V Vikipedii est stati o drugih lyudyah s familiej Pyorsell Genri Pyorsell angl Henry Purcell 10 sentyabrya 1659 London 21 noyabrya 1695 tam zhe anglijskij kompozitor krupnejshij predstavitel rannego anglijskogo barokko Pisal prakticheski vo vseh zhanrah formah sovremennoj emu muzyki avtor znamenitoj opery Didona i Enej neskolkih semi oper muzyki k dramaticheskim spektaklyam pes v tom chisle fantazij na In nomine dlya instrumentalnogo konsorta horovyh antemov oboih tipov privetstvennyh i traurnyh od svetskih i duhovnyh pesen arij i t d Genri Pyorsellangl Henry PurcellOsnovnaya informaciyaData rozhdeniya 10 sentyabrya 1659 1659 09 10 Mesto rozhdeniya VestminsterData smerti 21 noyabrya 1695 1695 11 21 36 let Mesto smerti LondonPohoronen Vestminsterskoe abbatstvoStrana Korolevstvo AngliyaProfessii ispolnitel kompozitorGody aktivnosti 1679 1695Instrumenty organ klavesinZhanry opera instrumentalnaya muzykahenrypurcell org uk Mediafajly na VikiskladeBiografiyaPyorsell na gravyure R White po portretu John Closterman iz pervogo toma Orpheus BritannicusRannie gody i nachalo karery Pyorsell rodilsya v londonskom Vestminstere angl St Ann s Lane Old Pye Street tochnaya data ego rozhdeniya neizvestna Otec Pyorsella Tomas Pyorsell byl muzykantom kak i starshij brat otca dyadya Genri Pyorsell um v 1682 Oba brata byli chlenami Korolevskoj kapelly Pyorsell starshij pel na koronacii Karla II Nachinaya s 1659 goda semya Pyorsellov zhila vsego v neskolkih sotnyah yardov k zapadu ot Vestminsterskogo abbatstva U Genri Pyorsella bylo tri syna Edvard Genri i Daniel Daniel Pyorsell um 1717 mladshij iz bratev tozhe byl plodovitym kompozitorom Imenno on dopisal muzyku k finalnomu aktu Korolevy indejcev posle smerti Genri Posle smerti otca v 1664 godu Genri opekal dyadya Tomas zabotivshijsya o nyom kak o svoyom syne Buduchi na sluzhbe v Kapelle Ego Velichestva on dobilsya priyoma tuda i Genri v kachestve horista Snachala Genri obuchalsya u dekana kapelly Genri Kuka angl Henry Cooke um v 1672 a zatem u Pelhama Hamfri angl Pelham Humfrey um v 1674 naslednika Kuka Genri byl horistom Korolevskoj kapelly do mutacii svoego golosa v 1673 godu kogda on stal pomoshnikom organnogo mastera Dzhona Hingstona angl John Hingston zanimavshego dolzhnost korolevskogo hranitelya duhovyh instrumentov Schitaetsya chto Pyorsell nachal sochinyat muzyku v 9 let No samoj rannej rabotoj dlya kotoroj dostoverno ustanovleno chto ona napisana Pyorsellom yavlyaetsya oda na den rozhdeniya korolya sozdannaya v 1670 godu Daty sochinenij Pyorsella nesmotrya na bolshie provedyonnye issledovaniya chasto tochno ne izvestny Predpolagaetsya chto pesnya angl Sweet tyranness I now resign v tryoh chastyah byla napisana im v detstve Posle smerti Hamfri Pyorsell prodolzhal obuchenie u Dzhona Blou On poseshal Vestminsterskuyu shkolu i v 1676 godu byl naznachen kopiistom Vestminsterskogo abbatstva Samyj pervyj antem Pyorsella angl Lord who can tell byl napisan v 1678 godu Eto psalom ustanovlennyj dlya Rozhdestva a takzhe chitaemyj na utrennej molitve v chetvyortyj den mesyaca V 1679 godu Pyorsell napisal neskolko pesen dlya Izbrannyh arij pesen i duetov angl Choice Ayres Songs and Dialogues Dzhona Plejforda angl John Playford i antem nazvanie kotorogo neizvestno dlya korolevskoj kapelly Iz sohranivshegosya pisma Tomasa Pyorsella izvestno chto etot antem byl napisan specialno dlya vydayushegosya golosa Dzhona Gostlinga angl John Gostling kotoryj tozhe byl chlenom korolevskoj kapelly V raznoe vremya Pyorsell napisal neskolko antemov dlya etogo neobyknovennogo basa profundo imevshego diapazon dve polnyh oktavy ot nizhnego re bolshoj oktavy do re pervoj oktavy Izvestny daty sochineniya nemnogih iz etih cerkovnyh proizvedenij Naibolee zametnym obrazcom ih yavlyaetsya antem They that go down to the sea in ships V chest chudesnogo izbavleniya korolya Karla II ot korablekrusheniya Gostling yavlyavshijsya royalistom soedinil neskolko stihov iz Psaltiri v forme antema i poprosil Pyorsella polozhit ih na muzyku Eta trudnejshaya dlya ispolneniya pesa nachinaetsya s passazha pokryvayushego ves diapazon golosa Gostlinga ot verhnego re i nishodyashego na dve oktavy vniz Dalnejshaya karera i smert Rukopis Pyorsella When on my sick bed I languish ok 1680 V 1679 godu Blou byvshij organistom Vestminsterskogo abbatstva s 1669 goda ostavil etu dolzhnost v polzu Pyorsella svoego uchenika S etogo momenta Pyorsell zanyalsya sochineniem preimushestvenno cerkovnoj muzyki i na shest let prerval svoi svyazi s teatrom Odnako v nachale goda vozmozhno do zanyatiya dolzhnosti on sozdal dve vazhnye veshi dlya sceny muzyku dlya Theodosius Natanielya Li angl Nathaniel Lee i Virtuous Wife Tomasa d Urfi angl Thomas d Urfey Mezhdu 1680 i 1688 godami Pyorsell napisal muzyku dlya semi pes Sochinenie ego kamernoj opery Didona i Enej angl Dido and Aeneas kotoraya yavlyaetsya vazhnoj vehoj v istorii anglijskoj teatralnoj muzyki otnosyat k etomu periodu Eta bolee rannyaya datirovka yavlyaetsya vpolne veroyatnoj tak kak v dokumentah opera upominaetsya v 1689 godu Ona byla napisana na libretto irlandskogo poeta Nauma Tejta angl Nahum Tate i postavlena v 1689 godu s uchastiem Dzhoziasa Prista angl Josias Priest horeografa teatra Dorset Garden angl Dorset Garden Theatre Zhena Prista soderzhala pansion blagorodnyh devic snachala v Lestere angl Leicester a zatem v Chelsi gde i byla postavlena opera Inogda ona nazyvaetsya pervoj anglijskoj operoj hotya obychno tak imenuyut operu Blou Venera i Adonis Kak i v sochinenii Blou dejstvie proishodit ne v razgovornyh dialogah a v rechitativah v italyanskom stile Oba sochineniya dlyatsya menee chasa V svoyo vremya Didona i Enej ne popala na teatralnuyu scenu hotya po vidimomu byla ochen populyarna v chastnyh kruzhkah Schitaetsya chto ona mnogo kopirovalas no tolko odna ariya iz opery byla napechatana vdovoj Pyorsella v sbornike sochinenij Pyorsella Britanskij Orfej angl Orpheus Britannicus i polnoe sochinenie ostavalos v rukopisi do 1840 goda kogda ono bylo opublikovano obshestvom starinnoj muzyki angl Musical Antiquarian Society pod redakciej sera Dzhordzha Aleksandra Makfarrena Sochinenie Didony i Eneya dalo Pyorsellu pervuyu vozmozhnost napisat nepreryvnoe muzykalnoe oformlenie dlya teatralnogo teksta I eto byl edinstvennyj sluchaj napisat muzyku kotoraya vyrazhala chuvstva vsej dramy Syuzhet Didony i Eneya osnovan na epicheskoj poeme Vergiliya Eneida V 1682 godu vskore posle svoej zhenitby Pyorsell byl naznachen organistom korolevskoj kapelly v svyazi so smertyu Edvarda Lou angl Edward Lowe zanimavshego etot post Etu dolzhnost Pyorsell smog poluchit ne ostavlyaya prezhnego mesta v abbatstve Ego starshij syn rodilsya v etom zhe godu no prozhil nedolgo V sleduyushem 1683 godu ego sochinenie 12 sonat bylo vpervye napechatano V techenie sleduyushih neskolkih let Pyorsell zanimalsya sochineniem cerkovnoj muzyki odami adresovannymi korolyu i korolevskoj seme i drugimi podobnymi rabotami V 1685 godu on napisal dva svoih zamechatelnyh antema I was glad i My heart is inditing dlya koronacii korolya Yakova II V 1694 godu bylo napisano odno iz ego naibolee vazhnyh i velichestvennyh proizvedenij oda ko dnyu rozhdeniya korolevy Marii angl Queen Mary Ono ozaglavleno Come Ye Sons of Art i bylo napisano N Tejtom a postavleno Pyorsellom Pyorsell gravyura 17 veka V 1687 godu Pyorsell vozobnovil svoi svyazi s teatrom napisav muzyku k tragedii Drajdena Tyrannick Love V etom godu Pyorsell takzhe sochinil marsh i tanec kotorye stali takimi populyarnymi chto lord Uorton ispolzoval etu muzyku v svoyom Lillibullero V yanvare 1688 ili ranshe Pyorsell ispolnyaya volyu korolya napisal antem Blessed are they that fear the Lord A neskolkimi mesyacami pozzhe on napisal muzyku k pese d Urfi The Fool s Preferment V 1690 on sochinil muzyku k obrabotke Tomasom Bettertonom angl Thomas Betterton pesy Dzhona Fletchera i Filippa Messindzhera Prorochica pozzhe nazvannaya Diokletian i k pese Amfitrion Drajdena V svoj zrelyj tvorcheskij period Pyorsell sochinyal mnogo odnako naskolko mnogo mozhno tolko predpolagat V 1691 godu on napisal muzyku kotoraya schitaetsya ego teatralnym shedevrom operu Korol Artur angl King Arthur na libretto Drajdena vpervye opublikovana Musical Antiquarian Society v 1843 godu V 1692 on sochinil Korolevu fej angl The Fairy Queen po motivam Sna v letnyuyu noch Shekspira noty kotoroj ego samoe bolshoe proizvedenie dlya teatra byli obnaruzheny v 1901 godu i opublikovany Pyorsellovskim obshestvom Zatem posledovala Koroleva indejcev angl The Indian Queen v 1695 godu v tom zhe godu Pyorsell napisal pesni k versii shekspirovskoj Buri dramaturgov Drajdena i Davenanta vozmozhno vklyuchaya pesni Full fathom five i Come unto these yellow sands i eshyo soprovozhdenie dlya Abdelazara angl Abdelazer or The Moor s Revenge po drame Afry Ben Koroleva indejcev byla osnovana na tragedii Drajdena i Hovarda angl Sir Robert Howard V etoj semi opere v to vremya takzhe nazyvaemoj dramaticheskoj operoj glavnye personazhi pesy ne peli a proiznosili slova svoej roli dejstvie dvigalos ne rechitativami a dialogami Arii ot lica glavnyh personazhej ispolnyalis professionalnymi pevcami rol kotoryh v dramaticheskom dejstvii byla minimalnoj Te Deum i Jubilate Deo Pyorsella byli napisany ko dnyu Sv Cecilii v 1694 godu Eto byl pervyj anglijskij Te Deum imeyushij orkestrovoe soprovozhdenie On ispolnyalsya ezhegodno v kafedralnom sobore Sv Pavla do 1712 goda posle kotorogo on stal cheredovatsya s Gendelevskim Utrecht Te Deum and Jubilate do 1743 goda kogda oba proizvedeniya byli zameneny Gendelevskim Dettingen Te Deum Dlya pohoron korolevy Marii II v 1694 godu Pyorsell napisal antem i dve elegii Krome oper i semi oper upomyanutyh vyshe on napisal muzyku i pesni dlya Komicheskoj istorii Don Kihota Tomasa d Urfi i Bonduki angl Bonduca bolshoe kolichestvo cerkovnoj muzyki mnogochislennye ody kantaty Kolichestvo zhe instrumentalnoj kamernoj muzyki namnogo menshe chem v nachale karery a muzyka dlya klavira sostoit iz eshyo menshego chisla klavesinnyh syuit i organnyh pes V 1693 godu Pyorsell sochinil muzyku dlya dvuh komedij Staryj holostyak angl The Old Bachelor i Dvojnaya igra angl The Double Dealer a takzhe eshyo pyati pes V iyule 1695 on napisal odu Who can from joy refrain v chest shestiletiya gercoga Glosterskogo Za poslednie shest let zhizni Pyorsell napisal muzyku k soroka dvum pesam Pyorsell umer v 1695 godu v svoyom dome na Marsham Street v Vestminstere v zenite svoej karery Schitaetsya chto emu bylo 35 ili 36 let Prichina ego smerti neyasna Po odnoj versii on prostudilsya vernuvshis pozdno domoj iz teatra i obnaruzhiv chto zhena zaperla dom na noch Po drugoj on umer ot tuberkulyoza Zaveshanie Pyorsella nachinaetsya tak Vo imya Gospoda Amin Ya Genri Pyorsell dzhentlmen po sostoyaniyu tela buduchi opasno bolen no v svetlom ume i tvyordoj pamyati slava Vsevyshnemu nastoyashim zayavlyayu svoyu poslednyuyu volyu i zaveshanie Ostavlyayu moej lyubimoj zhene Frensis angl Frances Purcell vsyo moyo dvizhimoe i nedvizhimoe imushestvo Pyorsell pohoronen ryadom s organom v Vestminsterskom abbatstve Muzyka kotoruyu on napisal dlya pohoron korolevy Marii II prozvuchala i na ego pohoronah Ego povsemestno oplakivali kak velichajshego mastera muzyki Posle ego smerti rukovodstvo Vestminstera pochtilo ego edinoglasno vyskazavshis za besplatnoe predostavlenie mesta dlya zahoroneniya v severnom pridele abbatstva V epitafii napisano Zdes lezhit Pyorsell Esk kotoryj pokinul etot mir i ushyol v to blazhennoe mesto edinstvennoe gde tolko ego garmoniya mozhet byt prevzojdena U Pyorsella i ego zheny Frensis bylo shest detej chetvero iz kotoryh umerli vo mladenchestve Zhena syn Edvard 1689 1740 i doch Frensis perezhili ego Zhena opublikovala ryad rabot kompozitora vklyuchaya izvestnyj sbornik Britanskij Orfej angl Orpheus Britannicus v dvuh tomah napechatannyj v 1698 i 1702 godah sootvetstvenno Umerla Frensis Pyorsell v 1706 godu Edvard v 1711 godu stal organistom cerkvi St Clement Eastcheap v Londone emu nasledoval ego syn Edvard Genri um 1765 Oba byli pohoroneny v cerkvi St Clement okolo organa Posmertnye slava i vliyanie Cvetenie anglijskogo barokko bronzovaya skulptura Glenna Uilyamsa v malenkom parke na ulice Viktoriya v Vestminstere Posle smerti Pyorsella ego znachenie bylo vysoko otmecheno mnogimi sovremennikami Ego staryj drug Dzhon Blou napisal Odu na smert Genri Pyorsella angl An Ode on the Death of Mr Henry Purcell Mark how the lark and linnet sing na slova svoego davnego soavtora Dzhona Drajdena Muzykalnoe soprovozhdenie zaupokojnoj sluzhby Uilyama Krofta bylo napisano v 1724 godu v stile velikogo Mastera Kroft sohranil Pyorsellovskoe soprovozhdenie Thou knowest lord Z 58 v svoej muzyke po prichinam ochevidnym dlya lyubogo artista S teh por eta muzyka zvuchit na vseh oficialnyh pohoronah Velikobritanii V bolee pozdnee vremya anglijskij poet Hopkins napisal izvestnyj sonet ozaglavlennyj Genri Pyorsell Pyorsell okazal znachitelnoe vliyanie na kompozitorov anglijskogo muzykalnogo renessansa nachala 20 stoletiya osobenno na Brittena kotoryj osushestvil postanovku Didony i Eneya i chyo sochinenie The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra osnovano na teme iz Pyorsellovskogo Abdelazara angl Abdelazer Stilisticheski ariya I know a bank iz opery Brittena Son v letnyuyu noch yavno naveyana Pyorsellovskoj ariej Sweeter than Roses kotoruyu Pyorsell pervonachalno napisal kak chast soprovoditelnoj muzyki k pese Richarda Nortona Pavsanij predatel rodiny Episkopalnaya cerkov SShA otmechaet v liturgicheskom kalendare 28 iyulya kak den Pyorsella a takzhe Baha i Gendelya V intervyu 1940 goda Ignac Fridman zayavil chto stavit Pyorsella vyshe Baha i Bethovena Na ulice Viktoriya v Vestminstere nahoditsya bronzovyj pamyatnik Pyorsellu vypolnennyj Glennom Uilyamsom i ustanovlennyj v 1994 godu V 1836 godu v Londone byl osnovan Klub Pyorsella angl Purcell Club s celyami sposobstvovat bolee shirokomu ispolneniyu muzyki Pyorsella no v 1863 godu klub byl raspushen V 1876 godu bylo osnovano Pyorsellovskoe obshestvo kotoroe opublikovalo novye redakcii ego rabot V nashi dni Klub Pyorsella byl vossozdan on zanimaetsya organizaciej ekskursij i koncertov v podderzhku Vestminsterskogo abbatstva Reputaciya Pyorsella tak vysoka chto emu mnogo let s 1878 po 1940 e gody pripisyvalos avtorstvo populyarnogo svadebnogo marsha Tak nazyvaemyj Purcell s Trumpet Voluntary byl fakticheski napisan okolo 1700 goda britanskim kompozitorom Dzheremajya Klarkom kak Marsh princa datskogo Majkl Najman postroil po prosbe rezhissyora muzyku k kinofilmu Pitera Grinueya 1982 goda Kontrakt risovalshika na ostinato iz razlichnyh sochinenij Pyorsella odnogo pripisannogo emu po oshibke Najman schital Pyorsella muzykalnym konsultantom saundtreka filma Drugaya Pyorsellovskaya tema ariya Geniya Holoda iz Korolya Artura byla ispolzovana Najmanom v ego sochinenii Memorial Pyorsell v pop kultureV 2009 godu Pit Taunsend lider anglijskoj rok gruppy The Who osnovannoj v 1960 h zayavil chto garmonii Pyorsella povliyali na muzyku gruppy v takih pesnyah kak Won t Get Fooled Again 1971 I Can See for Miles 1967 i na ochen Pyorsellovskoe vstuplenie k angl Muzyka dlya pohoronnoj processii iz muzyki dlya pohoron korolevy Marii byla perelozhena dlya sintezatora Vendi Karlos i ispolzovana v muzykalnoj teme dlya filma Zavodnoj apelsin S Kubrika 1971 Eta zhe muzyka ispolzovana v filme 1995 goda Nastolnaya kniga molodogo otravitelya Kultovyj ispolnitel novoj volny Klaus Nomi regulyarno ispolnyal Holodnuyu pesnyu iz Korolya Artura v techenie vsej svoej karery nachinaya s debyutnogo alboma 1981 goda Ego poslednim publichnym vystupleniem nezadolgo do smerti ot SPID bylo ispolnenie pesy s simfonicheskim orkestrom v Myunhene v dekabre 1982 Pyorsell napisal pesnyu Geniya Holoda dlya basa no ryad kontratenorov ispolnili eyo v pamyat Nomi Sting zapisal ariyu Next winter comes slowly iz opery Koroleva fej v svoyom albome 2009 goda If On a Winter s Night V filme 1995 goda England My England zhizn kompozitora kotorogo igraet pevec Majkl Boll pokazana glazami dramaturga zhivushego v 1960 e gody kotoryj pytaetsya napisat pesu o Pyorselle V 2003 godu shvedskaya blek metal gruppa Marduk zapisala kaver pod nazvaniem Blackcrowned na melodiyu iz filma Zavodnoj Apelsin upomyanutuyu vyshe V nemeckom filme 2004 goda Bunker povtoryaetsya muzyka iz placha Didony soprovozhdaya konec Tretego rejha Saundtrek k versii 2005 goda filma Gordost i predubezhdenie soderzhit tanec nazvannyj Otkrytka Genri Pyorsellu Eto versiya temy iz Abdelazara Pyorsella sozdannaya Dario Marianelli Film 2012 goda Korolevstvo polnoj luny soderzhit versiyu Abdelazara Bendzhamina Brittena sozdannuyu v 1946 godu dlya ego The Young Person s Guide to the Orchestra V 2013 godu Pet Shop Boys vypustili singl angl vklyuchayushij odnu iz baso vyh tem Korolya Artura ispolzovannyh Najmanom v Kontrakte risovalshika angl vypustila svoyo perelozhenie There s Not a Swain Z 587 na CD 2015 goda The Longest River Dashkevich takzhe nazyvaet muzyku Pyorsella tem chto podtolknulo ego k sozdaniyu Uvertyury iz cikla filmov o Sherloke Holmse i doktore Vatsone SochineniyaToccata in A major source source Ispolnyaet Sylvia Kind na klavesine izgotovlennom v nachale XX veka Pomosh po vosproizvedeniyu fajla A New Ground ZT 682 source source Sovremennaya aranzhirovka Pomosh po vosproizvedeniyu fajla The Queen s Dolour A Farewell source source Aranzhirovka en Ronald Stevenson 1958 ispolnitel en Mark Gasser Pomosh po vosproizvedeniyu fajla I was Glad source source Pomosh po vosproizvedeniyu fajla Sochineniya Pyorsella byli katalogizirovany F Cimmermanom Zimmerman v 1963 godu Oboznacheniya sochinenij Pyorsella po ego katalogu nachinayutsya s bukvy Z po familii sostavitelya Nekotorye sochineniya Pyorsella v etom kataloge ne byli uchteny sm nizhe v razdele bez Z nomera Vokalnye proizvedeniya vnutri tematicheskih razdelov raspolozheny u Cimmermana po alfavitu incipitov a ne po hronologii poskolku datirovki mnogih proizvedenij Pyorsella somnitelny ili vovse neizvestny oboznacheny zdes znakom Antemy Z 1 65 Z 1 Awake put on thy strength ok 1682 1685 Z 2 Behold I bring you glad tidings 1687 Z 3 Behold now praise the Lord ok 1680 Z 4 Be merciful unto me do 1683 Z 5 Blessed are they that fear the Lord 1688 Z 6 Blessed be the Lord my strength do 1679 Z 7 Blessed is he that considereth the poor ok 1688 Z 8 Blessed is he whose unrighteousness is forgiven ok 1680 1692 Z 9 Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord ok 1688 Z 10 Blow up the trumpet in Sion do 1679 Z 11 Bow down thine ear O Lord ok 1680 1682 Z 12 Give sentence with me O Lord do 1681 Z 13 Hear me O Lord and that soon 1680 1682 2 redakcii Z 14 Hear my prayer O God do 1683 Z 15 Hear my prayer O Lord do 1683 Z 16 In Thee O Lord do I put my trust ok 1682 Z 17 In the midst of life do 1682 dve redakcii Z 18 It is a good thing to give thanks 1682 1685 Z 19 I was glad when they said unto me 1682 1683 Z 20 I will give thanks unto Thee O Lord 1682 1685 Z 21 I will give thanks unto the Lord 1680 1682 Z 22 I will sing unto the Lord do 1679 Z 23 Let God arise do 1679 Z 24 Let mine eyes run down with tears ok 1682 Z 25 Lord how long wilt Thou be angry ok 1680 1682 Z 26 Lord who can tell how oft he offendeth ok 1677 Z 27 Man that is born of woman ok 1680 1682 Z 28 My beloved spake do 1677 Z 29 My heart is fixed O God 1682 1685 Z 30 My heart is inditing 1685 Z 31 My song shall be always 1690 Z 32 O consider my adversity Z 33 O give thanks unto the Lord 1693 Z 34 O God the king of glory do 1679 Z 35 O God thou art my god 1680 1682 Z 36 O God thou has cast us out 1680 1682 Z 37 O Lord God of hosts 1680 1682 Z 38 O Lord grant the King a long life 1685 Z 39 O Lord our governor do 1679 Z 40 O Lord rebuke me not Z 41 O Lord Thou art my God 1680 1682 Z 42 O praise God in his holiness 1682 1685 Z 43 O praise the Lord all ye heathen do 1681 Z 44 O sing unto the Lord 1688 Z 45 Out of the deep have I called ok 1680 Z 46 Praise the Lord O Jerusalem 1689 Z 47 Praise the Lord O my soul and all that is within me 1682 1685 Z 48 Praise the Lord O my soul O Lord my God 1687 Z 49 Rejoice in the Lord alway 1682 1685 tak nazyvaemyj kolokolnyj antem Z 50 Remember not Lord our offences 1679 1682 Z 51 Save me O God do 1681 Z 52 Sing unto God 1687 Z 53 The Lord is king be the people never so impatient Z 54 The Lord is King the earth may be glad 1688 Z 55 The Lord is my light 1682 1685 Z 56 The way of God is an undefiled way 1694 Z 57 They that go down to the sea in ships 1685 Z 58 Thou know st Lord the secrets of our hearts 1687 3 redakcii Z 59 Thy righteousness O God is very high Z 60 Thy way O God is holy 1687 Z 61 Thy word is a lantern unto my feet Z 62 Turn thou us O good Lord Z 63 Unto Thee will I cry 1682 1685 Z 64 Who hath believed our report 1679 1680 Z 65 Why do the heathen so furiously rage together 1682 1685 Gimny kanony duhovnye pesni Z 101 200 Z 101 Joy mirth triumphs I do defy ketch data neizvestna Z 103 Gloria Patri et Filio kanon ok 1680 Z 104 Gloria Patri et Filio kanon ok 1680 Z 105 Gloria Patri et Filio kanon ok 1680 Z 106 Gloria Patri et Filio kanon ok 1680 Z 107 Gloria Patri et Filio kanon data neizvestna Z 108 Laudate Dominum kanon data neizvestna Z 109 Miserere mei kanon publ 1687 Z 120 Chant a moll avtorstvo somnitelno data neizvestna Z 121 Chant G dur avtorstvo somnitelno data neizvestna Z 122 Chant G dur avtorstvo somnitelno data neizvestna Z 123 Chant d moll avtorstvo somnitelno data neizvestna Z 124 Chant G dur avtorstvo somnitelno data neizvestna Z 125 Burford psalm tune avtorstvo somnitelno data neizvestna Z 130 Ah few and full of sorrow ok 1680 Z 131 Beati omnes qui timent Dominum ok 1680 Z 132 Early o Lord my fainting soul ok 1680 Z 133 Hear me o Lord the great support 1680 1682 Z 134 In guilty night publ 1693 Z 135 Jehova quam multi sunt ok 1680 Z 136 Lord I can suffer thy rebukes ok 1680 Z 137 Lord not to us but to thy name ok 1680 Z 138 O all ye people clap your hands ok 1680 Z 139 O happy man that fears the Lord data neizvestna Z 140 O I m sick of life ok 1680 Z 141 O Lord our governor ok 1680 Z 142 Plung d in the confines of despair ok 1680 Z 143 Since God so tender a regard ok 1680 Z 144 When on my sickbed I languish ok 1680 Z 181 Awake and with attention hear publ 1681 Z 182 Awake ye dead publ 1693 Z 183 Begin the song and strike the living lyre publ 1681 Z 184 Close thine eyes and sleep secure publ 1688 Z 185 Full of wrath his threatening breath data neizvestna Z 186 Great God and just publ 1688 Z 187 Hosanna to the highest data neizvestna Z 188 How have I strayed publ 1688 Z 189 How long great God publ 1688 Z 190 In the black dismal dungeon of despair publ 1688 Z 191 Let the night perish publ 1688 Z 192 Lord what is man publ 1693 Z 193 Now that the sun hath veiled his light publ 1688 Z 195 Sleep Adam sleep and take thy rest publ 1688 Z 196 Tell me some pitying angel publ 1693 Z 197 The earth trembled publ 1688 Z 198 Thou wakeful shepherd publ 1688 Z 199 We sing to him whose wisdom form d the ear publ 1688 Z 200 With sick and famish d eyes publ 1688 Anglikanskaya cerkovnaya muzyka Z 230 232 Primechanie Vse teksty anglikanskih cerkovno muzykalnyh sochinenij anglijskie dazhe esli oni soderzhat latinskie tradicionnye zagolovki Z 230 1 Te Deum dlya utreni do 1682 Z 230 2 Benedictus dlya utreni do 1682 Z 230 3 Benedicite omnia opera dlya utreni do 1682 Z 230 4 Jubilate Deo dlya utreni do 1682 Z 230 5 Kyrie eleison k prichastiyu do 1682 Z 230 6 Nikejskij simvol very Nicene Creed do 1682 Z 230 7 Magnifikat B dur dlya vecherni do 1682 Z 230 8 Nunc dimittis dlya kompletoriya do 1682 Z 230 9 Cantate Domino dlya vecherni do 1682 Z 230 10 Deus misereatur dlya vecherni do 1682 Z 231 Magnifikat i Nunc dimittis dlya vecherni data neizvestna Z 232 Te Deum i Jubilate Deo D dur dlya utreni 1694 Ketchi Z 240 292 Primechanie Ketch ketch beskonechnyj kanon obychno tryohgolosnyj v unison na anglijskij tekst Z 240 A health to the nut brown lass 1685 Z 241 An ape a lion a fox and an ass 1686 Z 242 As Roger last night to Jenny lay close Z 243 Bring the bowl and cool Nantz 1693 1694 Z 244 Call for the reckoning Z 245 Come let us drink Z 246 Come my hearts play your parts 1685 Z 247 Down down with Bacchus 1693 Z 248 Drink on till night be spent 1686 Z 249 Full bags a brisk bottle 1686 Z 250 God save our sovereign Charles 1685 Z 251 Great Apollo and Bacchus Z 252 Here s a health pray let it pass Z 253 Here s that will challenge all the fair 1680 Z 254 He that drinks is immortal 1686 Z 255 If all be true that I do think 1689 Z 256 I gave her cakes and I gave her ale 1690 Z 257 Is Charleroy s siege come too 1693 Z 258 Let the grave folks go preach 1685 Z 259 Let us drink to the blades 1691 Z 260 My lady s coachman John 1688 Z 261 Now England s great council s assembled 1685 Z 262 Now now we are met and humours agree 1688 Z 263 Of all the instruments that are 1693 Ketch o viole Z 264 Once in our lives let us drink to our wives 1686 Z 265 Once twice thrice I Julia tried Z 266 One industrious insect Z 267 Pale faces stand by 1688 Z 268 Pox on you for a fop Z 269 Prithee be n t so sad and serious Z 270 Room for th express 1694 Z 271 Since the duke is return s 1685 Z 272 Since time so kind to us does prove Z 273 Sir Walter enjoying his damsel Z 274 Soldier soldier take off thy wine Z 275 Sum up all the delights 1688 Z 276 The Macedon youth 1686 Z 277 The miller s daughter riding 1686 Z 278 The surrender of Limerick 1691 Z 279 Tis easy to force 1685 Z 280 Tis too late for a coach 1686 Z 281 Tis women makes us love 1685 Z 282 To all lovers of music 1687 Z 283 To thee to thee and to a maid 1685 Z 284 True Englishmen drink a good health ok 1689 Z 285 Under a green elm lies Luke Shepherd s helm 1686 Z 286 Under this stone lies Gabriel John 1686 Z 287 When V and I together meet 1686 Z 288 Who comes there 1685 Z 289 Wine in a morning makes us frolic and gay 1686 Z 290 Would you know how we meet 1685 Z 291 Young Colin cleaving of a beam 1691 Z 292 Young John the gard ner 1683 Ody i privetstvennye pesni Z 320 344 Z 320 Arise my Muse vtoraya oda na den rozhdeniya korolevy Marii 1690 Z 321 Celebrate this festival pyataya oda na den rozhdeniya korolevy Marii 1693 Z 322 Celestial music did the gods inspire oda 1689 Z 323 Come Ye Sons of Art shestaya oda ko dnyu rozhdeniya korolevy Marii 1694 Z 324 Fly bold rebellion oda 1683 Z 325 From hardy climes and dangerous toils of war oda 1683 Z 326 From those serene and rapturous joys oda 1684 Z 327 Great parent hail oda 1694 Z 328 Hail bright Cecilia oda ko dnyu sv Cecilii 1692 Z 329 Laudate Ceciliam oda ko dnyu sv Cecilii 1683 Z 331 Love s goddess sure was blind chetvyortaya oda na den rozhdeniya korolevy Marii 1692 Z 332 Now does the glorious day appear pervaya oda na den rozhdeniya korolevy Marii 1689 Z 333 Of old when heroes thought it base oda 1690 Z 334 Raise raise the voice oda ok 1685 Z 335 Sound the trumpet beat the drum oda 1678 Z 336 Swifter Isis swifter flow oda 1681 Z 337 The summer s absence unconcerned we bear oda 1682 Z 338 Welcome welcome glorious morn tretya oda na den rozhdeniya korolevy Marii 1691 Z 339 Welcome to all the pleasures oda ko dnyu sv Cecilii 1683 Z 340 Welcome vicegerent of the mighty king oda 1680 Z 341 What what shall be done in behalf of the man oda 1682 Z 342 Who can from joy refrain oda na den rozhdeniya gercoga Glosterskogo 1695 Z 343 Why why are all the Muses mute oda 1685 Z 344 Ye tuneful Muses oda 1686 Pesni svetskie Z 351 547 Z 351 Aaron thus propos d to Moses 1688 avtorstvo osparivaetsya Z 352 Ah Cruel nymph you give despair Z 353 Ah how pleasant tis to love 1688 Z 354 Ah Cruel nymph you give despair Z 355 Amidst the shades and cool refreshing streams 1687 Z 356 Amintas to my grief I see 1679 Z 357 Amintor heedless of his flocks 1681 Z 358 Ask me to love no more 1694 Z 359 A thousand sev ral ways I tried 1684 Z 360 Bacchus is a power divine Z 361 Beware poor Shepherds 1684 Z 362 Cease anxious world 1687 Z 363 Cease O my sad soul 1678 Z 364 Celia s fond too long I ve loved her 1694 Z 365 Corinna is divinely fair 1692 Z 367 Cupid the slyest rogue alive 1685 Z 368 Farewell all joys 1685 Z 369 Fly swift ye hours 1692 Z 370 From silent shades and the Elysian groves 1683 Z 371 Hears not my Phyllis 1695 Z 372 He himself courts his own ruin 1684 Z 373 How delightful s the life of an innocent swain Z 374 How I sigh when I think of the charms 1681 Z 375 I came I saw and was undone Z 376 I envy not a monarch s fate 1693 Z 377 I fain would be free Z 378 If grief has any power to kill 1685 Z 379 If music be the food of love 1692 1695 Z 380 If prayers and tears Z 381 I lov d fair Celia 1694 Z 382 I love and I must Z 383 Incassum Lesbia incassum rogas 1695 Z 384 In Cloris all soft charms 1684 Z 385 In vain we dissemble 1685 Z 386 I resolve against cringing 1679 Z 387 I saw that you were grown so high 1678 Z 388 I take no pleasure in the sun s bright beams 1681 Z 389 Leave these useless arts in loving Z 390 Let each gallant heart 1683 Z 391 Let formal lovers still pursue 1687 Z 392 Love arms himself in Celia s eyes Z 393 Love is now become a trade 1685 Z 394 Lovely Albina s come ashore Z 395 Love s power in my heart shall find no compliance 1688 Z 396 Love thou canst hear tho thou art blind 1695 Z 397 More love or more disdain I crave 1678 Z 399 My heart wherever you appear 1685 Z 400 Not all my torments can your pity move Z 401 No watch dear Celia just is found 1693 Z 402 O fair Cedaria hide those eyes Z 403 O how happy s he 1690 Z 404 Olinda in the shades unseen Z 405 On the brow of Richmond Hill 1692 Z 406 O solitude my sweetest choice 1687 Z 407 Pastora s beauties when unblown 1681 Z 408 Phyllis I can ne er forgive it 1688 Z 409 Phillis talk no more of passion 1685 Z 410 Pious Celinda goes to prayers 1695 Z 411 Rashly I swore I would disown 1683 Z 412 Sawney is a bonny lad 1694 Z 413 She loves and she confesses too 1683 Z 414 She that would gain a faithful lover 1695 Z 415 She who my poor heart possesses 1683 Z 416 Since one poor view has drawn my heart 1681 Z 417 Spite of the godhead pow rful love 1687 Z 418 Sweet be no longer sad 1678 Z 420 Sylvia now your scorn give over 1688 Z 421 The fatal hour comes on apace Z 422 They say you re angry 1685 Z 423 This poet sings the Trojan wars 1688 Z 424 Through mournful shades and solitary groves 1684 Z 425 Turn then thine eyes Z 426 Urge me no more Z 427 We now my Thyrsis never find 1693 Z 428 What a sad fate is mine Z 429 What can we poor females do 1694 Z 430 When first Amintas sued for a kiss 1687 Z 431 When first my shepherdess and I 1687 Z 432 When her languishing eyes said love 1681 Z 433 When I a lover pale do see 1678 Z 434 When my Aemelia smiles Z 435 When Strephon found his passion vain 1683 Z 436 When Thyrsis did the splendid eye 1675 Z 437 While Thyrsis wrapt in downy sleep 1685 Z 438 Whilst Cynthia sung all angry winds lay still 1686 Z 440 Who but a slave can well express Z 441 Who can behold Florella s charms 1695 Z 442 Why so serious why so grave Z 443 Ye happy swains whose nymphs are kind 1685 Z 444 Stript of their green our groves appear 1692 Z 461 Beneath a dark and melancholy grove Z 462 Draw near you lovers Z 463 Farewell ye rocks 1685 Z 464 Gently shepherds you that know 1687 Z 465 High on a throne of glitt ring ore 1690 Z 466 Let us kind Lesbia give away 1684 Z 467 Musing on cares of human fate 1685 Z 468 No to what purpose should I speak Z 469 Scarce had the rising sun appear d 1679 Z 470 See how the fading glories of the year 1689 Z 471 Since the pox or the plague 1679 Z 472 What hope for us remains now he is gone 1679 Z 473 Young Thyrsis fate ye hills and groves deplore Z 482 Alas how barbarous we are Z 483 Come dear companions of th Arcadian fields 1686 Z 484 Come lay by all care 1685 Z 485 Dulcibella when e er I sue for a kiss 1694 Z 486 Fair Cloe my breast so alarms 1692 Z 487 Fill the bowl with rosy wine 1687 Z 489 Go tell Amynta gentle swain Z 490 Haste gentle Charon Z 491 Has yet your breast no pity learn d 1688 Z 492 Hence fond deceiver 1687 Z 493 Here s to thee Dick 1688 Z 494 How great are the blessings A Health to King James 1686 Z 495 How sweet is the air and refreshing 1687 Z 496 In all our Cynthia s shining sphere Z 497 In some kind dream 1687 Z 498 I saw fair Cloris all alone 1687 Z 499 I spy Celia Celia eyes me 1687 Z 500 Julia your unjust disdain 1687 Z 501 Let Hector Achilles and each brave commander 1689 Z 502 Lost is my quiet forever 1691 Z 503 Nestor who did to thrice man s age attain 1689 Z 504 O dive custos Auriacae domus 1695 Z 505 Oft am I by the women told 1687 Z 506 Oh what a scene does entertain my sight Z 507 Saccharissa s grown old 1686 Z 508 See where she sits Z 509 Sit down my dear Sylvia 1685 Z 510 Soft notes and gently raised 1685 Z 511 Sylvia thou brighter eye of night Z 512 Sylvia tis true you re fair 1686 Z 513 There never was so wretched lover as I Z 514 Though my mistress be fair 1685 Z 515 Trip it trip it in a ring Z 516 Underneath this myrtle shade 1692 Z 517 Were I to choose the greatest bliss 1689 Z 518 What can we poor females do Z 519 When gay Philander left the plain 1684 Z 520 When lovely Phyllis thou art kind 1685 Z 521 When Myra sings 1695 Z 522 When Teucer from his father fled 1686 Z 523 While bolts and bars my days control Z 524 While you for me alone had charms Z 525 Why my Daphne why complaining 1691 Z 541 Hark Damon hark Z 542 Hark how the wild musicians sing Z 543 How pleasant is this flowery plain 1688 Z 544 If ever I more riches did desire Z 545 In a deep vision s intellectual scene The Complaint Z 546 Tis wine was made to rule the day Z 547 We reap all the pleasures Muzyka k teatralnym pesam Z 570 613 Z 570 Abdelazar Abdelazer or The Moor s Revenge 1695 Z 571 A Fool s Preferment or The Three Dukes of Dunstable 1688 Z 572 Amfitrion Amphitryon or The Two Sosias 1690 avtorstvo nomerov 3 9 pod somneniem mezhdu 2 i 11 est poteryannyj nomer Z 573 Velikij mogol Aureng Zebe or The Great Mogul 1692 Z 574 Bonduka Bonduca or The British Heroine 1695 avtorstvo nomerov 2 7 pod somneniem mezhdu 1 i 10 poteryany dva nomera Z 575 Circeya Kirka 1690 Z 576 Kleomen Cleomenes the Spartan Hero 1692 Z 577 Princessa Persii Distressed Innocence or The Princess of Persia 1694 Z 578 Don Kihot Don Quixote 1694 95 Z 579 Epsom Wells 1693 Z 580 Genrih II korol Anglii Henry the Second King of England 1692 Z 581 Richard II The History of King Richard the Second or The Sicilian Usurper 1681 Z 582 Torzhestvo lyubvi Love Triumphant or Nature Will Prevail 1693 Z 583 Edip Oedipus 1692 Z 584 Oroonoko 1695 Z 585 Pavsanij predatel Rodiny Pausanias the Betrayer of his Country 1695 Z 586 Regul Regulus or The Faction of Carthage 1692 Z 587 Rule a Wife and Have a Wife 1693 Z 588 Ser Entoni Lav Sir Anthony Love or The Rambling Lady 1692 Z 589 Ser Barnebi Uigg Sir Barnaby Whigg or No Wit Like a Woman s 1681 Z 590 Sofonisba Sophonisba or Hannibal s Overthrow 1685 Z 591 Kenterberijskie gosti The Canterbury Guests or A Bargain Broken 1694 Z 592 Dvurushnik The Double Dealer 1693 Z 594 Anglijskij zakonnik The English Lawyer 1685 Z 595 Rokovoj brak The Fatal Marriage or The Innocent Adultery 1694 Z 596 Zhenskie dobrodeteli The Female Virtuosos 1693 Z 597 Razrublennyj Gordiev uzel The Gordian Knot Unty d 1691 Z 598 Indejskij imperator ili Zavoevanie Meksiki The Indian Emperor or The Conquest of Mexico 1691 Z 599 Korol Malty The Knight of Malta 1691 Z 600 Rasputnik The Libertine or The Libertine Destroyed 1692 Z 601 Poslednyaya molitva devushki The Maid s Last Prayer or Any Rather Than Fail 1693 Z 602 The Marriage hater Match d 1693 Z 603 Zhenatyj shyogol The Married Beau or The Curious Impertinent 1694 Z 604 Parizhskaya bojnya The Massacre of Paris 1693 Z 605 Fiktivnyj brak The Mock Marriage 1695 Z 606 Feodosij Theodosius or The Force of Love 1680 Z 607 Staryj holostyak The Old Bachelor 1691 Z 608 The Richmond Heiress or A Woman Once in the Right 1691 dva nomera uteryany Z 609 Syostry sopernicy The Rival Sisters or The Violence of Love 1695 syuita uteryana Z 610 Ispanskij monah The Spanish Friar or The Double Discovery 1694 95 Z 611 Dobrodetelnaya zhena The Virtuous Wife or Good Luck at Last 1694 odin iz nomerov uteryan Z 612 Opravdaniya zhyon The Wives Excuse or Cuckolds Make Themselves 1691 Z 613 Lyubov tirana Tyrannic Love or The Royal Martyr 1694 Opery i semi opery Z 626 632 Z 626 Didona i Enej Dido and Aeneas ok 1688 Z 627 Prorochica Diokletian Prophetess or Dioclesian 1690 Z 628 Korol Artur King Arthur or The British Worthy 1691 Z 629 Koroleva fej The Fairy Queen 1692 Z 630 Koroleva indejcev The Indian Queen 1695 Z 631 Burya ili Zacharovannyj ostrov The Tempest or The Enchanted Island ok 1695 Z 632 Timon Afinskij Timon of Athens 1694 Avtorstvo Pyorsella v otnoshenii muzyki k pese Burya nyne osparivaetsya Instrumentalnaya muzyka Z 641 860 Z 641 Ariya sol mazhor Z 642 Allemanda i kuranta lya minor Z 644 Kuranta sol mazhor Z 645 Graund sol mazhor Z 646 Novaya irlandskaya melodiya sol mazhor 1687 Z 647 Marsh do mazhor 1687 Z 648 Marsh do mazhor 1687 Z 649 Menuet lya minor 1687 Z 650 Menuet lya minor 1687 Z 651 Menuet sol mazhor Z 652 Prelyudiya lya minor Z 653 Rigodon do mazhor 1687 Z 654 Sarabanda lya minor Z 655 Novaya shotlandskaya melodiya sol mazhor 1687 Z 656 Sefauchi s Farewell re minor 1687 Z 660 Syuita sol mazhor 1696 Z 661 Syuita sol minor 1696 Z 662 Syuita sol mazhor 1696 Z 663 Syuita lya minor 1696 Z 665 Syuita do mazhor 1687 Z 666 Syuita do mazhor 1696 Z 667 Syuita re mazhor 1696 Z 668 Syuita re minor 1696 Z 669 Syuita fa mazhor 1696 Z 670 The Queen s Dolour lya minor Z 716 Vers fa mazhor Z 717 Voluntary do mazhor Z 718 Voluntary re minor Z 719 Voluntary re minor Z 720 Voluntary sol mazhor Z 721 Voluntary lya mazhor Etot razdel ne zavershyon Vy pomozhete proektu ispraviv i dopolniv ego Sochineniya s nestandartnymi nomerami ZD ZN ZS ZT Etot razdel ne zavershyon Vy pomozhete proektu ispraviv i dopolniv ego Sochineniya bez Z nomera I was glad when they said unto me polnyj antem pervonachalno avtorom schitalsya Dzhon Blou 1685 Ariya dlya klavishnyh in F Prelyudiya dlya klavira in C Voluntary prelyudiya PrimechaniyaSoglasno Holman and Thompson Grove Music Online god i den rozhdeniya tochno ne izvestny Zapisi o kreshenii ne byli najdeny God 1659 osnovyvaetsya na memorialnoj tablichke Pyorsella v Vestminsterskom abbatstve i frontispise londonskogo izdaniya sonat Pyorsela ot 1683 goda Den 10 sentyabrya osnovyvaetsya na neyasnoj nadpisi v rukopisi GB Cfm 88 Eyo mozhno traktovat kak ukazanie Pyorsella chto on poluchil svoyu pervuyu oplachivaemuyu dolzhnost 10 sentyabrya 1677 goda v svoj 18 den rozhdeniya Holman and Thompson Grove Music Online Encyclopaedia Britannica 11th ed 1911 p 658 Zimmerman Franklin Henry Purcell 1659 1695 His Life and Times New York City St Martin s Press Inc 1967 34 Westrup J A Purcell London J M Dent amp Sons Ltd 1975 8 Burden Michael The Purcell Companion Portland Oregon Amadeus Press 1995 55 Burden Michael The Purcell Companion Portland Oregon Amadeus Press 1995 58 Zimmerman Franklin Henry Purcell 1659 1695 His Life and Times New York City St Martin s Press Inc 1967 29 Zimmerman Franklin Henry Purcell 1659 1695 His Life and Times New York City St Martin s Press Inc 1967 65 Runciman John F 1909 Purcell London en George Bell amp Sons OCLC 5690003 Harris Ellen T Henry Purcell s Dido and Aeneas Oxford Clarendon Press 1987 6 Hutchings Arthur Purcell London British Broadcasting Corporation 1982 54 Harris Ellen T Henry Purcell s Dido and Aeneas Oxford Clarendon Press 1987 11 Hutchings Arthur Purcell London British Broadcasting Corporation 1982 85 Westrup J A Purcell London J M Dent amp Sons Ltd 1975 41 1872 s 2 angl London Gazette gazeta L No 1872 P 2 ISSN 0374 3721 1874 s 2 angl London Gazette gazeta L No 1874 P 2 ISSN 0374 3721 Announcements of the publication of Purcell s Sonata first for subscribers then for general purchase 1928 s 2 angl London Gazette gazeta L No 1928 P 2 ISSN 0374 3721 2001 s 2 angl London Gazette gazeta L No 2001 P 2 ISSN 0374 3721 Announcements of the publication of Purcell s Ode for St Cecilia s Day first performed 22 November 1683 Westrup J A Purcell London J M Dent amp Sons Ltd 1975 77 Muller 1990 Hutchings Arthur Purcell London British Broadcasting Corporation 1982 55 Westrup J A Purcell London J M Dent amp Sons Ltd 1975 75 Henry Purcell The Tempest Z 631 semi opera Classical Archives neopr Data obrasheniya 24 iyunya 2013 2 oktyabrya 2013 goda Westrup J A Purcell London J M Dent amp Sons Ltd 1975 80 Westrup J A Purcell London J M Dent amp Sons Ltd 1975 82 83 Westrup J A Purcell London J M Dent amp Sons Ltd 1975 81 Westrup J A Purcell London J M Dent amp Sons Ltd 1975 83 Chasto nepravilno nazyvaemoj Dean s Yard Frederick Bridge v ego biograficheskom sbornike 1920 goda Dvenadcat znachitelnyh kompozitorov ispolzoval dannye po arende i prejskuranty chtoby vyyasnit eto Zimmerman Franklin Henry Purcell 1659 1695 His Life and Times New York City St Martin s Press Inc 1967 266 Westrup J A Purcell London J M Dent amp Sons Ltd 1975 85 Zimmerman Franklin Henry Purcell 1659 1695 His Life and Times New York City St Martin s Press Inc 1967 267 Westrup J A Purcell London J M Dent amp Sons Ltd 1975 86 Melvin P Unger Historical Dictionary of Choral Music Scarecrow Press 2010 ISBN 978 0 8108 5751 3 p 93 neopr Data obrasheniya 3 oktyabrya 2017 25 oktyabrya 2017 goda Holy Women Holy Men Celebrating the Saints Church Publishing 2010 Radio Times 24 30 October 2009 previewing Baroque and Roll BBC Radio 4 27 October 2009 Mfiles co uk neopr Data obrasheniya 5 avgusta 2013 30 iyulya 2013 goda The Delicate Intensity of Olivia Chaney neopr WNYC Data obrasheniya 15 oktyabrya 2015 29 sentyabrya 2015 goda gryzlov Kakaya samaya izvestnaya muzyka Vladimira Dashkevicha neopr Data obrasheniya 18 avgusta 2013 6 iyunya 2016 goda Kennedy Michael and Bourne Joyce eds Zimmerman Franklin Bershir ot 26 fevralya 2014 na Wayback Machine The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music Oxford University Press 2007 republished on Answers com Tekst angl perevod izvestnogo katolicheskogo antifona Media vita in morte sumus Avtorom muzyki schitayut uchenika G Pyorsella Dzhona Ueldona J Weldon Sm statyu Purcell Henry The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians London 2001 a takzhe statyu Laurie M Did Purcell set The Tempest Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association 90 1963 4 pp 43 57 SsylkiHenry Purcell Mediafajly na Vikisklade Spisok sochinenij Pyorsella v anglijskoj Vikipedii Purcell by John F Runciman a biography forming part of Bell s Miniature Series of Musicians published in 1909 from Project Gutenberg Henry Purcell Genri Pyorsell noty proizvedenij na International Music Score Library Project Kniga Dzheka Allena Uestrepa o Genri Pyorselle Genri Pyorsell v arhive peredach internet radio Grad Petrov