Zdanie Shvedskoj akademii v kotorom ezhegodno proishodit izbranie laureata Nobelevskoj premii po literature Nobelevskaya premiya po literature shved Nobelpriset i litteratur prestizhnaya nagrada ezhegodno vruchaemaya Nobelevskim fondom za dostizheniya v oblasti literatury Odna iz pyati Nobelevskih premij uchrezhdyonnyh Alfredom Nobelem v ego zaveshanii napisannom 27 noyabrya 1895 goda v Parizhe Nobelevskaya premiya po literature prisuzhdaetsya ezhegodno s 1901 goda Po sostoyaniyu na 2022 god premiya byla prisuzhdena 119 laureatam iz nih 17 zhenshiny Vsego 8 raz nagrazhdenie ne provodilos v 1914 1918 1935 1940 1943 godah Pervym laureatom v 1901 godu stal francuzskij poet i esseist Syulli Pryudom Za vse gody sushestvovaniya premii vsego 4 raza ona vruchalas odnovremenno dvum laureatam v 1904 1917 1966 i 1974 godah Po mneniyu postoyannogo sekretarya Shvedskoj akademii Petera Englunda eto obuslovleno prirodoj literatury v otlichie ot nauki ili smezhnyh oblastej gde mozhno rabotat vmeste Samym molodym laureatom Nobelevskoj premii po literature yavlyaetsya Redyard Kipling kotoryj poluchil premiyu v 42 goda v 1907 godu Samoj pozhiloj k momentu vrucheniya premii byla Doris Lessing ej bylo 88 let Pri vruchenii premii izvestny tolko imena laureatov Vse ostalnye nominacii i mneniya chlenov Nobelevskogo komiteta po literature derzhatsya v sekrete v techenie 50 let Otbor kandidatov Soglasno ustavu Nobelevskogo fonda vydvigat kandidatov na premiyu po literature mogut sleduyushie lica chleny Shvedskoj akademii drugih akademij institutov i obshestv s analogichnymi zadachami i celyami professora literatury i lingvistiki razlichnyh vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij laureaty Nobelevskoj premii v oblasti literatury predsedateli avtorskih soyuzov predstavlyayushih literaturnoe tvorchestvo v sootvetstvuyushih stranah Ocenku zayavok i otbor kandidatov proizvodit Nobelevskij komitet po literature Iz ih chisla Shvedskaya akademiya vybiraet laureatov Spisok laureatov 1900 e 1910 e 1920 e 1930 e 1940 e 1950 e 1960 e 1970 e 1980 e 1990 e 2000 e 2010 e 2020 e1900 e gody God Portret Strana laureat Obosnovanie nagrady Drugie nominanty Istochnik informacii1901 Syulli Pryudom 1839 1907 Franciya Za vydayushiesya literaturnye dobrodeteli osobenno zhe za vysokij idealizm hudozhestvennoe sovershenstvo a takzhe za neobyknovennoe obedinenie dushevnosti i talanta o chyom svidetelstvuyut ego knigi Originalnyj tekst angl In special recognition of his poetic composition which gives evidence of lofty idealism artistic perfection and a rare combination of the qualities of both heart and intellect Spisok 24 Ferenc KemenYulius GersdorfMalvida fon MejzenbugGaspar Nunes de ArseDzhakomo StampaAntonio FogaccaroGenrik SenkevichZhuan da KamaraAleksandru KsenopolKarl Gustav EstlanderRene Valleri RadoLui DyukroEmil ZolyaOsip LureFrederik MistralGaston ParisSharl RenuveEdmon RostanOgyust SabatePol SabateAleksandr BaumgartnerSharl BorzhoPol DyupruaOskar le Pen1902 Teodor Mommzen 1817 1903 Germaniya Odnomu iz vydayushihsya istoricheskih pisatelej peru kotorogo prinadlezhit takaya monumentalnaya rabota kak Rimskaya istoriya Originalnyj tekst angl The greatest living master of the art of historical writing with special reference to his monumental work A history of Rome Spisok 33 Gartman GrizarHyuston Styuart ChemberlenBernard BozanketDzhordzh MereditDzhon MorlejLyuis MorrisArchibald RobertsonGerbert SpenserFerenc KemenKarl VejtbrehtGerhart GauptmanGustav FalkeTeodor CanUilyam Batler JejtsVentura LopesGaspar Nunes de ArseHose Echegaraj i EjsagirreDzhozue KarduchchiAntonio FogaccaroByornsterne ByornsonArne GarborgGenrik IbsenGenrik SenkevichAnatolij KoniLev TolstojYuhani AhoMarsel BarrerSharl VagnerEmil ZolyaFrederik MistralGaston ParisPol SabateAleksandr Baumgartner1903 Byornsterne Byornson 1832 1910 Norvegiya Za blagorodnuyu vysokuyu i raznostoronnyuyu poeziyu kotoraya vsegda otmechalas svezhestyu vdohnoveniya i redchajshej chistotoj duha Originalnyj tekst angl As a tribute to his noble magnificent and versatile poetry which has always been distinguished by both the freshness of its inspiration and the rare purity of its spirit Spisok 23 Ivan ZhilkenMoris MeterlinkLengton DuglasRedyard KiplingDzhordzh MereditLyuis MorrisAldzhernon Charlz SuinbernGeorg BrandesGaspar Nunes de ArseMarselino Menendes i PelajoHose Echegaraj i EjsagirreDzhozue KarduchchiGenrik IbsenGenrik SenkevichKarl GlazenapLev TolstojSharl VagnerFransua KoppeFrederik MistralGaston PariPol SabateAlber SorelAleksandr Baumgartner1904 Frederik Mistral 1830 1914 Franciya Za svezhest i originalnost poeticheskih proizvedenij kotorye pravdivo otobrazhayut duh naroda Originalnyj tekst angl In recognition of the fresh originality and true inspiration of his poetic production which faithfully reflects the natural scenery and native spirit of his people and in addition his significant work as a Provencal philologist Spisok 19 Moris MeterlinkLengton DuglasRedyard KiplingDzhordzh MereditDzhon MorlejLyuis MorrisAldzhernon Charlz SuinbernTeodor CanDimitrios VernardakisGeorg BrandesUilyam ChapmanGenrik IbsenGenrik SenkevichLev TolstojEmili LeruAlber SorelAnatol FransYaroslav VrhlickijSelma LagerlyofHose Echegaraj i Ejsagirre 1832 1916 Ispaniya Za mnogochislennye zaslugi v vozrozhdenii tradicij ispanskoj dramy Originalnyj tekst angl In recognition of the numerous and brilliant compositions which in an individual and original manner have revived the great traditions of the Spanish drama1905 Genrik Senkevich 1846 1916 Rossijskaya Imperiya Za vydayushiesya zaslugi v oblasti eposa Originalnyj tekst angl Because of his outstanding merits as an epic writer Spisok 14 Redyard KiplingDzhon MorlejLyuis MorrisAldzhernon Charlz SuinbernDimitrios VernardakisGeorg BrandesMarselino Menendes i PelajoDzhozue KarduchchiEliza OzheshkoLev TolstojAlber SorelYaroslav VrhlickijSelma Lagerlyof1906 Dzhozue Karduchchi 1835 1907 Italiya Ne tolko za glubokie znaniya i kritichnyj um a prezhde vsego za tvorcheskuyu energiyu svezhest stilya i liricheskuyu silu harakternuyu dlya ego poeticheskih shedevrov Originalnyj tekst angl Not only in consideration of his deep learning and critical research but above all as a tribute to the creative energy freshness of style and lyrical force which characterize his poetic masterpieces Spisok 23 Hyuston Styuart ChemberlenLui FrankUilyam ButDzhordzh MereditDzhon MorlejLyuis MorrisAldzhernon Charlz SuinbernGerhart GauptmanGeorg BrandesAndzhelo de GubernatisAntonio FogaccaroLev TolstojBorden Parker BounGaston BuaseAlber SorelYaroslav VrhlickijPedro FigeroaJozef VidmanSelma Lagerlyof1907 Redyard Kipling 1865 1936 Velikobritaniya Za nablyudatelnost yarkuyu fantaziyu zrelost idej i vydayushijsya talant povestvovatelya Originalnyj tekst angl In consideration of the power of observation originality of imagination virility of ideas and remarkable talent for narration which characterize the creations of this world famous author Spisok 20 Dzhordzh MereditDzhon MorlejLyuis MorrisAldzhernon Charlz SuinbernGeorgios SurisGeorg BrandesHolger DrahmanAnzhel GimeraMarselino Menendes i PelajoAndzhelo de GubernatisAntonio FogaccaroBorden Parker BounPol BurzheYaroslav VrhlickijSelma Lagerlyof1908 Rudolf Ejken 1846 1926 Germaniya Za seryoznye poiski istiny vsepronicayushuyu silu mysli shirokij krugozor zhivost i ubeditelnost s kotorymi on otstaival i razvival idealisticheskuyu filosofiyu Originalnyj tekst angl In recognition of his earnest search for truth his penetrating power of thought his wide range of vision and the warmth and strength in presentation with which in his numerous works he has vindicated and developed an idealistic philosophy of life Spisok 15 Dzhon MorlejAldzhernon Charlz SuinbernAdolf fon GarnakElizabet Fyorster NicsheTeodor CanGeorgios SurisAnzhel GimeraEdmondo De AmichisAntonio FogaccaroYaroslav VrhlickijJozef VidmanSelma Lagerlyof1909 Selma Lagerlyof 1858 1940 Shveciya Kak dan vysokomu idealizmu yarkomu voobrazheniyu i duhovnomu proniknoveniyu kotorye otlichayut vse eyo proizvedeniya Originalnyj tekst angl In appreciation of the lofty idealism vivid imagination and spiritual perception that characterize her writings Spisok 20 Emil VerharnIvan ZhilkenMoris MeterlinkDzhon MorlejAldzhernon Charlz SuinbernGeorgios SurisAnzhel GimeraAndzhelo de GubernatisFranchesko D OvidioAleksandru KsenopolBorden Parker BounPol BurzheSharl VagnerEzhen Melkior de VogyueErnest LavissAnatol FransYaroslav VrhlickijVerner fon Hejdenstam1910 e gody God Portret Strana laureat Obosnovanie nagrady Drugie nominanty Istochnik informacii1910 Paul Hejze 1830 1914 Germaniya Za hudozhestvennost idealizm kotorye on demonstriroval na protyazhenii svoego dolgoletnego i produktivnogo tvorcheskogo puti kak liricheskij poet dramaturg romanist avtor vsemirno izvestnyh novell Originalnyj tekst angl As a tribute to the consummate artistry permeated with idealism which he has demonstrated during his long productive career as a lyric poet dramatist novelist and writer of world renowned short stories Spisok 24 Mariya fon Ebner EshenbahMoris MeterlinkRobert BridzhesEndryu LengDzhon MorlejTomas HardiGustav VarnekGeorg BrandesAnzhel GimeraMarselino Menendes i PelajoFranchesko D OvidioAntonio FogaccaroUilyam ChapmanUilyam Din HouellsYuhani AhoErnest LavissPer LotiAnatol FransAlfred FuleEduar Rod1911 Moris Meterlink 1862 1949 Belgiya Za mnogogrannuyu literaturnuyu deyatelnost i osobenno za dramaticheskie proizvedeniya kotorye otmechayutsya bogatstvom voobrazheniya i poeticheskoj fantaziej Originalnyj tekst angl In appreciation of his many sided literary activities and especially of his dramatic works which are distinguished by a wealth of imagination and by a poetic fancy which reveals sometimes in the guise of a fairy tale a deep inspiration while in a mysterious way they appeal to the readers own feelings and stimulate their imaginations Spisok 25 Peter RozeggerKarl ShyonherrMariya fon Ebner EshenbahDzhon MorlejTomas HardiBernard ShouGeorgios SurisHarald GyoffdingKarl GellerupRafael Altamira i KreveaAnzhel GimeraFranchesko D OvidioAntonio FogaccaroGenri DzhejmsYuhani AhoPer LotiAlber de MenAnatol FransYaroslav VrhlickijGustav FryodingVerner fon Hejdenstam1912 Gerhart Gauptman 1862 1946 Germaniya Prezhde vsego v znak priznaniya plodotvornoj raznoobraznoj i vydayushejsya deyatelnosti v oblasti dramaticheskogo iskusstva Originalnyj tekst angl Primarily in recognition of his fruitful varied and outstanding production in the realm of dramatic art Spisok 30 Karl ShyonherrEmil VerharnPencho SlavejkovDzhejms FrezerTomas HardiBernard ShouGeorgios SurisHarald GyoffdingKarl GellerupRafael Altamira i KreveaAnzhel GimeraBenito Peres GaldosFranchesko D OvidioSalvatore FarinaUilyam ChapmanGenri DzhejmsYuhani AhoAnri BergsonErnest LavissPer LotiZhan Anri FabrAnatol FransYaroslav VrhlickijKarl ShpittelerSven GedinVerner fon Hejdenstam1913 Rabindranat Tagor 1861 1941 Indiya Za gluboko prochuvstvovannye originalnye i prekrasnye stihi v kotoryh s isklyuchitelnym masterstvom vyrazilos ego poeticheskoe myshlenie Originalnyj tekst angl Because of his profoundly sensitive fresh and beautiful verse by which with consummate skill he has made his poetic thought expressed in his own English words a part of the literature of the West Spisok 27 Peter RozeggerEdmon PikarDzhon LebbokDzhon MorlejTomas HardiHarald GyoffdingKarl GellerupYakob KnudsenHenrik PontoppidanEdvard DaudenAnzhel GimeraBenito Peres GaldosGraciya DeleddaSalvatore FarinaYuhani AhoAnri BergsonErnest LavissPer LotiEmil FageAnatol FransKarl ShpittelerSven GedinVerner fon Hejdenstam1914 Premiya ne prisuzhdalas Spisok 24 Edmon PikarTomas HardiHarald GyoffdingKarl GellerupUilyam Batler JejtsAnzhel GimeraBenito Peres GaldosGraciya DeleddaSalvatore FarinaVillem KlosDmitrij MerezhkovskijYuhani AhoRene BazenAnri BergsonPol BurzheZhan Anri FabrEmil FageJozef MaharKarl Shpitteler1915 Romen Rollan 1866 1944 Franciya Za vysokij idealizm hudozhestvennyh proizvedenij za sochuvstvie i lyubov k istine s kotoroj on opisyvaet razlichnye chelovecheskie tipazhi Originalnyj tekst angl As a tribute to the lofty idealism of his literary production and to the sympathy and love of truth with which he has described different types of human beings Spisok 21 Emil VerharnCharlz DautiFerdinand AvenariusKarl GellerupUilyam Batler JejtsAnzhel GimeraBenito Peres GaldosGraciya DeleddaVillem KlosDmitrij MerezhkovskijYuhani AhoRene BazenAnri BergsonPol BurzheAnatol FransJozef MaharKarl ShpittelerVerner fon Hejdenstam1916 Verner fon Hejdenstam 1859 1940 Shveciya V znak priznaniya ego znacheniya kak vidnejshego predstavitelya novoj epohi v mirovoj literature Originalnyj tekst angl In recognition of his significance as the leading representative of a new era in our literature Spisok 28 Emil VerharnEdmon PikarObshestvo palijskih tekstovAdolf fon GarnakElizabet Fyorster NicsheGeorg BrandesHarald GyoffdingKarl GellerupYakob KnudsenHenrik PontoppidanTryols Tryols LundAnzhel GimeraBenito Peres GaldosArne GarborgGunnar HejbergGenri DzhejmsIvan FrankoYuhani AhoRomen RollanAnatol FransOtokar BrzhezinaKarl ShpittelerErik Aksel Karlfeldt1917 Karl Gellerup 1857 1919 Daniya Za mnogoobraznoe poeticheskoe tvorchestvo i vozvyshennye idealy Originalnyj tekst angl For his varied and rich poetry which is inspired by lofty ideals Spisok 18 Edmon PikarIvan VazovElizabet Fyorster NicsheOtto ErnstGeorg BrandesJeppe OkerAnzhel GimeraGraciya DeleddaUilyam ChapmanYuhan BojerUlaf BullArne GarborgYuhani AhoOtokar BrzhezinaKarl ShpittelerErik Aksel KarlfeldtHenrik Pontoppidan 1857 1943 Daniya Za pravdivoe opisanie sovremennoj zhizni Danii Originalnyj tekst angl For his authentic descriptions of present day life in Denmark1918 Premiya ne prisuzhdalas Spisok 17 Peter RozeggerGeorg BrandesUilyam Batler JejtsGunnar GunnarssonAnzhel GimeraGraciya DeleddaKnut GamsunMaksim GorkijYuhani AhoAnri BergsonOtokar BrzhezinaAlois IrasekKarl ShpittelerErik Aksel Karlfeldt1919 Karl Shpitteler 1845 1924 Shvejcariya Za nesravnennyj epos Olimpijskaya vesna Originalnyj tekst angl In special appreciation of his epic Olympian Spring Spisok 11 Gugo fon GofmanstalDzhon GolsuorsiEbenizer HouardArno HolcAnzhel GimeraVladislav RejmontYuhani AhoAlois IrasekErik Aksel Karlfeldt1920 e gody God Portret Strana laureat Obosnovanie nagrady Drugie nominanty Istochnik informacii1920 Knut Gamsun 1859 1952 Norvegiya Za monumentalnoe proizvedenie Soki zemli o zhizni norvezhskih krestyan sohranivshih svoyu vekovuyu privyazannost k zemle i vernost patriarhalnym tradiciyam Originalnyj tekst angl For his monumental work Growth of the Soil Spisok 15 Dzhon GolsuorsiTomas HardiEbenizer HouardGeorg BrandesAnzhel GimeraGraciya DeleddaArne GarborgVladislav RejmontUilbur EbbotYuhani AhoOtokar BrzhezinaAlois IrasekKarl Shpitteler1921 Anatol Frans 1844 1924 Franciya Za blestyashie literaturnye dostizheniya otmechennye izyskannostyu stilya gluboko vystradannym gumanizmom i istinno gallskim temperamentom Originalnyj tekst angl In recognition of his brilliant literary achievements characterized as they are by a nobility of style a profound human sympathy grace and a true Gallic temperament Spisok 17 Dzhon GolsuorsiGerbert UellsBernard ShouFerdinand AvenariusArno HolcUilyam Batler JejtsGunnar GunnarssonHasinto Benavente i MartinesAnzhel GimeraGraciya DeleddaArne GarborgStefan ZheromskijAnri BergsonEmil ButruOtokar BrzhezinaAlois Irasek1922 Hasinto Benavente i Martines 1866 1954 Ispaniya Za blestyashee masterstvo s kotorym on prodolzhil slavnye tradicii ispanskoj dramy Originalnyj tekst angl For the happy manner in which he has continued the illustrious traditions of the Spanish drama Spisok 21 Lyudvig fon PastorDzhon GolsuorsiIzrael ZangvillTomas HardiGeorg fon BelovArno HolcPaul ErnstGeorg BrandesUilyam Batler JejtsGunnar GunnarssonAnzhel GimeraRoberto BrakkoGraciya DeleddaMatilda SeraoSigrid UnsetStefan ZheromskijVladislav Rejmont1923 Uilyam Jejts 1865 1939 Irlandiya Za vdohnovennoe poeticheskoe tvorchestvo peredayushee v vysokohudozhestvennoj forme nacionalnyj duh Originalnyj tekst angl For his always inspired poetry which in a highly artistic form gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation Spisok 18 angl Elizabet Fyorster NicsheArno HolcLyudvig PastorAnzhel Gimera fin Ejnar KvaranStefan ZheromskijTomas Hardi angl Graciya DeleddaRoberto BrakkoMatilda SeraoGulelmo Ferrero emg Ivan BuninKonstantin Balmont emg Maksim Gorkij1924 Vladislav Rejmont 1867 1925 Polsha Za vydayushijsya nacionalnyj epos roman Muzhiki Originalnyj tekst angl For his great national epic The Peasants Spisok 17 Gugo fon Gofmanstal angl Arno HolcTomas MannLyudvig PastorEjnar KvaranStefan ZheromskijPol SabateTomas HardiBernard ShouGraciya DeleddaRoberto BrakkoMatilda SeraoGulelmo FerreroUlav Duun1925 Bernard Shou 1856 1950 Velikobritaniya Za tvorchestvo otmechennoe idealizmom i gumanizmom za iskromyotnuyu satiru kotoraya chasto sochetaetsya s isklyuchitelnoj poeticheskoj krasotoj Originalnyj tekst angl For his work which is marked by both idealism and humanity its stimulating satire often being infused with a singular poetic beauty Spisok 19 Otokar Brzhezina angl nem Lyudvig PastorGeorg BrandesJohannes JensenVillem KlosPol SabateTomas HardiGraciya DeleddaRoberto BrakkoMatilda SeraoGulelmo Ferrero angl Sigrid UnsetUlav Duun angl 1926 Graciya Deledda 1871 1936 Italiya Za poeticheskie sochineniya v kotoryh s plasticheskoj yasnostyu opisyvaetsya zhizn eyo rodnogo ostrova a takzhe za glubinu podhoda k chelovecheskim problemam v celom Originalnyj tekst angl For her idealistically inspired writings which with plastic clarity picture the life on her native island and with depth and sympathy deal with human problems in general Spisok 28 Gugo fon GofmanstalKarl KrausVisente Uidobro nem angl nem angl Georg BrandesJohannes Jensen isp isp Edvard VestermarkKostis PalamasFerenc HercegVillem Klos angl Josip KosorPol KlodelArnold BennettTomas HardiBernard ShouDzhejms FrezerAda Negri angl Sigrid Unset emg Avetis Agaronyan emg Pyotr Krasnov1927 Anri Bergson 1859 1941 Franciya V znak priznaniya ego yarkih i zhizneutverzhdayushih idej a takzhe za to isklyuchitelnoe masterstvo s kotorym eti idei byli voplosheny Originalnyj tekst angl In recognition of his rich and vitalizing ideas and the brillant skill with which they have been presented Spisok 23 Gugo fon Gofmanstal angl Arno Holc nem angl Eduard Mejer nem Johannes Jensen isp Edvard VestermarkKostis PalamasFerenc HercegJosip Kosor angl Tomas HardiGraciya DeleddaGulelmo FerreroAda Negri angl Olaf BullUlav DuunEdit Uorton angl 1928 Sigrid Unset 1882 1949 Norvegiya Za zapominayusheesya opisanie skandinavskogo srednevekovya Originalnyj tekst angl Principally for her powerful descriptions of Northern life during the Middle Ages Spisok 32 Karl KrausRudolf Barch angl Feliks TimmermansOtokar Brzhezina nem Hans Drish angl Arno Holc nem Rikarda HuhTomas Mann nem Johannes Jensen isp angl isp Kostis PalamasVillem KlosFrederik Van Eden angl angl Pol Burzhe angl Anri BergsonDzhejms FrezerOlaf Bull angl Ulav DuunEdit Uorton emg Maksim Gorkij1929 Tomas Mann 1875 1955 Germaniya Prezhde vsego za velikij roman Buddenbroki kotoryj stal klassikoj sovremennoj literatury i populyarnost kotorogo neuklonno rastyot Originalnyj tekst angl Principally for his great novel Buddenbrooks which has won steadily increased recognition as one of the classic works of contemporary literature Spisok 22 Rudolf BarchOtokar Brzhezina nem angl Stefan GeorgeArno Holc nem Lyudvig PastorKnud Rasmussen isp fin Kostis PalamasRufino Blanko Fombona angl angl Benedetto KrocheErik Karlfeldt angl Edvin Robinson angl Tornton Uajlder1930 e gody God Portret Strana laureat Obosnovanie nagrady Drugie nominanty Istochnik informacii1930 Sinkler Lyuis 1885 1951 SShA Za moshnoe i vyrazitelnoe iskusstvo povestvovaniya i za redkoe umenie s satiroj i yumorom sozdavat novye tipy i haraktery Originalnyj tekst angl For his vigorous and graphic art of description and his ability to create with wit and humour new types of characters Spisok 29 Karl KrausRudolf BarchRudolf Kassner angl Alois Jirasek nem Hans DrishPaul ErnstLion Fejhtvanger nem isp fin Arvid Yarnefelt fin Frans SillanpyayaKostis PalamasRufino Blanko Fombona angl Pol ValeriUlav DuunEdit UortonEdvin RobinsonTeodor DrajzerSinkler LyuisEdgar Li Masters emg Ivan BuninDmitrij Merezhkovskij1931 Erik Karlfeldt 1864 1931 Shveciya Za ego poeziyu Originalnyj tekst angl The poetry of Erik Axel Karlfeldt Spisok 28 Rudolf Kassner