V Vikislovare est statya soteriologiya Soteriolo giya dr grech swthria spasenie logos uchenie slovo bogoslovskoe uchenie o spasenii cheloveka V hristianstve ono yavlyaetsya vazhnejshej chastyu dogmaticheskogo bogosloviya Uchenie o spasenii sushestvuet vo mnogih religiyah hristianstve iudaizme buddizme islame dzhajnizme bahaizme zoroastrizme i drugih Soteriologiya posvyashena resheniyu dvuh osnovnyh voprosov konechnaya cel dostizhenie kotoroj i budet spaseniem sposoby eyo dostizheniya Ideya spaseniya ili vyhoda iz plachevnogo sostoyaniya logicheski podrazumevaet chto chelovechestvo v celom ili chastichno nahoditsya v takom sostoyanii Kazhdaya religiya po svoemu obyasnyaet prichinu etogo Religii kotorye rassmatrivayut cheloveka kak telo i dushu v edinom komplekse naprimer iudaizm hristianstvo islam zoroastrizm uchat duhovno telesnomu spaseniyu voskreseniyu zagrobnoj zhizni i t p S drugoj storony religii kotorye rassmatrivayut telo kak pomehu spaseniyu kak tyurmu dlya duha ili dushi v chastnosti buddizm manihejstvo gnosticizm induizm uchat spaseniyu kak osvobozhdeniyu ot materialnogo mira preodoleniyu zhelanij i strastej preryvaniyu beskonechnoj cheredy nezhelatelnyh pererozhdenij V teh religiyah gde Bog yavlyaetsya lichnym obektom pokloneniya obychno spasenie sovershaetsya bozhestvom Predpolagaetsya chto chelovek v kakoj to mere sotrudnichaet s nim hotya by putyom obrasheniya k Bogu za pomoshyu V drugih religiyah uchenie o spasenii osnovano na predstavlenii soglasno kotoromu chelovek spasaet sebya sam v etoj zhizni ili posle smerti putyom samodiscipliny samouglubleniya i drugih metodov Opredelenie i istoriyaV 1915 godu Dzhordzh Kross 1862 1929 professor sistematicheskoj teologii Rochesterskoj teologicheskoj seminarii dal sleduyushee podrobnoe opredelenie soteriologii Termin spasenie yavlyaetsya naibolee znachimym v yazyke religii Ibo religiya kazhdogo cheloveka eto ego put k spaseniyu Esli bogoslovie teologiya eto teoriya religioznogo cheloveka o zhizni voobshe i v to zhe vremya ego sposob obosnovat ego vernost religioznoj zhizni to soteriologiya ili teoriya spaseniya eto popytka obosnovat motiv religioznoj zhizni s pomoshyu myslitelnyh postroenij Eto popytka intellekta ustanovit cennost imenno religioznogo opyta voshozhdeniya iz hudshego sostoyaniya v luchshee pokazav chto ono zanimaet normalnoe mesto vo vsyom nashem chelovecheskom opyte i v konce koncov uporyadochennoe mesto vo Vselennoj Opyt nravstvennogo sovershenstvovaniya lezhit v osnove vsej soteriologii a soteriologiya eto tochka zreniya imeyushaya centralnoe znachenie dlya vsego bogosloviya Bogoslovskaya sistema eto prosto organizovannaya soteriologiya Originalnyj tekst angl The term salvation is the most significant in the language of religion For the religion of every man is just his way of seeking salvation If theology is the religious man s theory of things in general and at the same time his way of vindicating his loyalty to the religious life then soteriology or the theory of salvation is an attempt to vindicate the motive of the religious life by an intellectual construction of it It is the effort of intelligence to establish the worth of the specifically religious experience of an ascension from a worse state to a better by showing that it has a normal place in the whole of our human experience and in the end an ordered place in the whole universe The experience of moral betterment is the root of all soteriology and soteriology is the point of view central to all theology A theological system is simply organized soteriology Kross utverzhdaet chto istoriya soteriologii otrazhaet progress v uluchshenii zhizni to est dostizheniya v nauke i ekonomike sozdayut soteriologiyu kotoraya yavlyaetsya produktom svoego vremeni V istorii zapadnoj soteriologii postoyanno velis bogoslovskie spory o tom kakovy sredstva spaseniya to est chto nuzhno delat prakticheski chtoby dostich spaseniya pri etom v korne raznoglasij lezhalo otsutstvie chyotkogo predstavleniya o spasenii poskolku spasenie nikogda ne bylo dostignuto v polnoj mere V chastnosti zapadnye mysliteli izuchali problemu sootnosheniya bozhestvennyh i chelovecheskih dejstvij v hode spaseniya i problemu predopredeleniya raznoglasiya po soteriologicheskim voprosam sposobstvovali zarozhdeniyu i rostu reformatorskogo dvizheniya v XVI XVII vekah HristianstvoOsnovnaya statya Spasenie hristianstvo Hristianskaya soteriologiya prizvana raskryt delo Bogocheloveka Iisusa Hrista spasshego chelovechestvo ot vlasti greha diavola i smerti blagodatno obnovivshego chelovecheskuyu prirodu cherez eyo soedinenie so Svoim Bozhestvom darovavshego chelovechestvu vozmozhnost vechnoj zhizni v Boge Raskryvaya missiyu Bogocheloveka soteriologiya raskryvaet i put spaseniya kazhdogo cheloveka cherez veru v Iisusa Hrista i nerazryvno svyazannoe s veroj blagodatnoe preobrazhenie zhizni Soteriologiya yavlyaetsya neotemlemoj chastyu dogmaticheskogo bogosloviya poskolku v eyo osnove lezhat dogmaty o posledstviyah pervorodnogo greha i o sootnoshenii blagodati i svobody voli v dele spaseniya o Lice Iskupitelya o celi vochelovecheniya Syna Bozhiya o polnote vosprinyatoj Im chelovecheskoj prirody ob ipostasnom soedinenii prirody vo Hriste obshenii svojstv Presvyatoj Bogorodice iskuplenii i dr V drugih religiyahV induizme i dzhajnizme spasenie raskryvaetsya cherez termin moksha kotoryj oznachaet osvobozhdenie iz krugovorota rozhdenij i smertej sansary i ot stradanij i ogranichenij materialnogo sushestvovaniya Spasenie v buddizme opredelyaetsya kak nekoe idealnoe sostoyanie nirvana Sostoyanie nirvany predpolagaet prekrashenie stradanij cherez ustranenie ih prichiny negativnyh dejstvij i negativnyh emocij pobuzhdayushih k takim dejstviyam Nirvana dostigaetsya putyom dvizheniya po stupenyam sovershenstvovaniya Etot put vklyuchaet v sebya poznanie disciplinu i meditaciyu i pervym ego proshyol Budda V zoroastrizme schitaetsya chto okonchatelnoe spasenie zaklyuchaetsya v torzhestve kosmicheskogo principa dobra voploshyonnogo v bozhestve Ahura Mazda nad zlom voploshyonnym v duhe zla Ahrimane Posmertnye stradaniya lyudej budut proporcionalny tomu zlu kotoroe oni sovershili v zemnoj zhizni No posle etogo ispytaniya vseh zhdyot okonchatelnoe vozrozhdenie i bessmertie S tochki zreniya very bahai raj i ad eto ne mesta no sostoyaniya dushi Spasenie eto ne ochishenie ot nekoego pervorodnogo greha ne zashita ot dejstvuyushih izvne zlyh sil ili dyavola Spasenie eto osvobozhdenie cheloveka ot rabskogo podchineniya svoej nizshej prirode kotoraya porozhdaet v individuume otchayanie a v obshestve razlad Spasenie ukazuet nam put k podlinnomu i sovershennomu schastyu To est spasenie cheloveka svyazano s dostizheniem sostoyaniya schastya i s preodoleniem stradanij PrimechaniyaBRE 2015 s 728 Brandon The term soteriology denotes beliefs and doctrines concerning salvation in any specific religion as well as the study of the subject Cross 1915 p 32 If theology is the religious man s theory of things in general and at the same time his way of vindicating his loyalty to the religious life then soteriology or the theory of salvation is an attempt to vindicate the motive of the religious life by an intellectual construction of it It is the effort of intelligence to establish the worth of the specifically religious experience of an ascension from a worse state to a better by showing that it has a normal place in the whole of our human experience and in the end an ordered place in the whole universe The experience of moral betterment is the root of all soteriology and soteriology is the point of view central to all theology A theological system is simply organized soteriology Perevod Esli bogoslovie teologiya eto teoriya religioznogo cheloveka o zhizni voobshe i v to zhe vremya ego sposob opravdaniya ego vernosti religioznoj zhizni to soteriologiya ili teoriya spaseniya eto popytka opravdat motiv religioznoj zhizni intellektualisticheskim postroeniem eyo Eto popytka intellekta ustanovit cennost imenno religioznogo opyta voshozhdeniya iz hudshego sostoyaniya v luchshee pokazav chto ono zanimaet normalnoe mesto vo vsyom nashem chelovecheskom opyte i v konce koncov uporyadochennoe mesto vo vsej Vselennoj Opyt nravstvennogo sovershenstvovaniya lezhit v osnove vsej soteriologii a soteriologiya eto tochka zreniya imeyushaya centralnoe znachenie dlya vsego bogosloviya Bogoslovskaya sistema eto prosto organizovannaya soteriologiya NFE 2010 Cross 1915 p 33 In all soteriology there are two principal issues first the end to be attained in what we call salvation second the means of attaining it Vo vsej soteriologii est dva osnovnyh voprosa vo pervyh konechnaya cel kotoraya dolzhna byt dostignuta v tom chto my nazyvaem spaseniem vo vtoryh sredstva ee dostizheniya Brandon The idea of saving or delivering from some dire situation logically implies that humankind as a whole or in part is in such a situation This premise in turn involves a series of related assumptions about human nature and destiny Smart 2005 The implication of the idea is that human beings are in some kind of unfortunate condition and may achieve an ultimately good state either by their own efforts or through the intervention of some divine power Very commonly there is belief in a savior God that is a God whose special concern is with the welfare of the human race Examples of this idea are in the ancient world Isis Mithra and Christ in the Far East Amida Buddha in Japan and Guanyin in China and Kṛṣṇa and Rama in the Hindu tradition NFE 2010 ono spasenie myslitsya kak duhovno telesnoe poskolku vklyuchaet v sebya voskresenie i prosvetlenie tela Brandon In those religions that regard humans as essentially psychophysical organisms e g Judaism Christianity Zoroastrianism Islam salvation involves the restoration of both the body and soul Such religions therefore teach doctrines of a resurrection of the dead body and its reunion with the soul preparatory to ultimate salvation or damnation Smart 2005 For instance in Judaism Christianity and Islam as well as in indigenous Chinese religion and in various others life stretches essentially from birth or conception to death and then the question arises about the status of postmortem existence if any In Western monotheisms the question is often whether there is an afterlife NFE 2010 V korne otlichnoe ponimanie spaseniya razvivaetsya v buddizme manihejstve gnosticizme Spasenie est osvobozhdenie ot mira i ot zhizni v celom preodolenie zhelanij i privyazannostej ugasanie sm Moksha Nirvana Takoe spasenie mozhet byt udelom otreshennogo duha no ne tela vosprinimaemogo kak pomeha k spaseniyu Brandon In contrast some religions have taught that the body is a corrupting substance in which the soul is imprisoned e g Orphism an ancient Greek mystical movement Hinduism and Manichaeism an ancient dualistic religion of Iranian origin In this dualistic view of human nature salvation has meant essentially the emancipation of the soul from its physical prison or tomb and its return to its ethereal home Smart 2005 in the South Asian framework the condition of living beings is saṃsara which implies a potentially endless round of rebirth or reincarnation from which one escapes only through ultimate liberation or mokṣa In the Indian tradition the afterlife is a given and the question is whether one can get out of it NFE 2010 predstavlenie soglasno kotoromu chelovek putem samouglubleniya i otresheniya sam spasaet sebya a ne poluchaet svoe spasenie iz ruk bozhestvennogo spasitelya Smart 2005 Where God is a personal object of worship typically salvation has to be effected by the deity and this is where doctrines of grace and their analogues come in Even here it is assumed in some way that the human being cooperates even if only by calling on the divine name for help Where there is no such personal God the individual must prepare himself often through rigorous methods in order to be in a position to gain eternal freedom There are also different emphases as to whether salvation is something that ultimately occurs after death for instance by one s being transferred to a heavenly state or is something attainable in this life Cross 1915 p 32 Cross 1915 p 32 A history of soteriology becomes a record of progress in the better life that is when each of the new formations of soteriology is a genuine product of its time A new soteriology therefore will appear also whenever a step forward has been made in scientific interpretation in social life or in economic industry Istoriya soteriologii stanovitsya otrazheniem progressa v uluchshenii zhizni to est kogda kazhdoe novoe obrazovanie soteriologii yavlyaetsya podlinnym produktom svoego vremeni Takim obrazom novaya soteriologiya poyavitsya takzhe vsyakij raz kogda budet sdelan shag vpered v nauchnoj interpretacii v obshestvennoj zhizni ili v ekonomike Cross 1915 p 33 Cross 1915 p 33 In all soteriology there are two principal issues first the end to be attained in what we call salvation second the means of attaining it The first of these is fundamental and the second is tributary to it In the history of theological controversy however the second has received the emphasis the difference in the views of what constitues the good which has come to men in the saving process being the main root though commonly unobserved of controversy It is never possible for us to tell precisely wherein salvation finally consists since it has never been perfectly attained whereas the means of salvations has always been more definitely presented because its acceptance is supposed to be a matter of immediate practical necessity Vo vsej soteriologii est dva osnovnyh voprosa vo pervyh cel kotoraya dolzhna byt dostignuta v tom chto my nazyvaem spaseniem vo vtoryh sredstva ee dostizheniya Pervyj iz nih yavlyaetsya osnovopolagayushim a vtoroj vspomogatelnym V istorii bogoslovskih sporov odnako akcent byl sdelan na vtorom razlichiya vo vzglyadah na to chto est to horoshee chto prihodit k lyudyam v processe spaseniya yavlyayutsya osnovnym hotya obychno neochevidnym istochnikom raznoglasij My nikogda ne znaem tochno chto v konechnom itoge predstavlyaet soboj spasenie poskolku ono nikogda ne bylo okonchatelno dostignuto togda kak sredstva spaseniya vsegda byli predstavleny bolee opredelenno poskolku ih prinyatie dolzhno bylo byt voprosom ostroj prakticheskoj neobhodimosti Karpov 2012 p 3 Soteriologiya uchenie o spasenii odna iz osnovnyh tem latinskoj teologii Osobyj interes dlya zapadnyh myslitelej predstavlyala problema sootnosheniya bozhestvennogo i chelovecheskogo dejstviya v processe spaseniya Sleduyushij raskol prihoditsya na IX stoletie v svyazi s ucheniem Gotshalka iz Orbe o dvojnom predopredelenii Nakonec soteriologicheskaya problematika sygrala nemaluyu rol v zarozhdenii i razvitii reformatorskogo dvizheniya v XVI XVII vv i v dalnejshem mnogoobraznom oformlenii reformatorskih denominacij ISKUPLENIE neopr Data obrasheniya 15 marta 2023 15 marta 2023 goda Mircea Eliade Yoga Immortality and Freedom neopr In India metaphysical knowledge always has a soteriological purpose Nirvana angl Encyclopaedia Britannica Data obrasheniya 13 oktyabrya 2019 V K Shohin Arhat Novaya filosofskaya enciklopediya v 4 t pred nauch red soveta V S Styopin 2 e izd ispr i dop M Mysl 2010 2816 s V G Lysenko Nirvana Novaya filosofskaya enciklopediya v 4 t pred nauch red soveta V S Styopin 2 e izd ispr i dop M Mysl 2010 2816 s V G Lysenko Buddizm Novaya filosofskaya enciklopediya v 4 t pred nauch red soveta V S Styopin 2 e izd ispr i dop M Mysl 2010 2816 s Brandon I K Petrova Zoroastrizm Novaya filosofskaya enciklopediya v 4 t pred nauch red soveta V S Styopin 2 e izd ispr i dop M Mysl 2010 2816 s Hetcher U Martin D Novaya mirovaya religiya SPb 1996 Literaturana russkom yazyke Soteriologiya Sen Zhermenskij mir 1679 Socialnoe obespechenie Elektronnyj resurs 2015 S 728 Bolshaya rossijskaya enciklopediya v 35 t gl red Yu S Osipov 2004 2017 t 30 ISBN 978 5 85270 367 5 S S Averincev Soteriologiya Spasenie Novaya filosofskaya enciklopediya In t filosofii RAN Nac obshestv nauch fond Preds nauchno red soveta V S Styopin zamestiteli preds A A Gusejnov G Yu Semigin uch sekr A P Ogurcov 2 e izd ispr i dopol M Mysl 2010 ISBN 978 5 244 01115 9 Karpov K V Uchenie Grigoriya iz Rimini o predopredelenii i svobode voli M IFRAN 2012 ISBN 978 5 9540 0226 3 Lysenko V G Rannij buddizm religiya i filosofiya M IFRAN 2003 ISBN 5 201 02123 9 Lenkov P D Buddijskie elementy antropologicheskih predstavlenij religioznogo daosizma shkoly Cyuanchzhen po materialam Lun men sin fa koncepciya chelovecheskoj deyatelnosti i soteriologiya Religiovedenie 2019 doi 10 22250 2072 8662 2019 2 56 65 soteriologiya uchenie o vysshej religioznoj celi praktik Zelenyj I D Analiz vostochnoj obektivnoj soteriologii Bogoslovskie razmyshleniya 2013 Vyp 14 na anglijskom yazyke angl Salvation religion angl Britannica Cross G The Modern Trend in Soteriology angl angl The University of Chicago Press 1915 Vol 19 iss 1 P 32 44 angl Soteriology Thomson Gale angl 2005 Kevin J Christiano William H Swatos Peter Kivisto Sociology of Religion Contemporary Developments angl 2002 365 p ISBN 9780759100350 V drugom yazykovom razdele est bolee polnaya statya Soteriologie nem Vy mozhete pomoch proektu rasshiriv tekushuyu statyu s pomoshyu perevoda, Википедия, чтение, книга, библиотека, поиск, нажмите, истории, книги, статьи, wikipedia, учить, информация, история, скачать, скачать бесплатно, mp3, видео, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, картинка, музыка, песня, фильм, игра, игры, мобильный, телефон, Android, iOS, apple, мобильный телефон, Samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, ПК, web, Сеть, компьютер