U etogo termina sushestvuyut i drugie znacheniya sm Walt Disney Studios znacheniya The Walt Disney Studios amerikanskaya razvlekatelnaya kompaniya i glavnoe podrazdelenie kompanii Disney Entertainment Podrazdelenie nahoditsya v Berbank shtat Kaliforniya The Walt Disney StudiosTip podrazdelenieOsnovanie 1923Raspolozhenie SShA Berbank KaliforniyaKlyuchevye figury Alan Bergman predsedatel Otrasl kinoindustriyaProdukciya filmy serialy multfilmy multserialyMaterinskaya kompaniya Disney Entertainment The Walt Disney Company Dochernie kompanii Sm razdel Struktura kompanii Sajt waltdisneystudios com Mediafajly na Vikisklade Walt Disney Studios vklyuchaet v sebya izvestnye kinostudii takie kak Walt Disney Pictures Walt Disney Animation Studios Disneynature Pixar Marvel Studios Lucasfilm 20th Century Studios Searchlight Pictures Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures rasprostranyaet i prodayot kinoprodukciyu proizvedyonnuyu etimi studiyami kak dlya kinoteatrov tak i dlya strimingovyh servisov V 2019 godu mirovye kassovye sbory Disney postavili rekord v 13 2 milliarda dollarov Studiya vypustila shest iz desyati samyh kassovyh filmov i dve samye kassovye franshizy za vsyo vremya Yavlyaetsya chlenom amerikanskoj associacii kinokompanij PredystoriyaV 1934 godu Walt Disney Productions nachala proizvodstvo svoego pervogo polnometrazhnogo animacionnogo filma Belosnezhka i sem gnomov premera kotorogo sostoyalas v dekabre 1937 goda K 1939 godu multfilm stal samym pribylnym filmom togo vremeni V 1940 h godah Disnej nachal eksperimentirovat s polnometrazhnymi igrovymi filmami sovmeshaya zhivye syomki i multiplikaciyu predstaviv zritelyam takie filmy kak 1941 i Pesnya Yuga 1946 V tom zhe desyatiletii studiya nachala vypuskat dokumentalnye filmy o prirode vypustiv film Ostrov tyulenej 1948 i poluchivshij vposledstvii premiyu Oskar v kategorii Luchshij igrovoj korotkometrazhnyj film V 1950 godu Walt Disney Productions vypustila svoj pervyj polnometrazhnyj igrovoj film Ostrov sokrovish kotoryj kompaniya Disnej schitala oficialnoj koncepciej togo chto v itoge stanet sovremennoj Walt Disney Pictures K 1953 godu kompaniya razorvala svoi soglasheniya so storonnimi distribyutorami RKO Radio Pictures i United Artists i sozdala sobstvennuyu distribyutorskuyu kompaniyu Buena Vista Distribution V 1959 godu Disney Productions priobrela rancho Golden Oak Ranch dlya proizvodstva hudozhestvennyh filmov i teleserialov Istoriya1980 e Kinokompaniya Walt Disney Productions byla pereimenovala v aprele 1983 goda v Walt Disney Pictures V fevrale 1984 goda rukovoditel Disney Ron Miller osnoval Touchstone Films kak lejbl dlya filmov s PG rejtingom pod kotorym kak ozhidalos budet vypushena polovina iz vseh filmov Disneya vypushennyh za god V 1989 godu byla sozdana Hollywood Pictures 1990 e V 1992 godu Walt Disney Studios soglasilas profinansirovat prodyuserskuyu kompaniyu Caravan Pictures v svyazi s uhodom predsedatelya 20th Century Fox Dzho Rota V 1993 godu Miramax Films byla kuplena Disney za 60 millionov dollarov Prezident Walt Disney Pictures i Touchstone Pictures Devid Hoberman byl naznachen predsedatelem Dzheffri Katcenbergom na dolzhnost rukovoditelya Walt Disney Studios v aprele 1994 goda 24 avgusta 1994 goda posle otstavki Katcenberga Walt Disney Studios byla reorganizovana putyom sozdaniya novoj telegruppy Richard Frank stal glavoj nedavno sozdannoj kompanii Walt Disney Television and Telecommunications WDTT Rot pereshyol iz Caravan Pictures chtoby vozglavit ostavshuyusya Walt Disney Studios v kachestve predsedatelya Devid Hoberman ushyol s posta prezidenta v yanvare 1995 goda chtoby zaklyuchit pyatiletnij kontrakt na sozdanie neskolkih filmov dlya svoej prodyuserskoj kompanii Mandeville Films Dzho Rot byl naznachen predsedatelem Walt Disney Studios v 1996 godu V aprele 1996 goda v svyazi s prodolzhayushimsya sliyaniem kompanij Disney ABC i otstavki eyo prezidenta podrazdeleniya WDTT byli perevedeny v Walt Disney Studios i ABC V Walt Disney Studios vernulis podrazdeleniya Walt Disney Television Disney Television Animation Touchstone Television i Buena Vista Home Entertainment V 1998 godu Dzho Rotom byla sformirovana Buena Vista Motion Pictures Group kotoraya obedinila kinostudii Disney Touchstone i Hollywood pod rukovodstvom Devida Fogelya Eto bylo sdelano dlya togo chtoby centralizovat razlichnye proizvodstvennye podrazdeleniya i sdelat proizvodstvo filmov bolee pribylnym V avguste 1998 goda souchreditel Caravan Rodzher Birnbaum ushyol chtoby osnovat svoyu kompaniyu Spyglass Entertainment V yanvare 1999 goda Piter Shnajder byl naznachen prezidentom studii V iyule Walt Disney Television i Buena Vista Television Productions byli perevedeny iz Walt Disney Studios v ABC Television Network 2000 e V yanvare 2000 goda Dzho Rot pokinul studiyu chtoby osnovat svoyu sobstvennuyu prodyuserskuyu kompaniyu a Shnajder pereshyol na dolzhnost predsedatelya kompanii Shnajder pokinul Walt Disney Studios v iyune 2001 goda chtoby osnovat sobstvennuyu prodyuserskuyu kompaniyu chastichno finansiruemuyu Disney V fevrale 2002 goda Dik Kuk byl naznachen predsedatelem studii V yanvare 2003 goda Disney iniciirovala reorganizaciyu svoih animacionnyh podrazdelenij dlya uluchsheniya ispolzovaniya resursov Walt Disney Feature Animation bez Walt Disney Television Animation i Buena Vista Theatrical Worldwide prisoedinilas k Walt Disney Studios V 2003 godu studiya ustanovila mirovoj rekord kassovyh sborov v 3 milliarda dollarov V yanvare 2006 goda The Walt Disney Company obyavila o priobretenii lidera v oblasti kompyuternoj animacii Pixar Animation Sdelka byla zaklyuchena v mae 2006 goda Ispolnitelnyj direktor Pixar Ed Katmull stal prezidentom animacionnyh studij Pixar i Disney a ispolnitelnyj vice prezident Pixar Dzhon Lasseter zanyal dolzhnost kreativnogo direktora a takzhe uchastvoval v razrabotke novyh attrakcionov v tematicheskih parkah Disney V iyule 2006 goda dlya sokrasheniya zatrat Disney obyavila ob izmenenii svoej strategii po vypusku bolshego kolichestva filmov pod brendom Disney naprimer Walt Disney Pictures i menshego kolichestva filmov Touchstone V itoge shtat sotrudnikov sokratilsya primerno na 650 dolzhnostej po vsemu miru V aprele 2007 goda Disney obyavila o zakrytie brend Buena Vista Buena Vista Motion Pictures Group i Buena Vista Pictures Distribution byli pereimenovany v Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group i Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures sootvetstvenno Hollywood Pictures zakrylas v tom zhe godu V iyule 2007 goda generalnyj direktor Disney Bob Ajger zapretil pokaz kureniya i tabachnyh izdelij v filmah kompanij Walt Disney Pictures Touchstone i Miramax V aprele 2008 goda studiya obyavila o sozdanii Disneynature dlya proizvodstva filmov o prirode 9 fevralya 2009 goda Dreamworks Studios zaklyuchila semiletnee soglashenie o rasprostranenii 30 filmov s lejblom Touchstone Pictures studii nachinaya s 2011 goda Sdelka takzhe vklyuchala v sebya finansirovanie proizvodstva mezhdu Disney i DreamWorks V konce 2009 goda Miramax Films byla prisoedinena k Walt Disney Studios do eyo prodazhi v 2010 godu Filmyard Holdings 18 sentyabrya 2009 goda Dik Kuk byl vytesnen s posta predsedatelya posle togo kak yakoby ego poprosil ob etom Bob Ajger za soprotivlenie izmeneniyam kotorye Ajger schital neobhodimymi a takzhe za plohie rezultaty proshlogo goda 5 oktyabrya 2009 goda ego smenil prezident Disney Channels Worldwide Rich Ross V dekabre 2009 goda The Walt Disney Company zavershila priobretenie Marvel Entertainment za 4 2 milliarda dollarov 2010 e V oktyabre 2010 goda Disney zaklyuchila sdelku s Paramount Pictures o peredache prav na rasprostranenie i marketinga filmov Marvel Mstiteli i Zheleznyj chelovek 3 V iyule 2013 goda Disney priobrela vse prava na rasprostranenie filmov Zheleznyj chelovek Zheleznyj chelovek 2 Tor Pervyj mstitel ranee prinadlezhavshie Paramount Pictures V dekabre togo zhe goda u Paramount Pictures priobreli prava na rasprostranenie i marketing budushih filmov ob Indiane Dzhonse V avguste 2015 goda Marvel Studios byla integrirovana v Walt Disney Studios 19 dekabrya 2016 goda Walt Disney Studios stala pervoj krupnoj studiej sobravshaya 7 milliardov dollarov v mirovom prokate blagodarya filmam Kniga dzhunglej V poiskah Dori Pervyj mstitel Protivostoyanie i Izgoj odin Zvyozdnye vojny Istorii Eto prevoshodit rekord Universal Pictures ot 2015 goda s 6 89 milliardami dollarov Chetyre filma sobrali bolee 1 milliarda dollarov Za vse vremya sushestvovaniya dvuh studij Pixar i Marvel Studios ih dohodnyj oborot prevysil 10 milliardov dollarov V dekabre 2017 goda Disney obyavila o planah pokupki 21st Century Fox za 52 4 milliarda dollarov Posle priobreteniya 21st Century Fox kinostudii Fox Entertainment Group vklyuchaya 20th Century Fox Fox Searchlight Pictures Fox 2000 Pictures 20th Century Fox Animation Blue Sky Studios i Fox Family stali vhodit v Walt Disney Studios 21 marta 2019 goda Disney obyavila chto lejbl Fox 2000 budet zakryt k koncu goda posle vypuska svoih filmov Kompaniya 20th Century Fox Animation takzhe byla perevedena na pryamoe podchinenie predsedatelyu Hornu Kompaniya 20th Century Fox i svyazannye s nej studii sohranyat svoyu shtab kvartiru v Senchuri Siti iz za semiletnego dogovora arendy s Fox Corporation V avguste 2019 goda Disney stala pervoj studiej pyat filmov kotoroj sobrali bolee 1 milliarda dollarov v mirovom prokate za odin god Walt Disney Studios stala pervoj krupnoj studiej kotoraya dostigla 10 milliardov dollarov po kassovym sboram v dekabre 2019 goda pobiv predydushij rekord v 2016 godu K koncu 2019 godu ctudiya zarabotala 13 2 milliarda dollarov v obshemirovom prokate Disney dobilsya etogo blagodarya filmam Mstiteli Final Korol Lev Kapitan Marvel Istoriya igrushek 4 Aladdin Holodnoe serdce 2 sobravshim v prokate bolee 1 milliarda dollarov Struktura kompaniiProizvodstvo filmov Walt Disney Studios OperationsKinostudii Walt Disney Pictures Disneynature Marvel Studios Lucasfilm Industrial Light amp Magic Skywalker Sound 20th Century Studios Searchlight Pictures Animacionnye studii Walt Disney Animation Studios Pixar Animation Studios 20th Century Animation Marvel Studios Animation Distribyuciya Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Buena Vista International Walt Disney Records Hollywood Records Disney Music Publishing Disney Concerts Buena Vista Records RMI Recordings Disney Theatrical Productions Disney Theatrical Licensing Disney Live Family Entertainment DLFE Disney Live Walt Disney Special Events Group Disney Studio Production Services Disney Digital Studio ServicesByvshie studii Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment 1978 2018 perehod k Disney Platform Distribution Walt Disney Television 1983 1994 Touchstone Pictures 1984 2010 Skellington Productions 1986 1996 Blue Sky Studios 1987 2021 uprazdnena Hollywood Pictures 1989 2001 2006 2007 sozdana dlya filmov orientirovannyh dlya vzroslyh zatem na korotkoe vremya vozrodilas kak lejbl dlya nizkobyudzhetnyh filmov nyne zakryta Caravan Pictures 1992 1999 Miramax Films 1993 2010 Dimension Films 1993 2005 Fox 2000 Pictures 1994 2020 Buena Vista Motion Pictures Group Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group 1998 2006 DisneyToon Studios 2003 2018 Disney Circle 7 Animation 2004 2006 ImageMovers Digital 2007 2010 Touchstone Television perehod k zatem pereimenovana v ABC Signature PrimechaniyaDIS New York Stock Quote Walt Disney Co The angl Bloomberg com Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 23 dekabrya 2020 goda The Walt Disney Studios neopr www waltdisneystudios com Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 24 marta 2022 goda Who We Are angl Motion Picture Association Data obrasheniya 11 dekabrya 2020 9 aprelya 2020 goda Gabler Neal Walt Disney The Triumph of the American Imagination New York Random House 2007 P 276 277 ISBN 978 0 679 75747 4 History of The Walt Disney Company FundingUniverse neopr www fundinguniverse com Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 28 oktyabrya 2012 goda The Best of Walt Disney s True Life Adventures 1975 NY Times Movies New York Times 2 aprelya 2015 Data obrasheniya 18 marta 2015 New York Times Seal Island NY Times 20 maya 2011 Data obrasheniya 18 maya 2008 Disney Leadership History Corporate Social Responsibility angl The Walt Disney Company Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 29 avgusta 2011 goda Fixmer Andy April 25 2007 Disney to Drop Buena Vista Brand Name People Say Update1 Bloomberg 4 yanvarya 2014 Data obrasheniya 28 noyabrya 2012 Keith Collins Keith Collins Disney timeline angl Variety 27 oktyabrya 2003 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 24 avgusta 2017 goda Business Entity Detail Walt Disney Pictures search on Entity Number C1138747 neopr California Business Search California Secretary of State Data obrasheniya 18 marta 2015 15 marta 2015 goda Harmetz Aljean 1984 02 16 TOUCHSTONE LABEL TO REPLACE DISNEY NAME ON SOME FILMS Published 1984 The New York Times 3 aprelya 2015 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 Kunz William M 2 Culture Conglomerates Consolidation in the Motion Picture and Television Industries Rowman amp Littlefield 2007 P 42 45 ISBN 9780742540668 Los Angeles Times FOX MAY LOSE CHIEF TO DISNEY angl OrlandoSentinel com Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 23 oktyabrya 2020 goda When Harvey Met Mickey neopr www3 sympatico ca Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 Arhivirovano 1 sentyabrya 2012 goda Facebook Twitter Show more sharing options Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Disney Live Action Film Chief Quits Studios Hoberman s departure is a further dismantling of the former Katzenberg team angl Los Angeles Times 11 yanvarya 1995 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 3 aprelya 2019 goda Weinraub Bernard 1994 08 25 Chairman of Disney Studios Resigns Published 1994 The New York Times 25 avgusta 2014 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 Lyman Rick 2000 01 13 Disney Studio Chairman Decides to Step Down Published 2000 The New York Times 9 yanvarya 2016 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 Roth Iger Assume Expanded Responsibilities at the Walt Disney Company PRNewswire 1994 04 16 18 sentyabrya 2017 Data obrasheniya 11 marta 2013 James B Stewart Disney war New York Simon amp Schuster 2005 618 s ISBN 978 0 684 80993 9 Robert Simonson Thomas Schumacher Promoted to Co President of Disney Theatricals angl Playbill Tue Jan 12 01 00 00 EST 1999 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 22 yanvarya 2021 goda Facebook Twitter Show more sharing options Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Disney Plans to Consolidate Two of Its Television Groups angl Los Angeles Times 8 iyulya 1999 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 4 marta 2016 goda Walt Disney Studios Ups Richard Cook To Chairman angl Animation World Network Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 8 marta 2021 goda Disney Streamlines Television Animation Division angl Animation World Network Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 25 fevralya 2021 goda David Stainton Named President Disney Feature Animation angl Animation World Network Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 4 marta 2021 goda Streisand Betsy 2004 04 01 Can Dick Cook Keep Disney Afloat April 1 2004 Business 2 0 23 dekabrya 2016 Data obrasheniya 22 dekabrya 2016 Disney buys Pixar Jan 25 2006 neopr money cnn com Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 3 marta 2020 goda Disney Completes Pixar Acquisition angl The Walt Disney Company 5 maya 2006 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 8 marta 2021 goda Schaeffer s Upon Further Review Highlights the Following Stocks Abbo neopr archive is 18 yanvarya 2013 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 Arhivirovano 18 yanvarya 2013 goda Company Overview of Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group Inc Bloomberg Businessweek 30 maya 2021 Data obrasheniya 13 maya 2014 Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group Inc an entertainment production company produces and distributes scripts and oversees films for Walt Disney Pictures Touchstone Pictures and Hollywood Pictures The company was formerly known as Buena Vista Motion Pictures Group The company was founded in 1998 and is based in Burbank California a href wiki D0 A8 D0 B0 D0 B1 D0 BB D0 BE D0 BD Cite news title Shablon Cite news cite news a Ukazan bolee chem odin parametr accessdate and access date spravka Facebook Twitter Show more sharing options Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Disney gets back to nature angl Los Angeles Times 22 aprelya 2008 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 31 oktyabrya 2020 goda The Walt Disney Company 2011 Annual Financial Report neopr The Walt Disney Company Data obrasheniya 30 dekabrya 2012 25 marta 2013 goda Page 12 Eller Claudia 2009 02 10 DreamWorks gets Disney cash in distribution deal Los Angeles Times 12 oktyabrya 2013 Data obrasheniya 21 dekabrya 2020 Facebook Twitter Show more sharing options Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Disney to make drastic cuts at Miramax Films angl Los Angeles Times 3 oktyabrya 2009 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 31 oktyabrya 2020 goda Nikki Finke Nikki Finke EXCLUSIVE Dick Cook Fired From Disney Hollywood Registering Shock At News Never Saw It Coming vs Had A Choice angl Deadline 19 sentyabrya 2009 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 1 dekabrya 2020 goda Rich Ross Named Chairman Of The Walt Disney Studios angl The Walt Disney Company 5 oktyabrya 2009 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 8 marta 2021 goda Disney Completes Marvel Acquisition angl The Walt Disney Company 31 dekabrya 2009 Data obrasheniya 11 dekabrya 2020 26 fevralya 2021 goda Disney to Distribute Marvel s The Avengers Iron Man 3 Hollywood Reporter neopr www hollywoodreporter com Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 3 yanvarya 2014 goda Disney Acquires Distribution Rights to Four Marvel Films from Paramount angl www businesswire com 2 iyulya 2013 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 1 fevralya 2021 goda Justin Kroll Justin Kroll Disney Takes Over Rights to Indiana Jones Franchise angl Variety 6 dekabrya 2013 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 19 marta 2016 goda Marvel Shake Up Film Chief Kevin Feige Breaks Free of CEO Ike Perlmutter Exclusive Hollywood Reporter neopr The Hollywood Reporter Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 Arhivirovano 2 sentyabrya 2015 goda Anthony D Alessandro Anthony D Alessandro Disney Crosses 3 Billion At Domestic B O First Time Ever For Major Studio Global Now At Industry Record Of 7 6B angl Deadline 3 yanvarya 2017 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 16 yanvarya 2017 goda The Walt Disney Company To Acquire Twenty First Century Fox Inc After Spinoff Of Certain Businesses For 52 4 Billion In Stock angl The Walt Disney Company 14 dekabrya 2017 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 Arhivirovano 14 dekabrya 2017 goda Patrick Hipes Patrick Hipes After Trying Day Disney Sets Film Leadership Lineup angl Deadline 22 marta 2019 Data obrasheniya 11 dekabrya 2020 27 marta 2019 goda Brent Lang Brent Lang Disney Retiring Fox 2000 Label angl Variety 21 marta 2019 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 7 noyabrya 2020 goda Daniel Holloway Brent Lang Daniel Holloway Brent Lang Disney to Lease Fox Lot for Seven Years EXCLUSIVE angl Variety 14 dekabrya 2017 Data obrasheniya 14 dekabrya 2020 18 maya 2019 goda D Alessandro Anthony Disney First Studio Ever To Have 5 Pics Cross 1 Billion In Single Year With Toy Story 4 neopr Deadline 15 avgusta 2019 Data obrasheniya 21 dekabrya 2020 15 avgusta 2019 goda Tartaglione Nancy Disney Crossing Record 10 Billion At Worldwide Box Office First Studio In History To The Mark neopr Deadline 8 dekabrya 2019 Data obrasheniya 21 dekabrya 2020 28 fevralya 2021 goda Tartaglione Nancy Disney s Global Box Office Year Mouse Roars To 13 2B A Record Not Likely To Be Seen Again Soon neopr Deadline 2 yanvarya 2020 Data obrasheniya 30 maya 2020 13 marta 2020 goda The Walt Disney Studios Our Businesses neopr The Walt Disney Company The Walt Disney Studios Data obrasheniya 28 maya 2012 14 fevralya 2014 goda The Walt Disney Studios neopr The Walt Disney Studios com The Walt Disney Studios Data obrasheniya 2 iyunya 2012 4 maya 2012 goda Disney Studios Services neopr go com The Walt Disney Company Data obrasheniya 2 iyunya 2012 25 maya 2012 goda D Alessandro Anthony January 4 2022 Disney Claims 1 17B While Sony Says 1B The Conundrum Of The 2021 Domestic Box Office Marketshare Deadline 4 yanvarya 2022 Data obrasheniya 4 yanvarya 2022 a href wiki D0 A8 D0 B0 D0 B1 D0 BB D0 BE D0 BD Cite news title Shablon Cite news cite news a Ukazan bolee chem odin parametr accessdate and access date spravka Feld Entertainment and Disney Live Family Entertainment to Produce a New Series of Live Productions Based on Disney s Classic Characters feldentertainment com Feld Entertainment July 29 2003 7 sentyabrya 2015 Data obrasheniya 29 iyulya 2015 a href wiki D0 A8 D0 B0 D0 B1 D0 BB D0 BE D0 BD Cite news title Shablon Cite news cite news a Ukazan bolee chem odin parametr accessdate and access date spravka Disney Digital Studio Services neopr Disney Digital Studio com Disney Data obrasheniya 2 iyunya 2012 23 iyunya 2012 goda Ssylkiwaltdisneystudios com angl oficialnyj sajt Walt Disney Studios