Sultan Osmanskoj imperii tur Osmanli Imparatorlugu nun Sultani titul monarhov Osmanskoj imperii iz dinastii Osmanov pravivshej v 1299 1922 godah Sultan Osmanskoj imperiitur Osmanli Imparatorlugu nun SultaniShtandart Sultana Osmanskoj imperiiPoslednij v dolzhnosti Mehmed VIDolzhnostVozglavlyaet Osmanskuyu imperiyuForma obrasheniya Ego VelichestvoRezidenciya TopkapyNaznachalis Po naslediyuSrok polnomochij PozhiznennyjPredshestvuyushaya Udzh bej SyogyutaPoyavilas 1299 godPervyj Osman I GaziPoslednij Mehmed VIZamenivshaya Prezident Tureckoj RespublikiUprazdnena 1 noyabrya 1922 godaOsmanskie monarhi ot Osmana I do Mehmeda VIstoriya titulaTurki osmany proishodili iz oguzskogo plemeni kaji obitavshego v Srednej Azii v oblasti Merva Spasayas ot nashestviya mongolov chast plemeni otkochevala na zapad gde ih predvoditeli nahodilis na sluzhbe u horezmshaha Dzhalal ud Dina Zatem nebolshoe podrazdelenie kaji vo glave s Ertogrulom napravilas vo vladenie rumskogo sultana Kej Kubada I kotoryj pozhaloval emu udzh Syogyuta v Anatolii na granice s vizantijskimi vladeniyami V 1402 godu sredneaziatskij zavoevatel Tamerlan razgromil osmanov pod Ankaroj Sultan Bayazid I popal v plen gde i umer Gosudarstvo osmanov Timur razdelil na chasti Lish Murad II smog vnov vosstanovit edinstvo gosudarstva C XVI veka prodolzhilas moshnaya ekspansiya turok V 1517 godu Selim I unichtozhil gosudarstvo mamlyukov v Egipte i prisoedinil Egipet k svoim vladeniyam On takzhe prinyal novyj titul halifa pravovernyh Osmanskie sultany nosili titul halifa vplot do 1924 goda Postepenno usilivshis turki osmany zahvatili ogromnye territorii vklyuchavshie v sebya ves Balkanskij poluostrov Maluyu Aziyu Severnuyu Afriku vplot do Marokko Siriyu Palestinu Aravijskij poluostrov Mesopotamiyu Zakavkaze i Krym V 1909 godu sultana Abdul Hamida II svergli sledovatelno absolyutnaya monarhiya v Osmanskoj imperii perestala sushestvovat Na prestol vzoshyol ranee bespravnyj brat Abdul Hamida II Mehmed V Situaciya v Osmanskoj imperii pri nyom stala stremitelno uhudshatsya V 1922 godu sultan Mehmed VI pokinul stranu Prakticheski s etogo momenta monarhiya v Osmanskoj imperii perestala sushestvovat Dokumentalno eto bylo oformleno 29 oktyabrya 1923 goda kogda byla provozglashena Tureckaya respublika 3 marta 1924 goda byl uprazdnyon halifat Bolee v Turcii monarhiya ne vozrozhdalas Spisok pravitelejPredki Osmanskoj dinastii Gyunduz Alp Ertogrul bej syn Gyunduz Alpa udzhbej Syogyuta do 1281 1288 istochnik ne ukazan 1406 dnej godaPraviteli Osmanskogo gosudarstva Sultan Portret Nachalo pravleniya Konec pravleniya Tugra Prim Obrazovanie Osmanskoj imperii 1299 1453 Osman I Fahr ud Din Osman bej 1299 1324 6 Syn Ertogrula r 1258 Pravil do samoj smerti Orhan Ihtiyar ud Din Orhan bej prozvannyj takzhe Pobedonosnyj 1324 6 1360 Syn Osmana I r 1288 Pravil do samoj smerti Murad I 1360 15 iyunya 1389 Syn Orhana r 1326 Pravil do samoj smerti Pogib v bitve na Kosovom pole 15 iyunya 1389 Bayazid I Jyldyrym Molnienosnyj 15 iyunya 1389 20 iyulya 1402 Syn Murada I r 1360 Zahvachen v plen v bitve pri Ankare Skonchalsya v plenu 8 marta 1403 goda Osmanskoe mezhducarstvie 20 iyulya 1402 5 iyulya 1413 Mehmed I Chelebi Giyas ed Din Mehmed han 5 iyulya 1413 26 maya 1421 Syn Bayazida I r 1374 Pravil do samoj smerti Murad II 25 iyunya 1421 1444 Syn Mehmeda I r 1404 Otryoksya ot prestola v polzu svoego syna Mehmeda II Mehmed II Fatih Zavoevatel فاتح 1444 1446 Syn Murada II r 1432 V svyazi s vosstaniem yanychar peredal vlast svoemu otcu Murad II 1446 3 fevralya 1451 Vynuzhden vernutsya na prestol v svyazi s vosstaniem yanychar Pravil do samoj smerti Rost Osmanskoj imperii 1453 1683 Mehmed II Fatih Zavoevatel فاتح 3 fevralya 1451 3 maya 1481 Posle smerti svoego otca Murada II povtorno vzoshyol na tron Vzyal Konstantinopol v 1453 Pravil do samoj smerti Bayazid II Dervish Monah 19 maya 1481 25 aprelya 1512 Syn Mehmeda II r 1447 Otryoksya ot prestola Umer v Byuyukchekmedzhe 26 maya 1512 goda Selim I Yavuz Groznyj 25 aprelya 1512 21 sentyabrya 1520 Syn Bayazida II r 1465 Pravil do samoj smerti Sulejman I Muhteshem Velikolepnyj ili Kanuni Zakonodatel قانونى 30 sentyabrya 1520 6 ili 7 sentyabrya 1566 Syn Selima I groznogo r 1495 Pravil do samoj smerti Selim II Selim Blondin 29 sentyabrya 1566 21 dekabrya 1574 Syn Sulejmana I r 1524 Pravil do samoj smerti Murad III 22 dekabrya 1574 16 yanvarya 1595 Syn Selima II r 1546 Pravil do samoj smerti Mehmed III 27 yanvarya 1595 20 ili 21 dekabrya 1603 Syn Murada III 1566 r 1568 Pravil do samoj smerti Ahmed I 21 dekabrya 1603 22 noyabrya 1617 Syn Mehmeda III r 1591 Pravil do samoj smerti Mustafa I 22 noyabrya 1617 26 fevralya 1618 Syn Mehmeda III r 1591 Svergnut v svyazi s umstvennoj otstalostyu v polzu ego molodogo plemyannika Osmana II Osman II شهيد 26 fevralya 1618 19 maya 1622 Syn Ahmeda I r 1604 Svergnut vo vremya vosstaniya yanychar 19 maya 1622 goda Ubit 20 maya 1622 goda vo vremya myatezha Mustafa I 20 maya 1622 10 sentyabrya 1623 Povtorno vzoshyol na tron Vernulsya na tron posle ubijstva Osmana II Svergnut iz za plohogo psihicheskogo sostoyaniya umer v Stambule 20 yanvarya 1639 goda Murad IV غازى 10 sentyabrya 1623 8 ili 9 fevralya 1640 Syn Ahmeda I r 1612 Pravil do samoj smerti Ibragim 9 fevralya 1640 8 avgusta 1648 Syn Ahmeda I r 1612 Svergnut 8 avgusta 1648 goda v rezultate gosudarstvennogo perevorota Zadushen v Stambule 18 avgusta 1648 goda Mehmed IV غازى 8 avgusta 1648 8 noyabrya 1687 Syn Ibragima r 1642 Svergnut 8 noyabrya 1687 goda Umer v Edirne 6 yanvarya 1693 Sulejman II 8 noyabrya 1687 22 iyunya 1691 Syn Ibragima r 1642 Pravil do samoj smerti Ahmed II 22 iyunya 1691 6 fevralya 1695 Syn Ibragima r 1643 Pravil do samoj smerti Mustafa II 6 fevralya 1695 22 avgusta 1703 Syn Mehmeda IV r 1664 Svergnut 22 avgusta 1703 goda Umer v Stambule 8 yanvarya 1704 goda Stagnaciya Osmanskoj imperii 1703 1827 Ahmed III 22 avgusta 1703 1 ili 2 oktyabrya 1730 Syn Mehmeda IV r 1673 Svergnut vo vremya vosstaniya yanychar Umer 1 iyulya 1736 goda Mahmud I 2 oktyabrya 1730 13 dekabrya 1754 Syn Mustafy II r 1696 Pravil do samoj smerti Osman III 13 dekabrya 1754 29 ili 30 oktyabrya 1757 Syn Mustafy II r 1699 Pravil do samoj smerti Mustafa III 30 oktyabrya 1757 21 yanvarya 1774 Syn Ahmeda III r 1717 Pravil do samoj smerti Abdul Hamid I 21 yanvarya 1774 6 ili 7 aprelya 1789 Syn Ahmeda III r 1725 Pravil do samoj smerti Selim III 7 aprelya 1789 29 maya 1807 Syn Mustafy III r 1761 Svergnut v rezultate vosstaniya yanychar Ubit v Stambule 28 iyulya 1808 goda po prikazu osmanskogo sultana Mustafy IV Mustafa IV 29 maya 1807 28 iyulya 1808 Syn Abdul Hamida I r 1778 Svergnut v rezultate vosstaniya rushukskogo gubernatora Mustafy pashi Bajraktara Byl ubit 17 noyabrya 1808 goda po prikazu sultana Mahmuda II Upadok Osmanskoj imperii 1827 1908 Mahmud II 28 iyulya 1808 1 iyulya 1839 Syn Abdul Hamida I r 1785 Likvidiroval yanycharskij korpus v iyune 1826 goda Pravil do samoj smerti Abdul Medzhid I 1 iyulya 1839 25 iyunya 1861 Cyn Mahmuda II r 1823 Pravil do samoj smerti Abdul Aziz 25 iyunya 1861 30 maya 1876 Cyn Mahmuda II r 1830 Otryoksya ot prestola v polzu plemyannika Murada V Najden myortvym samoubijstvo 4 iyunya 1876 goda Murad V 30 maya 1876 31 avgusta 1876 Syn Abdul Medzhida I r 1840 31 avgusta 1876 goda cherez 93 dnya posle vosshestviya na prestol byl svergnut Skonchalsya v zaklyuchenii 29 avgusta 1904 v svoyom dvorce Abdul Hamid II 31 avgusta 1876 27 aprelya 1909 Syn Abdul Medzhida I r 1842 Svergnut v rezultate incidenta 31 marta 13 aprelya 1909 goda Umer 10 fevralya 1918 goda Raspad Osmanskoj imperii 1908 1922 Mehmed V 27 aprelya 1909 3 iyulya 1918 Syn Abdul Medzhida I r 1844 Pravil do samoj smerti Mehmed VI 4 iyulya 1918 1 noyabrya 1922 Cyn Abdul Medzhida I r 1861 Pokinul Stambul 17 noyabrya 1922 goda Umer v izgnanii v San Remo 16 maya 1926 goda Halifat 1 noyabrya 1922 3 marta 1924 Abdul Medzhid II 18 noyabrya 1922 3 marta 1924 Syn Abdul Aziza r 1868 Izbran halifom medzhlisom Izgnan posle otmeny halifata Umer v Parizhe 23 avgusta 1944 goda Sm takzheSpisok velikih vizirej Osmanskoj imperii Poryadok nasledovaniya prestola v Osmanskoj imperiiPrimechaniyaKafadar Cemal Between Two Worlds The Construction of the Ottoman State angl 1995 P 60 Dimitris J Kastritsis The Sons of Bayezid Empire Building and Representation in the Ottoman Civil War of 1402 13 Brill 2007 5 Nancy Bisaha Creating East And West Renaissance Humanists And the Ottoman Turks University of Pennsylvania Press 2004 98 Karpat Kemal H The Ottoman state and its place in world history angl Leiden Brill 1974 P 111 ISBN 90 04 03945 7 Muir William The Mameluke Or Slave Dynasty of Egypt 1260 1517 A D angl Smith Elder 1896 P 207 213 Hess Andrew C The Ottoman Conquest of Egypt 1517 and the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century World War angl International Journal of Middle East Studies journal 1973 January vol 4 no 1 P 55 76 doi 10 1017 S0020743800027276 JSTOR 162225 Nicolle 2008 p 160 Hakan Ozoglu From Caliphate to Secular State Power Struggle in the Early Turkish Republic angl ABC CLIO 2011 P 8 ISBN 978 0 313 37957 4 14 yanvarya 2023 goda BASAR 1995 KOZAN Imber 1987 V istoriografii cchitaetsya dokazannym chto otcom Ertogrula byl Gyunduz Alp Byla najdena moneta s nadpisyu Osman b Ertogrul b Gyunduz Alp Kafadar Cemal Between Two Worlds The Construction of the Ottoman State angl 1995 P 60 122 Lowry Heath The Nature of the Early Ottoman State SUNY Press 2003 S 153 angl Lewis Bernard The Cambridge History of Islam The Indian sub continent South East Asia Africa and the Muslim west angl Cambridge University Press 1995 Vol 2 P 320 ISBN 9780521223102 2 aprelya 2015 goda Robert Elsie Historical Dictionary of Kosova Scarecrow Press 2004 S 95 96 ISBN 978 0 8108 5309 6 14 yanvarya 2023 goda Kafadar 1996 p xix Gabor Agoston Bruce Alan Masters Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire angl 2009 S 363 ISBN 978 1 4381 1025 7 14 yanvarya 2023 goda Foster Charles The Conquest of Constantinople and the end of empire neopr Contemporary Review 22 sentyabrya 2006 It is the end of the Middle Ages 11 iyunya 2009 goda Sakaoglu Necdet Beyazid II 1999 Yasamlari ve Yapitlariyla Osmanlilar Ansiklopedisi C 1 s 299 302 Istanbul Yapi Kredi Kultur Sanat Yayincilik ISBN 975 08 0073 7 BAYEZID II neopr 22 sentyabrya 2006 It is the end of the Middle Ages 11 iyunya 2009 goda A Century of Giants A D 1500 to 1600 In an age of spiritual genius western Christendom shatters Ted Byfield ed The Society to Explore and Record Christian History 2010 P 9 345 p ISBN 978 0 9689873 9 1 M Th Houtsma First encyclopaedia of Islam 1913 1936 BRILL 1993 S 522 ISBN 9004097961 9789004097964 23 oktyabrya 2017 goda The Speech of Ibrahim at the Coronation of Maximilian II Thomas Conley Rhetorica A Journal of the History of Rhetoric Vol 20 No 3 Summer 2002 266 Peirce 1993 p 95 Peirce 1993 p 288 Peirce Leslie The Imperial Harem Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire angl Oxford University Press 1993 P 99 ISBN 0 19 508677 5 Borekci 2009 p 409 Piterberg Gabriel An Ottoman Tragedy History and Historiography at Play angl California University of California Press 2003 P 18 ISBN 0 520 23836 2 Imber 2009 pp 98 99 Finkel 2012 s 276 277 Finkel Caroline Osman s Dream The Story of the Ottoman Empire 1300 1923 angl New York Basic Books 2005 P 197 ISBN 978 0 465 02396 7 Sonyel Salahi Ramadan Minorities and the destruction of the Ottoman Empire angl Turkish Historical Society Printing House 1993 P 61 ISBN 975 16 0544 X Many of these ladies of the harem were non Muslim for example Sultana Kosem Anastasia of Greek origin who was the wife of Ahmet I 1603 17 and the mother of Murat IV 1623 40 and of Ibrahim 1640 8 Gunseli Inal Semiramis Arsivi Semiramis Sultan in gozunden senlik YKY 2005 S 27 ISBN 978 975 08 0928 6 29 aprelya 2016 goda Siileyman in annesi Sirp Katrin yani Dilasiip Hatun Ali Kemal Meram Padisah analari resimli belgesel tarih romani tur Oz Yayinlari 1977 S 325 Baker Anthony E The Bosphorus Redhouse Press 1993 S 146 ISBN 975 413 062 0 The Valide Sultan was born Evmania Voria daughter of a Greek priest in a village near Rethymnon on Crete She was captured by the Turks when they took Rethymnon in 1645 Bromley J S The New Cambridge Modern History University of California University Press 1957 S 554 ISBN 0 521 22128 5 the mother of Mustafa II and Ahmed III was a Cretan Sardo Eugenio Lo Tra greci e turchi fonti diplomatiche italiane sul Settecento ottomano ital Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche 1999 S 82 ISBN 88 8080 014 0 Their mother a Cretan lady named Rabia Gulnus continued to wield influence as the Walide Sultan mother of the reigning sultan Library Information and Research Service The Middle East Library Information and Research Service 2005 S 91 She was the daughter of a Cretan Greek family and she was the mother of Mustafa II 1664 1703 and Ahmed III 1673 1736 Aksan Virginia H Ottoman Wars 1700 1870 Harlow Longman Pearson 2007 ISBN 0582308070 Freely John The lost Messiah Viking 2001 S 132 ISBN 0 670 88675 0 He set up his harem there his favourite being Rabia Giilniis Ummetiillah a Greek girl from Rethymnon on Crete Shaw Stanford J and Shaw Ezel Kural 1976 History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey volume 1 Empire of the Gazis the rise and decline of the Ottoman Empire 1280 1808 Cambridge University Press Cambridge England p 240 ISBN 0 521 21280 4 angl Chapter XV OTHMAN III Twenty Fifth Reign H 1168 A D 1754 History of the Ottoman Empire from its Establishment till the Year 1828 angl Original from Oxford University Constable and Co 1829 Vol XL P 260 31 oktyabrya 2013 goda Hoiberg Dale H ed 2010 Abdulhamid I Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol I A ak Bayes 15th ed Chicago IL Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc p 22 ISBN 978 1 59339 837 8 Goodwin Jason Lords of the Horizons Chapter 24 The Auspicious Event 1998 Yavuz Bahadiroglu Resimli Osmanli Tarihi Nesil Yayinlari Ottoman History with Illustrations Nesil Publications 15th Ed 2009 page 395 ISBN 978 975 269 299 2 Kinross p 434 Kinross pp 456 457 ISBN 0 550 18022 2 page 3 Davis Claire The Palace of Topkapi in Istanbul New York Charles Scribner and Sons 1970 S 222 Jamil ADRA Genealogy of the Imperial Ottoman Family 2005 S 19 ISBN 975 7874 09 4 Abdulhamid II biography Ottoman sultan neopr Data obrasheniya 29 sentyabrya 2015 28 iyulya 2018 goda Mehmed V Selcuk Aksin Somel Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire 371 Harun Acba Kadin efendiler 1839 1924 Profil 2007 ISBN 978 9 759 96109 1 7 iyulya 2014 goda As iroglu 1992 p 13 As iroglu 1992 p 17 As iroglu 1992 p 14LiteraturaAs iroglu Orhan Gazi Son halife Abdulmecid tur Istanbul Burak Yayinevi 1992 Tarihin sahitleri dizisi ISBN 978 9757645177 angl 1998 Lords of the Horizons A History of the Ottoman Empire New York H Holt ISBN 0 8050 4081 1 Duran Tulay Padisah Portreleri Portraits of the Ottoman Empire s Sultans tur Sirkeci Association of Historical Research and Istanbul Research Centre 1999 ISBN 978 9756926079 Findley Carter V The Turks in World History angl New York Oxford University Press US 2005 ISBN 978 0 19 517726 8 Glazer Steven A Chapter 1 Historical Setting A Country Study Turkey Metz Helen Chapin 5th Washington D C Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress 1996 ISBN 978 0 8444 0864 4 Kafadar Cemal Between Two Worlds The Construction of the Ottoman State angl Berkeley CA University of California Press 1996 ISBN 978 0 520 20600 7 Karateke Hakan T Who is the Next Ottoman Sultan Attempts to Change the Rule of Succession during the Nineteenth Century Ottoman Reform and Muslim Regeneration Studies in Honour of Butrus Abu Manneb Weismann Itzchak Zachs Fruma London I B Tauris 2005 ISBN 978 1 85043 757 4 Kinross Patrick 1977 The Ottoman Centuries The Rise and Fall of the Turkish Empire London Perennial ISBN 978 0 688 08093 8 d Osman Han Nadine Sultana The Legacy of Sultan Abdulhamid II Memoirs and Biography of Sultan Selim bin Hamid Han angl Santa Fe NM Sultana Pub 2001 David Nicolle The Ottomans Empire of Faith Thalamus Publishing 2008 ISBN 1902886119 Peirce Leslie P The Imperial Harem Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire angl Oxford Oxford University Press 1993 374 p ISBN 0195086775 ISBN 9780195086775 Quataert Donald The Ottoman Empire 1700 1922 2nd Cambridge University Press 2005 ISBN 978 0 521 83910 5 Stavrides Theoharis The Sultan of Vezirs The Life and Times of the Ottoman Grand Vezir Mahmud Pasha Angelovic 1453 1474 angl Leiden Brill Publishers 2001 ISBN 978 90 04 12106 5 angl Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule 1354 1804 angl 3rd Seattle angl 1993 ISBN 978 0 295 96033 3 Toprak Binnaz Islam and Political Development in Turkey angl Leiden Brill Publishers 1981 ISBN 978 90 04 06471 3 Ugur Ali Mavi Emperyalizm tur Istanbul Cati Publishing 2007 ISBN 978 975 8845 87 3 Gunhan Borekci Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire Gabor Agoston Bruce Alan Masters New York angl 2009 P 409 689 p ISBN 1438110251 9781438110257 Arnold J Toynbee The Ottoman Empire s Place in World History The Ottoman State and Its Place in World History angl Karpat Kemal H Leiden Brill Publishers 1974 Vol 11 Social Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East ISBN 978 90 04 03945 2 angl Istoriya Osmanskoj imperii Videnie Osmana M AST Astrel 2012 829 s ISBN 978 5 17 043651 4 Colin Imber The Ottoman Empire 1300 1650 The Structure of Power New York Palgrave Macmillan 2009 P 66 68 97 99 448 p ISBN 1137014067 ISBN 9781137014061 Chambers ed Joan Bakewell introduction Chambers Biographical Dictionary 9th edition 2011 Chambers 1 278 pages ISBN 978 0550106933 SsylkiMediafajly na Vikisklade Basar Fahametti n Ertugrul Gazi 1995 P 314 315 KOZAN Ali Ertugrul Gazi nin Babasi Suleyman Sah mi Gunduz Alp mi Imber Colin The Ottoman Dynastic Myth Turcica 1987 XIX S 7 27 14 noyabrya 2003 goda