Spisok gosudarstv chlenov Mezhdunarodnoj organizacii po standartizacii ISO predstavlyaet soboj perechen 165 stran mira kotorye predstavlyayut interesy svoej strany v ISO a takzhe predstavlyayut ISO v svoej strane Polnopravnye chleny Chleny korrespondenty Chleny podpischikiKategorii chlenstvaSushestvuet tri kategorii chlenstva Oni razlichayutsya urovnem dostupa k elektronnym resursam ISO i stepenyu vliyaniya na soderzhanie razrabatyvaemyh dokumentov Eto pomogaet uchityvat razlichnye potrebnosti i vozmozhnosti kazhdogo nacionalnogo organa po standartizacii Takim obrazom strany s ogranichennymi resursami ili bez dostatochno razvitoj nacionalnoj sistemy standartizacii imeyut vozmozhnost poluchat aktualnuyu informaciyu v oblasti mezhdunarodnoj standartizacii Polnopravnye chleny vliyayut na soderzhanie razrabatyvaemyh standartov ISO i strategiyu posredstvom uchastiya v golosovanii i mezhdunarodnyh zasedaniyah Polnopravnye chleny imeyut pravo prodazhi i prinyatiya mezhdunarodnyh standartov na nacionalnom urovne Chleny korrespondenty nablyudayut za razrabotkoj standartov ISO i strategiej putem prosmotra rezultatov golosovaniya tak kak ne imeyut prava golosovaniya i po sredstvom uchastiya v mezhdunarodnyh zasedaniyah v kachestve nablyudatelya Chleny korrespondenty imeyut pravo prodazhi i prinyatiya mezhdunarodnyh standartov na nacionalnom urovne Chleny podpischiki poluchayut aktualnuyu informaciyu o rabotah provodimyh v ISO no ne mogut prinimat uchastie v rabote Chleny podpischiki ne imeyut pravo prodazhi i prinyatiya mezhdunarodnyh standartov na nacionalnom urovne Spisok gosudarstvNaimenovanie Akronim Organizaciya po standartizacii Chlenstvo Uchastie v TK PK Uchastie v KRP Avstraliya SA Standards Australia Polnopravnyj chlen 364 5 Avstriya ASI Avstrijskij institut po standartizacii angl Austrian Standards Institute Polnopravnyj chlen 531 3 Azerbajdzhan AZSTAND Gosudarstvennyj komitet po standartizacii metrologii i patentam Azerbajdzhana Polnopravnyj chlen 11 4 Albaniya DPS General Directorate of Standardization Chlen korrespondent 5 4 Alzhir IANOR Institut algerien de normalisation Polnopravnyj chlen 70 3 Angola IANORQ LInstituto Angolano de Normalizacao e Qualidade Chlen korrespondent 6 2 Antigua i Barbuda ABBS Antigua and Barbuda Bureau of Standards Chlen podpischik 4 1 Argentina IRAM Instituto Argentino de Normalizacion Polnopravnyj chlen 381 4 Armeniya SARM National Institute of Standards and Quality Polnopravnyj chlen 59 3 Afganistan ANSA Afghan National Standard Authority Polnopravnyj chlen 5 1 Bagamskie Ostrova BBSQ Bahamas Bureau of Standards Polnopravnyj chlen 5 1 Bangladesh BSTI Bangladesh Standards and Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution Polnopravnyj chlen 26 2 Barbados BNSI Barbados National Standards Institution Polnopravnyj chlen 40 4 Bahrejn BSMD Bahrain Standards and Metrology Directorate Polnopravnyj chlen 28 2 Belorussiya BELST Committee for Standardization Metrology and Certification Polnopravnyj chlen 171 4 Beliz BZBS Belize Bureau of Standards Chlen podpischik 2 1 Belgiya NBN Bureau voor Normalisatie Polnopravnyj chlen 550 3 Benin ANM Agence nationale de Normalisation de Metrologie et du Controle Qualite Polnopravnyj chlen 3 1 Bolgariya BDS Bulgarian Institute for Standardization Polnopravnyj chlen 345 4 Boliviya IBNORCA Instituto Boliviano de Normalizacion y Calidad Chlen korrespondent 20 3 Bosniya i Gercegovina BAS Institute for Standards Metrology and Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina Polnopravnyj chlen 93 4 Botsvana BOBS Bureau of Standards Polnopravnyj chlen 38 3 Braziliya ABNT Associacao Brasileira de Normas Tecnicas Polnopravnyj chlen 264 5 Brunej NSC National Standards Centre Chlen korrespondent 5 4 Burkina Faso ABNORM Agence Burkinabe de Normalisation de la Metrologie et de la Qualite Polnopravnyj chlen 5 1 Burundi BBN Bureau Burundais de Normalisation et Controle de la Qualite Chlen korrespondent 11 3 Butan BSB Bhutan Standards Bureau Chlen korrespondent 18 2 Velikobritaniya BSI Britanskij institut standartov angl British Standards Institution aka BSI Group Polnopravnyj chlen 736 5 Vengriya MSZT Magyar Szabvanyugyi Testulet Polnopravnyj chlen 512 4 Vetnam STAMEQ Directorate for Standards Metrology and Quality Polnopravnyj chlen 89 4 Gabon AGANOR Agence Gabonaise de Normalisation Polnopravnyj chlen 19 3 Gaiti BHN Haiti Bureau of Standards Chlen korrespondent 5 1 Gajana GNBS Guyana National Bureau of Standards Chlen korrespondent 5 1 Gambiya TGSB Gambia Standards Bureau Chlen korrespondent 4 3 Gana GSA Ghana Standards Authority Polnopravnyj chlen 38 3 Gvatemala COGUANOR Comision Guatemalteca de Normas Chlen korrespondent 5 2 Gvineya IGNM Institut Guineen de Normalisation et de Metrologie Chlen korrespondent 0 0 Germaniya DIN Nemeckij institut po standartizacii nem Deutsches Institut fur Normung Polnopravnyj chlen 734 6 Gonduras OHN El Organismo Hondureno de Normalizacion Chlen korrespondent 7 2 Gonkong ITCHKSAR Innovation and Technology Commission Chlen korrespondent 250 3 Greciya NQIS ELOT Hellenic Organization for Standardization Polnopravnyj chlen 213 4 Gruziya GEOSTM Georgian National Agency for Standards Technical Regulation and Metrology Chlen korrespondent 7 2 Daniya DS Dansk Standard Polnopravnyj chlen 350 4 Dominika DBOS Dominica Bureau of Standards Chlen korrespondent 7 3 Dominikanskaya Respublika INDOCAL Dominican Institute for Quality Polnopravnyj chlen 8 3 Egipet EOS Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality Control Polnopravnyj chlen 322 4 Zambiya ZABS Zambia Bureau of Standards Chlen korrespondent 25 3 Zimbabve SAZ Standards Association of Zimbabwe Polnopravnyj chlen 50 3 Izrail SII The Standards Institution of Israel Polnopravnyj chlen 252 4 Indiya BIS Bureau of Indian Standards Polnopravnyj chlen 658 4 Indoneziya BSN Badan Standardisasi Nasional Polnopravnyj chlen 258 4 Iordaniya JSMO Jordan Standards and Metrology Organization Polnopravnyj chlen 52 3 Irak COSQC Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control Polnopravnyj chlen 41 4 Iran ISIRI Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran Polnopravnyj chlen 630 4 Irlandiya NSAI National Standards Authority of Ireland Polnopravnyj chlen 337 4 Islandiya IST Icelandic Council for Standardization Polnopravnyj chlen 145 3 Ispaniya UNE Asociacion Espanola de Normalizacion y Certificacion Polnopravnyj chlen 650 4 Italiya UNI Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione Polnopravnyj chlen 697 4 Kazahstan KAZMEMST Committee for Standardization Metrology and Certification Polnopravnyj chlen 117 4 Kambodzha ISC Institute of Standards of Cambodia Chlen korrespondent 10 1 Kamerun ANOR Agence des Normes et de la Qualite Polnopravnyj chlen 40 4 Kanada SCC Sovet standartov Kanady Standards Council of Canada Polnopravnyj chlen 349 4 Katar QS Laboratories and Standardization Affairs Polnopravnyj chlen 38 3 Keniya KEBS Kenya Bureau of Standards Polnopravnyj chlen 228 4 Kipr CYS Cyprus Organisation for Standardisation Polnopravnyj chlen 114 2 Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZST State Inspection for Standardization and Metrology Chlen korrespondent 3 1 Kitaj SAC Standardization Administration of China Polnopravnyj chlen 737 5 Kolumbiya ICONTEC L Instituto Colombiano de Normas Tecnicas y Certificacion Polnopravnyj chlen 163 3 Respublika Kongo OCC Department of National Trade Measurement amp Standards Polnopravnyj chlen 32 3 KNDR CSK Committee for Standardization of the Democratic People s Republic of Korea Polnopravnyj chlen 93 2 Respublika Koreya KATS Korean Agency for Technology and Standards Polnopravnyj chlen 727 5 Kosta Rika INTECO Instituto de Normas Tecnicas de Costa Rica Polnopravnyj chlen 41 3 Kot d Ivuar CODINORM Agence des Normes et de la Qualite Polnopravnyj chlen 57 3 Kuba NC Oficina Nacional de Normalizacion Polnopravnyj chlen 204 4 Kuvejt KOWSMD Public Authority for Industry Standards and Industrial Services Affairs Polnopravnyj chlen 14 2 Laos DOSM Department of Standardization amp Metrology Chlen korrespondent 5 0 Latviya LVS Latvian Standard Polnopravnyj chlen 20 4 Livan LIBNOR Lebanese Standards Institution Polnopravnyj chlen 33 3 Litva LST Lithuanian Standards Board Polnopravnyj chlen 56 4 Lyuksemburg ILNAS Institut Luxembourgeois de la Normalisation de l Accreditation Polnopravnyj chlen 106 4 Mavrikij MSB Mauritius Standards Bureau Polnopravnyj chlen 72 3 Mavritaniya DNPQ Direction de la Normalisation et de la Promotion de la Qualite Chlen korrespondent 12 2 Madagaskar BNM Bureau de Normes de Madagascar Chlen korrespondent 4 1 Makao CPTTM Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center Chlen korrespondent 13 2 Malavi MBS Malawi Bureau of Standards Polnopravnyj chlen 12 2 Malajziya DSM Department of Standards Malaysia Polnopravnyj chlen 294 5 Mali AMANORM Agence Malienne de Normalisation et de Promotion de la Qualite Polnopravnyj chlen 19 4 Malta MCCAA Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority Polnopravnyj chlen 43 4 Marokko IMANOR Institut Marocain de Normalisation Polnopravnyj chlen 101 3 Meksika DGN Direccion General de Normas Polnopravnyj chlen 141 4 Mozambik INNOQ Instituto Nacional de Normalizacao e Qualidade Chlen korrespondent 9 3 Respublika Moldova ISM Institute for Standardization of Moldova Chlen korrespondent 50 4 Mongoliya MASM Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology Polnopravnyj chlen 247 4 Myanma DRI Department of Research and Innovation Chlen korrespondent 8 3 Namibiya NSI Namibian Standards Institution Polnopravnyj chlen 21 4 Nepal NBSM Nepal Bureau of Standards amp Metrology Polnopravnyj chlen 11 3 Niger DNPQM Direction de la Normalisation de la Promotion de la Qualite et de la Metrologie Chlen korrespondent 6 2 Nigeriya SON Standards Organisation of Nigeria Polnopravnyj chlen 69 3 Niderlandy NEN Nederlandse Norm Polnopravnyj chlen 620 4 Nikaragua DNM Direction of Standardization and Metrology Chlen korrespondent 0 2 Novaya Zelandiya NZSO Standards New Zealand Polnopravnyj chlen 190 4 Norvegiya SN Standards Norway Polnopravnyj chlen 326 3 OAE ESMA Emirates Authority For Standardization and Metrology Polnopravnyj chlen 48 3 Oman DGSM Directorate General for Specifications and Measurements Polnopravnyj chlen 26 3 Pakistan PSQCA Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority Polnopravnyj chlen 201 3 Palestina PSI Palestine Standards Institution Chlen korrespondent 15 3 Panama COPANIT Comision Panamena de Normas Industriales y Tecnicas Polnopravnyj chlen 63 3 Papua Novaya Gvineya NISIT National Institute of Standards and Industrial Technology Chlen korrespondent 4 1 Paragvaj INTN Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Normalizacion y Metrologia Chlen korrespondent 0 1 Peru INACAL Instituto Nacional de Calidad Polnopravnyj chlen 56 4 Polsha PKN Polish Committee for Standardization Polnopravnyj chlen 636 4 Portugaliya IPQ Instituto Portugues da Qualidade Polnopravnyj chlen 437 4 Severnaya Makedoniya ISRSM Standardization Institute of the Republic of Macedonia Polnopravnyj chlen 15 2 Rossiya GOST R Federalnoe agentstvo po tehnicheskomu regulirovaniyu i metrologii Polnopravnyj chlen 655 5 Ruanda RSB Rwanda Standards Board Polnopravnyj chlen 29 2 Rumyniya ASRO Asociatia de Standardizare din Romania Polnopravnyj chlen 686 4 San Tome i Prinsipi SENAPIQ STP Service National de la Propriete Intellectuelle et de la Qualite Chlen podpischik 0 0 Saudovskaya Araviya SASO Saudi Arabian Standards Organization Polnopravnyj chlen 226 4 Esvatini SWASA Standards Authority Chlen korrespondent 15 3 Senegal ASN Association senegalaise de Normalisation Polnopravnyj chlen 21 3 Sent Vinsent i Grenadiny SVGBS Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Bureau of Standards Chlen podpischik 5 0 Sent Kits i Nevis SKNBS St Kitts and Nevis Bureau of Standards Chlen korrespondent 5 2 Sent Lyusiya SLBS Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards Polnopravnyj chlen 8 3 Serbiya ISS Institute for Standardization Polnopravnyj chlen 474 4 Sejshelskie Ostrova SBS Seychelles Bureau of Standards Chlen korrespondent 20 3 Singapur ESG Enterprise Singapore Polnopravnyj chlen 174 3 Siriya SASMO Syrian Arab Organization for Standardization and Metrology Polnopravnyj chlen 7 0 Slovakiya UNMS SR Slovak Office of Standards Metrology and Testing Polnopravnyj chlen 476 3 Sloveniya SIST Slovenian Institute for Standardization Polnopravnyj chlen 106 4 Salvador OSN Organismo Salvadoreno de Normalizacion Polnopravnyj chlen 15 3 SShA ANSI Amerikanskij nacionalnyj institut standartov angl American National Standards Institute Polnopravnyj chlen 586 5 Sudan SSMO Standards and Metrology Organization Polnopravnyj chlen 15 3 Surinam SSB Standards Bureau Chlen korrespondent 19 2 Serra Leone SLSB Standards Bureau Chlen korrespondent 7 2 Tadzhikistan TJKSTN Agency of Standardization Metrology Certification and Trade Inspection Chlen korrespondent 9 1 Tailand TISI Thai Industrial Standards Institute Polnopravnyj chlen 317 4 Tanzaniya TBS Tanzania Bureau of Standards Polnopravnyj chlen 173 4 Togo ATN Agence Togolaise de Normalisation Chlen korrespondent 4 2 Trinidad i Tobago TTBS Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards Polnopravnyj chlen 64 3 Tunis INNORPI Institut National de la Normalisation et de la Propriete Industrielle Polnopravnyj chlen 168 4 Turkmenistan MSST Major State Service Turkmenstandartlary Chlen korrespondent 5 2 Turciya TSE Turk Standardlari Enstitusu Polnopravnyj chlen 383 4 Uganda UNBS Uganda National Bureau of Standards Polnopravnyj chlen 49 3 Uzbekistan UZSTANDARD Uzbek State Centre for Standardization Metrology and Certification Polnopravnyj chlen 23 4 Ukraina DSTU State Committee for Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy of Ukraine Polnopravnyj chlen 339 4 Urugvaj UNIT Instituto Uruguayo de Normas Tecnicas Polnopravnyj chlen 56 3 Fidzhi DNTMS Department of National Trade Measurement amp Standards Polnopravnyj chlen 9 3 Filippiny BPS Bureau of Product Standards Polnopravnyj chlen 143 3 Finlyandiya SFS Finnish Standards Association Polnopravnyj chlen 606 5 Franciya AFNOR Francuzskaya associaciya po standartizacii Association francaise de normalisation Polnopravnyj chlen 743 5 Horvatiya HZN Croatian Standards Institute Polnopravnyj chlen 192 3 Chernogoriya ISME Institute for Standardization of Montenegro Chlen korrespondent 68 2 Chehiya UNMZ Office for Standards Metrology and Testing Polnopravnyj chlen 693 4 Chili INN Instituto Nacional de Normalizacion Polnopravnyj chlen 161 4 Shvejcariya SNV Swiss Association for Standardization Polnopravnyj chlen 563 5 Shveciya SIS Shvedskij institut standartov Swedish Standards Institute Polnopravnyj chlen 566 5 Shri Lanka SLSI Standards Institution Polnopravnyj chlen 202 3 Ekvador INEN Instituto Ecuatoriano de Normalizacion Polnopravnyj chlen 56 3 Eritreya ESI Eritrean Standards Institution Chlen korrespondent 4 1 Estoniya EVS Eesti Standardikeskus Polnopravnyj chlen 104 2 Efiopiya ESA Quality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia Polnopravnyj chlen 104 3 YuAR SABS South African Bureau of Standards Polnopravnyj chlen 431 5 Yamajka BSJ Bureau of Standards of Jamaica Polnopravnyj chlen 43 3 Yaponiya JISC Yaponskij komitet promyshlennyh standartov Japanese Industrial Standards Committee Polnopravnyj chlen 717 5 TK Tehnicheskij komitet PK Podkomitet KRP Komitety ISO po razvitiyu politikiPrimechaniyaISO ISO members neopr Data obrasheniya 27 marta 2019 3 maya 2012 goda Sm takzheMezhdunarodnaya organizaciya po standartizacii Mezhdunarodnaya standartizaciya