Zapros Bagratuni perenapravlyaetsya syuda sm takzhe drugie znacheniya Ne sleduet putat s Bagrationy Bagrati dy Bagratu ni arm Բագրատունիներ armyanskij knyazheskij rod odna iz samyh znachimyh knyazheskih dinastij Zakavkazya S 885 po 1045 gody carskaya dinastiya Armenii V Gruzii dinastiya sohranyala carskij titul vplot do XIX veka Takzhe dinastiya pravila v sosednej Kavkazskoj Albanii Bagratidyarm ԲագրատունիներStrana Armyanskoe carstvoRodonachalnyj dom Origin of the Bagratid dynasties vd i armyanskoe dvoryanstvoOsnovatel Ashot IPoslednij pravitel Gagik IIGod osnovaniya 885 vocarenie Ashota I Prekrashenie roda ok 1079 1080 ubijstvo Gagika II Nacionalnost armyaneMladshie linii Bagrationy Bagratidy Karsa KyurikidyTitulyIshhan Armenii Car Armenii Shahinshah Mediafajly na VikiskladeProishozhdeniePo mneniyu Nikolaya Adonca eta dinastiya beryot svoyo nachalo na pogranichnoj s Iranom ili Atropatenoj okraine Armenii Po soobsheniyam Movsesa Horenaci Antioh III dlya sverzheniya Ervanda IV i utverzhdeniya Artashesa I na trone Armenii peredal ego spodvizhniku Smbatu Bagratuni chast sirijskogo i atropatenskogo vojska Predstavitel Bagratidov takzhe venchal Artashesa na tron i poluchil ot nego san povyazyvayushego koronu Etot titul soglasno armyanskim istochnikam byl v rodu Bagratidov tradicionnym Iranistka Anait Perihanyan schitaet chto mnenie Adonca ob atropateno midijskom proishozhdenii dinastii nahodit podtverzhdenie pri analize pervoistochnikov Kak otmechaet specialist po istorii aristokraticheskih rodov Zakavkazya K L Tumanov Bagratidy byvshie iznachalno dinasticheskimi knyazyami oblasti Sper na severo zapade Armenii nyne Ispir v Turcii imeli mestnoe armyano iranskoe ili dazhe vozmozhno urartskoe proishozhdenie Soglasno Alle Ter Sarkisyanc sposob obrazovaniya nazvaniya roda svidetelstvuet o ego urartskom proishozhdenii Kak otmechayut Robert Hyusen i Kirill Tumanov Bagratidy yavlyalis vetvyu Ervandidov carskoj dinastii v Armenii Takzhe kak i Ervandidy Bagratidy pervonachalno pretendovali na proishozhdenie ot boga Solnca Posle prinyatiya Armeniej hristianstva kak i bolshinstvo armyanskih knyazej oni utverzhdali o proishozhdenie ot mificheskogo praroditelya armyan Ajka Pozzhe poyavilas versiya ob evrejskom proishozhdenie voznikshaya pod biblejskim vliyaniem Etu versiyu privodit armyanskij istorik Movses Horenaci kotoryj pripisal proishozhdenie Bagratidov ot nekoego princa Shambota Shambat arm Smbat odnogo iz iudejskih plennikov privezyonnogo v Armeniyu caryom Ajkom Tu zhe versiyu mozhno vstretit i u drugogo srednevekovogo istorika Movsesa Kagankatvaci angl iz Oksfordskogo universiteta otmechaet chto srednevekovye armyanskie istoriki provodili paralleli mezhdu istoriej armyan i evreev a nekotorye iz nih pytalis najti fizicheskoe rodstvo mezhdu dvumya narodami posredstvom vymyshlennyh rodoslovnyh Fakticheski zhe armyanskaya znat ne imela evrejskoj krovi v svoih zhilah Nazvanie dinastii proishodit iz drevnepersidskogo slova bagadata Istoriya rodaSm takzhe Genealogicheskoe drevo Bagratidov i Anijskoe carstvo Pri arabah v VIII IX vekah knyazheskij rod Bagratidov postepenno obedinil pod svoej vlastyu bo lshuyu chast Armenii v chastnosti eyo vostochnye oblasti Pervym caryam Bagratidam Ashot I Smbat I Ashot II Zheleznyj podchinyalis takzhe nekotorye rajony Yuzhnoj Armenii Centrom ih vladenij stal Shirak bassejn verhnego i srednego techeniya reki Ahuryan Osnovatelem carskoj dinastii Bagratidov stal Ashot I um 891 V 861 godu bagdadskij dvor priznal ego knyazem knyazej On podchinil sebe krupnyh armyanskih feodalov dobilsya podderzhki Armyanskoj cerkvi a v seredine 880 h godov nanyos porazhenie arabskim vojskam Posle etogo sopernichavshie mezhdu soboj arabskij halif i vizantijskij imperator poslali v 885 godu Ashotu po korone priznav takim obrazom nezavisimost Armenii V dalnejshem armyanskie praviteli obespechivali nezavisimost i procvetanie svoih vladenij iskusno igraya na protivorechiyah mezhdu mogushestvennymi sosedyami Ashot II Zheleznyj pravil v 914 928 v 921 razbil arabskoe vojsko na beregu ozera Sevan i osvobodil ot arabov bo lshuyu chast Armenii V 922 halif vynuzhden byl priznat ego vlastitelem Armenii Ashot II prinyal titul carya carej shahinshah byvshij nekogda prinyatym sredi mogushestvennyh vladyk Drevnego Vostoka priznannyj Bagdadom i vizantijcami Ashot III Milostivyj 953 977 sozdal silnuyu postoyannuyu armiyu V 961 perenyos svoyu rezidenciyu iz Karsa v Ani imenno pod nazvaniem Anijskoe carstvo armyanskoe srednevekovoe gosudarstvo i voshlo v istoriyu Feodalnaya razdroblennost vela k obrazovaniyu otdelnyh armyanskih carstv Vaspurakanskogo 908 Karsskogo 963 Syunijskogo 987 i Tashir Dzoragetskogo 978 nahodivshihsya v vassalnyh otnosheniyah s Bagratidami Razdory mezhdu feodalami i vysshim duhovenstvom oblegchili ekspansiyu Vizantii V 1045 godu posle zahvata stolicy strany goroda Ani Vizantiej i raspada Armenii sushestvovanie starshej vetvi dinastii Bagratidov prekratilos Vskore eti territorii byli zahvacheny turkami seldzhukami tak v 1064 godu pod ih udarami pala byvshaya stolica Armenii Ani Poslednij predstavitel starshej vetvi dinastii Gagik II byl obmanom plenyon vizantijcami vo vremya peregovorov v Konstantinopole i byl osvobozhdyon tolko posle otrecheniya ot svoego carstva V kachestve kompensacii emu byla peredana vo vladenie fema Harsian Byl ubit v 1079 80 godu Centr armyanskoj gosudarstvennosti smestilsya yuzhnee v Kilikijskoe carstvo kotoroe vozglavila dinastiya Rubenidov osnovannaya v 1080 godu priblizhyonnym i rodstvennikom anijskogo carya Rubenom I GalereyaMonety Bagratidov Lori vtoraya polovina XI veka Genealogicheskoe drevo dinastii Bagratidov Ashot I Velikij 885 891 osnovatel carskoj dinastii Ashot II Zheleznyj 914 929 car Armenii s 914 shahinshah armyanskij i gruzinskij s 922 Gorodskie steny Ani stolicy Bagratidskoj Armenii nyne na territorii Turcii Statuya Gagika I najdennaya pri raskopkah v Ani Na rukah statui nahodilsya maket cerkvi PrimechaniyaToumanoff C Iberia on the Eve of Bagratid Rule angl P 22 Cited in Suny R G The making of the Georgian nation angl R G Suny 2nd ed Bloomington IN IUP 1994 P 349 418 p ISBN 0 253 20915 3 gruz Studies in Medieval Georgian Historiography Early Texts and Eurasian Contexts angl Leuven Peeters Publishers 2003 Vol 601 P 337 522 p ISBN 90 429 1318 5 Leuven ISBN 2 87723 723 0 France Oksfordskij slovar Vizantii Statya Bagratids p 244 Originalnyj tekst angl BAGRATIDS Armenian feudal family that gave royal dynasties to Armenia Georgia and Caucasian Albania Secondary branches of the Bagratid house settled in Iberia and Tayk Tao early in the 9th C Toumanoff Cyril Armenia and Georgia ot 23 dekabrya 2021 na Wayback Machine in The Cambridge Medieval History Cambridge 1966 vol IV p 609 Originalnyj tekst angl The Bagratids at first after 772 lost all their domains save Syspiritis whither Smbat VII s son Ashot IV fled after the disaster But the silver mines he possessed there enabled him to purchase from the tottering Kamsarakans the principalities of Arsharunik and Siracene He wrested some Mamikonid territory from the Arab amir Jahhaf the Qaysid and directly from the Mamikonids Taraun and southern Tayk Other successes awaited his dynasty His cousin Adarnase son of Smbat VII s younger brother Vasak removed to Iberia after 772 There he acquired the lands of Erushet i and Artani Ardahan and at the turn of the century inherited the state of the Guaramids comprising Cholarzene Javakhet i and northern Tayk or Tao taken earlier from the Mamikonids With the extermination of many Iberian princes in 786 this younger Bagratid branch became the leading house of Iberia The Armenian People From Ancient to Modern Times Volume I Richard G Hovannisian red Nyu Jork 1997 Chast 10 Armenia during the Seljuk and Mongol Periods S 241 271 avtor Robert Bedrosian Razdel The Emergence of Georgia ot 23 dekabrya 2021 na Wayback Machine Originalnyj tekst angl Furthermore the dynasty of the Georgian Bagratids itself of Armenian descent very definitely favored certain Armenian nobles long since established within Georgia and within that country s ruling structure George Bournoutian A Concise History of the Armenian People S 110 Originalnyj tekst angl The period between the decline of the Seljuks and the arrival of the Mongols was a time of revival for the Armenians The main impetus was the emergence of Georgia and its Bagratuni dynasty which was of Armenian descent as the preeminent power in Transcaucasia and eastern Anatolia Oksfordskij slovar Vizantii Statya Bagratids S 244 Originalnyj tekst angl BAGRATIDS Armenian feudal family that gave royal dynasties to Armenia Georgia and Caucasian Albania Secondary branches of the Bagratid house settled in Iberia and Tayk Tao early in the 9th C Bagratidy Angola Barzas M Sovetskaya enciklopediya 1970 S 514 Bolshaya sovetskaya enciklopediya v 30 t gl red A M Prohorov 1969 1978 t 2 Bagratid dynasty angl Enciklopediya Britannica Arhivirovano iz originala 28 marta 2020 goda Encyclopedia Iranica Armenian and Iran II The pre Islamic period Encyclopedia Iranica Enciklopediya Iranika BAGRATIDS ot 2 yanvarya 2021 na Wayback MachineCitata BAGRATIDS possibly the most important princely dynasty of Caucasia Bagratuni in Armenia Bagrationi in Georgia attaining to the kingly status in the ninth century and retaining it in Georgia to the nineteenth Like the House of Artsruni they were an offshoot of the Orontids Achaemenian satraps and later kings of Armenia ca 400 ca 200 B C originally appanaged in the old Orontid fief of Bagrevand ca 5 000 km2 in Ayrarat in north central Armenia and like the Orontids they claimed descent from a solar deity Adonc Nikolaj Georgievich Armeniya v epohu Yustiniana 2 1971 S 307 308 angl Aramejskaya nadpis iz Zangezura Nekotorye voprosy sredneiranskoj dialektologii Ist filol zhurn 1965 4 S 107 128 13 iyulya 2021 goda Toumanoff C On the Relationship between the Founder of the Empire of Trebizond and the Georgian Queen Thamar Speculum 1940 Iyul t 15 vyp 3 S 299 312 ISSN 2040 8072 0038 7134 2040 8072 doi 10 2307 2855207 Ter Sarkisyanc A Istoriya i kultura armyanskogo naroda s drevnejshih vremyon do nachala XIX v M Izdat RAN 2008 S 180 Robert Hyusen The geography of Ananias of Sirak Asxarhac oyc the long and the short recensions 1992 P 211 212 Citata The chief characteristic of the history of Ayrarat is its gradual partitioning among various princely houses related to the Armenian kings The Bagratids for example were almost certainly a branch of the Orontid dynasty of Armenia it appears likely that the emergence of their principality took place under the Artaxiads ca 189 B C A D 14 or if the Artaxiads were an Orontid offshoot as now seems likely then under their successors the Arsacids neopr Data obrasheniya 2 oktyabrya 2009 Arhivirovano iz originala 27 iyunya 2018 goda angl Armenian Literary Culture through the Eleventh Century The Armenian People From Ancient to Modern Times The Dynastic Periods From Antiquity to the Fourteenth Century Edited by Richard G Hovannisian angl 1997 Vol I P 214 Toumanoff C INTRODUCTION TO CHRISTIAN CAUCASIAN HISTORY The Formative Centuries IVth VIIIth Fordham University 1959 Vol 15 P 78 79 Do vocareniya zanimal dolzhnost knyazya Armenii kak Ashot V Istoriya Armenii Carstvo Bagratidov 31 maya 2010 goda Sm takzheArmyanskie carskie dinastii Bagrationy gruzinskaya carskaya dinastiyaLiteraturaMovses Khorenatsi History of the Armenians Translation and Commentary of the Literary Sources by R W Thomson Cambridge Massachusetts Harvard University Press 1978 Appendix A Primary History pp 358 359 362 365 366 Yuzbashyan K N Armyanskie gosudarstva epohi Bagratidov i Vizantiya IX XI vv M Nauka 1988 Ssylki Bagratidy