Igrovoj process ili gejmple j angl gameplay komponent igry otvechayushij za vzaimodejstvie igry i igroka Gejmplej opisyvaet kak igrok vzaimodejstvuet s igrovym mirom kak igrovoj mir reagiruet na dejstviya igroka i kak opredelyaetsya nabor dejstvij kotoryj predlagaet igroku igra Termin chashe upotreblyaetsya v kontekste kompyuternyh igr Gejmplej opredelyonno ne otnositsya k takim komponentam igry kak grafika i zvukovoe soprovozhdenie On predstavlyaet soboj pattern vzaimodejstviya igroka s igroj na osnovanii eyo pravil opredelyaet svyaz mezhdu igrokom i igroj predlagaemyj igrovoj vyzov stranica ne ukazana 975 dnej i sposoby ego preodoleniya stranica ne ukazana 975 dnej syuzhet kak uchastie v nyom igroka Terminy igrovoj process i gejmplej mogut ispolzovatsya kak sinonimy i vzaimozamenyatsya Meroj kachestva igrovogo processa yavlyaetsya igrabelnost ObzorTermin voznik vo vremya razvitiya kompyuternyh igr 1980 h godov kogda on upotreblyalsya dlya opredeleniya igrovogo konteksta V posleduyushem blagodarya populyarnosti termina on nachal rassmatrivatsya i dlya bolee tradicionnyh igr i igrovyh form V obshem sluchae gejmplej opredelyaet obshij igrovoj opyt no pri etom isklyuchayutsya takie faktory kak grafika i zvuk Igrovye mehaniki s drugoj storony predstavlyayut soboj nabor pravil igry kotorye prednaznacheny dlya sozdaniya priyatnogo igrovogo opyta V akademicheskih krugah imeetsya tendenciya ispolzovat ponyatie igrovaya mehanika tak kak v otlichie ot neyo termin gejmplej slishkom neopredelyon Neopredelyonnost terminaMnogie avtory otmechayut chto termin gejmplej rasplyvchat i dopuskaet shirokoe tolkovanie No vmeste s tem oni soglashayutsya v tom chto gejmplej yavlyaetsya yadrom igry kak centralnym ponyatiem opredelyayushim interaktivnoe vzaimodejstvie igry i igroka Takzhe mneniya shodyatsya v tom chto gejmplej ne imeet otnosheniya k settingu scenariyu elementam media sposobam renderinga i t p Gejmplej predstavlyaet soboj komponent kotoryj delaet etu formu tvorchestva unikalnoj bez nego igra perestayot byt igroj Primery opredelenij ot razlichnyh avtorov Mnozhestvo interesnyh reshenij igroka Sid Mejer Struktury opredelyayushie vzaimodejstvie igroka s igroj i s drugimi igrokami v igre Odin ili bolee svyazannyh mezhdu soboj igrovyh vyzovov v simuliruemom okruzhenii stranica ne ukazana 975 dnej Opyt gejmpleya predstavlyaet soboj interaktivnyj gejmdizajn sopryazhyonnyj s kognitivnymi zadachami s mnozhestvom emocij kotorye voznikayut ot razlichnyh form motivacii slozhnosti zadachi i sopernichestva Gejmplej eto interaktivnyj igrovoj process vzaimodejstviya igroka s igroj Originalnyj tekst angl A series of interesting choices Sid Meier The structures of player interaction with the game system and with other players in the game One or more causally linked series of challenges in a simulated environment The experience of gameplay is one of interacting with a game design in the performance of cognitive tasks with a variety of emotions arising from or associated with different elements of motivation task performance and completion Gameplay here is seen as the interactive gaming process of the player with the game angl na primerah pokazyvaet opredelenie termina sleduyushim obrazom v ekshn igre Centipede gejmplej eto dvizhenie strelyayushego korablya igroka v nizhnej chasti ekrana i neustannaya strelba po atakuyushim vragam v SimCity gejmplej eto zakladyvanie igrokom goroda i nablyudenie za zhitelyami goroda kotorye v nyom poselyayutsya i zhivut v Doom gejmplej eto bystryj beg v tryohmernom mire i strelba po krajne vrazhdebnym ego obitatelyam a takzhe sbor razlichnyh predmetov na puti v angl gejmplej eto upravlenie avtomobilem dvizhushimsya po trasse po polosam treka i pri etom igroku neobhodimo vybirat svoyo polozhenie dlya togo chtoby borotsya za pobedu s drugimi gonshikami v StarCraft gejmplej eto upravlenie manevriruyushimi yunitami po vsej karte poisk resursov i ih razrabotka postrojka novyh vojsk i dalee vydvizhenie ih v boj s podobnym sebe protivnikom i v Civilization gejmplej eto issledovanie mira razvitie svoego obshestva issledovanie novyh tehnologij a takzhe vzaimodejstvie s drugimi zhitelyami mira PrimechaniyaRouse 2004 p xx Craig 2004 p 183 194 gameplay gestalt understood as a pattern of interaction with the game system A gestalt may be understood as a configuration or pattern of elements so unified as a whole that it cannot be described merely as a sum of its parts In general it game play gestalt is a particular way of thinking about the game state from the perspective of a player together with a pattern of repetitive perceptual cognitive and motor operations A particular gameplay gestalt could be unique to a person a game or even a playing occasion Unique game play gestalts can also be identified across games game genres and players Salen 2004 p 3 Game play is the formalized interaction that occurs when players follow the rules of a game and experience its system though play Rouse 2004 p xx A game s gameplay is the degree and nature of the interactivity that the game includes i e how players are able to interact with the game world and how that game world reacts to the choices players make Craig A Lindley Lennart Nacke Charlotte C Sennersten Dissecting Play Investigating the Cognitive and Emotional Motivations and Affects of Computer Gameplay angl Proceedings of CGAMES 2008 paper Blekinge Institute of Technology 2008 14 avgusta 2017 goda The experience of gameplay is one of interacting with a game design in the performance of cognitive tasks with a variety of emotions arising from or associated with different elements of motivation task performance and completion Tavinor 2009 p 86 T he interactive involvement typically associated with videogames that is the activities that occur when one plays a videogame Oxford English Dictionary 2008 gameplay in a computer game the plot and the way the game is played as distinct from the graphics and sound effects Oxland 2004 gameplay is the components that make up a rewarding absorbing challenging experience that compels player to return for more Gameplay does not come from a great visual character not does it come from state of art technology and beautifully rendered art Salen 2004 p 3 Egenfeldt Nielson 2008 In line with the common use of the term we will define gameplay as the game dynamics emerging from the interplay between rules and game geography Laramee Francois Dominic Game Design Perspectives angl Charles River Media 2002 293 s ISBN 978 1 58450 090 2 Adams 2003 One or more casually linked series of challenges in a simulated environment Gameplay is the result of a large number of contributing elements gameplay is not a singular entity It is a combination of many elements a synergy that emerges from the inclusion of certain factors The gameplay emerges from the interaction among these elements Adams 2010 defined gameplay as consisting of the challenges and actions that a game offers challenges for the player to overcome and actions that let her overcome them T he essence of gameplay remains the relationship between the challenges and the actions available to surmount them Oxford English Dictionary 2008 Oleg Nikolaevich Griban Transformiruya Pamyat Otrazhenie Vtoroj Mirovoj Vojny V Kompyuternyh Igrah Pedagogicheskoe Obrazovanie V Rossii 2017 Vyp 2 S 32 38 ISSN 2079 8717 Salin Aleksej K kritike proekta gejmifikacii rus Filosofsko literaturnyj zhurnal Logos 2015 T 25 1 S 100 129 4 oktyabrya 2017 goda Elena Olegovna Samojlova Yurij Mihajlovich Shaev Kompyuternye Igry Kak Virtualnyj Narrativ Istoricheskie Filosofskie Politicheskie I Yuridicheskie Nauki Kulturologiya I Iskusstvovedenie Voprosy Teorii I Praktiki 2016 Vyp 2 64 S 171 173 ISSN 1997 292X Kierkegaard Alex Videogame Culture Volume 1 2012 Rouse 2004 p xx xxi The gameplay is the component of computer games that is found in no other art form interactivity A game s gameplay is the degree and nature of the interactivity that the game includes i e how players are able to interact with the game world and how that game world reacts to the choices players make Adams 2003 p 199 Any game designer should agree that gameplay is the core of the game There s just one problem with this There is no universally accepted definition of gameplay The concept of gameplay is extremely difficult to define Each designer has his or her own personal definition of gameplay formed from exposure to many examples over the course of a career Swalwell 2008 p 14 The term gameplay is ubiquitous in the discussions of game players and game designers and is commonly identified as central to the particular pleasures and fascinations of games Djaouti et al 2008 Gameplay is empirically seen as a central element within a videogame and seems closely related to the game quality in the mind of many players Salen 2004 p 8 Game play only occurs within games It is the experience of a game set into motion through the participation of players Rollings Andrew Morris Dave Game Architecture and Design Coriolis Group Books 1999 S 38 ISBN 978 1 57610 425 5 Bjork Staffan Holopainen Jussi Patterns in Game Design Charles River Media 2005 ISBN 1 58450 354 8 Adams 2003 Craig 2004 Nacke Lennart E Drachen Anders Kuikkaniemi Kai Niesenhaus Joerg Korhonen Hannu van den Hoogen Wouter Poels Karolien IJsselsteijn Wijnand de Kort Yvonne Playability and Player Experience Research Proceedings of DiGRA 2009 Breaking New Ground Innovation in Games Play Practice and Theory London UK DiGRA 2009 1 sentyabrya 12 noyabrya 2011 goda playability is the evaluative process directed toward games whereas player experience is directed toward players More precisely playability methods evaluate games to improve design whereas player experience methods evaluate players to improve gaming p 1 Rouse 2004 p xx xxi LiteraturaMediafajly na Vikisklade Rouse Richard Game Design Theory amp Practice angl 2 Los Rios Boulevard Plano Texas USA Wordware Publishing 2004 698 s ISBN 1 55622 912 7 Craig A Lindley Narrative Game Play and Alternative Time Structures for Virtual Environments angl Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2004 P 183 194 doi 10 1007 978 3 540 27797 2 25 Salen Katie Zimmerman Eric Rules of Play Game Design Fundamentals angl Cambridge Massachusetts The MIT Press 2004 694 s ISBN 978 0 262 24045 1 Tavinor Grant The Art of Videogames angl John Wiley amp Sons 2009 240 s ISBN 978 1 4051 8788 6 Concise Oxford English Dictionary angl 11 USA Oxford University Press 2008 ISBN 978 0 19 954841 5 Oxland Kevin Gameplay and design angl USA Addison Wesley 2004 ISBN 0 321 20467 0 Simon Egenfeldt Nielson Tosca Jonas Heide Tosca Susana Pajares Understanding Video Games The Essential Introduction angl Routledge 2008 293 s ISBN 978 0 415 97721 0 Adams Ernest Tosca Rollings Andrew Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on game design angl New Riders Publishing 2003 621 s ISBN 1 59273 001 9 Adams Ernest Fundamentals of Game Design angl New Riders 2010 696 s ISBN 978 0 13 168747 9 Swalwell Melanie Wilson Jason The Pleasures of Computer Gaming Essays on Cultural History Theory and Aesthetics McFarland 2008 205 s ISBN 9780786451203 Djaouti Damien and Alvarez Julian and Jessel Jean Pierre and Methel Gilles and Molinier Pierre A gameplay definition through videogame classification Int J Comput Games Technol Hindawi Publishing Corp 2008 T 2008 S 4 1 4 7 ISSN 1687 7047 doi 10 1155 2008 470350