Etu stranicu predlagaetsya pereimenovat v Poyasnenie prichin i obsuzhdenie na stranice Vikipediya K pereimenovaniyu 22 iyulya 2023 Pozhalujsta osnovyvajte svoi argumenty na pravilah imenovaniya statej Ne udalyajte shablon do podvedeniya itoga obsuzhdeniya Pereimenovat v predlozhennoe nazvanie snyat etot shablon Azerbajdzha nskie ha nstva takzhe ispolzuetsya nazvanie persidskie iranskie hanstva v proshlom takzhe tatarskie hanstva uslovnoe nazvanie feodalnyh vladenij v osnovnom vo glave s azerbajdzhanskimi tyurkoyazychnymi dinastiyami voznikshih na territorii byvshih provincij Sefevidskogo gosudarstva beglerbegstv v rezultate raspada gosudarstva Nadir shaha v seredine XVIII veka prosushestvovavshih kak bolee ili menee samostoyatelnye gosudarstvennye obrazovaniya do nachala XIX veka Makinskoe hanstvo do 1920 h gg i postepenno integrirovannyh v sostav Rossijskoj imperii istoricheskie oblasti Arran Shirvan i nekotorye drugie a takzhe Vostochnaya Armeniya i Irana Iranskij Azerbajdzhan Pomimo tyurok hanstva naselyali takzhe armyane gruziny lezginy persy avarcy kurdy assirijcy talyshi taty udiny shahdagskie narody i drugie etnicheskie gruppy Hanstva Vostochnogo Zakavkazya Severnyj Azerbajdzhan i Vostochnaya Armeniya Bakinskoe Gyandzhinskoe Dzhavadskoe Karabahskoe Kubinsko Derbentskoe A P Novoselcev vyskazyvaet somnenie v pravomernosti prichisleniya etogo hanstva k azerbajdzhanskim poskolku osnovnaya chast poddannyh derbentskogo hana byla predstavlena dagestanskimi narodami a glavnoj ego rezidenciej byl Derbent Nahichevanskoe Shekinskoe Shirvanskoe Talyshskoe soglasno BSE hanstvo yavlyalos feodalnym gosudarstvom talyshej v Azerbajdzhane Erivanskoe hanstvo po mneniyu Tadeusha Sventohovskogo drugie istochniki naprimer Encyclopaedia Iranica The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times Armenia A Historical Atlas Grand Larousse encyclopedique nem schitayut hanstvo persidskim Hanstva Iranskogo AzerbajdzhanaArdebilskoe Zendzhanskoe Karadagskoe Makinskoe Maraginskoe Sarabskoe Tebrizskoe Urmijskoe Halhalskoe Hojskoe Marandskoe Obrazovanie hanstvAzerbajdzhanskie hanstva XVIII nachalo XIX vv Hanstva obrazovalis v rezultate oslableniya centralnoj vlasti v gosudarstve Nadir shaha posle ego ubijstva 9 maya 1747 goda Uzhe v poslednie gody pravleniya Nadira v rezultate vvedeniya novyh nalogov i sborov naselenie razlichnyh regionov stalo podnimat vosstaniya v rezultate chego ot nego otlozhilis iz za tyazhesti haradzha i Gyandzha i Samuh i Erivan i drugie goroda i poddannye Osnovatelyami hanstv v osnovnom byli vyhodcy iz znatnyh familij tyurkskih azerbajdzhanskih feodalov mnogie iz kotoryh byli nasledstvennymi pravitelyami razlichnyh oblastej Vopreki centralistskim tendenciyam v politike shahskoj vlasti osobenno so vremeni shaha Abbasa I shaham nikogda ne udavalos vpolne preodolet feodalnuyu razdroblennost V Azerbajdzhane i Armenii eta razdroblennost sushestvovala zadolgo do perioda polunezavisimyh hanstv Yuridicheski shahskoe pravitelstvo so vremyon shaha Abbasa I ne priznavalo sushestvovaniya nasledstvennyh vassalnyh knyazej Ono hotelo videt v nih naznachennyh shahom chinovnikov i nazyvalo ih dovolno neopredelyonnym titulom hakim pravitel Dejstvitelno kazhdyj hakim poluchal ot shaha ukaz s formalnym utverzhdeniem v svoem zvanii No v ryade sluchaev eto byla fikciya prikryvavshaya fakticheskoe priznanie shahskoj vlastyu sushestvovaniya mestnyh dinastij Ne tolko beglerbegi no i praviteli nebolshih territorij ulke v bolshinstve sluchaev byli nasledstvennymi predstavitelyami mestnyh dinastij Vozniknoveniyu i ukrepleniyu hanstv sposobstvovala takzhe razgorevshayasya mezhdousobnaya borba za shahskij prestol mezhdu naslednikami Nadira tolko za pervye poltora goda odin za drugim smenilis 4 pretendenta Borba za prestol prodolzhalas bolee desyati let do 1758 goda kogda predstavitel kurdskoj dinastii Zendov Kerim han Zend vzyal verh i vnov obedinil Iran za isklyucheniem territorij Horasana Iranskogo Azerbajdzhana i Zakavkazya Posle ubijstva Nadir shaha 1747 i nachala novoj polosy mezhdousobij v Irane iranskoe vladychestvo v stranah Zakavkazya na vremya fakticheski palo Prisoedinenie Zakavkazya k RossiiDostovernost etogo razdela stati postavlena pod somnenie Neobhodimo proverit tochnost faktov izlozhennyh v etom razdele Na stranice obsuzhdeniya mogut byt poyasneniya Osnovnye stati Gyulistanskij mirnyj dogovor i Turkmanchajskij mirnyj dogovor Prisoedinyonnye k Rossii hanstva na karte Kavkazskogo kraya s oboznacheniem granic 1806 g Tiflis 1901 g V yanvare 1804 goda k Rossii posle mesyachnoj osady Gyandzhi bylo prisoedineno Gyandzhinskoe hanstvo Traktaty zaklyuchyonnye v 1805 godu mezhdu glavnokomanduyushim russkih vojsk v Gruzii kak oficialnym predstavitelem Rossii i sootvetstvuyushimi hanami yuridicheski zakrepili vhozhdenie v sostav Rossii Karabahskogo Shekinskogo i Shirvanskogo hanstv V 1806 godu k Rossii byli prisoedineny Bakinskoe i Kubinsko Derbentskoe hanstva a v 1809 godu Talyshskoe hanstvo Posle pobedy Rossii v russko iranskoj vojne 1804 1813 13 oktyabrya 1813 goda v selenii Gyulistan byl podpisan mirnyj dogovor mezhdu Rossiej i Iranom Gyulistanskij dogovor byl osnovan na principe status quo ad presentem to est on zakreplyal za storonami te granicy kotorye ustanovilis k momentu podpisaniya dogovora V iyule 1826 goda nachalas novaya russko iranskaya vojna I vnov Rossiya oderzhala pobedu 10 fevralya 1828 goda v selenii Turkmanchaj bliz Tebriza byl podpisan mirnyj dogovor kotoryj podtverzhdal territorialnye priobreteniya Rossii po Gyulistanskomu mirnomu dogovoru 1813 goda Po Turkmanchajskomu dogovoru k Rossii takzhe otoshli Erivanskoe i Nahichevanskoe hanstva obrazovavshie Armyanskuyu oblast Okonchatelno k Rossijskoj imperii Zakavkaze bylo prisoedineno posle russko tureckoj vojny 1828 1829 godov i podpisaniya Adrianopolskogo mirnogo dogovora v 1829 godu Russkij voennyj istorik Nikolaj Dubrovin v 1871 godu pisal o sostave naseleniya hanstv sleduyushee Kasayas etnografii my dolzhny skazat chto vsyo naselenie hanstv prinadlezhit glavnejshim obrazom k dvum plemenam tatarskomu i armyanskomu Tatary sostavlyayut gospodstvuyushee naselenie vo vseh hanstvah a armyane da i tolko teper v byvshej Armyanskoj oblasti Sm takzheBorchalinskij sultanat Kutkashenskij sultanat Ilisujskij sultanat Kazahskij sultanat Shamshadilskij sultanat Shuragelskij sultanatKommentariiSoglasno rezultatam perepisi naseleniya Karabahskogo hanstva provedyonnoj russkimi vlastyami v pervoj polovine 1823 goda armyanskoe naselenie hanstva bylo v osnovnom sosredotocheno v vosmi iz 21 magalov rajonov iz kotoryh pyat Gyulistan Dzhraberd Hachen Varanda Dizak to est armyanskie melikstva s podavlyayushim preobladaniem armyanskogo naseleniya sostavlyayut sovremennuyu territoriyu Nagornogo Karabaha a eshyo tri byli raspolozheny v Zangezure Takim obrazom 35 naseleniya Karabaha armyane prozhivali na 38 territorii vsego kraya sostavlyaya absolyutnoe bolshinstvo v Nagornom Karabahe bolee 90 sm George A Bournoutian The Politics of Demography Misuse of Sources on the Armenian Population of Mountainous Karabakh angl Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies Society for Armenian Studies 1999 Vol 9 P 99 103 PrimechaniyaTermin Azerbajdzhanskie hanstva ispolzuetsya v ryade istochnikov Tadeusz Swietochowski Russian Azerbaijan 1905 1920 The Shaping of National Identity in a Muslim Community Cambridge UK Cambridge University Press 2004 ISBN 0 521 52245 5 Azerbaijani khanates and the conquest by Russia In 1747 Nadir Shah the strong ruler who had established his hold over Persia eleven years earlier was assassinated in a palace coup and his empire fell into chaos and anarchy These circumstances effectively terminated the suzerainty of Persia over Azerbaijan where local centers of power emerged in the form of indigenous principalities independent or virtually so inasmuch as some maintained tenuous links to Persia s weak Zand dynasty Thus began a half century long period of Azerbaijani independence albeit in a condition of deep political fragmentation and internal warfare Most of the principalities were organized as khanates small replicas of the Persian monarchy including Karabagh Sheki Ganja Baku Derbent Kuba Nakhichevan Talysh and Erivan in northern Azerbaijan and Tabriz Urmi Ardabil Khoi Maku Maragin and Karadagh in its southern part Many of the khanates were subdivided into mahals regions territorial units inhabited by members of the same tribe reflecting the fact that residue of tribalism was still strong Tadeusz Swietochowski Russia s Transcaucasian Policies and Azerbaijan Ethnic Conflict and Regional Unity In a collapsing empire Feltrinelli Editore 1993 P 190 An Armenian oblast district was created on the territory of the former Azerbaijani khanates of Erivan and Nakhichevan yet remarkably there followed no large scale manifestation of ethnic strife in the countryside Firouzeh Mostashari On the religious frontier Tsarist Russia and Islam in the Caucasus I B Tauris New York 2006 ISBN 1 85043 771 8 The Caucasian Campaigns and the Azerbaijani Khanates The success of the Russian campaigns in annexing the Transcaucasian territories was not solely due to the resolve of the generals and their troops or even their superiority over the Persian military The independent khanates themselves were disintegrating from within helplessly weakening one another with their internal rivalries Marshall Cavendish Corporation World and Its Peoples Middle East Western Asia and Northern Africa P 751 ISBN 0 7614 7571 0 The Azeris In a series of wars with Persia at the beginning of the nineteenth century Russia gained the Azeri khanates north of the Araks River which still forms the frontier between Azerbaijan and Iran Robert Strausz Hupe Harry W Hazard The idea of colonialism Praeger 1958 P 77 In 1804 Russian troops occupied the khanate of Ganja and this was followed by the surrender of several other autonomous Azeri khanates in western Azerbaijan Alexander Murinson Turkey s Entente with Israel and Azerbaijan Routledge 2009 P 2 The core territory of modern day Azerbaijan i e Shirvan Quba and other Azeri Khanates in the Caucasus served historically as place of refuge for Persian and later Russian Jews Galina M Yemelianova Radical Islam in the Former Soviet Union Routledge 2009 P 149 With the fall of the Safawid empire in 1722 a number of independent khanates emerged on the territory of modern Azerbaijan Among them were the khanates of Baki Gence Qarabag Quba Naxcivan Sirvan Seki and Samaxi By 1805 the khanates of Qarabag and Sirvan had become protectorates of the Russian Empire In two wars between Russia and Qajar Persia in 1804 1813 and 1826 1828 the Russians conquered other Azerbaijani khanates Svante E Cornell Azerbaijan Since Independence M E Sharpe P 7 ISBN 0 7656 3004 4 One of the most direct results of the weakening of Iranian central power was the growing independence this granted to the khanates of both northern and southern Azerbaijan Henry R Huttenbach Soviet Nationality Policies Mansell 1990 P 222 The pattern of the Russian conquest varied in some cases notably in the Azerbaijani khanate of Ganja the emirate of Bukhara the khanate of Kokand and Turkmenistan violence and bloodshed were involved Bohdan Nahaylo Victor Swoboda Soviet Disunion A History of the Nationalities Problem in the USSR Simon and Schuster 1990 P 12 Its inhabitants being Shiite the Azerbaijani khanate was more closely linked with Persia than with their Turkish kin Peter the Great defeated Persia and annexed the Derbent and Baku regions of Azerbaijan in 1724 Stephen K Batalden The Newly Independent States of Eurasia Greenwood Publishing Group 1997 P 110 The 1812 Treaty of Gulistan and the 1828 Treaty of Turkmanchai ended the two Russo Persian wars and brought Azerbaijani khanates north of the Aras River under Russian control Heiko Kruger The Nagorno Karabakh Conflict A Legal Analysis Springer 2010 P 7 The Karabakh khanate became one of the most important and largest of the Azerbaijani khanates At the end of the 18th century the Azerbaijani khanates were under an increasing threat of being occupied by the Persian and Russian Empires Various khanates including Karabakh and Erivan joined forces on the initiative of the Karabakh khan Edward Allworth Muslim Communities Reemerge Historical Perspectives on Nationality Duke University Press 1994 P 47 One of the first consequences of the conquest was the gradual dismantling of the Azerbaijani khanates the principalities that had formed the political structure of the country The khanates of Ganja Shirvan Talysh Baku Karabagh Sheki Nakhichevan Derbent and Kuba disappeared one after the other for the most part during the 1830s and the 1840s and the process of breaking up these traditional polities contributed to the weakening of deeply rooted local particularisms Andrew Burke Iran Lonely Planet 2010 P 136 Long a key fortress and citadel guarding the Ottoman Persian frontier Maku was one of many Azerbaijani khanates that gained semi independence in the chaotic period following the death of Nadir Shah in 1749 Encyclopedia of World Cultures Russia and Eurasia China Edited by Paul Friedrich G K Hall 1994 P 243 Some Lezgin tukhums were at different times under foreign feudal overlordship e g the Lak Khanate of Kazikumukh and the Azerbaijani khanates of Shemakha Kuba and Derbent Bushkovitch P A Concise History of Russia angl Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2012 P 167 Cambridge Concise Histories ISBN 978 0 521 54323 1 In the khanate of Erevan as in the Azeri khanates most land belonged to the khans and now came under the Russian state Michael Rywkin Moscow s Lost Empire M E Sharpe 1994 P 85 ISBN 1 56324 236 2 The Armenians of the Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Region of Azerbaijan represent the most difficult case of Soviet interethnic relations Territorially encircled by Azerbaijan historically part of Azeri Khanate of Karabakh but demographically predominantly Armenian the region is a powder keg Vyrazhenie aderbejdzhanskie hany v razlichnyh formah adyrbajdzhanskie hany aderbidzhanskie hany mozhno vstretit v ryade dokumentov XVIII veka Originalnyj tekst rus Markova O P Rossiya Zakavkaze i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya v XVIII veke M Nauka 1966 S 176 Fatali han pisal Ekaterine II v konce 1782 g chto ves Azerbajdzhan nedovolen postupkami carya Irakliya i Ibragim hana zaklyucheniem v tyurmu gyandzhinskogo i erevanskogo hanov On Fatali han za dolzhnost svoyu priznal chtoby chest i pravo adyrbajdzhanskih hanov zashitit Ajrapetov O R Volhonskij M A Muhanov V M Doroga na Gyulistan Iz istorii rossijskoj politiki na Kavkaze vo vtoroj polovine XVIII pervoj chetverti XIX v M Knizhnyj Mir Mezhdunarodnyj institut novejshih gosudarstv 2014 S 180 181 ISBN 978 5 8041 0673 8 Firman Aga Mohammed Shaha Kadzhara ko vsem aderbajdzhanskim i dagestanskim vladetelyam Vysochajshij povelitelya Persii firman v tom sostoit daby izvestno i vedomo vam bylo chto udostoilsya uzhe ya byt v Persii shahom aderbejdzhanskie zhe hany i vladelcy vse mne pokorilis i ya pribyl teper s vojskom k storone zdeshnej s tem chtoby nakazat protivnikov Pochemu i mozhete vy prislat svoego poslannika s prosheniem i izyasnit vse do vas kasayusheesya chto konechno primu ya za blago Tolko prishlite ko mne narochnogo svoego s obstoyatelnym vashim prosheniem po ispolnenii zhe sego i po mere uslug vashih ne ostanetes vy bez vozdayaniya ssylka na Dubrovin N F Istoriya vojny i vladychestva russkih na Kavkaze v 6 tomah SPb Tip I N Skorohodova 1886 T 3 S 64 Leviatov V N Ocherki iz istorii Azerbajdzhana v XVIII veke Baku Izd vo AN Azerbajdzhanskoj SSR 1948 S 144 Odin iz sovremennikov Fatali hana polkovnik Burnashyov zhivshij v Tbilisi v kachestve upolnomochennogo rossijskogo pravitelstva pri care Iraklii II v 1786 g v sostavlennom im opisanii politicheskogo sostoyaniya oblastej azerbajdzhanskih pisal sleduyushee K tepereshnemu polozheniyu teh zemel kotorye pod imenem Adrebidzhani razumeyutsya nachinaya s severa prilezhit Gruziya to est carstva Kahetinskoe i Kartalinskoe ot vostoka more Kaspijskoe i provinciya Gilyan ot poludnya oblast Irak ot zapada Tureciya Azerbajdzhanskih vladelcev razdelyat dolzhno na samovlastnyh i zavisimyh a pervyh na mogushih i malomoshnyh Derbentskij ili Kuba han est iz chisla mogushih pochitayut ego dovolno bogatym sila ego sobstvennaya sostoit iz 3000 chelovek no k predpriyatiyam vazhnym protiv svoih sosedej prizyvaet on kak blizhnie Aderbidzhanskie hany kak to Nuhinskij Shirvanskij i Shushinskij vladelcev iz Dagestana i privodit brodyag lezginskih The Cambridge Modern History T 14 1992 P 72 Iranika AZERBAIJAN ot 19 yanvarya 2012 na Wayback Machine This new entity consisted of the former Iranian Khanates of Arran including Karabagh Baku Shirvan Ganja Talysh Ṭales Derbent Darband Kuba and Nakhichevan Naḵjavan which had been annexed to Russia by the treaties of Golestan 1813 and Torkamancay 1828 under the rubric of Eastern Transcaucasia Worldstatesmen org neopr Data obrasheniya 19 maya 2012 8 avgusta 2017 goda Potto V A Kavkazskaya vojna v otdelnyh ocherkah epizodah legendah i biografiyah v 5 tomah 2 e izd SPb Tip E Evdokimova 1887 T 2 Ermolovskoe vremya 780 s V Zakavkazskom krae ko vremenam Ermolova naimenee uprochnennymi za Rossiej vladeniyami ostavalis primykavshie k Gruzii s yuga i yugo vostoka tatarskie hanstva World and Its Peoples Middle East Western Asia and Northern Africa Marshall Cavendish Corporation 2006 ISBN 0 7614 7571 0 P 751 The Azeris In a series of wars with Persia at the beginning of the nineteenth century Russia gained the Azeri khanates north of the Araks River which still forms the frontier between Azerbaijan and Iran Tadeusz Swietochowski Russian Azerbaijan 1905 1920 The Shaping of National Identity in a Muslim Community Cambridge UK Cambridge University Press 2004 ISBN 0 521 52245 5 Thus began a half century long period of Azerbaijani independence albeit in a condition of deep political fragmentation and internal warfare Most of the principalities were organized as khanates small replicas of the Persian monarchy including Karabagh Sheki Ganja Baku Derbent Kuba Nakhichevan Talysh and Erivan in northern Azerbaijan and Tabriz Urmi Ardabil Khoi Maku Maragin and Karadagh in its southern part Many of the khanates were subdivided into mahals regions territorial units inhabited by members of the same tribe reflecting the fact that residue of tribalism was still strong Firouzeh Mostashari On the religious frontier Tsarist Russia and Islam in the Caucasus I B Tauris New York 2006 ISBN 1 85043 771 8 P 13 Shnirelman V A Vojny pamyati mify identichnost i politika v Zakavkaze Pod red L B Alaeva M Akademkniga 2003 S 103 Burnye sobytiya nachala XVIII v priveli gosudarstvo Sefevidov k upadku i posle 1747 g ono raspalos na otdelnye hanstva sredi kotoryh byli Karabahskoe Nahichevanskoe Shemahinskoe Erevanskoe i dr Vlastiteli etih hanstv proishodili iz musulmanskih tyurkskih dinastij no ih naselenie bylo smeshannym kak po yazyku tak i po religii Krome tyurok tam zhili armyane gruziny lezginy avarcy i nekotorye drugie gruppy Ih seleniya obladali opredelyonnoj avtonomiej i hristianskie obshiny uspeshno sohranyali svoyu identichnost cerkov yazyk i literaturu Altstadt 1992 R 8 Malo togo v Nagornom Karabahe imelos pyat armyanskih melikstv kotorye nahodili podderzhku u Nadir shaha Istoriya Vostoka T III Vostok na rubezhe srednevekovya i novogo vremeni XVI XVIII vv M Vostochnaya literatura RAN 2000 S 444 Samym silnym iz zakavkazskih hanstv vo vtoroj polovine XVIII v postepenno stalo Derbentsko Kubinskoe ohvatyvavshee severnye rajony nyneshnego Azerbajdzhana i yug Dagestana Pravitel etogo hanstva Fath Ali han predprinimal usiliya k zahvatu sosednih vladenij chto emu v 1770 1780 h godah poroj i udavalos On obladal opredelyonnymi kachestvami gosudarstvennogo deyatelya i uspeshno laviroval mezhdu Turciej Vostochnoj Gruziej Rossiej a pozzhe pravitelem Irana Karim hanom Derbentsko Kubinskoe hanstvo Fath Ali hana vryad li pravilno schitat azerbajdzhanskim Osnovnaya chast ego poddannyh byla predstavlena lezginami i prochimi dagestanskimi narodami da i glavnoj ego rezidenciej byl Derbent Sovremennik sobytij Abul Hasan Golestane pisal chto u Fath Ali hana na sluzhbe sostoyalo 10 tys tufengchi iz lezginskih molodcov dzhavanan e lazgi Talyshskoe hanstvo neopr BSE Data obrasheniya 21 iyulya 2014 18 fevralya 2013 goda Encyclopaedia Iranica Erevan ot 16 yanvarya 2012 na Wayback Machine THE PERSIAN KHANATE OF EREVAN Due to centuries of warfare by 1804 Erevan s population had been reduced to 6 000 It began to rise once again during the tenure of the last khan and in 1827 it exceeded 20 000 with the Armenians forming barely twenty percent of the population Following the Treaty of Torkama n a y and the Armenian immigration from Persia and Turkey the Armenian population rose to 40 percent of the total The overall population however decreased to some 12 000 as the Persian forces and administration emigrated lt gt Muslims Persians Turco Mongols Kurds made up 80 percent of the population and were either sedentary semi sedentary or nomadic Christians all Armenians constituted the remaining 20 percent of the population and lived in Erevan or the villages The Armenians dominated the various professions and trade in the area and were of great economic significance to the Persian administration Hovannisian R G The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times Palgrave Macmillan 1997 Vol II Foreign Dominion to Statehood The Fifteenth Century to the Twentieth Century P 121 122 493 p ISBN 0312101686 ISBN 9780312101688 At the time of the conquest of Eastern Armenia the former Persian khanate was in desperate economic straits Much of the region was depopulated and even with the mass migrations of Muslims and Armenians hundreds of villages remained empty Peasants made up almost 90 percent of the population of the Armianskaia Oblast Hewsen Robert H Armenia A Historical Atlas University of Chicago Press 2001 P 168 341 p ISBN 0226332284 ISBN 9780226332284 Enciklopediya LyaRuss ot 7 iyulya 2009 na Wayback Machine Chef lieu du khanat iranien d Erevan depuis le milieu du XVIIIe s Jasmine Dum Tragut Tracing female Monasticism in Armenia The Lap an Nunneries Monastic Life in the Armenian Church Glorious Past Ecumenical Reconsideration Edited by Jasmine Dum Tragut and Dietmar W Winkler LIT 2018 P 107 26 aprelya 2023 goda In Safavi times Azerbaijan was applied to all the muslim ruled khanates of the eastern Caucasian as well as to the area south of the Araz River as far as the Qezel Uzan River the latter region being approximately the same as the modern Iranian ostans of East and West Azerbaijan Muriel Atkin Russia and Iran 1780 1828 2nd ed Minneapolis University of Minnesota Press Press 2008 ISBN 0 521 58336 5 Aliev F M Antiiranskie vystupleniya i borba protiv tureckoj okkupacii v Azerbajdzhane v pervoj polovine XVIII veka pod red A S Sumbatzade Baku 1975 S 216 Petrushevskij I P Ocherki po istorii feodalnyh otnoshenij v Azerbajdzhane i Armenii v XVI nachale XIX vv Izd Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im A A Zhdanova Leningrad 1949 S 66 74 V Azerbajdzhanskoj oblasti vilajete v XVII v byli sleduyushie nasledstvennye ulka olke 1 Urmijya Urumijya 2 Maraga 3 Soudzhbulak 4 Hoj i Salmas 5 Marand 6 7 Maku i Chors 8 Karadag 9 Ardebil 10 Mijyane 11 Talysh 12 Nahchevan 13 Arasbar 14 Kapan 15 Bargushet V Karabagskoj oblasti vilajete pomimo neposredstvennyh vladenij nasledstvennogo beglerbega karabahskogo iz familii Zijyad ogly kadzhar6 rajon goroda Gandzhi izvestno sushestvovanie sleduyushih nasledstvennyh ulka 1 Kazah 2 Shamsaddinlu Shamshadil 3 Igirmidort Berda 4 Ottuz iki 5 9 Pyat armyanskih melikstv nagornoj chasti Karabaga Gyulistan Charaberd Dzhraberd Hachen Varanda i Dizak Do Nadir shaha oni podchinyalis beglerbegu karabagskomu i gandzhinskomu v 1747 1749 gg oni popali v vassalnuyu zavisimost ot hanov karabagskih iz plemeni dzhevanshir 10 Kyshtag 1 Sheki 2 Elisu i Cahur 3 Kabala 4 Aresh 5 Baku 6 Derbend 7 Kuba Krome perechislennyh ulka v spiske emirov 1628 g u Iskendera Munshi upominayutsya eshyo nahodivshiesya v Shirvane ulka Mansur sultana iz kyzylbashskogo plemeni alpaut Nur ad din sultana pajdar iz turkmenskih plemen Shirvana i Shudzha ad din sultana glavy kurdskogo plemeni surlu 9 mestopolozhenie etih ulka ne ukazano V Erevanskoj Chuhur Sa dskoj oblasti vilajete bolshaya chast territorii sostavlyala zemli divana i nahodilas pod neposredstvennym upravleniem mestnogo beglerbega Posle smerti Nadir shaha beglerbegstvo stalo nasledstvennym i prevratilos v polunezavisimoe hanstvo V Erevanskoj oblasti v XVI v byli poseleny chasti kyzylbashskih plemen ustadzhlu alpaut i bajyat pri shahe Abbase I byli poseleny takzhe ahcha kojyunlu kadzhar eshyo ranshe zdes utverdilis kurdskie plemena chamishkizek hnuslu i pazuki 10 V oblasti byli sleduyushie znachitelnye ulka 1 Alashkert 2 Bajyazid 3 Lori Petrushevskij I P Ocherki po istorii feodalnyh otnoshenij v Azerbajdzhane i Armenii v XVI nachale XIX vv Izd Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im A A Zhdanova Leningrad 1949 S 45 Istoriya Azerbajdzhana T 2 Baku 1960 S 13 16 Milman A Sh Politicheskij stroj Azerbajdzhana v XIX nachale XX vekov administrativnyj apparat i sud formy i metody kolonialnogo upravleniya Baku 1966 S 53 Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii sobranie 2 e t III st 1794 1795 Turkmanchajskij mirnyj dogovor neopr Data obrasheniya 22 oktyabrya 2010 1 noyabrya 2020 goda Dubrovin N F Istoriya vojny i vladychestva russkih na Kavkaze v 6 tomah SPb Tip Depart udelov 1871 T 1 Kn 2 Ocherk Kavkaza i narodov ego naselyayushih S 328