U etogo termina sushestvuyut i drugie znacheniya sm Turkoman kyzylbashi Eta statya vklyuchaet opisanie termina turkmeny sm takzhe drugie znacheniya Turkomany takzhe turkumany turkmany ili turkmeny azerb Turkmanlar tur Turkmanlar termin tradicionno ispolzovavshijsya na Blizhnem i Srednem Vostoke v Vizantii zatem i v Evrope v kachestve oboznacheniya oguzskih tyurkskih narodov Vpervye termin turkoman poyavilsya v Vizantijskih hronikah XI veka istorik Anna Komnina nazyvala tak turkmen oguzov pronikshih iz Centralnoj Azii v Maluyu Aziyu Soglasno S Agadzhanovu turkmeny yavlyalis rezultatom smesheniya chasti oguzov s indoevropejskim naseleniem Srednej Azii Terminy turkoman turkmen turkomanskij turkmenskij i t d v istoricheskoj perspektive na Blizhnem Vostoke otnosyatsya ne k sredneaziatskim turkmenam turkmenam Turkmenistana a k turkam azerbajdzhancam i v celom k blizhnevostochnym oguzam kochevnikam Lingvist tyurkolog Larri Klark ukazyvaet chto termin turkmen poyavlyaetsya v musulmanskih istochnikah X veka dlya oboznacheniya chasti oguzov prinyavshej islam i migrirovavshej v seredine XI veka iz regiona Syrdari u Aralskogo morya mezhdu Syrdarej i Uralom v Horasan Terminy oguz i turkmen a takzhe kombinacii oguz turkmen turkmen oguz byli vzaimozamenyaemy i otnosilis ko vsem islamizirovannym oguzam S XIII veka etot termin ispolzovalsya kak etnonim i polnostyu zamenil termin oguz ispolzovanie kotorogo stalo ogranicheno legendami Pri etom Klark zaostryaet vnimanie it is imperative to keep in mind na tom chto sovremennye sredneaziatskie turkmeny yavlyayutsya potomkami teh plemen kotorye ostalis v stepyah mezhdu Syrdarej i Uralom i srednevekovyj termin turkmen osobenno posle migracii seldzhukov po otnosheniyu k etim stepnym plemenam predkam sovremennyh sredneaziatskih turkmen ne upotreblyalsya Uchenymi predpolagaetsya chto stepnye plemena byli vybity na territoriyu sovremennogo Turkmenistana mongolami lish v XIII veke no informaciya o nih ne poyavlyaetsya do serediny XVI vekov Lish s migraciej v Horasan i Horezm v XVI XVII vekah predki sovremennyh sredneaziatskih turkmen stali izvestny pod imenem turkmeny tak chto apriori maloveroyatno chto kakoj libo istochnik na turkomanskom oguz turkmenskom yazyke imeet otnoshenie k sredneaziatskim turkmenam Isklyucheniem yavlyaetsya Divan Lugat at Turk Kashgari kotoryj vozmozhno fiksiruet samye rannie otryvki na predke sovremennogo turkmenskogo yazyka Klark predosteregaet ot associacii turkmenskih lingvisticheskih materialov Blizhnego Vostoka s sovremennym turkmenskim yazykom Turkmenistana Eti lingvisticheskie materialy otnosyatsya k oguzskim dialektam Horezma Horasana Azerbajdzhana Anatolii i drugih chastej Blizhnego Vostoka Soglasno Ildiko Beller Han net nikakih svidetelstv sushestvovaniya otdelnogo turkmenskogo yazyka s sobstvennoj normoj do XVI XVII vekov tak chto vopros srednevekovyh istochnikov oguzskoj u neyo nazvana yugo zapadnoj tyurkskoj gruppy yazykov lezhit v ploskosti osmano azerbajdzhanskoj yazykovoj dihotomii G Derfer schitaya chto turkmenskij yazyk vydelilsya iz obsheoguzskogo v X veke pri etom priznaval chto sobstvenno turkmenskij literaturnyj yazyk nachal vykristallizovyvatsya tolko v XVIII veke Soglasno Larri Klarku hotya s poeticheskoj religioznoj didakticheskoj i istoricheskoj tochek zreniya v XVIII veke formiruetsya klassicheskaya turkmenskaya literatura v lice Azadi Mahtumkuli Mollanepesa Kemine s lingvisticheskoj tochki zreniya eti proizvedeniya ne predstavlyayut turkmenskij yazyk a napisany na chagatajskom Turkmenskij yazyk do XX veka ostavalsya bespismennym i obrazovannye turkmeny pisali na chagatajskom Pervonachalno buduchi ekzonimom predpolozhitelno s epohi vysokogo srednevekovya naryadu s drevnim i privychnym nazvaniem tyurk turk i plemennymi nazvaniyami yazyr kynyk salyr bayat bayandur afshar kaya i drugimi stal ispolzovatsya kak etnonim oguzskimi plemenamiTurkmenii Azerbajdzhana Irana i Anatolii V Anatolii s epohi pozdnego srednevekovya byl vytesnen terminom osmanly ot nazvaniya gosudarstva i pravyashej dinastii V Azerbajdzhane v celom perestal upotreblyatsya s XVII veka no sohranilsya v kachestve samonazvaniya polukochevyh plemyon terekeme subetnosa azerbajdzhancev Soglasno izdavavshemusya v Rossijskoj imperii Malomu enciklopedicheskomu slovaryu Brokgauza i Efrona MESBE turkmeny vmeste s armyanami i kurdami odni iz zhitelej Azerbajdzhana severo zapadnoj provincii Persii Segodnya etot etnonim nosyat turkmeny Srednej Azii osnovnoj narod Turkmenistana a takzhe potomki pereselencev na Blizhnij Vostok irakskie i sirijskie turkmeny Soglasno britano amerikanskoj universalnoj enciklopedii Britannika termin turkoman turcoman turkoman yavlyaetsya alternativnym naimenovaniem turkmen naroda bolshinstvo kotorogo prozhivaet v Turkmenistane i sosednih chastyah Centralnoj Azii EtimologiyaEst neskolko versij o proishozhdenii dannogo etnonima Samoe pervoe upominanie termina turkman zafiksirovano v slovare Divan lugat at turk Mahmuda Kashgari 1074 gde izobretenie dannogo imeni pripisyvaetsya Aleksandru Makedonskomu Ta zhe versiya etimologizacii termina ukazana u Rashid ad Dina Istorik Osmanskoj imperii XV XVI vv Mehmed Neshri pishet chto naimenovanie turkmen sostoit iz dvuh slov tyurk i iman chto oznachaet veruyushij tyurok to est tyurok musulmanin Soglasno drugoj versii naimenovanie turkmen sostoit iz slov tyurk i man gde man yavlyaetsya variantom affiksa suffiksa mat plemya lyudi U Biruni i Marvazi takzhe upominaetsya chto turkmenami nazyvali oguzov prinyavshih islam F A Mihajlov v svoej rabote Tuzemcy Zakaspijskoj oblasti i ih zhizn otmechaet eshyo odnu versiyu o tom chto tak sebya nazyvali sami tyurki oguzy otvechaya na vopros kto ty tyurkem men tyurk ya IstoriyaTurkomaniya na nemeckoj karte Osmanskoj imperii Vpervye termin turkmen turkman ili turkoman veroyatno upominaetsya v kitajskih istochnikah VIII IX vekov kak Tyo ku myong predpolozhitelno o narode prozhivavshem v Semireche Tanskaya enciklopediya Tundyan VIII vek n e soderzhit informaciyu soglasno kotoroj strana pod nazvaniem Su de Suk tak Sogdak soglasno F Hirtu chto veroyatnee vsego sootvetstvuet Sogdu Sogdiane kotoraya imela torgovye i politicheskie otnosheniya s Imperiej Tan v V veke n e takzhe nazyvaetsya T o ku Mong strana turkmen V sogdijskih hozyajstvennyh dokumentah pervoj chetverti VIII veka takzhe upominayutsya turkmeny Po mneniyu S Agadzhanova turkmeny proizoshli ot smesheniya chasti tyurok v tom chisle i oguzov s indoevropejskim naseleniem Srednej Azii Rasprostranenie termina turkmen proishodit s rasshireniem areala prozhivaniya toj chasti oguzov chto prinyala islam Naibolshee rasprostranenie termina turkoman proishodit v epohu seldzhukskih zavoevanij Oguzy musulmane splotivshiesya vokrug glav plemeni kynyk iz roda Seldzhukov sostavili osnovnoe yadro budushego Seldzhukskogo plemennogo soyuza i sozdannogo imi v budushem gosudarstva S seldzhukskoj epohi sultany dinastii s celyu uprochneniya vlasti sozdavali voinskie poseleniya v razlichnyh chastyah Blizhnego i Srednego Vostoka tak krupnye poseleniya turkoman byli sozdany v Sirii Irake v vostochnoj Anatolii Posle Mancikertskoj bitvy oguzy massovo rasselilis uzhe po vsej Anatolii i selilis na territorii Azerbajdzhana istoricheskaya oblast glavnym obrazom na severo zapade Irana V XI veke turkomany gusto naselyali Arran Srednevekovyj avtor XI XII vv urozhenec g Merv Sharaf az Zaman Tahir al Marvazi pisal o turkmenah sleduyushee K chislu ih mogushestvennyh plemen otnosyatsya guzy Kogda oni stali sosedyami musulmanskih stran chast iz nih prinyala islam Oni stali nazyvatsya turkmenami Turkmeny rasprostranilis po musulmanskim stranam oni proyavili sebya nailuchshim obrazom tak chto zavladeli bolshej ih chastyu i stali caryami i sultanami K vysokomu srednevekovyu vostochnaya chast Anatolii stanovitsya izvestna kak Turkomaniya v evropejskih ili Turkman eli v osmanskih istochnikah Centrom turkomanskogo rasseleniya na territorii sovremennogo Iraka stanovitsya Kirkuk V antropologii migrirovavshih na zapad turkmenskih plemyon so vremenem proizoshli korennye izmeneniya mongoloidnye cherty u tyurkoyazychnyh plemyon postepenno stanovyatsya slabee a v Maloj Azii polnostyu ischezayut K turkomanam otnosilis plemena ive i bayandur iz kotoryh vyshli pravyashie rody gosudarstv Kara Koyunlu i Ak Koyunlu Posle padeniya poslednego turkomanskie plemena chastyu pod svoim nazvaniem naprimer afshary chastyu dyoger obedinivshis v sostave edinogo plemeni turkoman vlilis v sostav kyzylbashskoj plemennoj konfederacii Sm takzheV Vikislovare est statya turkoman Azerbajdzhancy Oguzy Turki Turkmeny Irakskie turkmeny Sirijskie turkmenyPrimechaniyaV V Bartold Sochineniya str 558 Kakovo by ni bylo prezhnee znachenie oguzskogo naroda v Vostochnoj Azii on posle sobytij VIII i XIX vekov vsyo bolshe sosredotachivaetsya na zapade na granice peredneaziatskogo kulturnogo mira kotoromu suzhdeno bylo podvergnutsya v XI veke nashestviyu oguzov ili kak ih nazyvali tolko na zapade turkmen Gerhard Doerfer Iran da TurklerOriginalnyj tekst angl Ochen stranno chto slovo turkmen vsyo eshyo privodit k putanice v Leningrade ya videl chto irakskaya oguzskaya literatura byla pomeshena v katalogi pod imenem turkmenskaya na samom dele slovo turkman oznachaet oguz kochevnik Turkmeny Akkoyunlu i Karakoyunlu nesomnenno azerbajdzhancy Kak pokazyvaet leksikologiya turkmeny perioda mamlyukskogo vladychestva govorili na tureckom D Eremeev Etnogenez turok proishozhdenie i osnovnye etapy etnicheskoj istorii neopr Moskva Nauka GRVL 1971 V konce XI v v vizantijskih hronikah vpervye upominayutsya turkmeny pronikshie v Maluyu Aziyu Anna Komnina nazyvaet ih turkomanami Data obrasheniya 1 yanvarya 2021 9 iyulya 2021 goda S Agadzhanov Ocherki istorii oguzov i turkmen Srednej Azii IX XIII vv Izd Ilim 1969 neopr 22 fevralya 2014 goda Turkmenami kak govorilos ranee imenovalas chast oguzov i drugih tyurok smeshavshihsya s potomkami drevnego indoevropejskogo naseleniya Srednej Azii V kitajskih istochnikah VIII nachala IX vekov upominaetsya strana Tyo ku myong veroyatno raspolagavshayasya v Semireche samo nazvanie etoj strany veroyatno svyazano s imenem turkmen Samo nazvanie turkmen poyavlyaetsya glavnym obrazom v areale rasseleniya oguzov prinyavshih islam Louis Ligeti Sur la langue des Afchars d Afghanistan fr Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 1957 Vol 7 no 2 3 P 109 156 Originalnyj tekst fr En parlant des Afchars M Caferoglu fait remarquer qu ils constituent la plus grande tribu des Turkmenes d Anatolie Ce faisant M Caferoglu s est conforme a l usage general qui veut voir dans les Afchars avec les Qajar les Qara qoyunlu51 etc des Turkmenes Mais ainsi qu on vient de le voir plus haut les Afchars d Afghanistan tout aussi bien que ceux d Anatolie parlent l azeri et non pas le turkmene Il n y a aucune raison de supposer qu il en serait autrement quant aux autres groupes afchars dont la langue est encore inconnue Ceci revient a dire qu apparemment il y a une contradiction autour du nom turkmene en realite nous avons la affaire a un terme a double entente Au point de vue linguistique le terme turkmene a un sens bien defini et tres precis il est reserve a un membre du groupe oghouz des langues turques notamment a la langue turkmene actuelle et historique avec ses nombreux dialectes Au point de vue historique si l on veut ethnique le terme turkmene possede une acception plus large et a la fois plus vague D apres Kasyari les Oghouz font partie des Turkmenes d autres cherchent a attribuer le nom de Turkmenes aux Turcs nomades 52 Il est evident que les deux acceptions ne se couvrent pas l une l autre sur tous les points Flemming 2018 p 107 It is known that the earlier Turkish literary idiom Kipchak Khwarazmian Turkish was gradually replaced by the Turkish of the Oghuz called Turkmen in the glossaries composed for Arabs as a result of the growing linguistic literary and intellectual influences from Turkish Anatolia Flemming 2018 p 127 And then there was a further possibility of multilingualism for Turkish poets in the time period we are speaking about To make oneself understood to a public who lived spread out across immense regions from Central Asia to the near East and whose dialects had drifted apart three dialects that served as literary languages were available Old Anatolian Turkish or Ottoman called turk turki and in the Mamluk state turkmeni East Turkish called turki and later cagatayi and thirdly Azeri which lay between the other two and was designated as turki or turkmeni Flemming 2018 p 128 It appears to have become an axiom that the language of the Turkmen which in the meantime is what the Oguz for the most part came to be called was not pure As late as in 1759 the author of the Sanglaḫ criticizes the Western Oguz the Turks of Rum i e the Ottomans for their bilingualism this time however not because of their contact with the Persians but because of their frequent relations and intercourse with the Arabs due to which they have Arabized corrupted and contracted certain of their words Flemming 2018 p 226 John E Woods from another angle made the claims on Oghuz lineage more comprehensible by showing that not only the Ottomans but many competing Turkish dynasties found it necessary to invoke Oghuz genealogies in support of their claims to the loyalties of all the Oghuz Turkmens of Anatolia Syria Irak and Iran Recently Cornell H Fleischer re emphasized the significance of nomadic political notions for the Ottomans in the fifteenth century Beller Hann 1993 p 115 116 In the Islamic world the terms turki turk dili turkce dili were often used to describe any Turkic languages as opposed to Persian and Arabic Thus these terms were also used to describe the Chagatay language Eckmann 1966 4 Speakers of modern Azeri today describe their own language as turki or turk dili which is in accordance with the term used by the translator of the TKh Ligeti 1957 111 Another term denoting the same language was used by Nava l the most prominent representative of the Chagatay literary language and its literature He noted that the fourteenth century poet Nasimi wrote poems both in Turkmani and Rumi the former meaning the forerunner of modern Azeri the latter referring to Ottoman Koprulu 1943 1301 Minorsky also refers to Azeri texts as Turcoman Minorsky 1943 188 1954 283 It has been noted that the term kizilbas was also used to describe the texts with Azeri features which is a curious example of how a language can be renamed according to the religious political convictions of its speakers Gandjel 1986b 124 Clark 1998 p 15 If the promise of Kashgari s Oguz material still has not produced any sound basis for Turkmen historical linguistics then the linguistic material labeled Turkmen or produced by Turkmen in the Near East in subsequent centuries should not raise any expectations at all This applied in the first place to the several manuals written in Arabic which describe Kipchak Turkic language of the military rulers of Mamluk Egypt in the 13th 14th centuries Particularly towards the end of the 14th century numerous Oguz Turkmen in Anatolia joined their military ranks so that these grammars also include citations of features and words of the language of these Turkmen However all of these material belongs to western Oguz dialects and not to Turkmen proper G Doerfer Woher stammte Ibn Muhanna 1976 S 246 6 avgusta 2022 goda Clark 1998 p 4 Clark 1998 p 3 Clark 1998 p 13 Clark 1998 p 15 If the promise of Kashgari s Oguz material still has not produced any sound basis for Turkmen historical linguistics then the linguistic material labeled Turkmen or produced by Turkmen in the Near East in subsequent centuries should not raise any expectations at all This applied in the first place to the several manuals written in Arabic which describe Kipchak Turkic language of the military rulers of Mamluk Egypt in the 13th 14 th centuries Particularly towards the end of the 14th century numerous Oguz Turkmen in Anatolia joined their military ranks so that these grammars also include citations of features and words of the language of these Turkmen However all of these material belongs to western Oguz dialects and not to Turkmen proper Clark 1998 p 15 Beller Hann 1993 p 121 122 There is no direct evidence to prove the existence of an independent well definable Turkmen language prior to the sixteenth to seventeenth centuries This leaves us once again with an Azeri Ottoman dichtomy at the period in question within the southwestern group at least on the level of literary languages Beller Hann 1993 p 121 In Doerfer s linguistic genealogy dating from 1966 Turkmen is said to have separated from common Oghuz as early as the tenth century However Doerfer himself agrees that the Turkmen literary language did not start to emerge independently until the eighteenth century Clark 1998 p 16 Clark 1998 p 12 Abu l Gazi Rodoslovnaya turkmen neopr 9 marta 2020 goda Kommentarii k tekstu 132 neopr 16 yanvarya 2014 goda Zatem nazvanie turkmen zakrepilos za odnim iz samyh moshnyh plemennyh obedinenij za oguzami D E Eremeev Etnogenez turok proishozhdenie i osnovnye etapy etnicheskoj istorii neopr Moskva Nauka GRVL 1971 Yadro tureckoj narodnosti stalo skladyvatsya snachala v Osmanskom bejlike gde dominiruyushee polozhenie zanimalo plemya osmanly Etim plemennym etnonimom stali vposledstvii oficialno nazyvatsya i vse turki Osmanskoj derzhavy Data obrasheniya 1 yanvarya 2021 9 iyulya 2021 goda Statya Terekemency neopr 9 yanvarya 2018 goda Termin terekemem prinyato svyazyvat s etnonimom turkmen Malyj enciklopedicheskij slovar T 1 Vyp 1 A SPb Brokgauz Efron 1907 Azerbajdzhan ili Azerbejdzhan drevn Atropatena sev zapad provinciya Persii na russkoj granice na Armyan gornoj vozvyshennosti 104 t kv km okolo 1 mill zh armyane turkmeny kurdy Gl produkty hlopok sushenye frukty sol Glavnyj gorod Tavriz Turkmen people Alternative Titles Turcoman Turkmeny Turkoman angl Encyclopaedia Britannica Data obrasheniya 21 iyulya 2019 28 iyunya 2022 goda TURKME NY 7 iyulya 2019 Sh Kadyrov N N Abubakirova Glazunova ustnoe tvorchestvo Televizionnaya bashnya Ulan Bator M Bolshaya rossijskaya enciklopediya 2016 S 551 552 Bolshaya rossijskaya enciklopediya v 35 t gl red Yu S Osipov 2004 2017 t 32 ISBN 978 5 85270 369 9 Turkmen amp 124 people amp 124 Britannica angl www britannica com Turkmen people Alternate titles Turcoman Turkmeny Turkoman The majority live in Turkmenistan and in neighbouring parts of Central Asia Data obrasheniya 3 iyulya 2022 28 iyunya 2022 goda Abul Gazi Rodoslovnaya turkmen neopr Vostochnaya literatura M AN SSSR 1958 Kommentarii k tekstu 132 Data obrasheniya 9 fevralya 2022 8 noyabrya 2021 goda A A Roslyakov K voprosu ob etnogeneze turkmen O vremeni i usloviyah obrazovaniya turkmenskoj narodnosti ITF AN SSSR 1950 F A Mihajlov Tuzemcy Zakaspijskoj oblasti i ih zhizn Etnograficheskij ocherk Ashabad 1900 ot 9 fevralya 2022 na Wayback Machine V Bartold Ocherk istorii turkmenskogo naroda neopr Sochineniya T 2 chast 1 Moskva Izdatelstvo vostochnoj literatury 1963 Livshic V A Sogdijskie dokumenty s gory Mug Chtenie Perevod Kommentarij Yuridicheskie dokumenty i pisma M 1962 s 62 P Golden The Turkic peoples and Caucasia angl Transcaucasia Nationalism and Social Change Essays in the History of Armenia Azerbaijan and Georgia Ed by Ronald G Suny Michigan 1996 P 45 67 Poslednie byli postavleny pod kontrol Seldzhukov v 1074 1075 godah i v chastnosti Arran teper byl gusto naselen turkmenami Originalnyj tekst angl The latter were brought under Seljuq control in 1074 1075 and Arran in particular was now thickly settled by Turkmen ShARAF AL ZAMAN TAHIR MARVAZI TABA I AL HAJAVAN neopr AN KazSSR 1959 Data obrasheniya 23 marta 2021 29 iyunya 2018 goda A Dzhikiev Ocherki proishozhdeniya i formirovaniya turkmenskogo naroda v epohu srednevekovya Ashhabad 1991 S 66 Encyclopaedia Iranika AQ QOYUNLu neopr 16 iyulya 2019 goda The surviving Aq Qoyunlu tribes and groups were absorbed in some cases years later into the Qizilbas tribes in this process the Afsar retained their tribal identity while others such as the Ḥaǰǰilu Doḡer Mawṣellu and Pornak were merged into a new tribe called Turkman LiteraturaAli Sinan Bilgili Azerbaycan Turkmenleri Tarihi Yeni Turkiye Yayinlari Ankara 2002 Larry Clark Turkmen Reference Grammar 1998 708 s ISBN 344704019X Barbara Flemming Essays on Turkish Literature and History Leiden Boston 2018 ISBN 2017037118 Ildiko Beller Hann The Oghuz split the emergence of Turc Ajami as a written idiom Materiala Turcica 1993 T 16 SsylkiAbu l gazi Rodoslovnaya turkmen Kto takie sirijskie turkomany