas na ukazannoj territorii KLIPYGod Nazvanie Rezhisser Albom1999 End of the Line Rebirth On and On Suicide Machine 2002 Shut Your Mouth Nothing Remains the Same Just Hate Me 2005 Same Old Song Dancing with the Dead Bye Die Jerker Josefsson Nothing 2007 Zombie Slam Ralf Strathmann Psalms of Extinction2008 Follow Me Cynic Paradise2009 Monkey Business Denis Goria Have a Drink on Me 2011 Feed Us Dirty Woman You Only Live Twice The Great Pretender 2016 A Wannabe Coming Home Call Me Ville Lipiainen2017 Absinthe Phoenix Rising Ashley Young amp Nitsan Mileikowski Coming Home 2021 Gimme Shelter Party In My Head Andrey Kezzyn I Am2023 Revolution 2024 Go With The Flow Push The Pusher Dmitry Alekseev Don t Wake The Dead Damien DauschSostavTekushij sostav Peter Tegtgren vokal gitara bas gitara udarnye klavishnye programmirovanieKoncertnye muzykanty udarnye s 2003 po 2016 Greger Andersson gitara s 2016 po 2019 Jonathan Olsson bas gitara s 2016 po nast vremya Sebastian Svalland gitara s 2019 po nast vremya udarnye s 2016 po nast vremya gitara bek vokal s 2007 po 2016 bas gitara bek vokal s 2007 po 2016 Byvshie uchastniki Koncertnye muzykanty gitara gitara gitara gitara Yngve Liljeback bas gitara bas gitara bas gitara Horgh Reidar Horghagen udarnye Sessionnye muzykantyHorgh Reidar Horghagen udarnye Rebirth Alexi Laiho gitara Psalms of Extinction bas gitara Psalms of Extinction udarnye Psalms of Extinction Anette Olzon vokal Cynic Paradise Cecile Simeone vokal My Angel Joakim Broden vokal Call Me PrimechaniyaSsylki